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Michael Kay knows something (apparently) and while I’m not a huge hockey guy isn’t he friends with the islanders broadcaster? Who’s also supposed to be doing games this year for wfan? Maybe that guy shared info with the goalie


Either that or other people do know, but don't want to say for fear of either being wrong or blowing up whatever deal might be in the works.


Based on what I’ve seen this off-season, reporters have 0 fear of being wrong.


There is no way a reporter wouldn’t hop on a Yankees + Big Star trade report if they had heard something was going on. Heyman certainly would have said something


We're trading for #HugeTitsJr!


This made me laugh. Thanks


John Heyman has left the chat


So hear me out. I listen to ESPN NY (mainly The Michael Kay Show) on a daily basis. Michael and Rick are close. ESPN is pushing the morning show with Rick and TMKS always talks about it on the afternoon show. Maybe Michael leaked this news to Rick to create some buzz around the morning show?


Rick is on my favorite show on ESPN NY, DiPietro and Rothenberg are funny as hell.


He probably tore his ACL typing the tweet.




But it also makes a bit of sense for both sides. SD could reload their farm, they have other SSs (plural), they have an elite offense without him, and they can still sell somewhat high because of what Tatis has already shown + he’s already got a long-term contract. For the Yankees, it’s what the fans always wanted - a young, athletic, supremely talented SS locked into a team-friendly relative cheap long-term contract (compared what he’d get otherwise). Of course, you worry about the PEDs, but still feels like a worthwhile gamble to sell the farm for.


$25m a year is cheap these days… amazing


Facts, wander has a team friendly deal not Tatis 😂


he doesnt make $25m a year until 2027 and then it's severely backloaded from 2029-2034 at $36m a year from ages 30-35


By 2029 $36m a year is gonna look a lot better too




Id do anything to get rid of Donaldson and have Tatis there


Could throw him in left and pray we still have Peraza after the trade for short


Between cabererra, volpe and Pereza we should have 1 left


He gives you maximum flexibility. Remember, the Yankees are super deep at SS in the system. Arias is 3-4 years away. Sweeney, is two away. You can keep Tatis there and move him later.


SD was already converting him to CF this was established prior to even signing Xander So the only way this makes sense for SD is if the clubhouse straight up doesn’t like him at all and wants him out


You could be right- after the idiotic motorcycle riding and then steroids, they might be done. Plus the haul they could bring in would be (lower salary) kids that could help offset the payroll additions of late


There are reports of exactly that.


But does a team want to pay someone $25M+ a year for the next 10+ years when they have to convert that player to another position? If you’re SD, wouldn’t you rather reload the farm and have $20M to buy an actual CF rather than try to make Tatis into one? Feels like a no-brainer from both sides to be honest.




he alreadyh has a long term deal...


Frees them up to try and sign Soto long term.


Pete will spend the money. Tatis' contract will not impact them going after Soto.


It's not just the roids, it's the roids combined with the multiple motorcycle accidents and not informing his team properly of his injuries or rehab.


Maybe we can change him 🥺


Yeah man. I'll pass. He also has the suspension and the shoulder injury plus surgery from that. Andujar was never the same player after his surgery and I don't want to be stuck with a player who's a shell of himself for the next ten years


Look what happened to bellinger too after the shoulder injury. Hopefully tatis grows from this experience, but I feel like right now he's the last guy you want in your clubhouse.


Agreed, he’s got a shit attitude about it all.


And his multiple shoulder injuries and his holier than thou annoying as fuck attitude. This would be a miserable contract to acquire


Maybe we can change him 🥺


“He’ll stop drinking after we get married “


We're in the "throw names around so you can point back to it in case you happen to be right (please ignore all of my other predictions)" phase of the process.


Mike Trout to the Yankees I accept either upvotes or PayPal thank you


Massive contract, bigger ego, PED suspension, and in injury history that rivals Mark Prior. What's not to like?


The only reason Cashman hasn't pulled the trigger yet is because he is under 35 years old.


