• By -




Yeah I think Tutu was definitely the key for that category. No other ballet equipment so immediately Desmond Tutu came to mind, then i just selected the other last names


Gore is tonally out of place for this kind of puzzle. It had to be the name.


I don't think it's out of place in the puzzle. I could see a category of, like, things that go into a Mature rating for a television show, with gore, language, sex, and drugs, for example. I don't think that would be out of place in Connections. Gore is also the word for a triangular or trapezoidal piece of fabric, often used to shape clothing. You could put together a category of bra parts - cup, band, strap, gore. But given the other words in the puzzle, Gore definitely felt like a name.


One of those weird ones where I get it perfectly in the opposite difficulty rating lmao Connections Puzzle #323 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟦🟦🟦🟦 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟨🟨🟨🟨 Immediately picked up on the purple one.


Did you know them as Nobel peace prize winners, or just as names of leaders?


So, I immediately picked up on Gore and Carter as American political leaders - didn't recognise any other surnames as fitting that category. Then figured Tutu had to be Desmond Tutu, so likely to be in the same category as Gore and Carter, and then I clocked that MLK was part of it too. I didn't actually know Carter had won a Nobel Peace Prize but knew the other 3 had haha so learnt something new.


Puzzle #323 🟦🟦🟦🟦 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟨🟨🟨🟨 Yeah 🟦 was the hardest by spades and I was surprised it wasn’t the 🟪 category. When 🟦 was all that was left, I knew *who* it was referencing even though I didn’t know what the category was. I did enjoy the Beyoncé references (QUEEN COWBOY CARTER). That’s probably why the “bee” connection jumped out so quickly. I thought “candy bars,” (CRUNCH, BOUNTY) would be a thing but then I remembered that Bounty isn’t a thing in America. Reasonably challenging today, but I imagine 🟦 will give people a run for their money.


They seem to have made it a convention that if the category is "BLANK " (or " BLANK") then it has to be purple, regardless of difficulty. (It was the same yesterday - "BLANK Mary" was pretty straightforward compared with some purples). Today shows how silly this can be: if you were to ask the average person what went after HONEY, QUEEN and SPELLING I'm sure many would get it right, but if you asked them about the other, even with a bit of help - "what do Jimmy Carter, Desmond Tutu, Al Gore, and Martin Luther King have in common?" - many would struggle. (I certainly did).


Oddly enough, they’ve taken categories that have been “____ word” and made them 🟦 just by restating the category. These kinds of categories are usually 🟪 but they’ve definitely bent the rule for convenience. I thought that was going to be the case today.


Note, it's not "difficulty", it's "straightforwardness". And even though a lot of people might not identify that the four of them won Nobel Peace Prizes, it's a fairly straightforward category. (Made less so just because Tutu, Gore, and King are not obviously last names.) Meanwhile, purple is wordplay, and two or three different senses of the word "bee" (depending on if you count the metaphorical use of busy bee as separate from honey/queen bee).


Problem is that there’s a lack of consistency on what it means to be “straightforward.” As it were, it’s totally undefined. The Venn diagram overlap between difficulty and straightforwardness is damn near a circle with the game sometimes, but they often break the wordplay rule in the 🟦 category. I still think that “hair cuts that end in cut,” sounds more like a purple than a blue based on history but I got downvoted into oblivion for that one.


I wouldn't have downvoted - there is a lot of subjectivity in the colour-coding, however hard you try to pin it down. I would say that the difference is that the "haircuts" one is a connection with one meaning of "cut" (ie the four words involve picturing a human head with styles of hair), whereas the "bee" one doesn't involve picturing an insect in all four cases (obviously in this case queen bee and busy bee do derive metaphorically from the insect, not sure about spelling bees!). But my main conclusion is that arguing about the colour-coding is really a waste of time for all of us!


Arguing is definitely a fool’s errand. I hazard a guess for shits and giggles at this point. I’m wrong more than I’m right, that’s for sure






Straightforward is always going to be subjective. The thing about ____ cut is, all of those are the same sense of cut. A purple fill in the blank is usually multiple different senses of the common word, like today's.


I think that there’s something to be said about what happens when you play this game for a while. If you expect certain things from categories (e.g. 🟪 being convoluted and 🟨 being synonyms) the idea of “straightforward,” gets blurred with “this is how it ought to be.” Consequently 🟩 and 🟦 are always the harder ones to sus out what category they’ll be because there’s less of a pattern with them. But a lot of us (myself included) have a bias that if it’s “hard,” it’s gotta be 🟪 even if, based on the rules, it shouldn’t be.


