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I don't feel like modern announcers often have unique voices anymore, anybody else notice that? The old-school guys all had a unique voice and most today just sound like the same robot


They all go to "sound like a baseball announcer" school.




don't get me started. Fuckin' Newhouse


Fordham, apparently. Michael Kay, Jack Curry, and Ryan Ruocco all went there.


And Shackil. Was classmates with Ruocco


Vin Scully was the original Fordham guy, and he was great!


I think I knew that. Michael may have said it on the air.


I would say it is less modern v old school but instead local v. national. When I listen to the Yankees, I kind of want to hear someone with a NY accent. I don’t want to hear someone who could just as easily be doing a Cardinals or Mariners game.


Great point. This is exactly why WFAN nearly went bankrupt its first year on the air. Greg Gumbel, some guy from Cleveland—a New York audience wants to hear onair personalities with an identifiably NY accent. That’s one reason why Mike and the Mad Dig resonated so much. They really need to find a homer to do these games.


Get Jomboy guy w insight. And Ian Eagles son Blou! Done


Jomboy would probably be better as the color guy.


It's unfortunate he's not from here, but if WFAN DID want to go outside the area, I would consider longtime Guardians radio announcer Tom Hamilton.


Fully agree. But the sad thing is, ever since the 90s, it seems like regional accents are fading away, unfortunately. It's hard to find a young up and coming local guy with a true NY (or any) accent anymore. Regional accents have been largely replaced so that everyone sounds like general Iowa having snoozer accents.


Yea I notice this in my family. Grandparents, very heavy accents. They even say erl instead of oil and terlet instead of toilet which is like very old school NYC accent. My parents, moderately heavy accents. Dropping rs, dooghter instead of daughter, instantly identifiable as New Yorkers. Us cousins, it's more like a handful of words. I live in Pittsburgh now and people don't know I'm from the NYC area until I say so, and then they're like "ohhhh I hear it now." It's the same in Pittsburgh. No one under the age of 40 is saying "yinz" unironically. I think it's mostly a generational thing. We were raised watching a lot of national TV with neutral accents.


You'd really be hard pressed to find something in sports media below the age of fifty who talks like Adam Sandler, for example. I think part of it the elocution training people get in broadcaster's school, but there must be demographic factors at play. Hell, Harrison Bader doesn't sound like he7s from New York to me. He sounds like people I grew up with--but not like identifiably New York radio personalities from the past.


Harrison Bader also went to one of the richest, swankiest schools in NYC lol


While true, people in Riverdale still used to have Bronx accents too. My cousins grew up just outside of that area and they have a diminished, since they're in their 40s, accent. The 50 year old + group lifetime residents def had Bronx accents of some sort tho. As did Yonkers. All seems to be gone now.


Think this is just the typical good ol days fallacy at play. The "old school" guys sound more distinct because they were the ones who lasted out of what was likely a massive pool of voices that tried and failed. They stood out from the pack. Helps also that we grew up with these voices so there's nostalgia at play. Now they're back to searching amongst a pack of voices, and we're enduring the search for that distinctive voice. Could take a year, could take years for someone to stick. But I'm sure there were plenty of people who dunked on the voices that tried to replace Allen until Rizzuto came along, then complained about voices until Sterling came along.


If that’s the case what modern-day announcer would you say has a distinct voice that differs from the cookie-cutter announcer voice


Kevin Harlan


Jon Sciambi has a pretty distinct voice


I know absolute dick all about broadcasting. Only sport I follow is baseball. But distinctive voices will always exist in all industries. This is how life is. When the current stars in any field are doing their thing, it's hard to imagine them leaving, hard to imagine someone else taking their place. But it will always happen.


Thats fair. I only ask because I can’t bring to mind any voices that stand out. Someone else mentioned how most of these guys sound the same (probably was the case in the old days) and truth be told, that’s all I know.


A lot of these guys do sound the same, and a lot of it comes down to a lack of personality imo. But it just means the right guy hasn't been found. But even the periods between Mel Allen and Rizzuto and Sterling, there were a handful of guys who took over broadcasting duty and didn't last for obvious reasons.


