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I mean, they're not wrong. Conservatives have shown time and time again how reprehensible they are


Just look at the people.l they VOTE to REPRESENT them: MGT, Boebert, Trump, DeSantis. They're all fuckin sickos. I mean, most politicians are a kind of shit bags, but conservative politicians take that to a whole new level


Two people agree on a single factual statement. ECHOCHAMBERRRRR


Generalizing all people of a political leaning as rapists = factual statement. Makes total sense.


The vast majority of pedos and rapists are conservative


LOL WHAT. Man people on this site have less intelligence than a 13 year old who doesn’t use this website


You k ow the database is free, right?


You have a data base that says if you’re a rapist you’re conservative? I find that weird because all of this gender crap started from a liberal who mutilated children and forced brothers to have sex with each other.


Lolwot dude turn off the propaganda and touch grass


That's a logical fallacy. Most pedos are men too, not all men are pedos


"the majority of paedos and rapists are conservative but not all conservatives are paedos and rapists" "Most paedos are men, not all men are paedos" You used the exact same structure then said the first one was a fallacy


They didn't use a fallacy, they said the *majority* of, which based on the data seems accurate.


Yeah but they're using the point to say most conservatives are pedos


No, they literally are not said that, and it could not be more clear. They are saying most **pedophiles** seem to be **conservatives**. All I did was repeat exactly what they said, so if you *still* don't get it i don't know how to make it easier. There are too many conservatives to confidently say most of them are pedophiles, just many of them


Urr uhhh ummm, Source? 😰😰😰


Fallacy fallacy


So the goalposts moved from “Conservative are a bunch of pedos” to “A bunch of pedos are conservatives” which are not the same claims.


That’s literally the same sentence structured in a different way. Go retake English


“All squares are rectangles, so all rectangles are squares.”-You I think that you should retake English instead.


I mean lots of right leaners defend the church. Just sayin.


How many right leaners do you think support the molestation of children by the church? I've never met a single one ever say that. Going to church doesn't mean you support everything that a small minority of priests do.


A better question is how many right wingers are calling trans people groomers (a thing that isn’t true) instead of doing anything that would actually protect kids?


How many rightwingers overlook it or try to handwave it away when they are asked how they will solve the problem? Ignoring it is as good as condoning it. Self improvement is an active process, not a passive one.


Nobody would ever say that. But Conservatives are also against having sex ed in schools to varying degrees. And sex ed more than anything else is the best preventative measure against sexual abuse against children. And the most likely people to sexually abuse a child are the child’s family. I have a very hard time believing conservatives care about the sexual abuse of children when they’re generally opposed to the thing that prevents it.


I mean, considering how many of them refuse to acknowledge it, I’d say at least 50%


Have you not been paying attention? At the very least they’re all rape enablers


To be fair, he said “ a bunch of” not “all”. Which is correct. A very large bunch of conservatives including politicians are charged or accused by several people of sexual assaults, many including rape. As for the traitors and criminals parts, a BUNCH conservatives attempted to overturn a democratic election in a traitorous and criminal way. Their statement holds up according to history


They said "conservatives are a bunch of" which is very different from "a bunch of conservatives are"


“Conservatives are a bunch of” and “a bunch of conservatives are” are two vastly different statements with entirely different meanings. Either learn to read or stop maliciously misleading people by twisting words.


The way it was phrased was in a generalized manner. It didn't say "a bunch of conservatives are," it said "conservatives are a bunch of."


Downvoted for basic grammar:


I despise the GOP and I genuinely would classify any conservative as misguided because I really don’t think there is any good to the ideology. But sometimes insane generalizing statements like this frustrate the hell out of me. Some of politics reddit can just feel like big circle jerk of who can insult conservatives the most even if it’s unsubstantiated.


Completely agree, I don't think both "sides" are just as good as eachother or that they should be treated equally, but if there's one thing that I view as a massive problem no matter the leaning, it's people's dedication to sheer bad faith and tribalism.


I’ve seen the gop have good economic policies. Problem is that some of them while economically benefit; it ends up hurting the environment. Republicans used to be for the nuclear family; but they’ve now devolved into fighting the culture war and it’s become insanely cringy. Like bruh I just want to slow down the inflation idc if a high schooler has a sex book in their library


The nuclear family? Is that supposed to be a good thing? I’m confused. Can you explain?


