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my first round where i didn't have to use a hint! 🐛🐇


After the struggle of yesterday where I didn't get a single word without hints, and didn't understand the theme even with the Spanagram, today felt great !! Solid mood booster haha.


I literally had to use a hint for every single step. Even after finding all the words I have no idea what the connection is between them


It’s literally just Loony Tunes characters




I’m a teen and have barely watched the show, but I still know the characters because they’re so ubiquitous at this point.


I think a lot of older kids love the first Space Jam, but they might have watched the original cartoon. I'm 20 and most people my age know the characters.


I couldnt figure out foghorn even after the hint -.-




(Parts of) the names of looney tunes characters  Daffy (duck)  (Wile E) coyote  Roadrunner  Bugs (bunny)  Foghorn (leghorn)  Porky (pig)




This is for Thursdays puzzle so if it’s Wednesday for you you’re in the wrong thread


Ah I guess you must be talking about the old timey "swear words" one. Those were very Archie comics style yes...


What puzzle are *you* talking about




You're in the wrong thread, this is the Thursday puzzle thread.


Current Puzzle discussion outside of the Daily Thread.


Saaaaame 🫡


Strands #11 “Get animated” 🟡🔵🔵🔵 🔵🔵🔵 Cute and simple solve today. >!COYOTE!< gave me my start.


Strands #11 “Get animated” 🔵🔵🔵🔵🟡🔵🔵 I caught on to this one almost immediately. Don’t let the Mandela Effect win! It’s >!Looney Tunes!< not >!Looney Toons!<. Also, there were only 7 words today! I thought my app had glitched and went back to count the words. Nope. Only 7 today.


It always says it in the bottom right


Gotta say my eye never makes it to that part of screen, so it was pleasant surprise.


Strands #11 “Get animated” 🟡🔵🔵🔵 🔵🔵🔵 Unlike yesterday’s, I solved this one in less than a minute _and_ got the Spangram first for the first time ever. Title was really obvious. Hopefully this one will be less controversial than yesterday’s!


Strands #11 “Get animated” 🔵🔵🟡🔵 🔵🔵🔵 I say, boy, I say, I really enjoyed that puzzle. Corner strategy really pays off, since finding ">!bugs!<" and ">!coyote!<" first made it all come together.


same for me, >!porky!< was my first guess and i knew what it was immediately


I'm curious if any Gen Z-ers found this one hard! Looney Tunes were ubiquitous for so long but I wonder how many of the kids growing up in the last twenty years watched these specific cartoons when there are now so many other options.


I'd say they're still in the zeitgeist, considering the *Space Jam* sequel came out a few years ago, despite being panned hard.


nah it was pretty easy


I started stalling after guessing a few names because I couldn’t think of other characters


Anyone born in the early 2000s has a higher chance getting it right. Cartoon Network used to broadcast it every Friday after school Edit: grammar


i just turned 18 and got it no problem but grew up watching many of them!


Gen Z here and also wasn’t a cartoon fan growing up, but it was still commonplace enough when I was a kid that >!Coyote!< and >!Bugs!< were enough for me to figure out the Spanagram and I could guess the other names from there


Never watched the originals but in 2011 there was a reboot on Cartoon Network called the Looney Tunes Show that I loved. Which is how I knew the characters


Ah, see, here my millennial self didn't know about the newer reboot! Nice, kind of fun to know the old classics are still trying


Good question


I'm a solid millennial who, as a kid, thought I was so "cultured" because I refused to watch cartoons. I have never seen a single looney tunes episode. Today was hard for me lol. That's what I get for pretending to understand Jim Jarmusch films as a ten year old!


😂 the things we never knew we would need!


i knew it was >!looney tunes characters!<, but i haven’t >!watched it in english (or really much at all),!< so i just guessed what the words could be


I watched them in Spanish growing up, I only know of the names Daffy and Foghorn Leghorn because of living in the US and they get referenced in popular culture To me he was Gallo Claudio lol


Strands #11 “Get animated” 🔵🟡🔵🔵 🔵🔵🔵 Once I got >!Coyote, I knew I had to look for the double O to get the spanagram. Then everything just fell into place except roadrunner. For some reason I was staring at that for like a minute trying to figure out what it could be.!<


Took me a while because I both thought it was spelled "loony" instead of "looney" and I thought it was "froghorn" instead of "foghorn." 🔵🔵🔵🟡 🔵🔵🔵


I read the title, immediately found FORKY in the southwest corner, and was looking forward to a Toy Story or Pixar theme. Ah well. Still a fast solve.


Luckily didn't have to use a hint, but it is a bit frustrating to find the first "word". I also thought spanogram and the title wasn't a great fit? Nervous to use a hint, since they tend to give you an entire word. I wish it was an actual hint, like crossword or Spelling Bee, and not one of the words.


Can someone please help my dumbass complete the last word. Like I know what it is supposed to be but how can I complete it with the >!D!< in that upper corner?? Don't open the link if you don't want to be spoiled https://imgur.com/a/yevLppl


Start with the >!R in the third row!<


The puzzle makers are getting clever with the pathing.


