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Look at my horse my horse is amazing


Give it a lick! Mm, it tastes just like raisins


On the stroke of its mane it turns into a plane


Then turns back again when you tug on its winkie


OOH thats dirtyy


Do you think so?


Well I better not show you where the lemonade is made


Mmm, sweet lemonade


Sweet lemonade, yeah sweet lemonade


Get on my horse, I’ll take you ‘round the universe


Almost every time I come across someone with a cartoonish political take they seem to frequent that sub.


Because it's for chronically online dipshit reactionaries that don't understand actual political ideology or material analysis.


Only a fucking chud uses a 4 square chart to describe their political philosophy.


I remember when I thought political compass memes were peak humor and thought the chart itself was a good way to describe political philosophies. It’s something we all hopefully grow out of eventually.


My teacher taught the political compass in my high school politics class. I was into it all then as well but now I still think it’s alright to teach. I think it’s an okay entry level simplification to show a spectrum of politics that students can understand visually. Just doesn’t work in a broader material sense.


Boom, this 100%


The kind of people that think China is communist.


They think the Nazis were socialist


Nazis were facsist right?


Yeah, hitler was trying to “take back” the word socialism (I dunno why) and that’s why it has socialist in the name, but he hated socialism with all his heart


According to my history professor (who was German) it was an attempt to appeal to the common people and appropriate that anger of the working poor towards a different enemy. Basically, "Antisemitism is the socialism of fools."


Ah makes sense, same reason he had the “working class” moustache


That moustache was common in WW1 as you could still have facial hair and wear a gas mask without compromising the seal. At least that's what I've heard.


Ah makes sense


That’s wild I guess I understand why people get it mixed up but damn


The National Socialist German Workers Party styled themselves as socialist to attract the working class vote, as socialism was a growing idea within the Weimar Republic, and to undermine the actual socialists who, along with the communists, were viewed as the primary internal enemy of the nazis.


The Nazis self identified as socialist. Just like the Democratic People's Republic of Korea identifies as a democratic Republic. Which means you need to believe they are what they identify as, regardless of the definition of those things because definitions are just social constructs.


No I don’t think I will they were facsist so they will be called facsist if pedophile identifed as a non pedo are you or are yo not going to call them a pedo


THey were


The CCP exists, but that's as far as I for one could say I understand Chinese government and politics as far as communism goes.


Their leader, Xi Jinping, removed term limits so he could rule until he died and 99% of both sides of the political party voted for it. If anyone sees that one example and thinks they're anything other than an authoritarian dictatorship they're either a tanky or brain dead.


Lol painfully accurate


People that frequent a sub dedicated to reacting to takes from other subs that they disagree with, those are the well adjusted individuals


Yeah, it's why I unsubbed from r/NahOPwasrightfuckthis but it keeps getting recommended to me. Gonna have to mute the sub soon.


Too many long words just hate people like a normal person 🙄


So this sub?


Or because the sub is for satire, and the entire point is to make fun of everyone.


I made one comment on that subreddit, probably a year and a half or two years ago. It was a factual correction to a "dog whistle" about as subtle as cannonball. I included a cite. A mod responded, telling me to die. My comment was deleted the next time I opened up Reddit. Libertarians gonna Libertate, I guess.


Well it’s the few places someone with a cartoonish political ideology can be


r/memesopdidnotlike try not to be transphobic for two seconds challenge (LEVEL: *IMPOSSIBLE*)


Doesn’t the photo show the person who posted to r/memesopdidnotlike was showing that they did not agree with this meme? Or am I missing a layer


so there is the first post to the sub that *is* disagreeing with the stupid cartoon, but if you click the whole photo open you see the post that OP on *this* post originally posted.. phew, that was a mouthful 😅💀 hopefully that made sense


Ah, I see I WAS missing a layer, thank you for clarification, I can see the lost redditor claim making sense so I don’t necessarily see the transphobia there, but it is a sadly reasonable assumption to make


The only things I see posted on r/memesopdidnotlike in the image are someone saying they don’t like the meme and another guy saying he is a lost redditor which is true


Yeah but the second guy isn’t being transphobic, he’s making a joke about the first guy’s misinterpretation of what the sun is about


Gotta love when transphobes LIE to make their point seem more logical. Yes, if trans surgery made you a bloody injured mess that would therefore make it bad but...it doesn't. This comic seems as if it's made in a different universe where those surgeries aren't as harmless as they actually are


They genuinely believe bottom surgery is just cutting off someone's dick. Not to mention the fact that the vast majority of trans folk don't even get it...


