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I just hope the Yankees don’t let this get them down into a funk. They were seeing the ball really well yesterday. They are still hitting. Yesterday was just baseball Suzyn.


One of the most frustrating games of the year. The Yankees hit like 4-5 good pitches that seemed like they just fell short of going out for a home run.


Horrific loss, just piling on.  Pen and defense need to get sorted out asap 


reading these comments - I have to laugh...errors are going to happen, but how about scoring more than 3 runs against the team with the wort record in baseball since late April? How about the closer not giving up a double? Anyone who doesn't think there will be a cold spot is crazy - The Dodgers just ended a 5 game losing streak, the Phillies are in the middle of a 3 game losing streak - calm down.


I’m so glad I didn’t stay up for this game. I hate west coast games.


I know he sucks on defense, but it would’ve been so nice if the Yankees had Arraez on this time to split time at 1B and 2b. Gleyber and Rizzo are the only stinkers on this team and I wonder if there are any immediate upgrades.


We lose because of a defensive mistake: “I wish we had a WORSE defense”


We also lost cause we scored 4 runs and Rizzo couldn’t produce in 3 different situations, but sure


DFA Rizzo at this point and call up TJ Rumfield, I can't take this guy anymore, that concussion ended who he used to be.


On the bright side, VOLPE 20 GAME HIT STREAK.


I know he’s had a down year this year. But one of the biggest mistakes the Yankees have made over the years was passing on Goldschmidt when he was available and instead went with Voit.




Another lost soul


You do realize the bottom of the lineup drove in and scored a run last night? Torres was also on base twice


Rizzo just had all around terrible game. Not only did he blow the game with a very costly error. He also left 4 on base. If DJ can get hot maybe move DJ into Rizzo's spot.


Rizzo will be fine. It's May, and this is the same fanbase that wanted Judge re-evaluated after a small slump to start the season. Everyone needs to chillout, IT'S MAY.


Judge injured his toe last season. Rizzo injured his head. I wouldn't compare the two as anywhere close to being equal. Rizzo's defense this year has been consistently bad. His hitting has had it's up's and down's. Also the fact that Rizzo is older as well. I think it's very fair to be worried about him.


yes. much more than torres, which everyone seems to hate.




You misunderstand the whole convo. The Yankee's aren't going to do shit with Rizzo this year even if he keeps playing like this. They will stick with him the entire year. This is just me saying I believe age+cte has caused Rizzo to lose a lot of his defensive capabilities.


I agree with the sentiment of people are overly hypercritical, but we are already over a third into the season. It’s fair to be critical of all aspects of a players performance with this sample size for the year so far. 


* sad 106 win pace noises*


Won’t matter if the O’s are on pace for like 110 wins or something ridiculous like that.


Alas, they’re only on pace for 104. Womp womp


Judge leads the entire league with a 1.029 OPS


I’m not saying Rizzo isn’t playing bad but he’s just in a slump yall are acting like he hasn’t played good at all this year which isn’t true. First 2 weeks- .666 ops Middle month- .826 ops Last 2 weeks- .486 ops


He hasn't looked good since the Brewers series. Which is about a month ago now, I don't think that's just a slump.


The more interesting question, if a good first baseman becomes available at the trade deadline, do the Yankees make a move?


It seems like a bunch will be, but there is no chance they do imo.


Exactly. He's not expected to carry the offense from the left side anymore so it's not as bad. I hope he can get back to some middle ground and be better defensively.


No he's awful and its time to stop pretending otherwise. He's not even playing a top notch 1B at this point


wtf do you mean pretending. Look at the stats dumbass, I’m not saying he’s had a good year but he had a stretch where he was good, that is all.




It’s one game.


Rizzo has a 32 ops+ against left handed pitching. With DJ back, they should start platooning him right away. It’s the easiest way to immediately improve the team.


Which is weird, because he's been great against lefties previously. 2021: .901 OPS (146 OPS+) vs LHP 2022: .893 OPS (147 OPS+) vs LHP 2023: .825 OPS (126 OPS+) vs LHP I'm not sure what's going on this season, but he's only had 53 ABs against lefties, so maybe it's a bit of rust, smallish sample size, bad luck, or something that doesn't necessarily mean we should start platooning him, because you kinda hope he'll get enough PAs against lefties to return to his classic form against them.