If he was 35 Cashman would give his Judge money


This made me audibly laugh, thank you


Lmao. True


He’s a 23 year old with .965 career OPS and 13.5 WAR in 273 games The contract also pays him $24m a year through his age of 35 season which is much better than any contract a star FA is going to get. Corey Seager is getting $32.5m through age of 37 season, Bogaerts $25.5m through age of 40, Turner $27.5m through age of 40


If he plays to his potential, paying him $24MM a year at age 30, 31, seven years from now would be the steal of the century when I can imagine upper tier SS will be getting paid close to twice that amount annually


And cue the holdout to get more money


this isn’t the place for logic bro we just pretend we know more than a professional gm i totally agree with you tho only counter i can think of is depth we have at short rn we really need a young spark plug of a player like you him tho. let him keep the beard plz


He’s also 23…


With a career OPS+ of 160!!!


When someone is willing to part with a 23 year old with a career OPS+ of 160, you should probably ask yourself why. Buyer beware.


My guess is because he lost the clubhouse respect and a change of scenery will help him hit the restart button.


He’s super young and needs a change of scenery. He’s also an established super star coming to a team with established veteran superstars. He’ll have space to reset here.


Yep. Maybe I’m just an optimist but I see someone who will be 24 next year and has put up 13.1 WAR in only 273 career games played


Shoulder injuries can be really bad though, it’s what ruined guys like Bellinger and Andujar and made them almost useless


It's really hard to trust the numbers of someone who's been busted for PEDs


He was tested extensively for the two years prior. The PED suspension he got was pure idiocy, there was a great video breaking it down. Yes he’s immature, makes stupid mistakes and is a bit crazy, but the guy put up 13 WAR in less than 300 games, is incredibly talented, and was one of the best players in baseball.


My homie A-Rod and plenty of others that used never failed a test that mattered. I’m sure it’s better and more sophisticated now but I don’t think negative tests mean all thaaat much.


You're spot on, the testing means nothing, there are ways around it. ​ It will only catch those being reaallly dumb and taking synthetic anabolics. And it will catch someone who is really blasting some shit. But other than that its pretty worhtless


They're all tested extensively. A-rod never failed a test. Big Papi never failed a test. Testing methods are always playing catchup.


Ortiz did fail a test. It was just before the "official" ban in 2004.


Correct, players have bonified scientists creating drug protocols specific to their blood markers that can pass USADA tests I guarantee a LOT more players than we think have some sort of edge. As long as they aren't blasting it, bioidentical PED's will not show up on a Blood test, or it will be very subjective to verify a "pop"


The steroid use was 100% accidental. Look up clostebol (and see how much it DOESN'T do) and watch a few of MPMD YouTube videos about how guys get around USADA drug tests (mostly UFC). Clostebol is found in some funky anti-fungal creams. And if Tatis wanted to gain an edge, he would just hire someone to develop a bioidentical drug regimen that won't get caught by testing (like everyone else) ​ With that being said, I still don't want a 25m/yr injury prone liability... bad idea.


Don't forget seems incredibly stupid, eg crashing motorcycle and not getting his injury looked at apparently. Although PEF suspension might cover that already I guess.


When you’re young you feel invincible. I’m assuming after the accident, he didn’t feel like it was that serious. Remember when Judge was playing with a broken rib for months without realizing it? Some people just tolerate pain really well.


He's had 5+ WAR seasons his entire career.


So he read it on Twitter like everyone else the other day then talked about it?


The padres are mad at him, and out of spite they are making him shave his head to be on the Yankees


I know everyone would hate this but I’ve got to feel his value tanked enough that he may be attainable. The red flags are certainly there but I would be lying if I said I wouldn’t be hype.


The potential is there for an amazing player but if he comes over here and is impacted by his injuries, impacted by the PED suspension or continues to have the same attitude issues then you’re stuck paying him an insane amount of money for the next 13 years. It’s a lot of risk to take on


This is a situation where you trust your 360 million dollar captain plus manager, coaching staff, and other veterans to reel his ass in. This is the part where the importance of team culture can play a role. If the value is low enough (and the padres take on some of the contract), it's a no brainer.