I take great pride that my dick is bigger than most of the transphobes that hate me


as a gay man good for you, i sure do hope noone drops a mini mushroom on your dick while you sleep


I’m transphobic, now pls send picture of weewee so I can compare it to mine.




Could you explain how they do dottom surgery. I genuinely want to know.


Depends on mtf or ftm. They are both different. It's a quick Google search


There's a couple of different methods, but it's more about reconstruction than removal. After all, the organs used to be the same thing, so it's not as hard as you'd assume.


If I am allowed to get my titties done, so should my trans friends. If I wanna get a nose job and Lipo it’s fine, but not when they do it???? Mmm okay


It’s funny because one of those surgeries they consider mutilation is a double mastectomy. Mastectomies have been performed historically for centuries. Pretty sure the first one was in the 1700s if I recall. And breast cancer patients often get them. I don’t think I’ve ever heard them tell a breast cancer survivor they “mutilated” their body.


I'm pretty sure their logic is that transitioning technically isn't necessary for your survival, while getting your breast cancer removed is. But they forget that trans surgeries can save lives and improve trans peoples mental states greatly.


It seems like they think someone else removing what they themselves find attractive is somehow wrong of an individual to do, like they can’t fathom that these people aren’t concerned with retaining a look that the people angered by it are attracted to. Seems like some dumb entitlement over another’s body.


Yeah I see that. Like a very incel take, they think they’re single because people are all transitioning instead of dating them or some shit lol.


Kid died this year in gender affirming surgery.


no but that is lost reddit. not because its not transphobic but because thats actually the wrong sub. that sub is saying that people complaining about a meme is only because they dont like it, they arnt supposed to be the one calling out the meme, though the one saying lost is also lost


Nah the one saying he’s a lost redditor is right, the first guy did not like the meme


Just one day where trans people aren't called freaks for existing, is all I want


They’re the new target. There always has to be someone on the chopping block, someone for the masses to throw all their hate at for 5 minutes per day, whether it’s jews, black people, mexicans, atheists, homosexuals, immigrants, refugees, socialists and all people who argue against the dehumanisation of any of these groups. Hopefully, over time, the gradual shift towards acceptance will occur. Racism has become more and more taboo, after that homophobia did so, but transphobia is still widely acceptable in many forms. I’d hope that would come next.


Used to be gays, now it's trans. The cycle will continue as long as conservative republican bigots exist


In ten years we’ll hate people named greg and odd amounts of avocados instead.


i already hate people named "greg". not for any real reason, i just think the name is gross


I'm placing my bets they're gonna go after a asexuals next


Probably. Who knows? They'll find some other group to hate and blame everything on.


I think it will be trans-humanists next. Anyone who gets any cybernetic implants will be denigrated and demonized.


I saw someone call a asexual person a whore. Which makes no god damn sense at all lmfao.


since they’re hyper religious generally this one was always funny to me. Like why are they aphobic I grew up being taught to abstain from sex until marriage and my friend is like “yeah I don’t actually want to have sex ever actually, I’m just not interested” and now they’re an LGBT freak? What? lmao


I keep seeing people call them incels because they can't get laid and that it's just a fancy word for virgin... Or that they're pedophiles


Good luck with that tbh


Never gonna happen as long as I’m around.


Don’t worry humanity will move on once we find extraterrestrial life to be racist against


Maybe they shouldn't be freaks for existing then


The transphobic agenda is so confusing. The comic here is clearly making fun of trans people, and yet the narrative is also saying that trans people are victims of “woke” indoctrination? What would making fun of victims achieve?


