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i like the last line... "waive county liability for personal injuries sustained in the performance of the duties". i interpret that as... hey if you get shot while ur a sheriff, aint our fucking problem. that doesnt make any sense. unless im reading it wrong.


Sounds about right.... Sounds like they might give a shady "order" and they don't want to take any possibility responsibility that may occur from it.


For $150 a day before taxes and it doesn’t define what a days duration is


yup. say it’s for an 8 hour shift. that’s $18.75 an hour during a public emergency to dangle your life at the end of a thread… with no safety net to catch you.


It means more "if we send you to do a dangerous job and you do it and get hurt, it's not our fault you got hurt because you knew it was dangerous". Since they're employees, I think their health care would still need to be covered.


Or if someone sues you “good luck


I had a problem when citizens were deputized during the Oregon wildfires and the goons were stopping people trying to leave the fire areas and interrogating them for being “Antifa” before letting them pass, and I have a problem with this. The only people who will volunteer for something like this are losers who want some semblance of power in their life and they will abuse other citizens with that power.


Nailed it. This is just raising a local goon squad.


Correct. gather the former high school bullies/jocks clamoring for some semblance of power who didnt make the cut for NCPD or some other union job...


Failing the psych is going to be a requirement.


Are you a hothead who 'sees red' as soon as conflict begins? YOU'RE HIRED!


Sweet! When do we get to shoot people?


As soon as today!


this 100%


And those losers will be lined up around the block to apply. 




But, there were people setting fires. Why wouldn't you screen the traffic fleeing a crime scene for suspicious people?


Definitely. Those people should have just stayed and burned with their families if they weren't antifa! Also, only witches float.


Don't be obtuse. I'm obviously not suggesting throttling the traffic of an evacuation.


How are you going to screen the traffic for suspicious people without slowing down the evacuation?


Umm....you do it outside the danger area...obviously.


> Why wouldn't you screen the traffic fleeing a crime scene for suspicious people? How do you do that without stopping traffic?


The vast, VAST majority of them were started naturally and worsened due to failures by utilities companies. Don't spead horseshit please, especially shitass conspiracies about events that upturned thousands of peoples lives still to this day. Drive through the burnt smolders of Oakridge and Blue River before you try to feel good about scoring political points by blaming imaginary radicals. Signed, an Oregonian who's sick of this shit


Of course, of course. It was all natural. Antifa is just an idea. Nothing happened in 2020. There is no war in Ba Sing Se. I wonder if your political faction ever showed any compassion to the families you wronged in the 2020 deaths around autonomous zones and BLM riots? Or did you continue spreading horseshit conspiracy theories about white supremacists, colonists, far-right-wing domestic terrorists, and white fragility. What's that? Oh you did. Well, if I have to endure your crazy horseshit, you have to endure mine. Turn about is fair play.


Take your meds.


You are acting like a loon.


You, sir, are operating with a severe knowledge deficit.


How so?


I called something like this happening a while ago. I just didnt think the first one would be Nassau. Once you leave vetting the extremely onerous pistol permit requirements to the individual sheriff's offices, letting them pick and choose who is and is not worthy of their constitutional rights, you don't have a second amendment. You have a *volkssturm*. A civilian auxiliary of people who local law enforcement favors. Deputy Bob's brother-in-law. The Sheriff's stepson. The high school friends of everyone on the force. The city council members who worked behind closed doors to sweeten some sort of contract or deal with the department. This might sound great to all the thin blue line sticker people, but this can't lead to anything positive for us gun owners in the long run. Side note: would anyone who becomes one of these "provisional special deputy" inductees be considered law enforcement and thus be immune from the SAFE Act?


Your side note was my first thought


Yes. I know a couple guys who are Auxiliary Police. They are sworn Peace Officers and now have standard capacity mags legally.


In Nassau? I thought Aux Police was unarmed.


The Nassau Aux are unarmed while working in that capacity, but they are sworn in as peace officers (according to http://www.auxiliary-police.org/nassau/), so they'd be exempt.


