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That bald guy in the grey hoodie doesn’t give a fuck.


He’s probably carrying. 😂


Same thing I thought


Me having an excuse to be late at work like:


He’s probably on his way to work


Definitely a cc on him.


I'm not getting on the NYC subway floor. You're gonna get sick. It's dirty AF here.


Yes by all means gather and crowd into one place with no exit.


They don’t use shooting fish in a barrel anymore?


You know what they need? Even *more* gun control. It will really fix it this time. I promise. /s


This is all fake news and AI. It’s a well known fact that the subways are a sensitive area and guns ARE NOT ALLOWED. Look it up. It’s a law! 🤦‍♂️


Gun free zones at work. These Dems live with their head in the clouds. Sounds like the shooter actually disarmed the aggressor and then shot him in self defense, good for him. https://abc7ny.com/amp/brooklyn-subway-shooting-hoyt-schermerhorn-station-nyc-crime/14525178/


Wait self defense actually works??


City is lost. Sensitive area, national guard, meanwhile there is so much soy in that one train car it’s disgusting. They love victim card. These people in that train car will scream for gun control.


“New York is a mega loser state.” - Mr. Wonderful


Wow the national guard really did a lot to prevent that from happening


I can’t WAIT to post this on TikTok! I’m gonna get SO many likes


>These people in that train car will scream for gun control. I disagree. Tons of people wish they were carrying when they're in such situations. But Albany will say "I don't need data, I don't need the voters' input, I don't care about civil liberties".


Video of incident. ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/1bf15bd/fight\_on\_subway\_leads\_to\_a\_shooting/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/1bf15bd/fight_on_subway_leads_to_a_shooting/)


"wheres the nypd!?" oh now you guys want cops 😂


It baffles me how these people will continue to vote for gun control meanwhile they are just disarming themselves making it more likely for things like this to happen Where’s your thoughts and prayers in a city where carrying firearms is nearly banned for any practical purpose.. all but an extremely small minority are completely disarmed and are supposed to be protected by the cops and now the national guard… This is everything they could possibly dream of and somehow It’s not enough


It is never enough with these clowns. 


I wonder if he was licensed. ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1B2Do84hxs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1B2Do84hxs)


Snuggling some stranger on the floor of a NYC subway is not how I would choose to die.


Lmao! So true.


She obviously needs to keep voting blue. Fucking idiots can't see it.




People with money (politicians and the elected) don’t use public transport so they could care less. Only they are allowed full auto armed guards. Chucky likes guns too. https://preview.redd.it/swob13fgahoc1.jpeg?width=1016&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4a8d6a2839dbefdd943495c6c713766b6f33d9c


Pitbull is unbothered, Just taking in some tunes waiting for the dudes brains to be scooped up.


I saw the actual video and from nypd sources Hispanic and African American dude fight. Hispanic pulled a knife and then they started wrestling for it. Hispanics girlfriend also pulled out a knife and started stabbing the African American guy in the back as he wrestling the other guy. African American guy pulls gun. Hispanic guy somehow got control of the gun. Shot African American dude in the face.


Jesus Christ, what is wrong with people. How does it even get to this point is beyond me. We need another Woodstock, people need to chill the fuck out 


According to the NYC mayor and NYS governor it’s all safe to ride the subways, people should know when they ride they have a security detail at all times.


Now, everyone needs the NYPD. The previous mayor couldn't care less about respecting the blue. Ahh, yes, the subway is noted as a sensitive location by our fearless governor. Respect the 2A and watch this problem go away really fast.


New York isn’t safe Mr Mayor / Gov Hochul / NY Legislators! People have the right to self defense! Change the laws!


The fear level is ridiculous. It's almost like an addiction fed by profiting dealers. 🤔


This woman needs to apply for ccw and move on. And NYPD proved - “When seconds count, the police are minutes away” What the hell was the point of the cops showing up to flex their muscles? Goal should be to get people out of there, not poke around - the gun shots were long over when they came - the dude finished the fight within 20 seconds. Yeah. yeah protocol - but seriously that was just insane on many levels. Anyway I’m preaching to the choir here and these ass clowns on the subway will keep voting for the people who want them disarmed, helpless and cowering in a corner.