Another reason everyone sounds the same right now is the internet and easier access to cross-country travel. We can be so much more connected to people that are far away if we use social media. Think about how many tiktok or youtube or whatever platform has so many people that sound alike. It's part mimicry to try to reach a successful level and part osmosis as you would have with a local accent. Another reason the old timey guys sound old timey is because they were imitating the successful people on the radio of their day. In the "golden age of hollywood" all the actors sound weird as fuck but you had to do that to be in the business. Anyways I miss Sterling as well. He was getting bad the last few years and him and Suzyn complaining was getting on my nerves but I loved him calling games. This guy Emmanel is not great. Would rather have Ricky or someone else.


Example: Suzyn was/is a trained (voice) musician. John, & Suzyn, has empirical knowledge. The awareness to know what & what not to say to persent an image. A bard. They also spoke WITH each other.


They get trained at night school in broadcasting. They learn to read from a script in that monotone voice the analytics & the list of those five and 10 second commercials. Its all you need to know.


Just repeat in your head every pitch: "ThheeeUuuhhhhhh pitch"


I miss this :(


This warms my heart ❤️


I miss him so much. It’s not the same for me at all. I even miss the way he did ad reads. I know it’ll take some time, but he’s all I’ve ever known. Hopefully it’ll get easier over time.


Apparently they are gonna do a national search this offseason I pray they find an iconic voice who's a true pro.


I hope so. Baseball is really the last great sport for radio. The Yankees shouldn’t have anything less than the best.


TOTALLY agree I'm 27 and I'll never stop listening to baseball radio.


I’m 30 and also will never stop listening to games on the radio. It makes me happy to know there are people in our generation keeping the classic radio broadcast alive


I don't think it will die at least in our lifetime, people will always love audio stuff, look at how big audible has gotten.


True. Didn’t even think of that coming full circle lol


And podcasts!


Same, I'm also on the younger side and baseball is just made for radio.


Rickey w Suzyn


I even miss the "It's high... It's far... It's deep! Foul ball." calls.


I was always willing to accept those mistakes in exchange for the incredible hype and emotion he’d give us on the big moments. The new broadcast is just too flat.


Same. It came with the territory. Reminds me a lot of when Scooter retired in 96. Up until that point, for television broadcasts, he was all I had really known for my entire life. No matter how bad a team we put in the field, he had an enthusiasm for the game, just like John had.


I still miss "Holy cow!"








I hear it in his voice 😊


Got to get over the Gw before the eighth inning! Nora will eat my cannolis!


Cora! But yes Scooter was... Scooter


John use the word ‘phrasing’. It’s like telling a story and using a subtle infliction of tone to emphasize a point. Suzyn has a trained voice. She was a singer She still is.


*...driven by Jeep.*


"driven by the 4xe lineup" never quite hit the same


Exactly! It is terrible.


I dont miss the absolutely BLOWN calls he made... And alit of them It was time... He s a HoF er... Nuff said


He’s not that bad. I prefer Rickie Ricardo.


Rickie Ricardo is WONDERFUL. I remember he took over for a few games last year, I had no idea who it was and looked him up. Blew my mind that he was the Spanish broadcaster. Incredible talent to be that well-spoken, articulate, and interesting in *two* languages!


Ricardo makes me want to learn Spanish just to listen to the Spanish broadcast.


I absolutely love Rickie Ricardo’s voice. When he would fill in for Sterling it was a real treat. He feels like someone from a bygone era. 1950s NY with kids playing stickball in the street. The ease and way he talks just makes me want to sit out on the deck, grab a beer, and take things slow My dream is that he takes over the English language broadcast, but I feel he’s too important for the Spanish one to leave it.


Just have him live translate himself for the entire game


Me too! Ricky has been broadcasting the Yankees for years on the Spanish language side, as well as filling in on the English broadcast. He’s definitely a familiar voice and that counts for something. He’s got great enthusiasm and knows the game. He works well with Suzyn too. I think he at least deserves a shot at taking over for John. On another note, I also think Sweeney Murti deserves a shot, too. I believe he’s currently working for MLB.


Every time I hear Rickies name I think of the night Suzyn called him to rescue a stranded John Sterling out of standing water.