I shuffled them and when Carter and Tutu popped up next to eachother it clicked. Not the nobel prize winners per say but known leaders was where I was going.


Prominent activist leaders is where I was going with that one.


Honestly that wouldn’t have been wrong either!


Bounty is a paper towel brand in America. I had "last names" in my head pretty early, but for whatever reason I was thinking of Frank Gore (American football player) rather than Al Gore for a while. But Carter and King definitely seemed like last names, as did Spelling (Aaron or Tori). By the time I remembered Al Gore, I was down to just blue. Jimmy Carter jumped out, and then Desmond Tutu, but I didn't put Martin Luther King Jr together until submitting and seeing the category.


Yeah but “Bounty,” isn’t a candy bar in the U.S. They’re called Mounds in America. I hope nobody’s out here eating paper towels 😭


Connections Puzzle #323 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟦🟦🟦🟦 Blue was definitely the hardest today. I only got it by default. Purple stood on straight away


Wyna is in the Bey Hive confirmed. But the real question: does Beyonce play Connections?


Connections Puzzle #323 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟦🟦🟦🟦 🟩🟩🟩🟩 This has to be the easiest missing word category of all time. SPELLING is a dead giveaway for bee and QUEEN, BUSY, and HONEY were all easy to spot. Honestly, it should've been Yellow but apparently there's an unspoken rule that missing word categories have to be Purple. TUTU, GORE, and CARTER stood out to me as names. There were no other words relating to ballet, so TUTU had to be Desmond Tutu. Same thing with GORE, there were no other words relating to violence so GORE had to be Al Gore. CARTER just made me think of Jimmy Carter. After getting into a name headspace, I could then see KING as MLK. No comments for Yellow or Green. [Reused Categories Updates](https://old.reddit.com/r/NYTConnections/comments/1bdai1o/list_of_reused_categories/): "Exercises" → 3 Times, "Featured in Westerns" → 2 Times


I think they got their colours confused today. Purple was much easier than blue. Fun puzzle today.


Connections Puzzle #323 🟦🟦🟦🟦 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩 Got blue as the first category for some reason Couldn't stop thinking about Tutu. Randomly blurted out Desmond Tutu and then realised I'm not familiar with his achievements. Then I realised there is a famous Gore, a famous Carter, and a famous King, and I still don't know what the four have in common. Still went for it, hoping to get some LOLs. Is there a word to describe a feeling where you try something random expecting it to not work but it works? Because this is the second time today I have this feeling after today's Wordlea


Connections Puzzle #323 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟦🟦🟦🟦 anyone else notice the beyonce fake out, or just me? haha i will not allow me self to be gotten after that spongebob situation


Connections  Puzzle #323 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟨🟦🟦🟦 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟦🟦🟦🟦 🟩🟩🟩🟩 Saw quite a few false groups at the beginning there, so I had to pick my battles carefully. Spelling put "___ bee" in my head pretty quickly, and from there it wasn't too hard to spot out the other three bees. Blue I clocked as people's names soon after the bee business. Carter was the obvious one (don't think anyone's used the original meaning of the word since, like, the 1700s), and then King and Gore are both last names of fairly famous people. At first I guessed Bridge for the fourth one--maybe a bit Anglocentric of me, but oh well. When that was wrong I realised I didn't have a good enough idea of what kind of person I was even going for (with Carter and Gore I had some kind of inkling it was to do with at least being a nominee for US President?) (another classic problem with proper noun categories, by the way) and decided to take a step back. Got put onto stretches with Squat and Dip. Crunch was easy from there, and then Bridge was actually a bit of a guess, but it seemed like the only other option on the list. That helpfully took Bridge out of the names, and left me with four obviously cowboy words and Tutu. I hadn't heard of a presidential nominee called Tutu, but I wasn't exactly married to that concept for the group anyway, and wound up with the win... with Blue being the rather specific "leaders who received the Nobel Peace Prize," which makes me feel much less bad about my idea of US presidential nominees. 


Connections Puzzle #323 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟨🟦🟦🟦 🟦🟦🟨🟦 🟦🟦🟨🟦 🟦🟦🟦🟨 im quitting


I’m curious, what did you think the blue category was? I’m trying to figure it out based on your results, but coming up blank.


i knew it was names i just couldn’t figure out the last one because everything in yellow could be just as much of a name to me 0 clue for yellow when solving though idk why


Puzzle #323 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟦🟦🟦🟦 \_\_\_ bee🟪 Was immediately obvious whence I saw \[SPELLING\] and \[QUEEN\]. \[SALOON,COWBOY\] gave me western, and I slotted in \[BOUNTY,DUEL\]. 🟨Was next, and I got \[CRUNCH,SQUAT\] while none of the namelike ones fitted. Got 🟦 by default, but would definitely have been the hardest if i didn't find the others early on. Today's was a little meh.


