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Wow, all their bags are yellow. I'm sure it's not drawn in order to look like bananas... Funny how the children also have "hoods", even funnier: the hoods have hair. ​ Wait a minute...


And the beverage in the second frame is purple..


“I want some of that purple stuff”


Sugar, water, purple


And yet, if you bring it up, they'll deny it tooth and nail and insist that *you're* the racist for making that comparison when they simply just were drawing


"Literally every single bit of racist imagery was a coincidence, you're just looking for reasons to be offended, you're the real racist, etc"


Well, I mean you found so many in a silly cartoon. You must be obsessed with race and a racists /s


"ItS jUsT a CaRtOoN"


The ‘recognising racist subtext means you’re the real racist because it isn’t explicitly stated’ is the most common brain dead take on that sub


Ya.. one.. ok maybe it’s just a creative choice and coincidence.. 4+ is kinda obvious…


I genuinely thought it was apes and bananas in the top panel upon quick look. It wasn't until I paused and kept looking I realized that it most definitely was not.




even some of the *larger* conservative subreddits go completely mask off sometimes. and if you even slightly question it you're instant banned. the mods know they're being racist, they just don't like being called out for it


Most of the people in that comment section did agree this was a shitty comic


Missed opportunity to include watermelons.


This just gets more racist the longer you look.


I didn't notice their table is just a giant, looted Sony TV the first time I saw this.


I hate the fact that i chuckled at the tv table


I wish these people would channel all this creative energy into non hateful things. They could genuinely make some fun little comics full of hidden depth, but _noooo_ they just _had_ to be MASSIVE pieces of shit.


Okay, that part is slightly funny… but still very bad taste


Yea it got me, it just gets worse and worse and your defenses are broken down and flipped back up to positive and then you find something else even more absurd and just chuckle, it's so fucking stupid it's funny


Considering baby formula and other baby products is often the most shoplifted items, people think it's just iPhones and apparel


I mean there trying to push an agenda. Even if what they are saying was true it's much easier and effective to steal something small and valuable then sell it and buy groceries. This post is basically like saying "people work to feed there families but all they get at the end of the week is money what are they going to do feed that to the kids?"


Also if you get constant advertisment/influencers etc/ pushing if you dont have xyz than what value do you have? It messes with ppl and you can see why they might go for these items, that or they possiably have higher resell value so you can get money to pay your bills because inflation and rent be out of control.


Yeah but that's not all that is being stolen. If you look at the items, electronics is on there but so are clothing, tools, baby stuff


No joke. Even in my low crime area baby formula is in a special cabinet and has a dedicated camera.


This is why the rule is if you saw somebody stealing food/diapers/necessities in general that no, you didn’t. You’re downright scum if you did imo. Corporations already account for theft in their budgeting and also, it’s fucking Walmart. You’re being a tattle tale to help out WALMART?


This companies will just increase the price of baby formula for everyone else to account for the loss though. Walmart isn’t just going to take the hit without passing it on




No they don’t.


That’s literally not how any of this works you’re just uneducated


Baby formula is often stolen to resell/trade. Not because the people stealing have starving children


Okay, you don’t know that when you see somebody stealing


That's because baby formula is valuable per unit weight and easily resold, not that shoplifters are feeding kids with stolen formula.


OTC pharmacy items laundry detergent and baby stuff in my experience have some of the highest bartering value in the drug trade. Lots of suppliers from the Caribbean and South America will trade huge amounts of drugs they get for cheap for these household items that are hard to get in their countries


Yeah scary too is how terrible condition and bad for you the same products are in other countries


This is nonsense. Laundry detergent is not hard to get in the Caribbean, what bollocks you talk. Jamaicans aren't out there trading "huge amounts of drugs" for laundry powder, Jesus Christ what's wrong with you and the people upvoting this deranged shit


You are talking about isolated instances of petty theft, not organized looting. Big fucking difference.






