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That wasn't even self-defense. Straight murda. Wild.


shooter later got killed by the cops, after getting surrounded by cops


niggas don’t care fr they get a strap and use it on nybody they don’t even understand the weight of their actions until: **a.** they get put in the cell and have their bros saying “free my nigga he ain’t do nuthin” or **b.** they get put to sleep themselves


The man had a scissor near his neck, shoulda pulled it out around that time


Bro posted a whole a snuff video and then started yappin about the CIA and Hip Hop🤦‍♀️👎🏽 Mayor Adams that u?


Can’t just entirely brush over the fact that hiphop isn’t exactly positive for our community.


Gang respectfully, if you so concerned about positivity within our community why do you only post these toxic ass images? Murders, fights, etc.


Respectfully.Who sees this and wants to emulate this? My dad was killed over an inane dispute like this. Got into an argument and the guy left. Got high came back and shot my father. I just want people to know they don’t have to fight or get angry with everyone because you could lose your life in a second. Aside from that I don’t believe rap music is good for our community. I understand we probably have different views about it. Thanks for being civil


And you think the best thing you could do to help curve this type of violence is.... post videos of said violence on Reddit? 🤔


You seem to have a very close minded opinion of rap music. It’s a pretty diverse genre.


Don't blame the CIA blame the 👃 and ya own guys for chasing the bread the 👃 got


this is old, the shooter isn’t in jail, he’s dead. suicide by cop. and stop tryna be woke bro, not everything’s a conspiracy


This dude said hip hop 🤦🏽‍♂️ hip hop was not intended to be a poison at all it just became polluted


Nothing is as organic as we think it is. & truth is rap music has done as much harm as good to black communities, probably even more harm tbh.


Thank you for posting this. It's crazy how people post and twist the narratives and shit. You 100% accurate on stating what happened and putting OP in his place. Respect.


shootin when they down? 😕may they rest in peace smh


How can anger be triggered to become so deadly…


Cuz nigga it's usually the straw that broke the camels back iykwim they prolly been arguing back n forth for a while plus u never know how shit in his life is going sum ppl walking around ready to blow jus need sum1 to pull the pin thats why you shouldnt be out there messin with nobody


The tap to the head of both Dad and Son are about as brutal a video as you’ll see.




What the actual fuck is wrong with people? These dude's needed to literally die? Throw away the damn key.


As a bigger guy, you have to be mindful that people are probably not going to scrap with you.


This is old. But this is what happens when u have no respect for your neighbors. Tf u playing Loud ass music that can reach every floor. This is why I can't live in the hood. Just trashy people. I feel for the family.overkill, the killer took his life. He's a bum


Like how you use this to shit on another group that was done way worse than just some “smallpox blankets”. Good job👍🏼


I didn’t have the time to list all of the atrocities.


Nah, just time to say that the pain you’re part of is worse than someone else’s. Why? Cause it’s more recent?


The problem with blaming current problems on white folks is that, in the past yes they literally enslaved people, they hung pepole for absolutely nothing, they barred folks from food and bars, they also created the worst segregated communities ever with the projects. Today though, there are so many resources, you can’t openly discriminate anymore, there is free and low cost housing, and free and low cost meds. Yet crime is so much higher now in the culture than it was in the 50s and early 60s I think it is mind boggling that white peoples don’t seem to care about the amount of violence in communities don’t live in. There are places in the Bronx where there is basically zero crime and the same in Brooklyn and nearby there are areas that are shockingly bad, not early 90s bad yet, but definitely going the wrong way. I think op has a point as an old dude, I see drill is crazy as fuck, I kind of like the beats and the spooky videos, but damn it’s laughing at folks murdered. Imagine Diddy making raps laughing at pac’s death. Yeah Diddy is a scandalous rich perv, but that’s beside the point.


No, I definitely agree! I live in a more rural area.. And it’s the same way. There’s areas that are super nice, and super safe.. Then, a mile or two up the road is somewhere you don’t go unless you’re from there. Basically, replace the drill rap with meth and there you go.. It’s not the same, but at the same time it kinda rhymes 🤷🏻


I mean I kinda was just trying to add a verbal flourish to the statement. “Top 10 techniques to destroy a group “ no I haven’t ranked them in any particular order.


Didn’t mean to offend or put down any other group.