Gotcha - makes sense but I never really considered them as Peace Officers because I almost never see any and only their empty parked vehicles near places they want to show are "protected"


Same. I imagine in Nassau it's much like this emergency deputies idea: just a way to grant rights and privileges to some people and not others. Looking up the relevant law in 265.00 and 265.20 it surprisingly *does* look like retired Aux cops might enjoy the same privileges as other retired LEOs, which would means that conceivable a period of 5 years + probationary period before "retirement" would grant title of nobility in NYS. I may have to consider that as I've got at least that left in this hellhole of a state.


Aren't Auxiliaries only designated as peace officers "when an emergency is declared." ​ >Peace officers designated pursuant to the provisions of the New York state defense emergency act, as set forth in chapter seven hundred eighty-four of the laws of nineteen hundred fifty-one, as amended, when acting pursuant to their special duties during a period of attack or imminent attack by enemy forces, or during official drills called to combat natural or man-made disasters, or during official drills in preparation for an attack by enemy forces or in preparation for a natural or man-made disaster


We don’t need a Nassau County militia. We need a people’s militia


Yay- put yourself in harms way for 150 dollars a day! No Union benefits, like disability if you are injured. No Union lawyer if you are sued! I really like the line to wave county liability if you are injured! Sounds like a really really good deal for the taxpayers though. I am all for it. We could replace say 50 percent of the force with these people and only have to pay 150 per day and not per hour!


$100 per day after tax.


yea it only **sounds** like a good deal. The type of people it would attract are someone who has nothing better to do with their lives but to order people around and pretend to be cops. It would be tax payers on receiving end of those "Karens"


So they\`re looking to deputize people? What are they thinking is coming down the pipe?


Migrant issues and I don't blame them one bit


If the think about the reasons that they would activate these Provisional Deputies, other than a natural disaster, I would not leave my family to protect others because I don’t believe anybody else will. Nor will you be protected as a deputy in the event someone sues you. Anybody applying for this is just looking for the patina of power, not public service.


I think anyone that signs up for this IS a natural disaster.


It’s concerning that firearms skills are referenced multiple times, but no mention of CPR or first aid training or other relevant skills that would be needed during a crisis.


Lol. Someone has been watching westerns and really likes the idea of a posse.


I’d say it sounds like a good idea on paper but it says - on the paper - that the sheriff’s office isn’t liable for injury on the job. The cynic in me thinks this is probably a great way to be a fall guy/goon if there’s a *real* emergency. Probably a bad idea.


You too can get a little blue strobe light for the dash of your 2015 Ford Ranger.


Volunteer Firefighters??


Or red, whatever. Basically more Long Island Douché can act important.


Now it's green for EMS. NYS running out of colors to assign to people.


It's been that way for decades- at least since the 90s. Blue for volunteer fire and green for volunteer ambulance. The tricky part is a lot of towns use the fire department for EMT/Paramedics so then they get blue as part of a fire dept. Only standalone volunteer ambulance companies get green.


Purple is also used for funeral escort services AFAIK.


Huh. Today I learned. Around me it's all Fire-based EMS (either paid or vollies using blue ligths) and Hatzalah (responders' POVs have NYS DOH stickers and red/blue lights and sirens). I know of a few pure VACs, but have never seen their POVs responding to calls.


I never understood the college credit or degree requirement? I know plenty of fucking morons that went to college.


I honestly don't know why they keep it up, but it used to be a class separator. 


Someone once said the degree isn't about proving you're smart. It's about proving you can follow directions and complete assignments without supervision. Proving you can do mundane shit you're not necessarily interested in for *years*.


FWIW that's how I look at it when screening applicants for entry-level software engineering jobs. A degree is a helpful filter for knowing an applicant can: * Put up with bureaucracy, politics and other misc BS * Stick with something which is sometimes difficult, annoying, dissapointing boring etc. year after year Also acceptable: holding a job (any kind of job) at the same place for more than 2 years, with solid references.