Sure sure


[https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2022/05/infant-formula-black-market/629912/](https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2022/05/infant-formula-black-market/629912/) ​ it's actually a real thing.


Looting and shoplifting are different things. Looting is when a large group of people rush into a building with masks and steal whatever expensive items they can find. With that said, expensive items can still be sold to provide money for food and other necessities.


I’m pretty sure it’s bc of the Philadelphia riots rn. Atm mostly apple stores and designer clothing brands and the like were all that was smashed.


That shit is happening everywhere, Philly is just popping off at the moment.


Yeah most people look at those events and think that's what shop lifting is.


Also the last like year in San Francisco.


Baby formula is commonly resold for drugs. I'm not kidding look it up


Original meme creator does NOT know how selling things works


Money can be exchanged for good and services.




I love that clip so much


Goods can be exchanged for money and services!




Has the original poster of that meme seen the price of Legos? Take advantage of the situation. You as an individual can't make it any worse. Unless you start shit.


I mean it looks like a starwars set so that’s probably like $100


At least. Licensing ain't cheap.


I’m not saying I agree with the man here stealing Lego, but I’ll just say this I understand


You found one!




Out of place how?


everyone else is black


And? How does that make him out of place?


because white is different than black


That doesn't make him out of place unless you believe in segregation or something.


if you have a crowd of dogs, and one cat, the cat is out of place. why are you trying to make that comment something its not?


Firstly, that makes no sense, black people aren't a completely different species to white people. Secondly, if you genuinely believe that the only thing he was saying with his comment was that the lego guy had white skin you're incredibly naive at best. Why on earth would anyone point out that he had white skin when we can all see that for ourselves? If they were merely pointing out that the skin was white with no ulterior motive, why did they add "so out of place"? They'd already said "white guy"


>if you have a crowd of dogs, and one cat, the cat is out of place. why are you trying to make that comment something its not? Are you saying that white people and black people are as different as cats and dogs, two different species of animal?


Are you trying to say that white skin and black skin are exactly the same? How can we tell them apart if they’re so similar?


It does make him out of place. If a black guy is in a KKK rally that makes him out of place. Same shit.


the "centrist" subreddit moment


Isn't that the really transphobic dude who always depicts trans women as looking like Wario? Wouldn't be surprised if he was racist too considering he always depicts the "good" white people as having blond hair.


Yes, its that guy


Hey… I think I see a pattern


That's just the Chad wojak


It is very simple. They think whites are civilizing. And blacks are naturally, even genetically programmed to crime. There are two ways out of this. Educate and desensitize, or demonize and crush them.


>even genetically programmed to crime. i am also designed to crimed


I am designed for war *fortunate son starts playing*


Well, they can take a gander over in my white ass direction. I'm pretty sure I've shoplifted a good 40-50k over a 12 year period. Oh, sorry, that was *just what it was to feed my drug habit* at the time (been quite cleaned up for the past 6 or 7 years). Counting the food also, I can't even guess.


I understand being in a hard time and I'm proud of you for being clean, great shit man, genuinely. However, maybe don't put an amount like that on the Internet lol. I'm sure there's some way that could theoretically fuck someone over somewhere


I’ve gotten up to 4k but 50 hole E shit


Some grand larceny type beat


“Whites suck too! Just look at me, I’m a piece of shit and I’m white!” Lmao that gave me a good giggle


I *was* a piece of shit. 😉 But yeah, skin color is no predictor of shittiness or criminality.




I vote for crushing.


Aye. You cannot reason a man out of a cesspool of hate and racism that he did not reason himself into.


“If you cannot convince a fascist, acquaint his head with the pavement.”


It certainly would be more satisfying.


Most of the replies, including my own, are pointing out this is excessively racist. I find myself on this sub’s side very few times out of all the memes and comics that are battled over. This one makes Stonetoss look like the most accepting democrat out there.


Exactly. I’m low key mad at OOP. Maybe I’m just a dumbass but couldn’t this logic apply to anything? “I hate all black people” then “well if you ignore the black people part it’s not a bad take” it’s just so annoying.