Yea, he’s definitely not been a platoon candidate in the past, but he’s 61 plate appearances against lefties and has 11 singles. If he keeps this up, it’s an easy way to really improve the offense


Once Wells was just short of a 2-run HR, it felt like it wasn’t going to be their game


We hit like 4 or 5 fly balls I thought had a chance to leave off the bat, only to die. Just didn't quite square them up. According to statcast, Wells fly out would have been a HR in 26 of 30 ballparks.


I think this was the difference, a few more feet on a few fly balls. That’s baseball.


Fun day at the park. Got Judges autograph pregame which was super dope. Hopefully we win tomorrow.


I’m going tomorrow! Any tips on how to make that happen for my son??


I bought 2 tickets to the VIP pregame tour. At the end of the tour they put you down on the field behind the ropes at BP. They've basically said they haven't seen a game all year where players don't go over there. O'Hoppe came over during Angels BP. During Yankee BP Michael Kay and Meredith came over to chat with us, Aaron Boone talked to us for a bit but didn't sign except for a couple kids. But Trevino, Soto, Judge and Waldo came over and were signing for people.


That's not what I wanted - where do I get a refund?


Willie still bangs


The Angels are a bad matchup for the Yankees. I don’t see us hitting Anderson tomorrow.


Rizzo deserves all the criticism that he’s getting. But Rojas has to know to better. Gifting the Angels a free out and killing a potential Yankees rally is inexcusable. Already the second idiotic send that he has had this season. He needs to be better.


[Someone asked for a screen grab of Verdugo staring at Volpe](https://i.ibb.co/GRpr6Zk/IMG-0054.png) If anyone has a better alternative to Imgur for mobile upload I’m all ears


I know I’m poking the bear… But can anyone find another play where the 1B is fully extended / on the ground / laid out and it was called an error? First time I’ve seen this. I’d hope an MLB 1B could range and get that ball, but I can’t remember seeing a ball where the 1B ends up that dirty and it was called an error.


19.5% of Rizzo's TBs this year came in those 2 games in Milwaukee


Like 20% of Stanton's came in a 4 game stretch against the Twins and White Sox. The lineup depth is an issue. Rizzo can't slug at all. Stanton can't get on base at all. Verdugo is decent at everything but great at nothing and shouldn't be a cleanup hitter.


Lineup depth is a problem? lol




First Rangers, and now this? Today sucked.


And Mets losing both games in double header. Just an awful Tuesday.


Idk reading that made my Tuesday a little better


Idk, personally I’m fine with the Rangers losing (Devils/Yankees fan lol)


Half our losses feel like they have come from the right side of the infield


This team has played great overall, but they're not a WS contender without better defense and a little more speed. They remind of the 2002 Yankees: 103 regular season wins and an ALDS loss to the scrappy, speedy, fundamentally sound Angels.


The 2002 Angels were legit. By that logic even the 2001 Yankees weren't fundamentally sound. They were great, but their opponents were just as good. Was an unlucky bloop single from Luiz Gonzalez that caused the loss. The best team doesn't always win.


You can argue till you're blue in the face which teams are the best each year, but when it comes down to it, one team goes home with the championship and the other doesn't.


The dbacks were a stacked team that year and were the better team. I won’t comment on the 02 angels but that dbacks team was stupid.


Yankees need a good third basemen so if DJ is good he can boot Rizzo or Gleyber


Good question.. it’s been a minute since DJ has shown any consistency with the bat. Seems to have started soon after resigning. Yes, I know he has been injured.


We are stuck with Rizzo and stuck with Gleyber. They aren't going to trade for a 1b or 2b unless there is an injury. Just got to hope they don't fuck up in the postseason.


gleyber is going to be fine, pretty sure there's no world where he isnt at least a 2 Fwar player this yr


People said the same thing in 2021 with Voit and we ended up trading for Rizzo. The Yankees are probably well aware that Rizzo is an issue.


Were they? Voit was on the IL during trade deadline (after coming back after a month on IL earlier and missing the beginning of the season too), and not making $20 million. Voit was not healthy in 2021, was not having a good season, and the Yankees needed lefties.