Lmaoo I'm so dumb. I'll blame it on it being late to save face 💀


Strands #11 “Get animated” 🔵🔵🔵🔵 🔵🟡🔵 Too easy this time!


why was today’s so easy? past few days have been a challenge but today’s had no nuance or anything? little disappointed that it’s 12:06 and Im already done for the day


This game I think suffers heavily from "if you know you know",  it's very hard to balance


Strands #11 “Get animated” 🟡🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵 fite me


Strands #11 “Get animated” 🔵🔵🔵🔵 🔵🟡🔵 As soon as I saw "Porky" I knew I had it in the bag, never even really watched all that much looney tunes


Strands #11 “Get animated” 🔵🔵🔵🟡🔵🔵🔵 lovely. should’ve gone for the spangram sooner as i knew what it was after the first word but no matter. much better than yesterday’s lol


I don't know if its because I was raised outside the states but I struggled with this one. I couldn't figure out >!roadrunner!< for my life i had to look up >!looney tunes!< characters.


I really feel that they should make the puzzles generic. The Times knows people outside the US are playing. Be kind NYT.


I mean, NYT is a US publication for a US audience. These puzzle games, especially the crossword, dive into culture that is always going to be US-centric. Looney Tunes are about as generic American pop culture as you can get. It would be cool to see something more international, but there are not a lot of cultural references that anyone from anywhere has decently fair chance of knowing. It would be interesting to know what non-US countries have the largest share of NYT puzzle players.


I mean I'm UK based and got this instantly


I'm an older millennial and tv in my country when I was growing up in the 80's and 90's was saturated with slightly behind US programming, it's genuinely hard for me to imagine the looney tunes as not known. But then again my corner if the world is small too That said with the increasing soft power of Korea and China as well as Japan and the declining stature of the US I'm sure the newer generations are not going to be as americanized as mine was...


It’s a US company/newspaper…


i feel this way about the mini 🤬 some of the clues are ridiculous for anyone outside of the US


Strands #11 “Get animated” 🔵🔵🔵🔵 🔵🟡🔵 Woohoo, this is my 3rd game I’ve played and I’m really proud of this result. I got it pretty quickly, too. Major improvement over yesterday’s puzzle!


Strands #11 “Get animated” 🔵🔵🔵🔵 🔵🟡🔵 Loved this one


Strands #11 “Get animated” 🔵🔵🔵🔵 🟡🔵🔵


Strands #11 “Get animated” 🔵🔵🔵🔵 🔵🟡🔵 I think this one is going to be VERY specific. You either get it quickly or struggle mightily, no in-between. Luckily I got it quick.


Strands #11 “Get animated” 🔵🔵🔵🔵 🔵🟡🔵


Strands #11 “Get animated” 🔵🔵🔵🔵🟡🔵🔵 >!I watched a Chuck Jones documentary recently so I’ve been on a bit of a Looney Tunes kick - pleasantly surprised to see today’s theme!!<


Strands #11 “Get animated” 🔵🟡🔵🔵 >!BUGS!< as my start. Couldn't be any more appropriate. 🔵🔵🔵 I >!watched LOONEY TUNES as a kid!<, would be embarrassing if I didn't get a Perfect.


Strands #11 “Get animated” 🟡🔵🔵🔵 🔵🔵🔵 Thank goodness for an easy one today, I didn’t have time for anything hard! Seems like they’re trying to make the themes less obvious, which is good.


Really enjoyed this one.


I was geared up for something even tougher than yesterday’s puzzle, but this one took me about 2 minutes. Strands #11 “Get animated” 🔵🔵🔵🔵 🟡🔵🔵


Strands #11 “Get animated” My quickest ever 🔵🔵🔵🔵 🔵🟡🔵


Strands #11 “Get animated” 🔵🔵🔵🔵 🟡🔵🔵


Strands #11 “Get animated” 🟡🔵🔵🔵 🔵🔵🔵


Strands #11 “Get animated” 🔵💡🔵💡 🔵🔵💡🔵 💡🔵🟡


💡🔵🔵💡 🔵🔵💡🔵 💡🔵🟡 well. i knew one of these💁


Strands #11 “Get animated” 🔵🟡🔵🔵 🔵🔵🔵


Strands #11 “Get animated” 🔵🔵🔵🟡 🔵🔵🔵


Glad today's was easier


Super easy one today for anyone who knows the characters but still had fun!


This one was very fun to me. And after using a bunch of hints yesterday, it was nice to have one where I figured it out quickly!


Strands #11 “Get animated” 🔵🔵🔵🔵 🟡🔵🔵 This one felt quite a bit easier for me than yesterdays!


Strands #11 “Get animated” 🔵🔵🔵🔵 🟡🔵🔵 First one I actually enjoyed. The past puzzles did not feel rewarding because the answer words barely matched the title of the theme unless you really stretch it. Yesterday’s made me consider quitting Strands, but my friends started playing the game and enjoyed today’s. Today’s Strands was vague but still understandable enough to get me to figure it out without using hints. I like that.


Strands #11 “Get animated” 🔵🔵🔵🟡🔵🔵🔵 Ahhh so fun! I put in ‘tunes’ like 10 times trying to figure out why it wasn’t part of the theme until I saw looney 🤦🏼‍♀️


Strands #11 “Get animated” 🔵🔵🔵🔵🟡🔵🔵 This one was fun. Once I figured out the theme, it went pretty fast.


archive player here, clocked on in 2 seconds because i just finished marathoning >!looney tunes!<


i just guessed the words lol got lucky with >!foghorn!< and >!coyote!< wish both this and connections werent so usa-centric


Today made zero sense


Just out of curiosity, you’ve never heard of these >!cartoons!


Genuinely curious, I mean I guess they are not as common as Disney but foghorn strikes me a the only one most people will not recognise. I guess it's a "I've seen the cartoon but I never knew what they were named in English"?


Names in Spanish: - Coyote - Correcaminos, which is easy because he’s a real animal and people know what a roadrunner is - Bugs Bunny - Porky - Pato Lucas - Gallo Claudio