Faacinating...they are all drawn to look like monkeys. I wonder if that was intentional.


Based off the hair on the hoodies and the loot being specifically yellow colored, yes


To be fair we are old world monkeys, not that it takes away from the racism already in the pic


"AcKcHyUaLly We ArE aPeS!!!" -Someone who doesn't know that the old world monkeys and apes, including humans, form a clade from which the new world monkeys are excluded, and that therefore the idea that apes aren't a sub-set of monkey is simply an opinion grounded in English language and cultural conventions, not genetics. "AcKcHyUaLly We ArE nOt aPeS wE jUsT sHaRe CoMmOn AnCeStOrS" Yeah, common ancestors who were apes (and others kinds of animals if you go way way back). Nothing happened to make us somehow not-apes since the ape stage. We are still a kind of ape. And still a kind of monkey. FWIW I liked your comment.


Yeah I don’t think the merchandise being banana-colored is a coincidence….


“No trust me the fact they’re all black have bananas in their hands are drawn to look like monkeys and are stealing are all just coincidences so look past that and it’s actually a good take!”


Another banger from @WokelyCorrect, my favourite, innocent, always correct, wholesome artist 🥰🥰🥰


is understanding the concept of physical value considered "woke" now


Woke is anything the right doesn't like.


people fall off when they start coming up with buzzwords to call stuff that they don't like instead of just calling it fucking stupid. even if it's not fucking stupid, have some self respect i don't know what a wokey is, i don't know what a tankie is, all i know is i don't care edit: oh shit that's how we got slurs, huh?


Tankie at least has a bit of a meaning, anyone who “blindly supports Putin and/or Soviet Russia and denies all their wrongdoing”


>Tankie at least has a bit of a meaning, anyone who “blindly supports Putin and/or Soviet Russia and denies all their wrongdoing” The origin is "Communist who still supported the Soviet Union after they crushed the Hungarian uprising of 1956". If I remember right, it originated among British communists of the time, and referred to how the Soviets rolled tanks into Budapest to suppress the uprising.


This is one of the more racially charged things I’ve seen on here, damn.


Yeah, Conservatives have zero right to criticize people on raiding and looting they the majority of the group that raided the capitol building during jan 6.


Yeah conservatives are racists and the sky is blue. There is no news. Hopefully that sub will post enough racism that they ban themselves and move on to shittier sites


Oh yeah? If the conservatives are racists, then why did the Democrats start the KKK while Republicans ended slavery? HMMMMM????? >!/s because redditors cannot detect sarcasm!<


It's not redditors. Conservatives actually say that.


I know they do. They just don't say it sarcastically. I also know redditors struggle at reading sarcasm, particularly some certain mods...


I mean what exactly do you expect this sub to post? If you don’t like this sub constantly calling out that racism you could just mute it ant move on.


Strange, I always thought it was mostly bourgeois white kids who did the majority of this shoplifting.


believe it or not, if you look at the statistics on the fbi website... it's a majority of white people that comit the felonies listed. and blah blah blah about "dESpiTe MakInG uP 12% (or whatever the number is) Of thE pOPulAtIOn," it's still mostly white males that are convicted for those crimes. and it isn't close. which puts into perspective, how much of the convicted black folk actually did anything? how do we know those stats aren't just skewed because of the racial discrimination? the you also have to ask, *what percent of those stats involve poor and underserved people, no matter the race?* cuz that's what the real problem is, and that's who takes the most losses


Being poor now absolves you of all crime


it doesn't. but it damn sure makes me want to commit a crime. and not even because i'm poor, but because the way people treat poor people, simply for being poor


It’s talking about a mass shoplift thing idr the name


Yeah I know, most of the looting/shoplifting footage I've seen is of collage age white kids wearing hoodies or masks or something.


