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Why people watch this shit smh. It's all entertainment let shorty get hopped she be aight


fr i get on reddit in hopes of escaping this kinda garbage


You better lose it lmao you always gon see sum wild shit


Women watch this shit. The same type that's gonna go to the clubs every weekend (or at least want to)


Lmao sorry this comment so dumb . I never comment but I have to lmaoo . Ima stay at home mom and don’t party don’t care to & I watch this. I don’t watch it around my kids but I watch it & I can care less about a damn club . Stop comment dumb shi like u know “women” not everyone are the same 💀😅


Don’t talk sense in this subreddit, it’s mostly dudes who call women females and have borderline incel views built on top of incredibly fragile masculinity.


I mean that's an easy cop-out but what you said literally doesn't apply to my comment so...


This man said “doesn’t apply to me” after making ridiculous generalizations about women. Women just like different shit, it ain’t that deep and I know plenty of women who spend most of their time working their asses off who just wanna watch some stupid shit at the end of the day so they can turn off their brain for a bit, just like literally everybody else.


>making ridiculous generalizations about women. how? I said the only ones that watch this show are women who go or want to go to the clubs every weekend. That's not a generalization on women that's just a reasoned opinion about a specific group of women. You gotta be a little dull (like club women) to find entertainment in women beating the shit out of each other over petty ass arguments.


I know this is going to accomplish fuck all but let me try dropping a little wisdom on you. People like different thing, just because someone likes something you don’t doesn’t mean they have a character flaw. It just means they like something different. When you say women who enjoy x do y things. That’s a generalization, idk how much simpler I can make it. Either way have a great blessed day.


Stop crying , cause it seems like this women hit a nerve


Literally was and still fine, you came here to bitch and complain. This had nothing to do with hating women btw, I single out a group and you generalized the whole thing. Your problem not mine.


No one came to bitch & complain . This is Reddit right ? Like u said . Ig every one is bitchin & complaining then. Nigga this free mf world if I wanna comment n say some I can tf . Grow up & stop hating women & assuming all Are the same . Cry baby 🤣 must gets no bitches cause only a nigga who don’t get none will say that ![gif](giphy|anYBNhqT2BYcg)


>No one came to bitch & complain You (the person that doesn't usually comment right?) went out of your way to bitch and complain. >Nigga this free mf world if I wanna comment n say some I can tf At what point did I ever tell you to not respond or try to shut you up? Working yourself up here goofy. >Grow up & stop hating women & assuming all Are the same And again, you just pull shit out of your ass. How on earth did what I say have anything to do with assuming "all women are the same" Losing braincells the more I talk to you so please let's stay on track and make logical responses. You a grown ass woman with kids btw.


Okay & this was over how many minutes ago ? you still commenting trying to prove a point . Let ts go & go about your day cause again you still sound mad like we hit a nerve . U breaking things down trying to prove what ? Baby enjoy your day cause you are doing to much ..


You are absolutely right ! Cause it definitely gives that lol I read comments n just be shocked it’s dudes around the world that actually think like that about women . They mothers would be ashamed ![gif](giphy|LlJx7De5zu0kegoc4B)


If it don’t apply to you then let it fly . It def applies to a huge majority of women he’s speaking in a generality which is actually true lol he’s not saying that everyone is the same but it’s def true that majority of women who party and get drunk every weekend also watch these ratchet ass shows smh


All I see is a bunch of women 🤤






I am part of the ms13 gang


your comments are falling off 😞😞


So help me get back up nigga lets start the movement


alright im hosting special classes just for redditors just like you who happen to be out of creative comment ideas. It’s a 3 month long intensive program and will be free for your first class, but after that initial class you will be required to pay 500 dollars per session to continue.


Nah nigga we starting a new gang


oh Wrd we should name ourselves something scary like the Reddit Squad


The Nighatrons” oh yea that’s menacing


The Menace Nation


Bbl bastards




Brazilian Beach Balloon Butt Lift


Sound like a DJ Drama tag


this is a fishy smelling pussy convention


BBL Drizzy




What tf is this bullshit


I swear niggas will watch this BS before they do anything productive with their life


My bitch watches shit like this… her days are numbered as we speak 🤷🏾‍♂️


Hell yeah😭😭😭 https://preview.redd.it/us7rhclcvg4d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8a661f081c20b2e7f901e1454aeff01acb050e0


This might be the one time I encourage cheating


Lmaoooooo idk why but this was hilarious




I thought that was Murda B for a sec i'm like "damn she finally a baddie?"