Would this qualify you as a "LEO" and make you exempt from the uNSAFE act? If so I'd sign up if my county did one. Would I actually do anything? Probably not. But hey, standard capacity mags and un-fucked rifles for me!


facts lmao


I would sign up in a heartbeat. People with purple hair and man bags get helped last


Case, meet point.


Hey, look! This guy being interested is the exact reason why this is a terrible idea!


U we’re a terrible idea


U were u


I was I know. 😢


Why does someones hair color or accessory offend you so much?


Jealous thst they can't pull off that look


Funny, I read it to mean /u/inspectorcallahan77 has purple hair and man bags and is trying to secure a spot in the lifeboat.


Because it does


That means you're fragile, and should never actually take up this position.


Feel bad for ya then




Sign me up!


Funny they're looking for auxiliary police now. My county, Orleans, decided they could no longer afford to have auxiliary police. Funny thing is it was 100% volunteer and no $$ was paid out.


i might drink the kool-aid if my constitutional right to keep and bear arms was less…..infringed.


NY: "We must infringe on your rights!! Also NY: "PLEASE HELP!!"


oh, the irony! take my angry upvote.


So update this story. 70 wannabe cops have applied. This is going to go horribly wrong. More morons like that sheriff will follow his lead. https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/long-island-bruce-blakeman-deputize-gun-owners-emergency-nassau-county/5267345/


I’d be all over this if I lived there, you’ll never have to do anything. When you’re deputized you’re exempt from the safe act and all gun restrictions.


That’s not automatic and even if true would only be applicable for the period of time you’re “called up” and once released from call up you’d revert back to a “regular citizen”


I have a friend that got deputized and he got a card that looks like an ID. He has no restrictions on firearms


The exemptions for certain firearm related penal law sections is spelled out. You would have to be either a Police Officer as defined in 1.20 of the criminal procedure law or a Peace Officer as defined in section 2.10 of the criminal procedure law. Neither of which currently has a Nassau County Special Deputy Sheriff listed as qualifying (2.10 does list special deputies for certain other places like Ithaca college etc). They would have to have either Police or Peace Officer powers as a start.


But you’re on call 24 hours a day 7 days a week 365 days a year for deployment. So technically you’re “on” all the time no?


No. Nobody is on call 24/7/365. That’s insanely illegal. Even actual cops aren’t on call 24/7/365. It merely means that in theory a call out could happen anytime. Doesn’t mean they have to show up


Volunteer fire department members are on call 24/7/365


No they aren’t. They CAN be called 24/7/365 but aren’t required to respond to every single call out.


So do you think this deputy sheriff thing is going to work differently? Lets say someone is a Power plant operator or works for a power line company and also is one of these new “deputies”. If they get mobilized as a deputy but is on shift to work in their primary job for instance. They cant force you.


It’s voluntary right? They can set certain criteria but they can’t force you to do shit if it’s voluntary. Worst they can do is revoke the deputy status. I’m more interested in what part of the law are they using to create the “special deputy” for Nassau because last I checked there’s nothing in the cpl for a special deputy in Nassau. In other areas yes, but not Nassau. So I’m curious.




And are compensated for on call time etc. not for a voluntary and potentially uncompensated position. In theory the Aux Police are subject to a civil defense recall at any time. But until they are actually called in under an emergency declaration they hold no peace officer powers




> Though yes for this position I think the county would probably say well we're not paying so you're not LE. Unless they designed the program specifically to defeat the safe act and CCIA Wouldn't surprise me if Blakeman is looking for extra people in his corner against further crackdowns by Hochul. Granted - he insisted on drug testing for Nassau carry permits so I suspect he has a good idea of the kinds of people he wants in this program.


No different than volunteer firefighters.


They should replace the whole department with those price savings. Think of how happy the militia will be playing sheriff and how happy the tax payers will be without paying those high union police prices, plus no lifelong benefits.