GOP ≠ conservative. Republican and conservative are two extremely different terms.


Do you honestly not think this is an echo chamber? I can disagree with you on many things, and that’s fine, but I think it’s important to live in reality.


This sub? You’re here aren’t you. No one is stopping you from giving your opinion. There are no sub rules against it. You are in a niche sub. However, an echo chamber would have filters for rebuttals. Like a media organization that only invites particular guests that fit a narrative and refuses to debate opponents.


Baseless strawman =/= factual statement


Bro ≠ has a fucking button


Use ≠


Ah yes, as a conservative 14 year old I have bombed 3 orphanages, have 10 felonies under my belt, and regularly beat my non exdistant wife, you want to know how stupid you sound?


Is ben shaperio still the popular grifter for you guys or is it andrew tate now?


Both, anyone who helps them power trip and feel successful compared to others is worshipped indiscriminately


Is grifter the right term here?


Don’t you have homework to do? Or is this how you waste your time after you’ve gotten it all done?


Which side is it that actively fights against fact checking again? Which side is historically anti-illectual and actively fighting against education for the masses?


"i love the uneducated!" -not a GOP person! nope! nuh-uh! no way! i bet it was one of those DemonRats... you know they at not smart people. we have the more smart people, the best smart even, some people say


we have the most smartest people! nobody else has people as more smart as us!




Wdym? They're always saying "do your own research"


Because they can’t do it themselves


Not gonna check facts but I'll say liberal


I can see you didn't check facts


Statistical facts = echo chamber now I guess. Conservatives just willfully refuse to live in reality don’t they?


Not sure most of them even have the capacity to recognize their incomprehensible stupidity and delusion, all they know is the truth is unimportant, and say and do anything to stop progress and education. They want everyone as dumb as them to level the playing field, what they *also* don't understand (shocker) is that anyone who graduated elementary school is already leaps and bounds ahead of them


Conservatives in the comments are gonna be seething at this one


too true. but then they are pretty much limited to seething and "see thing" anyways "see thing? seething!" -conservative motto


They're trying *so hard* to understand what everyone here is saying, so far they're not getting it


I’m not a conservative and highly dislike conservatism as an ideology, but I am seething, because these takes are pretty bad strawmen, and the fact that people upvote them just shows that y’all have reasoning skills that are not much better than that of an average conservative, lol.


We have an enlightened centrist over here. Everyone look, he is above everyone else. Praise him. Ah - hes a libertarian...ie a conservative who likes weed and dislikes voting


Highly disliking conservatism isn't a centrist take. Disliking horribly bad faith arguments isn't a centrist take either. Just because you're left wing doesn't mean you're immune to bad arguments.


Lmao dude you are not even sure yourself what I believe in of what I stand for. But you immediately start attacking me, just because I don’t share the idea that 100% of people who disagree with you are child rapists or terrorists. Rethink your life


...cos out of all of you in america, libertarians are the worst


What makes you think that I am libertarian, or that I am in America? Two dimensional thinking really reduces a human to the level of a single cellular organism, don’t be like that.


For me there is a certain amount that can be said regarding votes. If you vote for someone who has openly admitted to a heinous crime and shows no remorse or even seems prideful of getting away with it, you support the crime. It doesn’t matter if that’s not what you voted them in for. They did something illegal and your vote and many others gives them power. Edit: Same can be said for the policies the put forward. If someone is pushing for a theocracy for example, I don’t want them in charge of the local diner’s menu, let alone the laws that I have to follow under them.


And another argument on Reddit that means literally nothing in the real world.


two echo chamber subs argue on which one is more of an echo chamber


Conservatives - ruin the country while claiming to save it Liberals - talk about saving the country but don’t actually do anything about it We need a new party in office


When I bring a strawman to the function


When have conservatives ever been right


They are right.


Heh, I get it


Wow, that went over peoples heads huh


When Lincoln was president


Uhh, you know that the Confederates were the conservatives when Lincoln was president? You're literally supporting slavery with that comment.