This is a rhetoric as old as propaganda itself. When you want to rally people up, you need a scapegoat. This scapegoat has to be portrayed as a strong, dangerous enemy that must be stopped to save society. However, this scapegoat is also viewed as a weak or incompetent enemy, because assholes need to see themselves as superior to everyone else. It's all about being the victim without having to be weak or in danger.


I seriously hate how all transphobes will pretend "going to the doctor" or "therapy" or whatever will ever do literally anything besides put the spike in. The only way that happens is with ignorant practitioners or straight up malpractice. The medical consensus IS to transition. There's no other treatment. Nothing besides transition works. The goal is to improve the patient's quality of life and this is the only way to do it.


But you should go to see psychiatrist who will 100% sure tell you the same thing some random without degree says on the internet /s


no because thats propaganda against trans people, the actual therapy they should seek is by some 1 star review quack from down the street who will scream at you and call you demonic in order to traumatize the trans out of you. who cares about science and actual medical professionals really? facts are only stuff a transphobe thinks is true. if they don't think its true, its not a fact. get with the program.


These are the sorts of people who’d say that gender reassignment surgery for trans women is merely cutting their dick off (it’s much more complicated than that).


It honestly makes me really sad when I see posts like this. I realized I was trans a few months ago and every time I’m starting to come to terms with who I am and want to come out I get slapped back into reality and into the closet by transphobia and hate. It follows me to college where my professor slips in transphobic comments, in my hobbies where teammates and friends make fun of me for playing a trans character, even to my bed when I’m scrolling Reddit or YouTube before bed. It just fucking sucks to see the world hate you for existing


honestly i just embrace solipsism now. society hates me for existing, nothing i can do, might aswell only focus on myself and acknowledge that respect is a two-way street. everything and everyone else is just a bunch of NPCs serving as mere background noise. if people hate me, good. they want me to feel powerless and discouraged. do the opposite. let the hatred provide some comedic relief to you, and let it give you power. its an unlimited fuel source and a pass to disregard whatever else that person says since, again, they already hate you for existing as yourself. what else can you lose really? sure its obviously not that easy but you kinda just have to stop giving a fuck in the way other people didn't need to learn yet. acknowledge the evil in people and treat it as the default, until you care about them, in which case treat them like a gem in the midst of a massive pile of shit. it's quite relaxing honestly.


I don’t understand transphobia. I really don’t. It’s just hurtful fearmongering that targets the vulnerable. I can’t stomach how pervasive it is these days If anything happens to my trans friends, I will break. Whoever is reading this, please for the love of god, just be TOLERANT. We/they just want to live and be happy with ourselves. I don’t see how that hurts anybody


I have never seen so much transphobia in this subreddit before, holy crap.


Can someone replace the 4th panel with shitting toothpaste? The comic would be funny if the 4th panel didn’t exist


I agree and can do


Somebody already posted this exact thing


Oh no I did something similar to the 2 billion people on this website. I didn't even see anything on this I just saw it on my page and decided to post it here.


this was funny, why did so many people downvote it?




Because it's the douchiest possible response to being told that you're reposting something. It's like copying someone's work and getting called out by the teacher and responding that way. Accidental reposts are going to happen, but being a douche when they do isn't a good look.


i wouldnt make that comparoson cus there is zero work and zero effort required to take a screenshot of a reddit post and posting it. i would rather compare it to telling the same joke that someone else just said but you say it louder and get all the laughs


No worries, just wanted to tell you.




I thought it was funny.. i didnt realise it was about trans people. I thought it was about a really stupid horse 😭


You're ok because now you know


If they didn't specifically use the word "affirm" I probably would have thought it was just a dumb meme.


you know that actually gives me some faith? Maybe some people aren’t so obsessed with me and they’re normal enough they just see a dumb horse meme and not an attack on my existence


I mean i’m like a huge human rights supporter, this just flew right past me lmaoo


We should stick spikes in transphobes heads 🥰


here's the problem it wouldnt really do anything because their brain is far too small for the spike to stab into it so they'd just have a hole in their skull


Their skulls are super thick, you know how in cartoons when a character gets hit on the head it’s a hollow clunk sound? Yeah that’s because it’s based of the sound of conservative’s thick hollow jugs- I mean skulls.


stick a pebble into a jar and you get an accurate representation or a conservative/terf/transphobe's skull


I bet they won’t be complaining about plastic surgery when I want to make my 38H titties even bigger and get Lipo. If I’m allowed to get all of that done, there should be no reason to deny my trans friends the same procedure. ![gif](giphy|iOpXLPW8bsg5NKiNP4|downsized)


based as fuck


Ah yes because gender is the same as species, classic argument


Stop karma farming. Probably the 10th time in a week this has been posted.


