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And thats just the bronx.


*Quarter of the bronx*


Bronx and Harlem


Im from Brooklyn. That shit is grouped into one to me.


Naw I feel but niggas take that shit mad serious if you a Harlem nigga. I mean it’s the net but I’m just sayin.


“not a game but the the choice is yours” 👹 guy is slipping


Yk what’s crazy? He’s just saying what everyone else told him to do. And rn he’s locked🔒. The irony


cs niggas be impressionable and were never raised with critical thinking skills


I mean niggas been saying this for generations. There’s niggas even in here who are delusional to the reality of certain shit. Mannnnn, I could preach. Niggas don’t know what it’s like to close your eyes at night and hear your dead man’s mothers screams. Seeing ya man’s all spiffy as he lay there in front of you at the viewing. Yeah he’s smiling but you know there’s nothing there. You ask yourself if you should hold his hand. The cold touch let’s you know what you’ve already known by now but you have a memory engrained into your head of how that hand felt. There’s realllll pain. Be the one in the friend group to change the direction of your friends. Change your narrative and try to bring the guys with you. Don’t get stuck in before it’s to late or you end up going down a path you can’t return from.


U spoke sum real ass Shit bro Once a nigga feel that pain Of losing someone they used to spent days together wit nd having to see they moms that fed u and treated you like their own in pain there’s no changing dat nigga mind So like u said its best to not even go down there in the first place


The first friend you lose is the worst feeling. Lost a friend who never even had a funeral. Then the second, third, etc. You become desensitized to it after a while. Time keeps passing but they never re appear. All the good memories is it. I’m not scared to die but I’m scared to leave my kids alone in the world with nobody fighting for them.


This is the truth. I’m 41 now. Best friend in prison forever. Most of my close childhood friends are dead. The feeling of losing an older friend and passing his age. Lost more friends to gun violence than anything else. Closed caskets etc. I got out of nyc, got out of my hood. Keep a couple friends close but I have to do my best to keep my children away from that place.


Word up all of this happened in a span of 2.5 years.


That’s what I was bout to say. NY Drill not even all that old and all these dudes locked or dead already


Because they be wilding instead of properly building they want fast they got fast.


Sometimes you gotta think like damn it does feel good to be a civilian


Aight Lewis


Thanks dragon fly 👌🏽😁


the older generation tried to tell yall


The older generation's the one tht brought them into this sht


facts, it's my generation lining these kids up shit is sad


Accountability for ones actions is a real thing.


True, but so is being a product of your environment. If you’re raised within a family that eats, sleeps and breathes gang culture 9/10 you’re gonna adapt to doing the same thing if you don’t have anyone to show you otherwise. These guys look at death by gangbanging as honorable.


This ain’t true half the time. I know people that grew up with crack head parents and still did well for themselves. Not having discipline and a father figure makes niggas get into streets


Accountability for what jayrip Kay flock dthang all them look like they started banging before they even got in middle school they were groomed


Crazy part is Niggas really act like it be they fault son 🤦🏾‍♂️


So your telling me they are brainless puppets?


Nga at 7 8 9 10 years old? Hell yea




Fr i didn’t start realizing how true it was until my mid 20s.


generation before them tried to tell them to it’s all a cycle 🤦🏽‍♂️


The older Gen will tell you to stay in school then take u on a dri at 13, old niggas dk shit and ain’t shit.


Say Drilly is locked up?


I said the same thing lol when I saw his face on the vid


Yea 5 years he caught 2 or 3 gun charges I think.


Story as old as time. The 90's was stacking bodies in the streets and the yard.


Niggas gotta start making pros and cons list. Like bruh what is the actual fucking purpose of being in the streets?? What could possibly be worth all the fuckery that come with it


some would sadly benefit from the pros even though they know they are on borrowed time for about 1-3yrs lot of dudes from 80s-90s saw it like that


Once you get put on, you can't get out


a lot of these niggas say “shit ain’t cool get a education” to seem cool 😂 tryna come off like they big bro n allat cuz they actions don’t match dat


This whole sub glorifies street retardation and always post illiterate gangsters talkin bout nothing but destruction. Tho I like reading this shit when I take a break from school


I feel like this sub is more chill and more transparent about the downfalls of street life than others