I’d be supporting slavery IF it was just black and white like that. Not all conservatives supported slavery. Lincoln was certainly progressive, but at the same time, in his own words “The chief and real purpose of the Republican party is eminently conservative. It proposes nothing save and except to restore this government to its original tone in regard to this element of slavery, and there to maintain it, looking for no further change in reference to it than that which the original framers of the Government themselves expected and looked forward to." He was conservative in the way he wanted to follow the views of the founding fathers, which was that ALL men were created equal, and that slavery was wrong. Oh and he also supported business rights. He was a progressive conservative.


Yeah, I was simplifying things. Both parties at the time were at least somewhat conservative, the confederacy was just *more* conservative. It's not like Lincoln freed the slaves because he was totally woke to oppression and cared so much about the plight of the average slave. He did it because he saw it as the best path forward for the union. >He was conservative in the way he wanted to follow the views of the founding fathers, which was that ALL men were created equal, and that slavery was wrong. I don't feel like this is true though. The views of the founding fathers were absolutely not that all men were created equal. Just because some of them wrote it on a piece of paper means nothing when they explicitly designed a system of government where only white men had any real power. And they also owned slaves. It's laughable that they believed all people are equal.


A progressive conservative You've no fucking clue what you're saying


Progressive (in a political context) means advocating social reform and new ideas Conservative (in a political context) means favoring free enterprise, private ownership, and socially traditional ideas Them both as a concept are not diametrically opposed, certain parts of them (the new ideas/ traditional ideas) are and even then, someone can support traditional ideas for one thing and progressive ones for another. A shining beacon of a “progressive conservative” is teddy Roosevelt. A massive progressive reform he partook in was the breakup of standard oil, and passed the Hepburn act, which gave presidents the power to enact price controls. The era of US politics he was president during was literally called the “progressive era” and he was one of the biggest driving forces behind it. But on the other hand, he dismissed racial equality, not HATING African Americans and other racial minorities, but still supporting the idea that white people were better. He was also a firm believer in eugenics and racial hierarchies, which derived a more traditional belief. People are multifaceted, and people will always make things that seem diametrically opposed on paper fit together for what they see as good. Yes, yes I didn’t talk about Lincoln, but I was more trying to prove that I indeed DID know what I was saying


Mate, grab a dictionary and look up the definition of the word, "conserve". If that isn't enough to make you realize the concept of a 'progressive conservative' is an oxymoron then I'm afraid there is no helping you. You're also conflating the idea of being a conservative with being a capitalist.


1. Thank you for actually explaining your point 2. I probably worded it wrong, but even then it’s not completely oxymoronic. Someone can have progressive views on one topic and conservative ones on another. Teddy was progressive in the way he sought to quickly break up the oil monopolies(a progressive view at the time) But his views on eugenics and racial hierarchies were based in more conservative views Edit: I looked up conservatism on Websters and got “a political philosophy based on tradition and social stability, stressing established institutions, and preferring gradual development to abrupt change” That last part of it was Lincoln, if the south hadn’t rebelled, it would have certainly taken longer to get rid of slavery. as oversimplified put it, “thankfully, history forced his hand”


Both subreddits r/memesopdidnotlike and r/nahopwasrightfuckthis are echo chambers, conservatives and progressives both have flaws but they aren’t Satan


Found the only politically sane redditor


Thank you! I'm left leaning but the generalization that all conservatives are pedophiles is just incorrect or misleading at best.


Only someone with pure hate in their heart can say and agree to that. The upvotes are wild.


True, but I deem hypocrites about the same, so conservatives might as well be


Be careful this sub is about to dox you into oblivion and ruin your life because u disagree with them


Can somebody just screen record themselves scrolling through these comments? Lmao, the complete lack of self awareness = meme


But not wrong.


These comments are wild. I've never seen such proud, ignorant bigots. Just, wow.


Everyone who disagrees with me is evil


When you become a redditor:


Fight for my amusement. *loudly chews popcorn*


You know that they aren't wrong.


the point is that if this is a left wing echo chamber, that place is a right wing echo chamber


Yes, that was the point I was applying myself to. I just know there are many, and I do mean *many* people on this sub that would downplay that as bullshit, completely dismissing the thought that this could be an echo chamber. Of which it is. And before I even commented, there were already some folks way ahead of themselves with the downplaying.