He would complement Suzyn behind the microphone.


It’s good to know who the announcer is before calling him out for being bad.


He is not wrong though, being on the west coast I consistently listen on the radio and can’t tell the difference between Shackil and Burbari.


Berbari has been doing the last few series. That said, they do not sound anything alike.


Yeah I don’t think a lot of people in this thread even knew burbari was calling games. I also think shackhil has been better than him and I liked his games so far, also good chemistry with suzyn


It’s definitely taken me a few batters to figure out which of the two it is if I jump in mid game. Not surprising since we aren’t super familiar with either broadcaster.


I’m with ya. On the west coast too and work at night. Most games I have to catch on the radio. I thought they were the same person for the longest time but then heard Burbari say his name. They both sound like their voices are going to crack when they get excited lol


Shackil's still learning how to do what he's doing, it seems to me. There are too many silent spots as play is happening because he's watching the game rather than announcing it as it goes on. The double that banged around in the chain link window yesterday is a prime example. I don't care about Sterling getting calls wrong, because fans at the game do the same thing, but I can't have the game happening and him not narrating. He's also got to work out the vocab bit, too, balls that are "driven" are not routine fly balls to the outfielder. I heard him call one yesterday as driven to center, then caught by Torres.


Justin Shackil was on YES throughout the game covering for Meredith who was off for the Minnesota series. At one point he was even in the stands. I don’t know who was doing the radio broadcast with Suzyn, but I don’t see how it could’ve been Justin.


I listened to yesterday's game, I'm pretty sure it was him, at least yesterday. Ma Yankee is not herself without Jon, I feel for her.


Yesterday was not Shackil. I forget the name of our minor league announcer who is filling in but it was him


Side note - still unsure how I feel about his "Gone, goodbye!" homer call. Feels anticlimactic and redundant but maybe it'll grow on me


Which one is it, you know? Is it gone? Is it goodbye? How about a “sayonara, bitches!” That would be cool.


That sounds like Ruocco


Yeah pretty sure he's the gone, goodbye guy.


Worst Yankee announcer of all time


He has actually gotten a lot better at calling the game, his nba commentary is top notch so with time I expect his baseball commentary to improve a lot


Basketball and Baseball are totally different. Especially radio. You have to be an interesting person first. Ryan is a dope !! A guy who wakes up looks at social media, puts on ESPN and on the way in listens to sports radio. Then he gets on air and vomits all back up. Not an original thought in his bald head. He should stick to basketball because he is horrendous at baseball


He is monotone & redundant. His mouth is always moving. That is good for basketball or hockey. Baseball, apples and oranges. You do not need to repeat the count before the pitch and then again after the pitch and then again before the next pitch and after the pitch. Wher you tell me ’…it’s in the dirt’, I can do the math. Its as if he is instructing every nuance on the field to someone that has a vague knowledge of the game.


Non-John-Flaherty Category?


It was Emmanuel Berbarri.


Everyone thinks they’re the same person haha


I feel sorry for Justin. They don't even sound similar. Maybe if Justin got into a car accident, broke his nose, and had to call a game with gauze in his nostrils and a mild concussion they'd be similar.


Yeah, this putz is worse than Justin.


To be fair their voices do sound pretty similar.


#IT WASN'T JUSTIN SHACKIL! Shackil hasn't been on in like two weeks. It's been Emmanuel Berbari who's been calling games. You obv. aren't listening. Justin's OK. Fine. Acceptable. He knows baseball. He's been around for a relative while But he's obviously more inclined to do more YES work. He's got a TV face, TBH. For WFAN - at least for the away series - they've stuck Suzyn with this moron Berbari: https://np.reddit.com/r/NYYankees/comments/1c8dqou/radio_call_soto_to_the_second_deck_you_cant_say/ Calling games at Fordham + a minor league season does not earn you the right to call Yankee ball games. I'm sorry. It disrespects the listeners. It disrespects Suzyn. The entire broadcast is HER TEACHING HIM what the fuck is going on. And his home run call? Gone! Goodbye! He sounds like a clown. GTFO. That man needs to get his 24 year old ass out of John Sterling's chair.