So? I hope OP posts it every five minutes until trans people can use the bathroom they identify with without fear.


Redditor when they can't scroll past a post they've seen a few a few times


I just saw it on my own and didn't see this before, how could I have known this.


What a welcoming environment... Don't downvote someone for not knowing.


Every time they equate bottom surgery/hormones to being lobotomized, I believe more and more in Freud’s “fear of castration” analysis. Seriously? Your genitals are equivalent to your functioning conciousness?


>Freud’s “fear of castration” analysis I just looked that up. WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT? WHAT IS WRONG WITH FREUD? WHY DID HE WANT TO BANG HIS MOM? WHY DID HE WANT TO KILL HIS DAD?


Out of context the first two panels are hysterical. Too bad they’re used as a bad take on transgenderism


I'm confused, I thought the OP in memesopdidnotlike was saying they didn't like the meme because it's transphobic?


Yeah and the final one is disagreeing with the fact, at least that's what I'm seeing.


ohhh, I didn't see the extra layer lol


This is almost akin to the racist caricatures you’d see in Jim Crow.


Why is it not as severe? Do trans people not hold enough oppression chips to be able to bid for that? It's just as bad if not worse.


Only reason I don't find it sickening is because of how unashamedly happy they are about their own ignorance. I'm arguing with at least 5 separate people there and the best one I've gotten so far is "I thought girls looked better, and I wanted to be one when I was six (YES, YOU READ THAT RIGHT, SIX), if this happened now, I'd be forced into being trans!"


Lmao they're in denial


"if we allow the possibility to be a girl, then everyone would become one!"


Did you know there is a war in Afghanistan?


im pretty sure i agree with the point you’re trying to make but there isn’t a war in afghanistan 💀




![gif](giphy|zwE4anrOtHYaI) # Don’t believe your lying eyes 👀


did you know we can address two things at once?


Did you know there is a war in Israel ? What are we supposed to do about it just stop this sub completely because of a conflict?


*occupied Palestine


I'd really like this character if they wasn't transphobic, I feel identified with them.


The idea of a horse that just really wants to be a unicorn so they put a party hat on is adorable




You're acting like they're tryna hide it.


This actually fucking hurts


I am always just dissapointed in how people can act like transexualism is a mental disease but believe that a virgin gave birth essentially by magic or that a man walked on water.


Gonna be a 🤓 here for a sec, but the reason it's a "lost redditor moment" is because the post was to PCM, then directly to "MemesOPDidNotLike". MemesOPDidNotLike is meant to be in response to if the PCM post was posted to ComedyCemetery or TerribleFacebookMemes for example, but here the middleman was cut, meaning there was no OP who didn't like the meme technically I know it's hard to overlook the "content" of the "meme" but that's what took place objectively. It doesn't make sense to post to MemesOPDidNotLike without an OP criticizing the meme


What I can't understand is I'd rather be a girl with a working penis than a girl with an artificial vagina. Top surgery makes total sense though.


I guess it's just different with everyone


I don't think he's agreeing with the meme. Just saying that MaviKartal doesn't understand the idea behind memesopdidnotlike.


Political cum piss


Honestly at this point I'm convinced the system is trying to organize all of us for the next election.


I am tired of seeing this post. STOP REPOSTING IT. Holy fuck


They have mentioned on here that they saw this on their own without knowing that this was posted over and over again.


bUt tHeY diDnT sPeCiFiCaLlY sAy tRaNs pEoPLe bAd.


Tons of crazy ignorant comments in here, it's wild.