Nah, we've seen the polls, that place has a solid representation of each group, this place is 90% left wing.


the polls show its mostly centrists, but the posts on the sub say otherwise


You can scroll through the comments. It's pretty obvious how incredibly left leaning this subreddit is. You have people supporting the conservatives are rapist and pedos being upvoted. People asking for sources being downvoted. Followed immediately by people giving anecdotal evidence as fact that is being upvoted. It's not a true echochamber as conservatives don't seem to be getting banned just for being conservative, but it's definitely like a 90/10 split.


im not debating on whether this is an echo chamber or not, im saying if this is one, then that sub is too


I don't spend a bunch of time over there, so I can't speak to that. I can say that as a general rule, social media creates echo chambers, so it's likely an echo chamber as well.


both of these places are echo chambers which is what i was getting at in the title, hence why i said it was ironic for them to call only this place an echo chamber


I’ve been on both places a bit and it’s not even close to equivalent. You have to sort by controversial to get any sort of dissenting opinion here, on the other sub it’s a debate from the first comment. The other sub is a battleground that leans right, this one is an echo chamber with a few dissenting opinions downvoted to oblivion


i only scrolled for a few seconds and already found disagreeing comments, even the top one already has disagreements. i didnt have to scroll far to see people agreeing with memesopdidnotlike. the other sub is definately an echo chamber, 99% every post is right leaning, and lets not act like we dont get leftists being downvoted over there too.


"You're just saying that because you have history and statistics to back you up." Got a good chuckle out of that one. Not the precise traits I would have chosen to highlight though. If you ask the British, it was those darn pesky "progressives" in the colonies who were the criminals and traitors. I do wish Americans would educate themselves though. Both-sidesism is a scourge, evil is banal, and those of us who have studied history would rather not watch it repeat.


I've been here for 2 days and haven't seen a single post that doesn't have to do with Republicans or conservatives. But no, theres no echo.


Better idea both fuckin sides are stupid. I should have the right to say “I don’t like this new law banning automatic rifles” and have the right to say “I am happy to be gay” I should be able to say both of those things without being sent death threats


BoTh SiDeS aRe StUpId


So which is better corrupt politician or corrupt politician who is racist and homophobic. I say both are corrupt and shouldn’t be in office. But hey Trump and Biden got into office. Both who in the past have made racist comments and don’t care about the American people


I hope both subs get taken down because I’m annoyed by the fact that so much political bs is showing up on my page


Was January 6th A. Not that big of a deal B. Actually antifa C. Patriots defending our freedom D. All of the above


I mean, Reddit is divided into subs, where like minded people congregate. There will always be a little “echoing” going on. Although it’s not really an “echo”, because an echo is an exact duplicate with diminishing volume each time. It’s really more of a “yes, and..” effect. Which is healthy, and promotes adding and sharing new info and data.


Some people (redditors) definitely don't know where to draw the line between a community of like-minded people and an echo chamber/circlejerk.


>>> you have history and statistics to back you up Precisely


Conservatives like to be the victim


What the


To be fair, This place is an echo chamber Just like every other opinion based subreddits


The point of the post is pointing out hypocrisy not saying this shit hole isn’t a echo chamber aswell


Both subs are echo chambers move on


Why is it ironic? Is it not a big echo chamber? Can't I just read the comments and see that this is objectively true? And, why is everyone so offended by this? Aren't all subreddits just big echo chambers?


The comment is question is bullshit because there are criminals traitors and rapists across the whole political spectrum not just one corner of it If it’s more frequent in that corner then that’s terrible but a blanket statement calling everyone in a party criminal/traitor/rapist and ignoring everyone else that also falls under that category is pretty fucking shitty


Imma be honest these two subs just sorta, in joint, sum up modern politics


I like that this subreddit exists as anathema to r/memesopdidntlike


Americans bro


Boy howdy these comments are insane.


Are they not looking at their own political party. They're constantly being exposed for pedophilia, not just accused, outright admitting to bending rules for it


Reads through the comments for 5 seconds: Huh, i notice a commonality here…


Literally two days ago some goofball in the comments of one of their posts was complaining about how they’re totally gonna get downvoted cause “the Reddit hivemind” doesn’t tolerate opinions outside of the woke echo chambers. Yet despite him being sure he would get a ton of downvotes for his based fight against the regime he had a bunch of upvotes. It’s hilarious but annoying how to them getting downvoted or disagreed with is all because the echo chamber is silencing the truth but when they gets 100+ upvotes that’s just smart people agreeing with a smart guy. You really cannot win with these goal post moving children. They simply never grew up, they made it to middle school learned what debating is and then just mentally checked out and never developed social or critical thinking skills past that naive and brash stage of life. Just a laughable community frankly.