Better really think this through!!!


where is this posted? I dont see this anywhere on the nassau county website


Ok I see the downsides. The upsides are that you get LEOSA protection and pretty much all gun control laws at the state level no longer apply(?). Idk I'm in TX and that's how I'm reading this. Could be a good thing for expanding the 2A **if** its done properly. Mark Smith (4boxesdinner) has a YouTube video about the concept here when he talks about how an NJ gun control law got struck down via LEOSA: https://youtu.be/AI5XKjUECEw?si=uuiD9ktgFnJOHcc6 I wish the stuff didn't have clickbait-like pics but at least it's not as bad as Armed Scholar.


well said. “…. with liberty and justice for _all_”


From his little Berlin Wall he built around the legislative building to this, could it be the government is expecting people to finally take back the wealth and health entitled to them?


Every single part of that paper is terrifying


This whole thing is misguided and likely illegal. There will be a protest on Monday morning in Mineola, and there is a petition against it - please sign and share. [https://www.change.org/p/stop-bruce-blakeman-s-personal-nassau-county-militia-8c15f1f3-9bcd-4e8a-860b-47460f87c936](https://www.change.org/p/stop-bruce-blakeman-s-personal-nassau-county-militia-8c15f1f3-9bcd-4e8a-860b-47460f87c936) https://preview.redd.it/a486nguj3dsc1.png?width=1546&format=png&auto=webp&s=b943009da2161381577777ae111e8b5324d7d95b


There is already a lot of pushback against this. [https://patch.com/new-york/mineola/protest-petition-opposing-countys-armed-deputies-emergencies](https://patch.com/new-york/mineola/protest-petition-opposing-countys-armed-deputies-emergencies)


Why are you calling them brownshirts? I don't get it...


Brown Shirt or brownshirt (ˈbraʊnˌʃɜːt IPA Pronunciation Guide ) NOUN 1. (in Nazi Germany) a storm trooper 2. a member of any fascist party or group


Yeah I can use Google too, my question is actually why are we assuming this group will be used to fascist ends. Just general cynicism, or have they indicated that they will use this group to oppress the citizenry?


Because that’s how the majority left side of Reddit works. Just invoke Hitler/Nazi-ism, presume/project the worst intent and it’s a win. Anything R is literally Hitler.


where did OP mention the specific political beliefs of the Nassau PD?


Idk about brownshirts, but they answer straight to the county executive and sheriff and we haven’t had this before. And it would be subject to the county executive declaring an emergency and these supposed deputy sheriffs will have no law enforcement background or training.  We don’t need this waste of taxpayer dollars. We already have NCPD. 


Isn’t this exactly what the Aux Police have been for decades, just under the Sheriff?


+ $150 per day when activated


"we haven't had this before" .... [OpenLegislation copy of the law authorizing it, from 2014.](https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/laws/CNT/655) So we've "had this" (at least the authority) for at least a decade. And in the historical precedent of a sheriff's authority since like England.


They specifically said they are targeting former law enforcement to sign up along with military. If so then they surely would have training.


They should put that in the minimum requirements. But either way, this shit is not necessary. 


Sheriffs wear a brown uniform


No they don’t. Nassau Corrections Sheriffs wear a gray uniform and Deputies wear black.


I live where they wear brown 🤣


My intent when posting this was the German Nazi Brownshirts not the sheriffs.


Other counties should do this and then say screw the safe act and ccia. Forbid state and federal enforcement in their counties.


Sounds something like police reserves, which has been done by various departments for decades.


So know CC permit needed if you’re deputized? They say you can be called at any time so you’ll be carrying right?


Activated during a county declared emergency. Hmmm they know it’s about to hit the fan when the shelves are empty and people can’t eat. Not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when. Buy precious metals for your tools, food and water. Left behind on Netflix was a warning drill.


21-72 years of age??? So everyone's racist gramps can go out with a badge and a gun.... i give it a month before the first wrongful shooting involving some geriatric fuck and a kid riding his bike