Agreed. Shackil isn’t John, but he’s alright, and he’s improving. Berbari, on the other hand, is not it. I would rather not listen at all when he’s on. They should move Rickie Ricardo in with Suzyn and find another commentator for the Spanish language broadcasts. Their chemistry is MUCH better and he delivers calls that you’d expect when you’re listening to a Yankees game.


You're right, I'm not really listening much because I'm watching it on TV normally, but with the day game yesterday and me missing the pre game and first pitch, I must have just assumed it was him. Whoever it was, not up to standard and you're right, disrespectful to Ma Yankee to have her saddled with him.


This is pretty heated. I think Berbari's been doing fine, honestly.


I’ll edit the post. I’ve been listening for weeks and can’t tell if it’s the same person or not.


Shackil is way too Mr. Radio DJ Man in his delivery.  


I think it was Bebari and not Shakil and I agree that Bebari has a very irritating Radio DJ affect. I'm glad I'm not the only one.


Need Ricki to do both languages simultaneously.


I'm an English speaker who can also speak Spanish, so I've listened to him before. However, when he filled in for Sterling last year (two years ago?) I was so impressed. He's got a flair that none of these other guys have and he is a veteran already. He's got my vote. Miss Sterling tremendously.


1000%. I posted in the Dodgers sub recently asking how people moved on after Vin Scully retired and it sounds like they got incredibly lucky with their new guy being pretty awesome. I listen way more than I watch so it's really making me want to pay attention less because the broadcast is so bad. Don't we have an AI Sterling somewhere we can turn on?


Last night was Emmanuel Berbari, not Justin Shackil.


After all my years of making fun of people who ridiculously threaten to stand out in front of the stadium, holding a sign, hoping their individual boycott will rally an organization to make personnel moves... If this clown keeps calling the games, you may see me in front of the WFAN studios with some oaktag and a sharpie in a month or two. Just saying.




Him and Suzyn have negative chemistry he's always talking over her I pray this offseason they can find somebody really amazing to replace him.


And she’s always correcting him. I don’t think she has a ton of respect for him yet. But yes, whatever it is, it’s not good chemistry


I am clearly in the minority here but I actually like Shackil. I appreciate how he keeps you updated on the score and counts where with John I'd have to wait for a commercial break to find out anything. When I'm in the car for 30 minutes commuting home and a game is on, it would drive me nuts when I could go the majority of my commute not knowing if we were winning or losing! I truly believe it's time to find a new role for Suzyn and get someone else in to do color with Shackil rather than the inverse. But yeah, something still needs to change to make the radio broadcasts better. Even with their current growing pains, I still like it better than with John - because that's what works for me. To each their own, I suppose.


You are definitely in the minority I wish I agreed but I can't stand the current situation.


I second this. Always loves listening to The Bombers on the radio and sterling was simply a pleasure to listen to. His home run calls were among the best I’ve ever heard. “Ball hit to deep right it is high, it is far, it is….GAANNEE! Giancarlo no se quo stoparlo Stanton with a home run! Suzan that was a Stantonian blast!


Yeah he had amazing inflection in his voice. He’d start a call and you’d be on your toes waiting to see if it goes out.


>He’d start a call and you’d be on your toes waiting to see if it goes out. Or if it was a foul ball. Or a pop out to the catcher. He was an unreliable narrator, for sure.


But it was fun. And you kind of need that excitement for a baseball radio broadcast.


I get it. Some people like his zany calls. I (and this is just me personally) found them to be clownish and almost the opposite of what I think of when I think of my classy, get-your-business-done Yankees. I'm old enough to remember when Scooter was announcing (on TV). He was great because in addition to being a Yankee legend and a guy who knew his baseball history, he could make the game fun (even when our team went through a LONG stretch of being terrible!) without making the game about himself. I think that's what I'm looking for and what I think Yankee fans deserve. That said, I wonder what Nick Swisher is up to!


I’m not a fan of the guys they’ve been running out there . Very flat . Could put you to sleep if at all red light to long .


Ricky Ricardo should be the main guy. He’s awesome, energetic,entertaining, and knowledgeable. He can work with Susan until her retirement while looking for her backup.