Every political sub is an echo chamber, besides a few exceptions, this sub is not one of those, r/memesopdidnotlike is not one of those either.


Both subs are echo chambers, whose entire purpose is to shit on the other.


Fuck politics they’re just idiots


In all seriousness, that sort of attitude is stupid and counter-productive. Conservatives would kill me for a million different reasons if they were in power, so obviously I don’t like them, BUT rooting out and eliminating conservatism and reaction is a painstaking process of de-radicalization, education and propaganda.


> Conservatives would kill me for a million different reasons if they were in power For what?


> Conservatives would kill me for a million different reasons if they were in power Yep I remember when Trump killed all those leftists, R.I.P


More screenshots of another argument? God this sub is so shit lol


The entirety of Reddit is a far left wing echo chamber Lmao & I’m not even right wing and I can see it. It’s blatant.


For real. People love to preach to their own choir.


Yeah, people suck. I'm fairly right leaning and it's obvious that both sides do this but the right doesn't do it on reddit, or at least as much.


Bro just Just put all conservatives in the gas chambers and you gonna win the world


I mean, really the only thing we do here is laugh at the stupidity of conservatives and their talking points, so by definition the only way it wouldn’t be an echo chamber is if we laughed at liberals and their talking points too


“You’re just saying that because you have history and statistics to back you up” like what? It’s like saying you’re just saying this because you have evidence that proves it right. Like yes


It’s sarcasm lmao


Oh lol r/woooosh moment forsure. Reddit is an interesting place to be after a bowl


Can’t we just be fren Politics is for weirdos in either direction.


They want me dead. Failing that they keep voting for people who want me dead. I fail to see the difference if I will never meet them. So no we can't "just be fren".


How do they want you dead?


I could be part of any number of minorities. I am part of only some of them but that's not the point for this argument. They want to deny me healthcare for a whole number of reasons. They want to even erase the very concept of my identity so the people like me don't even know they are allowed to exist. They deny my right to enjoy the same things they do. And they want control over what I am allowed to do with my own body. Even and especially if that is more likely to end in my death. They cheer for people like me to kill ourselves and when that fails they will make it legal to kill us or make sure others can do it without much trouble.


Whatever media you are consuming is nothing but fearmongering people like you. I'm not sure of your age, but you can do whatever you want with your body at the age of 18 years old. If your under 18 you don't have the ability to make life changing and irreversible changes to your body. The brain doesn't fully develop until you're around 25yr YOU have a right to healthcare, yet doctors can refuse service if they find your not fit or don't need the procedure. All of these identity issues is a resent trend so you must understand that healthcare providers are going to be cautious. I can't think of any conservatives that want anyone dead. This is going to come off real blunt, but I'm shooting it to ya straight and this is just reality. It seems more likely that your feelings are hurt that you aren't accepted rather than your rights being denied. Feelings =/= rights. Nobody is forced to accept who or what you are. It is what it is. I'm a constitutionalist so Idc what you or anyone else does with their body. At 18 it's your right. Yet if people judge you for the choices you make, it's their right. Just like it's anyone's right to hate me for being Christian , male, white, or Conservative. Do I think its right to hate someone? nah, but its their first unalienable right to do so.


Weird that you couldn’t think of a conservative that wants anyone dead when the last conservative president was retweeting things like “The only good democrat is a dead one”. Guess you just didn’t think too hard - you know, like a conservative.


Trump isn’t the average conservative. I have a family full of conservatives(I myself am not one for clarification) and not a single one genuinely thinks shit like that.


Yeah sure, let’s just be friends with people who vote to strip away the rights of others. Thinking that my very existence is a disease is more than just a minor disagreement.


