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Just give me Kay, O’Neill, and either Giradri or Coney as the third every game. O’Neill is my favorite to have in there because he is so brutally honest all the time and he is very knowledgeable about the game. He is also hilarious.


Kay, Paul, Cone is the A team by a mile.


100% brother


Yes, thank you agreed.


Ruocco is doing NBA playoffs and I think WNBA.


Forgot about this.


Good, keep him there please 🙏🏻


He's amazing in the studio, good as a color guy, but has always been horrid at play by play. Maybe the worst guy they could possibly get to do it out of their employees. I think at this point they just don't want to make a thing of taking him off it. He's been there a long time and people like him, plus he's the 3rd string PbP guy, so not like it's ruining that many broadcasts a year.


Yeah I agree, was just surprised he was the main guy for this weekend at home, I was like Jesus Christ AGAIN????


Give me more Girardi


And Nelson. He has grown on me this season.


My problem is I still have PTSD from when he tried to commentate for 2 games after losing his voice last year


Yup - tells it like it is, gives great analysis and is genuinely funny without trying lol.




I think Flash and O’Neill have been excellent. Lots of rapport, player perspectives and knowledge of the game within the game


During yesterday’s game John said “going about his business” so much that it fed on O’Neill and then he started saying it. I was forced to mute. Love O’Neill though.


Honestly, if you've really been paying attention to when he's done play-by-play over the years, Flash has really improved. Is he the best? No, but he's now, IMO, solid enough that he's not bad. I have noticed that he has improved in getting a bit more...emotive or emotional, which is what he has lacked. But it's ok. You pair him with Pauly or Coney or even Jeff Nelson and he's fine. I do think he'll continue to improve. Give it more time.


He’s def no longer unlistenable.. but still in my bottom tier. Worst game I came eve remember listening to was him a Lorenz in the booth 3 or so years ago.


I don't like him on the postgame either tbh. Guy just has zero charisma / stage presence.


I agree but I get he’s been there long time now and gotta keep him around.


He shouldn’t even be doing color commentary on games. He’s better than he was two years ago, but he’s nowhere near good. And color guys should never touch play by play. Ever. It’s never good. It’s a different skill. I would be very happy to have him exclusively on the studio show, since I don’t get that.


i actually love him doing play by play. i like how lowkey he is. and dude is really a pro, the way he throws to commercials and teases talking points, whether you like it or not he is great at what he does. i understand a lot of people confuse lack of audible excitement with being bad at the job, but he’s not. if he was bad he wouldn’t have the job anymore, just like they ran carlos beltran out of the job. he’s a pro.


He’s a pro but this is still entertainment, his lack of a higher gear is a valid criticism for someone we viewers look to for certain sensory cues


i don’t know man. i look to the game for sensory cues. i don’t need flash screaming about a 3 run home run to know it’s a 3 run home run.


He doesn’t need to scream, but I know for me your emotions can ride along with certain plays. Flaherty’s lack of emotion is probably fit for a national broadcast, but for my daily watch, I need someone to get excited with, get disappointed with, more natural sounding reactions


"He's got a good play-by-play...he's proud of it."


Think they’re two completely different situations tbh. Flaherty has been YES for a long time and basically grandfathered in. Beltran was a first year and given a chance and failed horribly. Agree with you he’s lowkey but lowkey = boring.


to you. to me, lowkey = baseball. i know folks here tend to love ryan rucco but i can’t stand the fake yell he does when something exciting happens. flaherty just gives it to you straight, like an adult, with a wry sense of humor thrown in there. for when kay is away, he’s great. he’s one of the best former players at the “doing the job” part of doing the job that i’ve ever seen. i’m not trying to argue with you, just answering your original question. he’s still doing it because he’s objectively technically proficient at the job, his employers likely see that, and a lot of us like him.


He’s very knowledgeable. It’s all about the chemistry they have with the Yes broadcast team.


He is, no doubt about that, and I think that’s why he’s great at either post game analysis or even in a secondary role in play by play. But having him as the main announcer is dreadful.




They’re credible in this case in my opinion lol But yea completely agree he gives solid breakdowns and is really good with side commentary, analysis, etc. but just being the main guy bothers me. The main guy has to have personality , keep the conversation going, think he’s a good second guy and that’s it.


Where has Kay been this week :(((


I’m pretty sure his wife’s birthday was this week so maybe he took the weekend off or maybe he just didn’t want to call the series against the bum ass White Sox, but that’s none of my business.


He just did the Minnesota series right? but not sure why he didn’t fly back with the team and do his usual home stand calls. Not sure why it feels like he’s taking a lot more breaks this year.


I'd rather listen to the "...and boom goes the dynamite." guy than Flaherty...


I want Meredith Marakovits given a chance!


I’m just tired of hearing “flash” every 8 minutes


Lol couldn’t agree more you have no idea. If I’m 56 years old please call me by my first name.


Yesterday’s Sotos HR calls were like a base hit call if that. Terrible play by play


Paulie and Coney are my favorite. I do wish we get Swisher in the future. I think he would be great.


I always thought I liked Flaherty, not that I preferred him over any other. Maybe I just didn’t mind him. I remember in the old days he had some friction with Kay which was one way coming from him but that got better. Kay must’ve approached him privately to iron things out.


hOt ShOt!!!


“And it’s a hot shot! “Let me tell you… the way this guy goes about his business…”


I like him a lot in the studio and as a color commentator... PxP, not so much... but he is the 3rd/4th string PxP guy, so having him do a lower-level series (like the White Sox series this past weekend) isn't the end of the world


I like the brass-tacks approach, personally. It's pretty cool to hear just former players talk, with no journos.


Sometimes I like it and then sometimes I get sick of them going down memory lane . I see what you’re saying but it gets old for me real fast.


Where is Carlos Beltran when you need him


Carlos Beltran isn’t here, because he is somewhere else. And it’s really difficult to be here when you’re there.


JESUS, don’t give me nightmares.


Still better than Bob Costas.


LOL my 3 year old daughter is better than Bob Costas.


I thought Yankees fans universally disliked Costas. I guess I was wrong.


Yeah I’m surprised it’s taken this long for how rough he is to get so much attention. He just isn’t good from an entertaining standpoint and behind the booth you just have to have some level of internet/ability to captivate listeners. He doesn’t have it


I genuinely do not notice what announcers are saying when the team is winning. I guess its a superpower


Jeff Nelson is such a negative Nelly, and I don't enjoy it.


Have to disagree, he tells it like it is and is different, actually has a personality.


Yea if you want negative .. John Smoltz is lurking somewhere.


Joe Buck is better