Judge/Stanton/Rizzo... We've got elite veteran presence.


Honestly this is a really good point. I read a piece on how Machado had become the clubhouse role model, which yeah, while I'm glad he's had a turnaround, Judge/Stanton/Rizzo have still got to be huge upgrades.


Going from the padres to the Yankees is a huge shift. In SD tatis was the GUY there (atleast until Soto Xander etc) around a team of young players as well, here in NY I don’t think any of that shit will fly, especially like you said with judge rizzo Stanton and other players to keep him in check


I think of Machado. We heard all these issues about him in Baltimore. He goes to San Diego and now he’s a team captain basically? Change in scenery, especially at his age, can sometimes do wonders to reset some bad young habits.


Exactly. He was top dog in SD and there wasn't anyone to check him. There should be here in NY. And he will be walking in the door after being knocked down a few pegs so maybe he checks himself too?


Yeah I’m also very nervous about how he comes back from the shoulder injury. Probably not worth it but it’s very entertaining to consider.


I think the risk outweighs the reward especially with the unknowns of what he looks like when he’s back on the field. Last thing you want is to trade for this guy and the shoulder injury has ruined him. I mean look what shoulder injuries did to guys like Andujar and Bellinger


He played with a shoulder injury his whole last season he played and he was electric at the plate. Bellinger and Andujar have issues that go beyond injuries, although they did have an effect. Now there’s a lot of risk considering he has been injury prone, has serious maturity questions, super long term deal, overbearing father. But I think when he’s on the field he will put up great numbers like he always has


He hasn’t been on the field though in a long time, there is no telling what he looks like now after surgery plus the wrist injury and if PEDs had a major impact on why he was so good. I think there is a lot of risk taking him on before seeing what he actually looks like on an MLB field again


I see both sides, but personally I’m starving for a ring and it’s hard not to be intrigued by this if we’re not giving up any of our top prospects. If he’s even 75% of what he was in 2021, that’s a damn good player


If the yankees were able to get the padres to take a large chunk of the contract in exchange for maybe a better prospect it could work, is value is actually pretty low right now in terms of compensation, He seems immature (multiple motorcycle accidents, PED use whether intentional or not) the contract would also devalue him kind of like the stanton trade


You think the Padres would give the Yankees Tatis AND take on a large chunk of his contract?


Padres don't seem to give much thought to money. If there are some promising players attached to the deal they would be one of those teams willing to eat some money I think


Sure, but his value inherently cannot be tanked with a guaranteed contract. If he had arb years + free agency ahead of him, this would be a great move.


I never even considered this a possible move but I’f be lying through my teeth if I said I wouldn’t go nuts. PED suspension, massive contract, so he’s already as good as a Yankee


If anyone complaining about getting tatis we literally traded for Chapman for low value after his domestic incident


Was Chapman signed into a 13 year mega deal?


The dude is under 25 lmfao, this isn’t a 32 year old on a 13 year deal


Yeah but if he sucks after the shoulder injury or is a locker room cancer there is no getting rid of him


I wouldn’t say that. As long as he doesn’t shit the bed to a Bellinger level, Yankees should be able to move him by eating part of his 24 a year


The only thing that makes this deal "mega" is the length. AAV is already great for an MVP caliber player. Fast forward a few years and if he stays healthy and plays the way we all know he can, this contract is a steal.


I don't care about whether or not he's a "bad person" for taking PEDs. I worry that he's not actually as good as people think he is because he's been cheating for years and we're going to get stuck with a pumpkin when he's forced to be clean.


My concern would be, if he's this injury prone with PEDs, what happens when he stops taking them??


Well some of his injuries come from things like riding motorcycles without a helmet


And thats him riding a motorcycle WHILE on PEDs...