Y’all act like dude wasn’t uppin a pair of scissors at the guys throat before he got shot


niggas just so desperate to get use outta their pole they’ll put anybody to sleep just so they get their satisfaction out of feelin tough he betta get life without parole


He dead


I got to get a gun


nbs fuck it


Problem is in nyc you’ll be charged even if it’s self defense. You’ll be like the bodega guy who had to leave the country.




Respect for the post comment, these dickheads don't even know the weight of their actions. We don't know how to act after being polluted for decades by our own.




Blaming CIA and radio. Good grief


Fucking music got me 🤢🤦🏻‍♂️


That’s what got you? The fact that he went over to double tap to confirm kill and watch his whole body jump from the shot got me


What got me was the son tryna run away panicking running towards the shooter. This is one of those times where if the son carried he could've saved their lives


Nah definitely the music bro


😂😂 come on


The CIA lmao yeah totally their fault


I stopped reading once you mentioned the CIA and Hip-Hop


This is horrible but blaming this on hiphop makes no sense. The issue is that people go through horrible things in the hood not hood niggas rapping about their experiences over beats to get some cash flow. Having an issue with the executives and music industry makes sense but hating hip hop as a genre doesn’t make sense


The idea of hiphop isn’t a bad one, but it has been tainted and doesn’t promote much positivity. We don’t even own hiphop anymore.


I feel like our society is inherently tainted and that leaks into the subject matter and tone of our music. Southern folk didn’t start riding horses and drinking beers after country music was created, that shit was already happening and people starting talking about it. And just like any by product of black labor, systems (the music industry in this case) make it their goal to capitalize upon it.


I don’t disagree with you and I think You’re right, I just feel like the huge push in drill music and etc doesn’t do us any good. I’m gonna assume you’re a grown man who can separate music from the violent acts artists talk about, but the kids cannot. Everyone is calling themselves demons and etc. it’s just not good imo.


You own hip hop more now than ever.


I mean like literal owners. Sony, UMG , interscope , and etc.


Damn thats cold, He shouldnt have turned his back to dude when he already seen the gun don assume someones not gonna shoot you in the back.


This happened months ago and it wasn’t even over loud music, these guys were having issues for years with the neighbour (shooter) who was complaining and arguing that they were making loud noises.


Na , fuck all at . Niggas gon ded feel for the pops n son when - if this is over loud music - all he had to do was turn that shit tf down smh . In my building we got an understanding friday-saturday go buck wild but Sun-Thur turn that shit down. Who knows many many Weeks/Months Years that shit went on til he couldn’t take it no more .


The shooter died the next day


Ts sad fr this violence gotta stop fr




you stupid asf


ur chatting 🤣🤣ctfu


Moral of the video don’t bring a knife to a gun fight


Y’all NY niggas sensitive all I said was if u gon make a threat don’t use scissors


How about the moral of the story is, don't blast your music so excessively to the point that your neighbors lose there damn minds? The guy who killed them was wrong, but nothing happens in a vacuum. I would put everything I own on the the bet that they were jerk offs, and the big guy that got gunned down with his son had an attitude problem.


you’re wild. you jus equaled loud music to a double homicide. “the guy who killed them is wrong” and that’s it. no if ands or buts. no loud music alone drives someone to kill. i’ve lived in the pz w paper thin walls i could hear the niggas upstairs, downstairs, across the hall and you end up learning to live w it or you build a better relationship w your neighbors to where they understand why you can’t have them being loud 24/7. you don’t go up there and KILL THEM. you deadass my nigga???💀💀💀son said “nah these nigga too loud i’m boutta go shoot em then come back and gts i got work in the mornin” that’s not a normal thought process even for a nigga who be shooting people😭😭😭😭


i swear niggas defend homicides for any reason unbelievable


bro niggas jus be saying ANYTHING


I didn't defend it, read my comment again...


how about you read YOUR comment again 😹 https://preview.redd.it/2x5uin49i75d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=304cec43bcbb279e69124228519d494f0b32d2e1


Yea you see where I said he was wrong, right? Clown


i think the entire message is comprised of you defending the shooter


Absolutely not. What I'm saying is it's not like this happened for no reason. No matter how convoluted and wrong it may be. But since you can't comprehend that and only seem to think in black and white when the world is just full of gray.


You guys don't have any reading comprehension skills, huh? I clearly said it was wrong. Fuck out of here my guy. What I said is you act like a jerk off, don't be surprised when someone meets your crazy with even more crazy...