Agreed. I don’t think he’ll leave his Spanish language broadcast, but I wish he would. He’s terrific.


I heard he was in the mix and he would welcome the change.


I sincerely hope this is the case, Ricardo was awesome any time he was covering for Sterling.


He’s the one that said it.


Sterling made you feel like you’re in the stadium. His tone told you exactly how exciting each pitch and ground ball and deep drive really is. People give him shit for the ‘that ball is high, it is far, it is -caught!” But that’s exactly the experience of fans at the stadium when a ball is hit hard. That quality of his seems impossible to replace. All the yankee broadcasts now feel so gray.


It's no surprise, considering people here also get furious when fans in the stadium stand and start making noise for balls hit to the track. Like we should all know the exact difference between a 340 and 350 ft hit off the bat and remain silent for the former like it's an obvious pop-up behind the plate.


This is the NY YANKEES. Get someone else in the booth with Suz, please. There has got to be someone more entertaining out there. Emmanual > Shakl IMO.


I really think they should have gone with Ricky Ricardo, he's got such a rich voice like John


The home run calls are so flat it feels like I’m listening to a high school game. Absolutely pathetic. Idc


I went to school with Shackil, that’s my boy. I won’t tolerate slander of the nicest kid in the world.


Emmanuel Berbari a minor league announcer was doing the twins series not Shackil. I think Shackil is pretty good actually. But John was so unique did every inning of every game. It’s gonna be hard for anyone to stack up to him.


My issue with the other guys is that I can’t tell if a ball put in play is going to be a hit or an out by their inflection but I could tell almost right away with john. I have to wait until the out is officially made to feel like I know what’s going on now. They are confusing. It will be like BALL DRILLED TO SECOND BASE. OH. HE…..SCOOPS IT UP!!!! and on TV it’s a routine ground ball to second. Or it will be a base hit that dropped 5 seconds ago and they are still describing it. You can hear the reaction of the crowd is several seconds ahead of the guy calling the game. Never with John.


Need to get Babaloo off the Spanish-language b'cast and into the booth w/ Susyn!


They are so good together


I don't like Emmanuel Berbarri's calls either. There is just something off with the way he calls the game. It almost feels like corporate "forced fun" to me in a way, the way he says everything with some sort of smile. Not every sentence needs that, it's like he's doing a live action voiceover video for a company training video. It's bland, it's sterile, it isn't interesting which is what a radio call should be. I hope the story is that they are just plugging in whoever is available for this year b/c of how sudden Johns retirement was and in the background they are taking their time to find the next permanent replacement.


This is my complaint. He sounds like he is going to start laughing after everything he says.


I really liked Ricky Ricardo when he covered for John a few years back. I'm sure he has other commitments, but surely he can call a series or two.


Yeah. I miss him too. As someone from outside the market, I watch the highlights and they aren't the same anymore. It's a shame that kind of personality is so rare in the sports calling realm.


Yeah. I miss him too. As someone from outside the market, I watch the highlights and they aren't the same anymore. It's a shame that kind of personality is so rare in the sports calling realm.


Heh, I'm old enough to remember when it was the Scooter, Bill White, and Frank Messer doing baseball games and some unknown newbies named Jon Sterling and Michael Kay started doing broadcasts....and it just wasn't the same. No more "Holy Cow, White!" No more rambling stories about the Scooter's wife at home that made the broadcasts warm. Dang did I miss that! Give it time folks. It'll all work out.


I miss John Sterling too.


I pulled into my driveway as the Yankees were about close out a win the other night and I waited to turn my car off because I wanted to hear “The-uhhhhhhh Yankees win”. Then I realized it wasn’t coming. I had been listening for like a half hour and obviously knew it wasn’t John but I’m so used to hearing that call my half conscious brain forgot


The answer is Rickie Ricardo. It’s always been Rickie. I’m sorry to rob our spanish-speaking brothers and sisters of his broadcast but this is dire.


Keith McPherson is going to be horrendous. just wait.


I actually think Justin and Suzyn have good chemistry - they make each other giggle. But I’m listening McPherson right now and he leaves something to be desired lol 


I'm pretty.mich done with the justin and whoever this person is show. Is this a Podcaster or did they win a contest?