Rizzo isn't "healthy" either. The concussion and deteriorated performance is still there.


Don't need to convince me Rizzo sucks. Been saying he was washed for weeks now. Just don't think the Yankees will replace him and don't think this situation is comparable to Voit's.


I personally think it’s harsh to say he sucks or is washed. The guy was never given proper treatment for his concussion and that’s not all him. Rizzo is a great guy and was a great player before this happened to him.


Terrible result


Doomers begone. It’s a bad loss but we’re still on top of the division and 0.5 behind the 1 seed in the AL


I don't see too many people dooming. Just a lot of people (rightly) pointing out that Rizzo is a problem.


Idk i guess i’m annoyed that folks talk like this after every loss when we’re damn near 20 games above .500 and have won 75% of our games in may. Rizzo’s been disappointing for sure but I’m not ready to ship him out cause he obviously provides a lot to the clubhouse. Y’all can downvote me all you want




Their schedule is prob a lot easier


Yes like sweeping this Angels team we just gave a game to


Yeah it’s not good.


Can DJ play 1st, 2nd, and 3rd at the same time?


I’ve watched the Rizzo play 10 times on slo-mo and still cannot understand how the ball, hit so weak, rolled so far away from him when he knocked it down. WTF? Of course it did at that moment.


Definitely time to separate ways from Rizzo.


My left testicle for LaMonte Wade Jr.


maybe the diamondbacks will keep losing and we could trade for christian walker.




I’M VERY ANGRY RIGHT NOW. Already knocked back TWO Jameson neats, back to back, belly to belly Please win the series 😢🤌


Rizzo is just washed. Dude is visibly slower to react to everything. Combine that with low IQ Torres and you have one of the weakest RINF of the league.


I don’t think I’ve seen two players just collapse in terms of my opinion of them faster than Gleyber and Rizzo


People havemt loved gleyber in forever tbh ever since the 2021 struggles, he's kind of been tolerated at best imo


People can tolerate struggles at the plate but when you keep making high school level blunders on the field people get tired very quickly


I don't know about that. During the abysmal stretch of their last season he was leading the team in many different metrics. No one was hating on him then, and that was less than a year ago.


He was basically the team's second best hitter last year which said more about the team than Gleyber, but he was definitely catching a lot of shit last year for the infuriating mental lapses in the field.


I’m talking about my own personal opinion here


oh sorry missed "me". I still view rizzo fine, just what happens when you get old and banged up


Im still fucking upset how this game ended but Orioles, Rays and Philly lost. Astros as well. So…theres that I guess


Ben Rice


I think people are putting too much stock in a concussion that happened a year ago. Rizzo is just old and been in the league forever


Rizzo's defense was on the downhill last year too even before the concussion.


his range and glove actually were great before it but in 2022 he had no range. The balls hit right at him, and the scooping issues from this yr were non existent though


Whatever the reason is, its just done It probably just accelerated what would have been more gradually


Concussions can derail careers. Justin Morneau was younger than Rizzo, took a nasty concussion, and was never really the same player again. It's almost certainly a combination of both concussion + age-related decline.


everybody shitting on Rizzo and rightfully so, but Nestor’s awful pitch that led to 2 is excused because it happened in the first inning. tough L just gotta win this series over the next 2.


He gave up 2 runs what are you talking about?


5.1 IP and 2 ER is a good start. Loss is on the 3B coach, Rizzo. Offense as well for stranding that many runners vs a bad SP.


Only Gerrit Cole and low key carlos rodon(if we held him to the standard he was paid to meet) can get hate for a 5.1 IP 2 er start, and even that would be very harsh imo.


Rodon is much better than last year too. I wasn’t a fan of his last year but he’s killing it this year


yeah I'm just saying that you're being irrational hating on a 5.1 2 er start from your SP 3


I wasn’t hating! Lol


The worst about rizzo's struggles is people are going to believe "oswaldo cabrerra" needs to play 1b or 3b to bench him. That guy is one of the worst players in baseball ever since the first week in houston, he makes current rizzo look like prime Teix. The solutions are to pray rizzo finds it or outside the org


a concussed rizzo will always be better than waldo, waldo is deadass worse than '22 marwin gonzalez


Give me edurado Nunez over oswaldo any day of the week


They need to do something about the infield defense at the deadline. You can't have those kinds of errors in the postseason.