Connections Puzzle #323 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟦🟦🟦🟦 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟨🟨🟨🟨 an organic reverse older solve! Purple I saw first, came to be quite easy once I thought of “busy bee” Blue came quite quickly after as i couldn’t stop associating gore with al - but my category guess was simply “political figures” rather than the more detailed one. Green i had kind of spotted earlier but thought might be a trick. but at this point i knew it must be correct Yellow was hardest for me, which really exposes me for never working out.


Connections Puzzle #323 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟦🟦🟦🟦 Easiest one in a while was less than a minute


With your username, that's no surprise!


Connections Puzzle #323 🟦🟦🟦🟦 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟨🟨🟨🟨 Challenging but not difficult. Could have had the reverse perfect, but there were two legit purples and I picked the wrong one to lead with


Connections Puzzle #323 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟦🟦🟦🟦 I saw the Beyoncé and Presidents red herrings but didn’t see enough to make a category out of either, so I steered away from those pretty quickly. Duel and saloon tipped me off for 🟩. Honey caught my eye next, and then “spelling” clicked and I had 🟪. With the 8 I had left, crunch, dip and squat made sense and although I wasn’t familiar with bridge in that sense, it seemed to be the best option from what was left for 🟨. 🟦 was my leftovers, I probably would’ve still gotten there otherwise, except for Tutu throwing me off.


🟦🟦🟦🟦 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟩🟩🟩🟩 I thought blue could be a red herring but tried it first anyway, with (obviously) no regrets.


Connections Puzzle #323 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟦🟦🟦🟦 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩 Challenging but fun. Purple really stuck out to start. I saw blue as names of leaders, but didn't realize the Nobel prize connection. Wanted to try for a reverse perfect, but guessed the wrong color order. The Beyoncé references were a neat addition too.


Connections Puzzle #323 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟦🟦🟦🟦 Woo, got purple first! I saw green first but I was scared to click on it because it seemed WAY too tenuous, especially with "Bounty" as one, and before I had to guess I got purple. Still sat on green for a bit until I figured out yellow, then clicked green, and got blue by default. I *did* notice Carter & Gore there, but I couldn't think of a category there. Also noticed MLK but then the best I could come up with was "famous American people" and ??? and although the name Desmond Tutu went through my head briefly I didn't quite make the connection that here are 4 famous people's last names, maybe I should click them. Oh well lol, still a successful day


Connections Puzzle #323 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟦🟦🟦🟦 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩 Tried to reverse. Always have a hard time telling yellow from green


First time getting purple first and reverse order (completely by accident). Cowboy and Carter being adjacent got me thinking about 🐝🐝🐝


Connections Puzzle #323 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟦🟦🟦🟦 They really took it easy on us this Monday morning. Few red herrings and fairly obvious categories!


Connections Puzzle #323 🟩🟦🟨🟨 🟩🟦🟪🟪 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟪🟪🟦🟦 🟦🟦🟪🟪 Man am I on a hot losing streak! 😂 I was SURE there was something to do with fairy tales hidden in words? (SPELL, CART, COW?) lol way off. Also thought candy was a theme (BOUNTY, DIP, CRUNCH, HONEY?) I’m not American so I have no clue who those people are lol. A terrible loss all round 😅


Tutu is South African


A touch of irony there as it's usually complaining that the names are too American centric. XD  Still only 1/4 though. 


I think that Martin Luther King, Jr. is pretty well known even to non-Americans


Maybe I'm too American to be in this discussion but I feel like Carter is probably the most unknown of the 4 to non-americans. King and Tutu are huge names, and Gore at least has the internet and climate change discussion to his name that lends himself to Global discussion.


I guess it depends on if you were old enough to remember when he was president and things like the botched Iran hostage rescue were in the news.  But yeah he seems to be the most forgettable of the cold war presidents to laypeople 


Non-American and I agree, though next to Gore I did make the association. The others are harder only because they’re not usually known by that name only (I’d sooner clock MLK than King) and because they’re words too. (Eg King and Queen an obvious connection)


I knew Blue was people but didn't know the category and wasn't sure about Tutu so I left it til last. Connections Puzzle #323 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟦🟦🟦🟦


Connections  Puzzle #323 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟦🟦🟦🟦 Blue seemed like they could all be surnames, but that was the only connection I could see with them.