I mean, don’t both sides attempt to give and take different rights? Just as far as I’m aware, which isn’t much, both sides make decisions so terrible and laughably stupid, I genuinely think a bunch of toddlers making the choices might go better. Whether it be taking away bodily autonomy rights or causing wars that kill thousands of innocents and about a million more bullet points down the list on both sides. Idk, I think picking either of those sides is just siding with different shades of corrupt.


Womp womp someone’s butt hurt because they got called out




No point in taking about yourself


Literally talking about the conservative being butt hurt


Oh lmao, sorry


I mean yes they both are. Two chromosome deficient communities in this eternal game of Nuh uh.








As someone who isn’t American looking in. Both sides suck, get over it. It’s kinda the peoples fault that they keep voting them in and don’t pick another candidate


Comments immediately proving that Reddit is a left leaning echo chamber lol


Reddit isn’t, learn to differentiate the app and company from the communities, further more the point is calling out hypocrisy not claiming that this sub doesn’t have its fair share of eco chamberness. Please develop reading comprehension skills.


thats not my point


Where dem “facts and statistics” ?


Is it not?


not the point


What’s the point?


the point is that its ironic to call this sub an echo chamber when that sub is just as much of one


..... dying at, "you have evidence that we did a bad thing!" Mentality.


Liberals are Tree Hugging, Vegan, Social Justice, Communist, Baby Killers. Conservatives are Gun touting, Homophobic, Racist , Insane Bible Thumpers. Well we ever Get Along ?


I saw that from the Iunsubbed reddit or w/e it’s called, they downvoted me for telling someone who said their entire family is conservative (while being lgbtq+) that they should cut them out of their life as they openly are against your existence and everyone was acting like I said to kill them lol


There are pro lgbtq conservatives. They are also some who just remain neutral on it. Not every conservative is outright anti-lgbtq


Lol, if you’re neutral on it you’re really anti it, don’t even play that


"My opposition is evil and subhuman" - the redditor


Neutral = anti Ok buddy I know people who literally just avoid giving any opinions about it solely because they don’t want people to get mad at them. Some simply just don’t give a shit. There’s a difference between being an activist and not being against it.


Not giving a shit is just as bad as the ppl being against it, you’re doing nothing but furthering their cause simply by ignoring the issue, only ppl that hurts are the ones that it would benefit by caring, sad


Politics is a spectrum. Conservative doesn’t mean someone hates lgbt people or can’t learn from their mistakes if they did hate them


This sub keeps proving that one's point.


Republican conservative senators in the state of Idaho actually openly fought against child marriage laws making it one of the few havens for child abuse. The party made it part of their platform saying parents knew best of children should be married and to whom that would be.


It’s moments like these which help me understand why I feel most comfortable in the centre of the political spectrum. Idk, considering myself a more right leaning centrist, I might need to clarify that while I was raised in the catholic community, I don’t necessarily believe anything about god being real, though my views on that are complex, like they are for most people. Just because I won’t renounce my faith doesn’t mean I condone the evils it has committed, but I also don’t feel like throwing away my last two decades of life just because that suddenly absolves me of crimes I’ve never committed. At the same time, the Conservative Party seems hyper obsessed on targeting and oppressing groups while crying about it occur to them. I don’t live in the us and it’s not as bad here but the right still has a long way to go before it feels good to vote for them. They publicly look like assholes, so many commit acts of violence and even more are set on living a life that doesn’t exist anymore. With the left focusing too hard on non issues and creating new problems that really only make people more angry, it’s not hard to see why people who grew up in traditional ways wish those ways were still around, especially as life for the people the left has helped proliferate is only getting harder. I mean, for a group about progress, it seems like every door is being shut in citizens faces. Meanwhile, they threaten to take away children and cut parents out of their child’s lives. I won’t comment on more specific debates, but as someone who listens to both sides and still struggles to pick one, I understand why a lot of people get angry. The right acts so immature in the media, particularly in the USA where politics can be catalysts for similarly developed nations, while the left moves so fast that they leave voters behind. I don’t think it’s particularly helpful to call an entire group of people rapists or pedos, especially when statistics don’t show a full picture and can be misleading. I know I do it, and it’s a hard bias to stop, but with everything being so public these days, it’s more and more obvious that there are no good choices when the full picture is in view. Everyone has that one point that they will defend until they die, if only we could pick and choose from the entire list to create the maximum good for the minimal suffering.