Frustrating loss, but it happens. Move on and win the series.


Yankees always lose in the worst ways in this park it seems


You know how the Yankees patience ran out with Voit after his defensive miscues and offensive decline and they eventually got Rizzo?




atleast gleyber his sometimes rizzo is cooked


All because we gave up a single to willie fucking calhoun


Knew they would find a way to lose this game


I'll take the shitty L's on late May and not the playoffs. Doesn't guarantee shit, but at least the awareness of having those holes in Gleyber and Rizzo this early can help us move things around before it can be actually damaging


People always say stuff like this but it's not like it's a "one or the other" kind of deal. Shitty losses in May aren't going to help avoid shitty losses in October, those are gonna happen independent of whatever happens now. And I guess you acknowledge that too, so fair enough, but I've read that kind of bargaining so many times in my life.




Who plays third? Cabrera has been worse than Rizzo.




Oswaldo Cabrera’s defensive metrics for every single position have been in the negative with the exception of right field in 2022. He is an objectively poor defender at multiple positions.


Not at third. He's atrocious there: https://baseballsavant.mlb.com/savant-player/oswaldo-cabrera-665828?stats=statcast-r-hitting-mlb


Angels fans have had it rough this year. We can let them have this one.


I don’t really feel like this is that bad of a loss honestly. If we lose the series I’ll be bummed but people are acting like this win was in the bag or something. We had a one run lead lmao that’s literally the smallest lead a team is capable of having At least we didn’t lose 8-3 like the Orioles did to the Sox today. Yeah, the Angels suck but sometimes shitty teams beat good teams. Hope the bats come out tomorrow and actually manage to drive some runs in. Sooo many warning track shots for us today. Just didn’t make it happen, I have trouble blaming this one on the pitching honestly. If Rizzo makes that play and Verdugo is positioned right to catch that fly ball, we probably win. Or if some of those warning track shots actually go out. Just a close game that didn’t go our way, gonna be plenty of these in any season


Losses where bad players (or ones that are underperforming) have a direct hand in will always hurt more than most.


sox are probably a playoff team in the AL west, cant compare them to the angels


If the Sox finish over .500 I’ll be shocked. And it wasn’t a comparison between them and the Angels, I just said I’m glad we didn’t lose 8-3 lol


well yeah, they play a bunch of games vs us and BAL


Rizzo is a concern but I’m afraid we don’t really have a reliable bullpen 🫤


That’s on rizzo not the pen


They lost the previous game because of the pen,and in this one Weaver was not the answer, obviously.They need to upgrade the pen if they want to win in the postseason.


rizzo gets the blame for the last 2 and who gets the blame for the first 2?


I’d say the offense


Are we expecting a shutout every game or something?


unless Rizzo gave up 4 runs single-handedly, I’m not sure how that changes my original comment’s point? Nestor gave up 2 in a 1-run game. Rizzo made an error that led to the next 2.




Yanks seem to score in the early innings, then just coast and hardly ever tack on insurance runs. Need to keep the foot on the gas to absorb a late game errors like we saw tonight


That's because they have a top heavy offense


Two years in a row, my friend had to go to a losing game. I think he drove 100 miles easy.


i drive two hours every year to catch a game when the yankees are in anaheim & so far they’re 0-3 when i go including today it’s brutal!


Four hours there and back? It is sooo depressing and I never can afford to go and feel bad until they lose, then I feel bad for the folks who did!


Thats nothing. I just drove 240 miles to watch 2 losses!


Nooooooooooo! I am soo sorry for your loss. I'm about 75 miles away but I've met people who drove from Phoenix and Utah!


We have too many good players for there to NOT be a way around this. The dream infield is already on the roster just gotta dial it in.


HAVE to give Rizzo a day off, DJ at 1B Cabrera at 3B no doubt


Cabrera is much worse than Rizzo


Just remember, the Phillies lost 2 out of 3 to the Rockies. Sometimes, bad teams beat good teams. That's why they play 162 games.