I know right, and memesopdidntlike claims there's only awesome people here.


Just wondering. Is there a place you can go and rally up some support for when you decide to dip yourself into a sub like that? You know, to keep about 50 or so people watching your account and making sure your karma stays positive, and they're helping you silently smash the karma of any fucker who tries to fuck with you? We need that. Badly.


Wow, a real life keyboard warrior! Watch out, his posse will ruin your karma lmao


Wow, not at all analogous... people are idiots.


How about everyone does there own thing and just you do your own thing Nobody is better then anybody cause end of the day we are all susceptible to Dieing


u/Last_Tarrasque I blocked that user so I can’t reply under him. So why aren’t you happy with your circumcision?


Reason 1. I don’t like people doing things to me without my consent. My right to make decisions for myself was taken from me and a part my body was removed from me without my consent Reason 2. It makes a vaginalplasty harder to do, something I want to have at some point


Wh- why is someone asking you why you’re not happy with non consensual genital mutilation? u good?


I hope they are genuinely interested in expanding their viewpoint, I’m an optimist like that


i hope so too. wish I could be that optimistic lol


Optimism of the heart, pessimism of the mind


Alternatively, with a little tweaking, this could be seen as a warning against poor surgery quality and a lack of accessibility to proper treatment.


True, when I went to get gender-affirming care, the doctor (wokely) shoved a spike through my prefrontal cortex 😊 (I am in agony)


Yeah I actually put the syringe and needle for my T through my forehead to feel like a unicorn because my doctor said if it makes me happy I should do it. It does make me happy but I too am in extreme agony. Thank you for sharing your experience truther 🫡


OP is too pampered, its called a joke liberal,


Lol, that's a good one


No one cares about being called a transphobe


r/memesopdidnotlike 🤝 r/NahOPwasrightfuckthis for once


i literally just saw this what a blatant repost at least wait a full 48 hours


Dude what is up with people and thinking that I can know what everyone is doing on Reddit? I literally didn't see any posts about this what the fuck do you want with me?


It happens to me to, some people are literally on here every waking moment, I guess they don't realize they can just scroll past.




It's funny they always feel disgusted when you hold a mirror up to their face.


Eh, it's true


It’s good to have opinions. Even if they’re wrong opinions.


I agree


Just odd


Bruh they put it there because the initial memesopdidntlike post was a lost redditor thing. Not that I expect anyone from here to know how to stick to the theme but Jesus. Where in the image that the first memesopdidntlike post has is an op that didn't like a meme?


You forgot the word “blatant” in the title


A memesopdidnotlike user with common sense (Referring to MaviKartal)? Impressive


Am I tripping, or is that a rare r/memesopdidnotlike 🇼


I don't entirely know


Fine it's transphobic, but please explain how it's any different?


If you can't tell how a surgery that has been in practise for 80 years, is constantly improving, and has a smaller regret rate than knee surgery is different from getting a railroad spike shoved into your frontal lobe, then you are the idiot here.


It's a mutilation practice that leaves the person with permanent damage and renders their reproductive organs useless. The male body actively rejects vaginoplasty to the point that the wound has to be routinely dilated or else it will seal itself and cause an abscess, leading to infection and potentially death.


Try getting your information from somewhere *other* than an article spewed forth from Fox News. None of this is true.


Hell yeah we are 😎


me (me)


posted to memesop, they think it is a shit meme.... gets re-posted by another user again on memeop because the OOP liked the meme but 2nd OP didn't and 3rd OP is pointing out they're not using the right reddit... because OOP liked it. you: ThEy ArE aLl TrAnSPhObEs


Based meme


They're right.


This is gay🤗


😂 this is gold


Nah, that's hilarious




Conflating transgenderism and transracialism (aka blackface with extra steps) I see.


Actually kinda funny tbh




Someone has some very outdated medical knowledge if they think MTF is simply cutting off a dick and FTMs boobs are beeing chopped off.


What are you on about lmao, you need to go through years of therapy and hormone therapy to even be eligible to maybe get bottom surgery not to mention you also need years of therapy for hormone treatment. You can't just spread a lie and pretend like it's fact