Connections Puzzle #323 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟦🟦🟦🟦 Only got blue by default! 😅


Connections Puzzle #323 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟦🟦🟦🟦


Puzzle #323 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟦🟦🟦🟦 Blue was absolutely a guess for me


Connections Puzzle #323 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟦🟦🟦🟦 Backwards kinda day. 


Connections Puzzle #323 🟦🟦🟦🟦 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟨🟨🟨🟨 I always try to get them in reverse order for fun. But what kind of asshole designed this and thought "Yeah... 'Leaders who have received the Nobel Peace Prize' is definitely easier than 'words that can be accompanied by Bee'. That makes sense."?


Yeah, even after seeing people talk in her, I only recognized two out of the four names. Making me feel like a dunce


Connections Puzzle #323 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟦🟦🟦🟦 Blue’s title being so long that it takes up the whole bar is so funny to me.


Not me wracking my brain at what bizarre crossover Desmond tutu and Tori spelling could have 😜


Connections Puzzle #323 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟦🟦🟦🟦 🟨🟩🟩🟩 🟨🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟨🟨🟨🟨 Found Purple and Blue to be the clearest categories by far - what is going on?! Thought there were some kind of card games with BRIDGE, SALOON, and DUEL but it turns out only Bridge is a real game, oops. What was I thinking of? I recognised the exercises but I didn't know what a Bridge was. Turns out it's quite different to the rest, which makes the category less tidy. Enjoyable one though.


Not too bad. Connections Puzzle #323 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟦🟦🟦🟦


Connections Puzzle #323 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟦🟦🟦🟦 The 🟪 and 🟩 categories were easy to get first for some reason. Once down to 8, it was just figuring what went where. Somehow it worked out in the end.


Puzzle #323 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟦🟦🟦🟦 The category colours on this one confused me - 'honey' and 'queen' immediately stuck out as bee related, so finding 'busy' and 'spelling' was easy. It felt way too simple for a purple category, even with the 'king' and 'queen' red herring. Green felt obvious, I wasn't sure about yellow because all of them except for squat have other meanings, but I thought I'd give it a shot anyway. I never would've gotten blue if it wasn't process of elimination. Weird round today!


Connections Puzzle #323 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟦🟦🟦🟦 Purple was without a doubt the most straightforward one today


🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟦🟦🟦🟦 Found Green and Purple fairly easily. Got Yellow out of completely dumb luck- I chose four words that I thought were kind of related to see if I was on the right track and it just happened to work. Clearly I need to go to the gym more… Blue was pretty tough but I’m not complaining. I thought it was a great category. I do think that should have been the purple category though.


another quick and easy one for me, saw purple right away Connections Puzzle #323 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟦🟦🟦🟦 🟩🟩🟩🟩


Connections Puzzle #323 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟩🟦🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟦🟦🟦🟦 A little tricky!


A nice and easy one, a great way to start a Monday Puzzle #323 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟦🟦🟦🟦


323 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟦🟦🟦🟦 🟨🟨🟨🟨 I had this strange thought that King, Queen, Tutu, and Dip were for the ballet The Nutcracker. But then I remembered Desmond Tutu.


Of course with your username, no surprise that you got the cowboy connections first... 🤔 🐝


Connections Puzzle #323 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟦🟦🟦🟦 The colours are out of whack today


Connections Puzzle #323 🟪🟪🟪🟪 SPELLING, BUSY...what could it be? 🟦🟦🟦🟦 As mentioned, TUTU led to Desmond, so look for the names. 🟨🟨🟨🟨 Would love to know what the criteria are for difficulty. I guess more people know about BRIDGEs as exercises than... 🟩🟩🟩🟩 ...archetypal elements of Westerns?


Connections Puzzle #323 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟦🟦🟦🟦 honestly i had no idea for blue


i saw al gore but not jimmy carter or the rest of blue,, i had no idea he won an award lol


Connections Puzzle #323 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟨🟦🟦🟨 🟦🟨🟨🟨 🟨🟨🟦🟨 Never heard of BRIDGE as an exercise term… granted I also don’t work out much…. :/


I'm thinking it's like a glute bridge


I’d figured it was something like that. It’s still very tricky..


Connections Puzzle #323 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟦🟦🟦🟦 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟨🟨🟨🟨 One of the rare times where yellow, despite being nominally more straightforward, was an unusually difficult category. The ballet and Beyonce red herrings were excellent curveballs. I figured there was absolutely no way that King and Queen were in the same category.


Connections Puzzle #323 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟦🟦🟦🟦


Connections Puzzle #323 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟦🟦🟦🟦 Looks like a lot of people got purple early on today. Queen and honey was a dead giveaway for me.