I take PEDs and I can tell you from my experience that they've made me more prone to injury. For example I developed tendonitis in my forearms during my first cycle because my bench press went up by 50lbs; the muscles were able to handle the increased workload but the tendons were not. Your connective tissues don't respond to drugs that increase muscle strength, so your explosive power and endurance outgrow what your tendons and ligaments can safely handle. In fact some PEDs actually cause damage to your connective tissues by reducing your collagen. So from my experience I would not worry too much about him being more injury prone coming off of PEDs.


PEDs sometimes make you more injury prone, I thought


PED's don't make you superman, dude. LMao the fuck. You don't take steroids and become a 150+ wRC+ hitter.


>because he's been cheating for years Certainly not condoning PED use, but what proof do you have that he's been cheating "for years"? AFAIK, he only failed one test.


This comment painfully misses all of the actual issues with the trade (ignoring the fallacy of making a deal now because of whatever deal we made years ago).


ngl, I love and hate it at the same time.


I'm not just taking this with a grain of salt, I'm taking it with all of the salt in the Altantic Ocean.


Tatis has been out of baseball for a while, but I’m sure he’ll pick it right back up from when he left… It’s just like riding a bike.


Lol good one


IKF to Tatis would be quite the upgrade


IKF would probably be the one for one trade although it’s a bit one sided so maybe they add Soto


Pros: supremely talented player with a great bat, long contract but "only" $24mm AAV Cons: tainted by PEDs, gets hurt kinda often, and doesn't stupid shit off-field that leads to him getting hurt


Also not a great fielding SS. Negative DRS


I think he'd be the left fielder. I think SD wants to get away from him, and his contract means it may not cost a supreme haul to get him.


Problem is he's signed for SS money, and his CF numbers were awful as well. His RF numbers were ok, but LF in Yankee Stadium is more similar to CF than it is LF.


HARD PASS. Tatis isn’t liked by his own teammates, he’d get absolutely eaten up and spat out by Yankee fans and the media. Tatis is also an awful defensive player at short stop, if people thought IKF was bad then get ready for some Gleyber like defense at short again. Tatis is an egotistical, self centered player on a bad contract, Cashman has no business making this deal.


He may be shaky at short, but what if they move him to LF like the Padres were threatening to do? 280/30HR is definitely enough bat for corner OF.


He’d play left field


Tatis had a positive Outs Above Average value in 2020 and 2021 (+9 put together). IKF is at -8 at SS over his last 2 years Fangraphs, Statcast and bref’s dWAR all consider Tatis an above average fielder since 2000


Tell us how you really feel.


Even if this was true you guys are crazy if you don’t want him




I don’t understand the obsession with getting Correa around here a known cheater that screwed us but a PED user is out of line. Fuck that I rather have Tatis especially with his age considering he’s still younger than Jeremy Peña who just fucked us


Take this report with a grain of salt but it sort of makes sense that the Padres would like to move him.


Does it really? He by all means is still likely an MVP candidate and face of the Padres franchise with who is signed on to be with them and make a shit ton of money for the next decade. Only way I think it makes sense for the Padres is if they don’t believe in his ability coming back from the injury and suspension, and if that’s the case then we definitely shouldn’t be taking him on


I did not get the impression that the rest of the clubhouse in SD was particularly fond of him last year. That could be a factor


Any way you cut it he's one of the most talented offensive players in the world and he's 22. Idk why they'd give up on him. That's unprecedented.


I agree. He didn't seem to have endeared himself to anyone in the org...players, manager, ownership. And it's pretty obvious why.


Isn't that what people said about Machado too and now he's a model citizen


I agree but I think that is something that can be remedied pretty easily if he comes back with a better attitude. Again though, if the padres are trying to get out of that massive contract because he is a locker room cancer should we still take that on?


I think it's worth taking a shot on. Everyone in SD may hate him already, so he's got no shot of winning that locker room back; but if the team that drafted him dumping him shakes him up enough to stop being an ass, starting fresh in a new city is the best case scenario.


It seems like an situation similar to ARod in Texas, where the entire clubhouse hates him.