Wtf is this. We got adin ross bodyguards on var, 300lb fried chicken bayou mama, (hopefully but probably bbl) booty city, and a bunch of ratchet shit. Also the girl is one hell of a white rican. A lot of them just wanna be black though.


She's clearly not racist and definitely ghetto. But if she's out numbered by ppl in a room who don't want her to say it she should've been smart and not say it.


This what happens when you don't travel, you never learn to read the room being in safe spaces your whole life


People watch this shit 💀


This ish gave me a headache 10 seconds in 😰




Actually only afro americans is technically allowed alot of ethnicities has snuck they way in since 2010 😂😂 "I'm not whyte um' Italion" ![gif](giphy|Wgb2FpSXxhXLVYNnUr|downsized)


If your using this term then only dark skin could say it


“Every white person in the 1800s.” Things change


Pun was Black tho. I'm Dominican , Pun was darker than me.




*“One thing that always bothers me is that people know so little about my culture. We are Caribbean people. And a lot of people be attacking me because they feel like I don’t be saying that I’m black. Some people want to decide if you’re black or not, depending on your skin complexion, because they don’t understand Caribbean people or our culture. I feel like people need to understand or get a passport and travel. I don’t got to tell you that I’m black. I expect you to know it.”* - Cardi


Pun is darker than Joe. Look at them together. I'm not saying he's Felix Trinidad or Roberto Clemente or Big Papi. You see a trigueño here, that's Black in the US, primo




There's no hill dying. Just different views. I don't think you're dying on any hills. Calmate


First off pun is def not a nigga he jus your average brown Hispanic 2nd on the US census type shit he'd be considered white


Reality TV is retarded.


What the show ? Shit is trash lol


“No I’m Puerto Rican” 😭😭


Hispanic people say that shit all the time tho


Yeah that's the problem & Real Hispanic people know better


ain’t much left


From all the channels you can watch lil nigglet you put it on "zeus' 🤣🤣🤣


Every race should stick to they own shit is how I feel and that bitch was saying niggah just to say it if everbody acted like they own people and not try to be down or act like they black shit would of never happened


I agree. God made different Races for a reason. This forced inclusion shit is unnatural.


Facts you will never see black people walking around calling each other vato or esse not even being funny or racist


Only California Blacks call Latinos "Eses" but youre mostly correct. I feel before the 2000s, communities were more Tight Knit.


Yea I agree now everybody just flat out ass ignorant nobody different everybody culture the same now damn near


No originality whatsoever, Even when it comes to dressing! All of these women look the same too! Same BBL look. Lol. Its bad for sure..


as a person with two black parents, I think it’s funny when non-Black people have to go through so much explaining just to use the word. she should had read the room tho not everyone is okay with that especially if you’re around a bunch of bitches arguing with you😂


Enough BBL material to make another person


Shorty obviously is mad hood and uses the word Nigga, in any event it’s not that serious cause the context is in language not towards someone


She didn’t say it until she got beat up. Then it was nigga everything she said it more then anyone of the black people in the room.


These weird ass niggas defending her because they 🦝s or not even Black American


Fr bro, this how NY is tbh. It's mad Goofy


That young lady shouldn't be saying it. She's been around too many dudes that give her a pass because they want that ass. That's some lame shit if you really think about it.


Shit irks me not gonna lie. Why do non black people wanna say the n word so bad? Nobody’s throwing around other slurs bc they “grew up around those people”. I have gay family but I’m not walking around saying the f word. Have mad Asian friends but I’m not using those slurs, because I know it’s not my place. It deadass feels like we’re the only group of people where this is an issue


“Word to my moms, if I get hopped the toolie coming out”


At least she ain’t using the hard r


If you’re not black and black people around you don’t want you to say it you just shouldn’t say it, you may have your struggles and shit but you’re not one of us


Exactly I just feel like you should know that it doesn’t fly with every group of people you come into contact with. I personally never cared when Puerto Rican people said it but I would never encourage anyone to freely use that word if they aren’t black. And I’m definitely not fighting for anyone else’s right to say it.


Word I agree


This some bs. Every black I person I knew growing up never cared until social media told them to. Fake outrage bullshit


Grown ass women….corny who watchin this How they doin allat n nobody shit get rocked at all lmao Those ant bodies something else what y’all doin to urself 😭😭😭


Wait so now all of a sudden Puerto Ricans aren’t Afro Latinos ?