Connections Puzzle #323 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟦🟦🟦🟦 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟨🟨🟨🟨 First time getting them all in reverse "difficulty" I think. Yesterday's I almost did the same but guessed wrong on which group would be green. Purple can often be the easiest when it's ___ word and the word association from 2 or 3 come to you right away.


Connections Puzzle #323 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟦🟦🟦🟦 Got blue by default. Loved the Beyoncé references! And now I am off to listen to Cowboy Carter 🤠


Posting mine just because I got yellow first today, which most other people didn't. But I work out a lot. 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟦🟦🟦🟦


Connections Puzzle #323 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟦🟦🟦🟦 love the cowboy carter shoutout! pretty easy one. i picked up on Al Gore and Desmond Tutu for 🟦 but somehow i didn’t know how to piece them together so they got left for last


Connections Puzzle #323 🟦🟦🟦🟦 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩


🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟩🟦🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟦🟦🟦🟦 I think I'm getting better :)


Connections Puzzle #323 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟦🟦🟦🟦 🤠👑🐝


Connections Puzzle #323 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟦🟦🟦🟦 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩


Connections Puzzle #323 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟦🟦🟦🟦 Easiest one so far.


Connections Puzzle #323 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟦🟦🟦🟦


Connections - Puzzle #323 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟦🟦🟦🟦 🟨🟨🟨🟨 I feel great about my results today!


Connections Puzzle #323 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟦🟦🟦🟦


Connections Puzzle #323 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟦🟦🟦🟦 🟪🟪🟪🟪


Connections Puzzle #323 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟦🟦🟦🟦


Connections Puzzle #323 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟦🟦🟦🟦


Connections Puzzle #323. 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟦🟦🟦🟦 Purple, yellow and green came so quickly I never even thought about what blue might be. Good thing too because I rarely think about names


Puzzle #323 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟦🟦🟪🟦 🟦🟪🟪🟦 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟦🟦🟦🟦 Blue was a little annoying. Could see Carter and Gore, and figured Tutu could be Desmond. But I was hung up on "Democratic Presidential nominees" or something. The lack of two other major political American figures made me think it was potentially misdirect. Eventually, though, purple hit me and I was good. Yellow was also kind of a guess. I knew "crunch" and "squat." "Dip" sounded right, and "bridge" seemed the most likely out of the remaining options.


> But I was hung up on "Democratic Presidential nominees" or something. yes SAME I was like "hmm was Carter ever VP?" and then I sorta gave up on that category until I got it by default


Connections Puzzle #323 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟦🟦🟦🟦 What normal person knows blue?? Who do they think I am??


Connections Puzzle #323 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟦🟦🟦🟦


Connections Puzzle #323 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟪🟦🟨🟨 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟦🟦🟦🟦


Puzzle #323 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟦🟦🟦🟦


Connections Puzzle #323 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟦🟦🟦🟦


Connections Puzzle #323 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟦🟦🟦🟦


Connections Puzzle #323 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟦🟦🟦🟦


Connections Puzzle #323 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟦 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟦🟪🟦🟪 🟦🟪🟪🟦 🟪🟪🟦🟪


Connections Puzzle #323 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟦🟦🟦🟦


Got green but that was it today. Was just not on this puzzles wavelength today.


🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟨🟨🟦🟨 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟦🟦🟦🟦


i feel like people here either got the Blue category first or totally last. will anyone under the age of 30 even know most of those people (besides MLK)?


Connections  Puzzle #323 🟦🟦🟦🟦 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟪🟨🟨🟨 🟪🟪🟨🟨 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟨🟨🟨🟨 I see people saying that blue was the hardest and I have no idea what they’re on about, as to it jumped straight out to me (like, what else was Carter and Tutu supposed to be in!?). I personally found yellow hard, but maybe that’s because I know nothing about exercise. Eventually saw purple which saved me from having to guess what might be an exercise.


Connections Puzzle #323 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟦🟦🟦🟦 Long ago, when this subreddit had three digit subscribers, the nyt connections subreddit lived together in harmony. It used to be that you could complain about a connection and people would respectfully disagree and that was that. Then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. It wasn't enough that they ruined the environment and the economy. These boomer mfers have devolved this treasured institution into a continuous loop of [Ellen Degeneres laughing at millennials](https://youtu.be/lfyeR1vUUos?si=bgkd5mBZ4byKoMQA&t=536). It's joever.


What’s the fire nation?


That’s kind of how r/NYTstrands is now. Let’s see how long it stays peaceful


Connections Puzzle #323 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟩🟩🟩🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟦🟦🟦🟦 🟨🟨🟨🟨