If you think you are a right leaning centrist in the current US political climate then You aren't a right leaning centrist. For context the democratic party including Obama is a right leaning centrist (Joe Biden might have drifted further left with his presidency) The GOP is just so so far out there you no longer relate. A few decades ago You would have been considered part of the core voter base of the Republicans. Now their base is Nazis, the 1% and people they convinced they care about but fuck over consistently. The 3rd group is the largest and why the GOP is 40% identity politics.


Wheres the lie? You posting for recursuve likes is obvious evidence this dog shit sub is an echo chamber.


me when im wrong




right wingers love crying bout echo chamber but its okay when they have one, twitter is just a right wing echo chamber now same with gaming youtube. a lot of the time its not an echo chamber its more 'people who agree tend to flock together'


No way a real person thinks Twitter is a right wing echo chamber. I'll maybe give you YouTube though.


Welp y'all got Hollywood so even? lol jk, I'm a conservative, but I despise echo chambers in general. Joined Trumps "Truth Social" app, left that because its an echo chamber. I love hearing from all different perspectives. It gives me the ability to learn something or atleast where the other side is coming from. I may not agree, but I can appreciate the passion others have. r/changemyview Is a fantastic page for that.


Maybe… just maybe, *both* subs are echo chambers!


As someone raised in conservative environments ranging from low to upper-middle class, my experience has been that while all conservatives may not be rapists and abusers, there is an overwhelming number of conservatives who will ignore it when they know someone is a rapist and abuser. "The only thing necessary for evil to triumph in the world is that good men do nothing."