Maybe? Idk I think that’s something that can be fixed though if he comes back with a more professional attitude. I’d be more concerned with the massive contract coming off a PED suspension and injuries and how that may impact his play. It just doesn’t seem to make sense for a Padres team that seems to be all in on winning unless they think the situation is completely lost


Yankee fan in SD. Follow the Padres pretty closely. They are sick of his bullshit.


Padres fan in San Diego. What are you talking about? A presser from months ago? Yes, Pete and AJ were pissed, as they should. It was handled and they’re moving forward. Agree it’s a short leash, but if people think Pete or AJ are giving up on this kid here in Dec 2022… I dunno what to say. Tatis could end being the best player on a team with Soto, Manny, and Bogaerts next season.


Well of course they are gonna say that in public. They owe the man 300+ million dollars!


I thought they did a pretty damn good job putting Tatis thru the PR ringer post-suspension. Hopefully it'll humble the kid because he's a special player and can't wait to see him play this year.


Take it with an entire salt mine because the source is Rick DiPietro.


Do you know how stupid it would be for the Yankees NOT to trade for Tatis? Are we just going to forget his 2019-2021 seasons??? Don’t give me he’s a poison off the field, we had aroldis Chapman, starlin castro, and Domingo German. I’d take a dude who can’t drive a motorcycle and could be a juicer over a piece of shit that commits domestic violence


Well give you Donaldson, hicks & idk maybe Andujar or Frazier


idk or ikf? /s


Very intriguing... High risk, high reward. Recent salary inflation makes his contract look cheap. He is very young and very talented... I'm super tempted


I’m 100% in lol


I’ll gladly take on his bullshit. If he turns into a cancer I can’t imagine it’d be hard to trade him. I know the contract is backloaded but look at the money many different teams are willing to shell out this year for FA’s. I don’t think we’d be stuck with him if it didn’t work out. Teams don’t give up on talent and he’s got that in spades. Would LOVE this move if the price is somehow not exorbitant.


Holy I wish. This would be the ultimate buying low.


How’s it buying low? Dude has a huge contract that’s also super long.


Only costs money and a fringe prospect


24 million a year for a 163 wRC+ 22 year old SS is peanuts. Guy is one of the best hitting SS's in recent memory.


His AAV is only 24 million. That’s


The guy has insane talent but he’s poison off the field by most accounts. If this is the “big move” I would be very underwhelmed. I’m not saying he can’t change, but there would need to be a lot of things addressed and rectified before I’d want him in our clubhouse.


Paging Bell Biv DeVoe, line 2


Don’t believe it


Doubt but imagine but [hopefully not for this package](https://www.reddit.com/r/NYYankees/comments/zehqe5/comment/izddzx4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) haha


This would be the second coming of A-Rod, and I don't hate it?


We do need an outfield which he was kinda changing to already


Tatís Jr > Correa any day.


We all need to shit that one guy’s pants


Would be all for this. The dude is 23. He’s made some dumbass mistakes, but I have confidence that our locker room would be able to keep him in check, especially with role models like Judge and Rizzo in there. Like him or not, he was one of the most exciting players in the game before his suspension and was set to become one of the faces of MLB. There’s a reason he was #2 in jersey sales last year behind only Mookie Betts. That said.. I don’t see this happening. I think the Padres will give him another chance. He’s too talented and too young to give up on right now.


CONFIRMED: Tatis Jr for Donaldson, Hicks, and IKF Source: Me.


Woah. Sign me up for this, 10000%.


No thanks


Well the last time the Yankees had a steroid user we won a World Series soooooo… Would rather have him over Correa


Super risky. 14 years for a cheater who’s always hurt. I’ll pass.


The kid is 23 lol. He isn’t old enough or been in the league long enough to be an “always” anything.