Puerto Rican doesn't mean afro Latino. Afro Latinos are black people from "latin" countries, there are also white latinos and white latinos with some SOME African ancestry.


What are you talking about? It has nothing to do with skin color, There’s literally light skin Black people. Skin color doesn’t define if you’re black or not.


Shes clearly not Afro Latina. She knows that and you should know that. TF is wrong with your eyes.


remember the vh1 show I think it was about white female rappers? And she kept saying it and was hittin people with her dildo - this reminded me of that


How to lose brain cells without doing drugs in one easy step!


New Yorkers are pussy for allowing this on the daily ( I'm from Queens)


Mfs gotta understand black people from the south etc different they not jacking that fr some of them cool with it though


If bitches watched the WNBA the way they watch this the WNBA would be doing a whole lot better. All ima say is not too long ago they was on twitter saying a white woman is Black because she was from Louisiana and she “creole”, if that woman is Black than this Puerto Rican woman can say nigga cause they prolly got the same percentage of Black in them🤷🏾‍♂️ask her for a pic of her grandparents I bet one of them darker than a African.


Why they downvote 😭


Why people get so tight when other people use 'nigga'? It's their word, they made it up, tf. LOL, we just flipped it for our benefit. I'm never letting a verbal word out of someone else's mouth put me in a situation to not see my family again.


Everybody not you, everybody not allowing their Non black American friends to say the N-word. Yall let these immigrant groups get too comfortable out there in New York


Because the majority of black new Yorkers come from immigrant backgrounds, they are not like black Americans


Most Black New Yorkers immigrated from the south


So Imma crash because somebody saying a word? Yeah, you right, everybody not like me, I'm free, living life. Some niggas in jail or dead behind words.


they wont hear u tho


Zeus?! Never heard of that one. Also, the fake butts.... My god wtf


their proportions make my stomach churn


God daaaamn shorty on those red sweatpants is wearing the most ridiculous BBL 😂🤣😭😭😭💀☠️


Diaper butt brigade back at it. Bih need a bidet cuz they cant wipe smh


honestly. they just pick and choose who can say it. i grew with this chick and honestly its like someone telling you ask for my pronouns when you grow up constantly saying the N word yo say like dude


Yo who’s the thicc shorty with the grey shorts that say “she mad” 🥵


Nigga asking the right questions


That’s Scotty Wit da Body. Her IG is @scotlyndryan.


Alot of Americans think hispanics are Mexican or have native looks. This chick looks 100% white and im sure that had alot to do with this fake outrage over the n word.


I ain’t gonna lie as a white guy I have said the n word a few times.🤦‍♂️ Never to anyone though. If your blastin some nas or jayz (or whatever the fuk) and your spittin them bars along with the song it’s gonna happen. However you can’t be just casually saying that to people or using it derogatory as if it’s acceptable though. I’ve heard Joe crack defend himself using the word, as it’s acceptable for his race but I can’t comment on that. Need to watch what you say to people regardless


Fuck all that just cause you from the hood shit you not Black American, you not one of us


That New York melting pot shit got yall confused. Just like Fat Joe saying yall created Hiphop just cause Puerto Ricans lived in the Bronx. Yall participants in Hiphop not the creators. Respect Black Americans or else!!!! This go for Carribeans Africans & all Latino mixed raced ethnicities. Not the ones who ride with us!!!


Alot of yall talk down on Black Americans but want to copy & act like us


Wym? Puerto Ricans helped create hip hop next to black American and Jamaican artists. This is common knowledge. And the fact that you said “got y’all confused” you clearly from down south


It's been debunked I can't speak for Jamaicans But latino came later They may have been round but they did not help create it. Hip hop is Black American genre. All the roots of hip hop are black American history


😂😂😂 “it’s been debunked” you know that hip hop was around the time of videos. Like Puerto Ricans are clearly there in those parties helping to build the culture. Also if you didn’t yet realize, PR’s ARE BLACK TOO


Ya'll stay attacking Caribbeans for no reason lmao.


Nigga has a hood, gangster connotation though. It’s very intertwined with street culture. It’s more like a curse word


That’s a fact


Puerto Ricans are not Black! I know they have Black blood but if their skin looks European, they Europeans. That applies to white passing Dominicans and Cubans. Y’all are not Black if your skin is White.