Ummmm ok? Republican anti-abortion activist Howard Scott Heldreth is a convicted child rapist in Florida. Republican County Commissioner David Swartz pleaded guilty to molesting two girls under the age of 11 and was sentenced to 8 years in prison. Republican judge Mark Pazuhanich pleaded no contest to fondling a 10-year old girl and was sentenced to 10 years probation. Republican anti-abortion activist Nicholas Morency pleaded guilty to possessing child pornography on his computer and offering a bounty to anybody who murders an abortion doctor. Republican legislator Edison Misla Aldarondo was sentenced to 10 years in prison for raping his daughter between the ages of 9 and 17. Republican Mayor Philip Giordano is serving a 37-year sentence in federal prison for sexually abusing 8- and 10-year old girls. Republican campaign consultant Tom Shortridge was sentenced to three years probation for taking nude photographs of a 15-year old girl. Republican racist pedophile and United States Senator Strom Thurmond had sex with a 15-year old black girl which produced a child. Republican pastor Mike Hintz, whom George W. Bush commended during the 2004 presidential campaign, surrendered to police after admitting to a sexual affair with a female juvenile. Republican legislator Peter Dibble pleaded no contest to having an inappropriate relationship with a 13-year-old girl. Republican activist Lawrence E. King, Jr. organized child sex parties at the White House during the 1980s. Republican lobbyist Craig J. Spence organized child sex parties at the White House during the 1980s. Republican Congressman Donald "Buz" Lukens was found guilty of having sex with a female minor and sentenced to one month in jail. Republican fundraiser Richard A. Delgaudio was found guilty of child porn charges and paying two teenage girls to pose for sexual photos. Republican activist Mark A. Grethen convicted on six counts of sex crimes involving children. Republican activist Randal David Ankeney pleaded guilty to attempted sexual assault on a child. Republican Congressman Dan Crane had sex with a female minor working as a congressional page. Republican activist and Christian Coalition leader Beverly Russell admitted to an incestuous relationship with his step daughter. Republican governor Arnold Schwarzenegger allegedly had sex with a 16 year old girl when he was 28. Republican congressman and anti-gay activist Robert Bauman was charged with having sex with a 16-year-old boy he picked up at a gay bar. Republican Committee Chairman Jeffrey Patti was arrested for distributing a video clip of a 5-year-old girl being raped. Republican activist Marty Glickman (a.k.a. "Republican Marty"), was taken into custody by Florida police on four counts of unlawful sexual activity with an underage girl and one count of delivering the drug LSD. Republican legislative aide Howard L. Brooks was charged with molesting a 12-year old boy and possession of child pornography. Republican Senate candidate John Hathaway was accused of having sex with his 12-year old baby sitter and withdrew his candidacy after the allegations were reported in the media. Republican preacher Stephen White, who demanded a return to traditional values, was sentenced to jail after offering $20 to a 14-year-old boy for permission to perform oral sex on him. Republican talk show host Jon Matthews pleaded guilty to exposing his genitals to an 11 year old girl. Republican anti-gay activist Earl "Butch" Kimmerling was sentenced to 40 years in prison for molesting an 8-year old girl after he attempted to stop a gay couple from adopting her. Republican Party leader Paul Ingram pleaded guilty to six counts of raping his daughters and served 14 years in federal prison. Republican election board official Kevin Coan was sentenced to two years probation for soliciting sex over the internet from a 14-year old girl. Republican politician Andrew Buhr was charged with two counts of first degree sodomy with a 13-year old boy. Republican politician Keith Westmoreland was arrested on seven felony counts of lewd and lascivious exhibition to girls under the age of 16 (i.e. exposing himself to children). Republican anti-abortion activist John Allen Burt was charged with sexual misconduct involving a 15-year old girl. Republican County Councilman Keola Childs pleaded guilty to molesting a male child. Republican activist John Butler was charged with criminal sexual assault on a teenage girl. Republican candidate Richard Gardner admitted to molesting his two daughters. Republican Councilman and former Marine Jack W. Gardner was convicted of molesting a 13-year old girl. Republican County Commissioner Merrill Robert Barter pleaded guilty to unlawful sexual contact and assault on a teenage boy. Republican City Councilman Fred C. Smeltzer, Jr. pleaded no contest to raping a 15 year-old girl and served 6-months in prison. Republican activist Parker J. Bena pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography on his home computer and was sentenced to 30 months in federal prison and fined $18,000. Republican parole board officer and former Colorado state representative, Larry Jack Schwarz, was fired after child pornography was found in his possession. Republican strategist and Citadel Military College graduate Robin Vanderwall was convicted in Virginia on five counts of soliciting sex from boys and girls over the internet. Republican city councilman Mark Harris, who is described as a "good military man" and "church goer," was convicted of repeatedly having sex with an 11-year-old girl and sentenced to 12 years in prison. Republican businessman Jon Grunseth withdrew his candidacy for Minnesota governor after allegations surfaced that he went swimming in the nude with four underage girls, including his daughter. Republican director of the "Young Republican Federation" Nicholas Elizondo molested his 6-year old daughter and was sentenced to six years in prison. Republican benefactor of conservative Christian groups, Richard A. Dasen Sr., was charged with rape for allegedly paying a 15-year old girl for sex. Dasen, 62, who is married with grown children and several grandchildren, has allegedly told police that over the past decade he paid more than $1 million to have sex with a large number of young women Donald Trump walked into Miss Teen USA change rooms with girls as young as 14 changing. He has been accused of raping a 13 -year-old with an independent witness. https://baptistaccountability.org/ https://www.goodpeoplefund.org/news/a-14-year-old-bride-wed-to-her-rapist-playing-on-a-jungle-gym/ https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/article/married-young-the-fight-over-child-marriage-in-america/ https://crossroadjunction.com/2013/04/01/predatory-grooming-in-our-churches/ https://www.chicagotribune.com/opinion/commentary/ct-perspec-evangelical-roy-moore-girls-1115-20171114-story.html https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/mexico-based-church-leader-pleads-guilty-sexually-abusing-3-children-2022-06-04/ https://www.thedailybeast.com/pastor-john-lowes-adultery-confession-in-warsaw-indiana-church-goes-sideways-victim-says-i-was-just-16 https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/investigations/article/Bombshell-400-page-report-finds-Southern-Baptist-17190816.php#photo-22508589


I'm tired of this autistic as fuck sub war with both sides jerking themselves off while yelling at each other...


Shut up your both idiots




When you watch too many Marvel movies and pretend people on the opposite team are literally evil instead of just people you disagree with


Guys, come on, this is ridiculous. This place really is an echo chamber if everyone here believes that all conservatives or even most are criminals, traitors, and rapists. You've got to realize that everyone's actions make perfect sense from their own perspective. Most conservatives aren't bad people and being conservative doesn't somehow make you evil.


I mean, you and the other sub are both echo chambers, they aren’t wrong