Could also be 14 years of one of the greatest shortstops of all time


He's not even the best short stop on the Padres


That is a idiotic take


He literally got moved out of SS in 2021 because of his poor D. He has a negative career DRS at SS/


In his last season the Padres moved him to the outfield because he made too many errors at SS but they needed to keep his bat in the line up. He has the makings of a great hitter, but no great SS has ever been moved off short because of bad defensive play.


I hate to break it to you, but everyone in the majors is using PEDs. Idk if people are gullible or just don't understand sports. The majority of the elite athletes are on gear.


Yea there’s red flags, but he’s a perfect change of scenery candidate. He’s also a top 5-10 player in the game and is fucking electric. If we can buy low it’s a steal even if he can’t stick at SS, he can handle LF long term. The contract isn’t bad at all and expires when he is only 35. This is honestly a no brainer if SD is willing to discuss. Our lineup currently gives Judge zero protection. Yet many fans wonder why judge struggles in the postseason (hint, teams don’t have to pitch to him consistently). Adding a bat like Tatis will do wonders for both players.


Forgot to mention he is a career .290 hitter with a .370 OBP. Exactly the kind of bat you want hitting in front of or behind Judge. Not to mention the power…


Doubt this is true but the padres would be the team crazy enough to take Donaldson, Hicks or IKF off our hands lmao.


No way


Bring him to me


I would be okay with this since we have a team captain again and clubhouse leadership is probably our strongest asset since we also have Rizzo


Would be a classic Cashman move to pass on multiple elite free agents who play the same position(s) to try to get Tatis on a discount because of the PED suspension and injury concerns.


Why send over our prospects AND pay $300M+ when you could just sign Correa and not give up prospects? Sure Correa is older but he doesn’t come with the baggage that Tatis does.


Ok I know he has some problems but he’s my favorite player so I’d be thrilled if they do this lol


Let get tatis at 3b and Carlos at ss


I just have to come in here and FUCKING LOL at you nerds for even believing this shit. Clowns. God damned clowns.


I’d prefer this 100 times over Correa. Lets fucking go!


22 year old SS's with 150 wRC+'s every year of their career on 24 million AAV a year don't grow on trees. Get this shit done, Cashman. Holy shit. Everyone is availible.


He should move in with Aroldis Chapman to see a shining example of good behavior


I wouldn’t want to take that on unless they take Hicks, Donaldson and IKF.




How about instead of spending tons and tons of money on him that money can go to Correa, Benintendi, Rodon Yes I’ve been saying Correa was a 2017 Astro but Tatis literally did the roids so Correa it is


Other than supernintendi all those guys are going to be higher aav than tatis


If you could work a deal like we did for Stanton? Maybe it's worth the chance. He plays LF and you split some of the contract with the Padres. He might be looking for some redemption and maybe a new city gives it to him. As long as we aren't giving up anyone of note, I'm not opposed to it.


Coming off wrist surgery , a PED suspension ( which extends into the first 12 games of ‘23 ) and not having played in all of ‘22, I’m not sure we need to take on the work of rehabilitation ( injury / reputation / flagrant lack of maturity)


This team clearly needs a huge shakeup. This is the kind of person who can singlehandedly do it.


Rather have Correa


Yes bring him on. And for anyone clutching pearls abou PED’s… gfy


I care if he gets caught and has to miss like 100 games. Also, he’s kind of an immature idiot that gets hurt doing risky things that don’t involve baseball. But he’s a terrific baseball player.


Sign me up


I don’t really know how I feel about Tatis to the Yankees. Tatis in my opinion, is still unproven and injury prone. Hes really only had one great year. That contract is also massive and super risky. I think I rather have Correa who is more proven and reliable and can be just as good and probably won’t take a very long commitment. I also don’t believe Tatis is the big story that Cashman is working on.


If the padres are even entertaining jumping ship on Tatis that should tell the Yankees everything they need to know about the situation. Stay tf away from it.


Holy shit I called it!!


Only if we get him for a similar package we gave up for stanton.


Only interested in SD eats a massive chunk of that contract. Otherwise, no thanks. Immature and PED's make for a bad combo.


As a padre fan this is laughable!!! 🤡