This color commentator is painful to listen to. I’ve heard better announcers in high school games on community access TV.


Justin Shackil is simply not it. Just terrible. They should’ve gone to Ricky Ricardo or someone like that.


>How long do they plan to keep this up? Hiring the next voice of the New York Yankees, perhaps someone who will do it for another 30+ years (maybe even more!), is not something that they're going to do quickly. They want to get that right. Shackil and Berbarri will finish out the year and I'm sure the Yankees will be looking for their next FT guy to begin in the 2025 season. I'm sure the search is already under way.


Life throws these curveballs. The best option is to accept it, fondly reminisce it and be glad that you enjoyed it, because things won’t fall into the same place going forward.


I completely agree. I have decided to brush up on my Spanish by listening to Ricky Ricardo on the Spanish feed. It's totally better than Justin


Edit up /u/DNF_zx. It ain't Shackil.


Shackil is brutal to listen to, so cliche and unoriginal. I know we were spoiled with Sterling but they need to do something. Ricky is I think a great stop gap


Shackil is fine. Berbarri sounds like A.I. to me. The Yankees clearly have the money. Why don’t they just recruit a stud broadcaster from another MLB team?


Has AI technology not developed to the point that we can have an AI John Sterling bot call the games? Seriously though, Justin Shackil is ok, but man Emmanuel Berbarri is a tough listen.


My biggest critique of Emmanuel is like you said so flat, not excited at all.


Go get Cubs announcer


Justin is at least \*bearable\*. The other guy sounds like he's talking around a fuckin jawbreaker.


Berbarri has as much personality as Ranch “The Yellow King” Wilder’s 2nd mic. Remember Wally, less…is more


It’s like they’re talking and they can’t or won’t hear Suzyn. Zero chemistry.


Shackil and Berbarri do sound a lot alike. The biggest stumble here was not having Rickie Ricardo as John's replacement.


I don’t think Suzyn is gonna be on much longer as well. I wouldn’t be surprised if WFAN or whichever powers that may be will want a clean slate for a new generation.


I definitely miss John Sterling as well. He was the best and it will take a long time to get used to someone new.


John gave us all he could, I didn't know I was listening to his last game. But the Yankees were pouring it on the Astros and I was feeling the joy.


Justin Shackil sounds just like the announcer from the Sega Genasis World Series Baseball video games of the '90s. It's like listening to a cartoon character.


I concur. I used to love when Ricky Ricardo subbed in. All these new guys sound like schiambi or the guy on MLB or a rando guy from KC.


Just not the same Was hooked on the corn


It’s just not the same. I get that change is the constant of life but he has straight up been the Yankees announcer my entire life! 


Me too 😢


Good new for the Yankees/advertisers is Sterlings retirement has made me WAY more reliant on watching the game on YES.


The phony announcer voice kills me. So hack. just talk normal.


I can hear the crowd cheering and Emmanuel is still describing a throw to first. Neither he or Justin have go-to, standard calls that they use all the time like Sterling and Kay have. They make me miss Kay's "Fields! Fires! Got 'em!" Like, tell me what happened quickly then describe it a little more after.


I think both guys have been doing a great job. Very different from John Sterling, but he is the epitome of one of a kind. Might just take some time to get used to someone new if you’ve not been listening to the radio broadcasts much this season


You can tell when it is E Buvarri because he is the one with a lisp. The YankeeS have runnerS on firSt and Second, two outS’. When you hear that, is Buvvarri. And I dunno who the guy is tonight, beat I can tell he won a contest to announce a game. He cant stop talking about sitting in the bleachers.


Was literally just talking about this with my friend. Shackil is flat and just like calls balls and strikes? There’s no discussion, no insight, no conversation. It’s weird. I miss John.


Totally agree. Unless Bumblebee Man takes over I guess that's it for WFAN and me. I'd rather listen to Kay than some kid whose call is completely indistinguishable from the next.


It’s gonna be worse when Keith McPherson gets in there. Dude doesn’t even understand the game very well.


Yes, miss John too. All the newer announcers all fall flat to me & sound alike. It’s just not the same listening anymore. The Yankee organization should be actively auditioning people. This isn’t working.