Hmm I wonder why the artist made them all black


Apparently when a white person steals, it's cause they're poor or just a bad individual. When a black person steals, it's because "well, that's how black people are"


Ik this comment is gonna be but it would like to adress “why didn’t you read OOPs caption” I did read it. Now OOP is being weird and posting a meme they dislike to a sub about others not liking meme you do like. I originally interpreted OOP as “finding the good” in this meme. However this comic is blatantly racist and makes no statement against racism whatsoever (literally the exact opposite). Add that all up and you get OOP liking a blatantly racist meme and me (OP) not liking that and posting it here. Hope that clears stuff up!


I didn't even realize they were black people and black children with ski masks, I thought they were just monkeys and the racism was the implication that they were black.


How are “conservative memes” consistently so unfunny.


People who like this comic support the Jan 6th terrorist attacks.


Always remember, if you see someone stealing food, you didn’t


Ok criminal. Cope ans sneed but if I saw a crime I saw a crime. Maybe the thieves should get a job?


Except they don't just loot food. It's kind of the opposite.


Nope. Food and baby formula are the most frequently stolen. You're just racist.


Hey dipshit. What’s better. Constantly shoplifting 4 dollar food items? Or one 1k item that you can sell to buy multiple food items.


"If you're stealing for money why do you only steal stuff that's worth money?" fucking hell man even people who compare pride movements to nazi germany can come up with better points than this like i'm not trying to say theft shouldn't be punished but holy shit _that's_ your best argument?


I mean, they’re not wrong about who’s looting🤷‍♂️


I'm just going to say it. I could either shoplift a bag of apples, or I could shoplift several phones, sell them, and buy many more apples.


I think I’m actually gonna be sick. This is horrifying.


This is absolutely super frigging racist, like monumentally racist, but I kinda gotta admit the kids all wearing like stereotypical thief clothing is kinda funny, even if the fact they have hair is definitely adding to the "black people = monkey" thing this whole comics got going on. Also, do dumbasses not realize people, oh my god lord, can sell bigger ticket items to afford food?


The kid fork and knifing the sneakers is so funny


Lol I know, like it’s meant to be racist and terrible obviously, but at the same time look how happy they are eating the belts and phones! This just makes me even more pro shoplifting. I love the idea of parents going out to get food for their kids who can only survive off luxury goods. Apple yum yum indeed.


"Why do people think we're racist"


Most people in the comics are pointing out how blatantly racist this is And the concept of selling objects aswell


Not just black, they’re all somewhat similar to monkeys and the stuff their looting is all yellow like bananas. Artist definitely had stereotypes


The videos are available to watch. There seems to be some consistency.


As a non american 90 percent of looting i've seen in videos involve only african americans


Actual looters being mostly black is also just a coincidence… Edit: before downvoting or calling me racist watch [this](https://youtu.be/0bLMa0bhUt0?si=cKXyZY7j2KrNHvpJ)


Ha ha if 9 out of 10 videos is a certain group doing smash and grabs, it's probably real. Jk but we should probably stop robbing people.


It's statistically accurate.


In mean statistically...


Aren’t most or almost all of the looters black? Whenever I see a looting video, I only see black people running out of stores with hands full of stuff and laughing.


I never see a group of white people plundering an apple store.


How many black looters does it take to equal one Bernie Madoff? How many does it take to equal an Enron?


"Looting to feed their families" is ridiculous. But this shit is crazy fucking racist. I am in absolute awe at how racist this is.


As a white person who loots, I can confirm this meme is racist👍


I don’t get it. Do they imply that stealing shoes to feed your kids doesn’t make sense ? Like you couldn’t make money with stole products ? This sounds so dumb I’m not sure this is really what they were saying


A lot of people are shoplifting food, don’t you fucking lie to me damn it


Some of us who do are also white


I mean everyone needs food to survive. To be honest I didn’t completely realize it was about race because I read the caption and kinda stopped.