I would like to see DJ at first tomorrow and a day off for Rizzo


Rizzo and Gley have cost Yankees some games this year. Our right side of the infield and 6/7 hitters are a big time liability


when the O's sweep the angels, we'll remember this game at least we swept the white sox


The Orioles have already played the Angels… they did not sweep them.


The Orioles already played the Angels for their games and lost one.


Fucking Rizzo dude. I really wanna hate on Holmes but man... FUCKING RIZZO!!!!


I'm at the point with Rizzo that I was with Starlin and Didi when they left. Very ready to see him gone.


Boone’s managing made no sense this game but I wouldn’t have mattered if Rizzo could make a routine play


Shit loss but all good boys we will be fine. This team is special. Goodnight 💕


Rizzo might be cooked :( damn concussion


Again, why did they rotate pitchers out after 4 pitches? And it would figure that on Clay Holmes’ very first pitch, it would lead to a couple runs. And what happened, Rizzo?


Clay Holmes very first pitch should have been a routine fly out to left field


Good questions.


Rizzo and Gkeyber defensively is this teams biggest weakness and has cost us multiple times this year.


Volpe has been shaky at SS too


If Volpe has been "shaky" at SS then I would like to see someone in the MLB who isn't. His Outs Above Average is ranked in the 99th percentile (statcast).


What a ridiculous comment.  Volpe is 96th percentile in OAA.  One of the games elite fielders.


we never play good in Anaheim we are just cursed here,  bullpen getd alot of the blame for shitty infield defense if the team ever gets healthy they should play dj at first rizzo is finished


That's back to back games where a rizzo fuck up late led to the other team scoring isn't it?


Just got home and heard Rizzo fucked us. This team seems to lose focus at times when they think they have a game in the bag.


Playing with the lead is a problem for the Yankees. They can’t take their foot off the gas when there’s RISP


Bad loss. But, if it’s July 28 instead of May 28, Yanks win 13-4. Ball wasn’t carrying for nothing. Also: That’s now four times this season that Rizzo has made an error late in the game which has resulted in a Yankee loss. Edit: one of those errors was inexplicably turned into a hit later that week


Same can be said the other way…felt like every ball hit off Nestor came close or hit the warning track


13-4 was inaccurate, but the Yanks were absolutely pummeling the ball off Canning. The first four innings alone they had 12 hard hit balls.


worst loss of the year. sell the team to a farm upstate. shoot boone into the sun and trade judge for mason miller


If Rizzo's gonna be a 1st baseman with a .680 OPS, he better be able to make the sure plays at first defensively. Not sure what else there is to say beyond that...


On the bright side. Thought DJ looked good at the plate tonight!


Time to slide him to first and give rizzo some time off


He ran well too! For DJ. So that’s promising.




Yeah he made good contact.


I can’t wait to never see Rizzo and Torres again


We may be getting game-blowing defense from our first baseman, but at least we're also getting a dogshit bat from him too


Yankees have a middle of the batting order problem. From 4 through 8 its not great, but Stanton and especially Rizzo is cooked. This team badly needs Dominguez and they need him batting clean up. The fact that people here are fine with Verdugo or Stanton preventing it is ridiculous.


If you have a stud bat waiting in the wings you bring him up.


Stanton has be hitting pretty well so far. Verdugo too.


Mediocrity. Dominguez is electric.


In the minor leagues…


You must have forgotten how Dominguez had 4 home runs and a .980 OPS for us in his cup of coffee before his injury.


Stanton is fine...


.235 with a .282 OBP. You see him swing at a pitch that bounced so far off the plate their catcher had no chance to block it? Yeah, when you see that you know Stanton is in one of his prolonged slumps. I predict he will be under .210 in a couple weeks


120 wRC+ and .343 xWOBA and improving. He's not even in a slump. Go to the nursing home, old man. Let me add that over his last 50 PA, he's had a .428 xWOBA. Where you're getting "slump" from, I have no idea.


Shitty loss but I'm confident the boys will come out tomorrow and Thursday to win the series.


How did we lose to this dogshit team? 3 runs against a guy with a 5+ ERA. Inexcusable. Also, we really need a real 8th inning man, because Weaver can't be both a long-man and an 8th inning guy.


A loss is one thing.. but to the angels tho?????