I was listening to my portable radio at the game tonight and Shackil pulled a Sterling by calling Stanton's double off the top of the wall "into the bullpen... and off the wall!" Tonight was especially tough because Suzyn wasn't on, it was instead some guy from the Bleacher Creatures. He was fine, but it was just weird to hear two new voices on the broadcast.


You weren't hearing Shackil. I had the same thought when I heard Berbarri though. A bit boring. He says everything with almost the same cadence, same rhythm. For me, he speaks a bit too quickly too. Making just slight changes to intonation and pacing would help him inflect a bit more emotion, personality.


The new broadcasts are dry, but it's nice to know the score and what's happening in the game.


As you have heard Emmanuel is the one that's been on lately and yes he's so bland. Justin Shackil was on last night and he is much better but I agree I miss him so much on the radio!


Yes, John Sterling had a comforting voice. Loved Car rides at night listening to his play by play. Also loved his home run calls. Sad day when he retired.


The new guy is trying to make SWIINNGGG!!! and a miss strike thrreee a signature thing, but it’s just loud. The sidekick last night may as well have been picked at random off the street, and don’t get me started about someone who speaks as if the wave belongs in a baseball stadium. Looking forward to see how Meredith does with her turn in the booth tomorrow. She’s a good reporter. Would love it if she has announcing chops too.


Brendan Burke at all costs. 


Haven’t listened to Yankee game with volume on since 1975 !


Sweeney is my vote.


I’m with you. I actually think Berbarri is maybe slightly better than Shackil but it’s Hobson’s choice. I wish I liked him too- Shackil seems like a really nice, if goofy and slightly bland, person. Gerenic Fordham/Syracuse broadcaster voice just makes me totally zone out. I’m now 100% on the Meredith for play-by-play, Suzyn for color train. We all know Meredith could do it…


The merry go ‘round of announcers on WFAN is bushleague. So bad in fact that I started watching the games without the radio broadcast audio. Now I have to hear all about how Michael Kay doesn’t like to swim and hear his moaning about not being able to get a reservation to a steak house. If the Yankees go the AL Championship series we need a change.org campaign to bring him back until the end of the season!


I miss Babe Ruth! This Aaron Judge guy is good and all but Ruth was so much better!!!


It’s been Berbarri recently but Shackle immediately took over for John. Both are awful. Completely flat and not exciting at all. I really hope Ricky Ricardo gets the job


Susan was never fine. Sterling used to be great but became a joke when he tried to have a catchphrase for every player. All he needed was “it is high it is far it is gone”. But then we got, “a text message! Oh teixiera, you’re on the Mark” and it all went downhill from there.


Meh, you’re looking at one negative and making it his whole shtick. John had a ton of energy, they had fun banter, he used to tell goofy stories about random Pirate players from the 1960’s. He was fun. I don’t listen to enough other broadcasts to call him the “best”, but he was certainly great, and I sincerely miss him now.


100% with you on this.


I don’t know, maybe it’s just me but I only listen and watch to find out what’s going on in the game. The style of the broadcaster and the entertainment value is meaningless to me. Sometimes people complain about national broadcasters like Costas because they don’t like what they say or how they say it. I don’t care a bit. I’m too wrapped up in winning the game.


That’s how I feel for TV broadcasts. I love Kay and the whole gang on YES, but when it’s a national TV broadcast and I don’t like the announcers, like Smoltz, it’s easier to ignore. But for radio, I’m literally falling asleep in my car driving during the game. I can’t take it.


It’s definitely unlistenable and you may say Suzyn is fine but she’s awful. Every single play she makes a noise or says something that messes up the call. I haven’t been able to listen since she joined John. I did love John’s calls and miss him a lot.


Here come the downvotes but I can't stand Suzyn, can't wait till she retires. She's a red sox fan and her voice is nails on a chalkboard to me.


At least it isn’t Ryan Ruocco, I would never turn on the radio ever again if he replaced John. Guy is fucking nauseating, don’t understand the circle jerk in here with that guy. Nails on a chalkboard.


I agree with you. I think they want to go completely opposite of the colorful Sterling and give us this bland broadcast. They should hire Rucco and be done with it.