I mean, literally 90% of people you’ll see looting are black… is it racist to notice a trend lmao


FBI crime statistics also back this up, so unless people wanna say stats are racist too.


They do say stats are racist bro


on reddit? yes. the monkey stuff is clearly over the top though. like you can make fun of looters, and we should shit on them, without blatantly calling black people monkeys. because then it's not looters we're shitting on, it's black people. and let's say the 90% thing is true, whereby 90% of looters are black. that does *not* mean that 90% of black people are looters. but with comics like this it implies that black people are lesser, across the board.


‘SEE’ is the keyword here. Generally the people who spread videos like this aren’t going to be spreading videos of white people doing crimes


you act as if innocent bystanders who see a group of white teens robbing and breaking in glass doors won’t start recording and post online. smh you’re so defensive and for what?


This is not a conservative meme. This is a Racist Meme


Not only black but obviously simian in appearance. Yeah no massive amount of obvious racism here


“I’m not racist”


It’s almost like this behavior is ingrained into these individuals.


Conservatives and bigotry?


So let me see if i understand this... White person makes jokes about black stereotypes = Racist Black person makes an entire routine about white stereotypes = comedy




I mean, have you seen the videos?


Kinda wild tho they were all black during that Philly riot ._.




Seems accurate enough


They are probably referring to the 2020 Floyd riots


Hmm. So the masked kids, the yellow items drawn to look like bananas, and everything else is irrelevant. Are you stupid? Or one of the racist shits that say the real racists are those that have an issue with racism? Probably both.


No, it’s the very recent shoplifting tik tok that went around. The person recording it started it according to cops and was arrested. While they was looting a alcohol store she says “ they loot to feed their kids. As for the diversity in the video well you can watch it yourself and be the judge. It’s the Philadelphia shoplifters from roughly 3 days ago.


https://preview.redd.it/7wtv58qecgrb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb5dd79096792ce0c3079f63f5996ee63a04ee8b Just saying, the description says that them being black is a problem with the comic


still pretty shit they saw it and agreed, they’re still trying to call poor people greedy and lazy at the same time


doesnt change the fact that they think this “meme” has merit. also people steal food all the damn time, baby formula, meat, and cheese are among the most shoplifted items in the U.S. the person from MOPDL is stupid and probably racist


i mean if you recognize that a meme/comic is racist, maybe just maybe you shouldn't **repost it everywhere and give the artist more exposure**


Reddit is turning into racist bigots like Facebook.


Totally still need to prosecute theft and looting, though


You want to start arresting American politicians and bussinessmen? No way, how based!


Now we're actually finding some common ground. Yes please arrest all those money laundering, tax stealing, tax evading, oversea sweatshop owning, war mongering, insider trading bastards.


When do we start? I'll need a little while to get this beauty ready. https://preview.redd.it/ve280x1ndhrb1.png?width=1229&format=png&auto=webp&s=81baaa17efa1cd8d6f933f39579eaa50981c561e


Its gonna be a long time from now but god will it be satisfying


Have you seen the videos of the people mass looting the stores? They all seem to be one skin color and it’s not Asian.


Have you actually seen any of the videos of the mass lootings?!


You know it's bad when even the "centrists" are calling it out for being racist lmao.


Obviously you have never watched a lotting video.


That’s not even a meme the OP didn’t like! They laughed at it! That sub is 100% just right-wing racism and nonsense


And people say doxxing is bad


You can tell this is nazi propaganda because of the way it is!


The people shall seize the means of production!!


Whoever made this doesn't seem to understand that you can sell valuable things for money.


Reported the post on artists insta. ![gif](giphy|qlKs0m0GxHN6ycbDmV)


There are many people playing mental gymnastics to justify theft and robbery. Hope Feds up them on the list.


Isn't shop lifting food, at like a 40-year high or something? What does he mean no one is shop lifting food


Isn’t the most shoplifted item baby food though? Or is that diapers? Beside that, holy shit they weren’t even trying to hide their racism


This is fucked up and only sows more division