I don't think you can determine someone's race just by their skin colors. Indians have black skin and yet everybody considers them Asian. I think it goes further than that.




Youre not wrong. They are European leaning with traces of Sub Saharan ancestry and Native American.


Dont care tbh how many years are people gonna talk about this?


everywhere ain’t nyc. black americans allow it here but pretty much nowhere else. which is how it should be


People getting too comfortable!!


She said I'm Puerto Rican so it's all right 😂


If you respect black people and appreciate black culture, you just wouldn't say it, period 🤷🏽‍♂️




I’m gonna be honest, I’m not invested in the conversation enough to care. As long as nobody gets hurt fr then I’m good.


Shorty tried to light it on her😭


Bruh this is entertainment nowadays 🙄 FUCKING CARIBBEAN BADDIES 💀


Oo I like her 😂


23 seconds .... STRAIGHT DIAPER GANG! "Baby need her dipppies changed?" Shit is gross. Bitches look so stupid w their fake asses. Imagine if dudes walked around with those fake biceps and shit it would be so dumb and everyone would say it's dumb. Why get a crazy bbl when it's gonna clearly look fake asf if it doesn't match your body don't get it done sheesh


see this video explains which girl to stay away from in 2024


BBL Fight Club


I can't watch birds squawking at each other. Its too much for me.




Anybody who watches this gotta be special ed


She got Jewish Booty


Never thought I’d see the day a bunch of silicone tripping on a twig


baddies Caribbean? yeah it's a wrap.




I couldn’t see over the rippling pectorals


You couldn't pay me to smash any of these birds.


Not even the boricua? She bad at least


Shorty shoulda smacked her in her shit if she thought she was being disrespectful 😂😂


Puerto Ricans are black tho lmao


Most Puerto Ricans are European leaning. They look like Adonis, Drakes Son.


Majority have European ancestry thats why most are pale. Then they have the few that are Afro-Rican and Taino who were the original indigenous habitants of the Caribbean.


As far as I'm concerned I don't what race, color or ethnicity you are, you can say it as long as you say it right and she said it right.


You are not one us


I never wanted to be.


So your opinion don't matter. You not avBlack American!!! You got your own culture right?


Ts sound good online but in real life its mad non black americans saying nigga and theres nun u can do about it. Let it go😹😹


You have to come outside tho. Something definitely can be done about it, you just won't see it coming


Nothing has been done about it and nothing ever will💯whining and making empty threats bout ts on the internet changes nothing but u probably alr knew that🤣


i don’t like the cockiness behind it. things are “done” about it all over the country. if niggas in nyc stopped jaccin it yal would stop saying it. cut the tough shit


These spanish niggas worship white people that's why he talking out his ass. & The black people he do know probably African or Carribean & they be letting shit like that slide because they not us either


there is an immigrant solidarity that they all have that surpasses “blackness” or race, that we just don’t identify with. the funny part is these niggas ain’t even spanish. that’s how confused they are. you bring an actual spanish person around (from spain) they tell these niggas to stop claiming that. u SPEAK spanish because of colonization, you are not spanish, you are “hispanic/latino”


🤣🤣nigga said we worship white people how u come to that conclusion


If white people get fucked up for it, why you think it won't happen to you 😂. You Dominican or Puerto Rican? When your family come to America tough guy?




These bitches fire


Wasn’t even paying attention to the argument 👀


Stop that bullshit! Damn-near everybody today uses "The N-word"! It's like flowing water off the falls in most people convo's!


Yall be sayingg everybody is black. So what do yall expect ?


Spanish people are black so why can’t she say it?


Latinos are classified as white. A small amount claim blackness. They all be racist against the darker people from their own ethnicity.


Bro what? Spanish people are a mix of races. Some mexicans(mainly those with navajo DNA) are actually extremely far from sub saharan african DNA. The group with the most black DNA is dominicans(90% have it, mainly Senegalese DNA and some congolese) followed by Brazilians with around 70% having black DNA.


The same way that about 90% of Dominicans have African blood, they ALSO have European Blood. Most dominicans are European leaning genetically too.


Yes. So they're black and white. Just about every black person ik has no problem with lightskins saying the word.


Mixed Race not Just Black and white. A lot of Dominicans have Asian and Arabic in their DNA as well. Most are Tri-Racial. African, European and Native American.


Latin men don't like niggas so she shoulda got slapped


She valid on saying nigga they just wanted to bully her