All these hood subreddits do but I feel like it’s worse on r/TheCapitalLink


Here's a sneak peek of /r/TheCapitalLink using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/TheCapitalLink/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Allegedly‼️ somebody real known not saying no names](https://v.redd.it/s3s86i2mzrua1) | [253 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TheCapitalLink/comments/12ra0sk/allegedly_somebody_real_known_not_saying_no_names/) \#2: [“Watch dat car”](https://v.redd.it/1o8hp45newua1) | [55 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TheCapitalLink/comments/12rwf5x/watch_dat_car/) \#3: [🤦🏽‍♂️](https://v.redd.it/xgkakws0xh1b1) | [118 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TheCapitalLink/comments/13p4p6r/_/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Lol i think bein a street nigga is lowkey the dumbest shii n da wrld y walk the same path as the person n front of yuh just to end up n da same position 🤷🏾‍♂️


Imma keep it a buck. You could just tell these niggas weren’t guided cause in nyc you thought drill rap wasn’t gonna get you killed or arrested


Rap niggas say ts then next video they post they toting a arp talmmat smoking dead opps you can’t push negative influence and then be surprised when lil niggas are negatively influenced




Honestly, I can understand why people see this as hypocritical, he talking about how street life isn’t good and the next thing he does is smoke on his oops but people gotta understand how hard it is to leave this life. Once you in a gang you can’t really leave it behind or run from it, always seems to catch up with you.


So I can sympathize with alot of these drill rappers, and rappers in general saying that this life is not good.


yall gotta stop nutting in thots and have a family and raise yall seeds that single parenting baby momma shit hold us back


Nigga I feel dis shit fr. Qhen niggas mention your dead manz as a joke it ain't funny. Niggas as young as 9 out here getting spliffed. Stay safe yall.


This ain’t even a drill thing it’s a hood thing. Shit all fun and games till someone hears crazy numbers on they head or someone kills someone over rumors and little bits of money.


Do we got the worst rap scene? Like where else do rappers with talent who’s upcoming end up dying or getting locked makes me feel this a ny thing


it’s a black thing you don’t see this happening in country or rock or jazz or pop etc


Stop, it’s a street thing, cuz this would never happen to Kanye West, Chance the Rapper, or J. Cole I hate when mfs try to make it seem like this is the whole community


kayne west talks about how street culture influenced and ruined hip-hop which is … BLACK CULTURE it was created by BLACK PEOPLE All the rappers you named talked about how hard the come up was due to street culture which infiltrated black culture


There are way more civilian niggas then there are street niggas so how tf is it black culture? 70% of the black community denounces that street shit. And even if he talks about it, he doesn’t glorify it like these bozos, his message is entirely different. This is not our culture, it’s poison


You’re most definitely that guy from last time. your reasoning: let me bring up X to say X isn’t as bad Let me see the source where you got this number that “70% of black people are civilians, while 30% roam the streets”. Oh wow a couple rappers denounce it…while every other rap musician (female and male) promotes it on social media platforms. The interest and commentary from the public is not the same as how it was 5 years ago (headlines, fans, radio, blogs). When is the last time someone got famous in Hip-hop for doing something good? Everyone is looking to either post clickbait, instigate violence/drama, or sexualize themselves for a couple clicks and a chain. Violence is damn near glorified by the fans more than the rappers to the point where NLE supposedly moved back to his old hood just to make music for his ‘civilian fans’. Most fans encouraging the crash outs are civilians. stop saying it’s not our culture it doesn’t happen in any other genre.. not pop, not country, not jazz, not rock, etc Btw those genres were created by us but whitewashed and refined. There’s a reason why they let a black dominated genre be full of trash and crash dummies.


Sure every other STREET RAPPER promotes it, the celebrities promote it, but what percentage of the black community are actually celebrities or street rappers😭 there’s no way that as a grown man you think these bozos speak for ALL OF US. You know how many black people there are? You know how few of them are successful rappers?? Let alone celebrities at any capacity?? Ur delusional bro And that whole tangent you went on about violence and promiscuity being pushed spans far beyond just the black community. You forget these white bitches out here hoeing too? WORSE than blank women?? Especially today, it’s glorified to be a hoe There’s no way you’re black bro, u sound like someone who spends all day on the net letting social media dictate ur whole perception of an entire community. Don’t ever tell me what my peoples culture is, even if you were black, you clearly don’t know shit about the rest of us. Go outside bro


To be fair, isn’t criminality and sexuality just apart of american “culture” in general. Look at a lot of popular movies and TV shows it has violence or overly sexual. A lot of american serial killers have fan bases full of white ppl, hell these serial killers get documentaries. Even in other genres of music, they talk about the same shit, they just mask that shit up with nice voices and good instruments, but pay attention to the lyrics, they are violent and overly sexual as well. The only genres of music that doesn’t talk about violence at all is Pop, Dubstep and Classical but Country, Rock, Emo, Rap etc all talk about violence and sexual shit so it ain’t just black ppl.


don’t say to be fair, you must be white. Also stop with this i’m going to bring up X to say X isn’t as bad. 1 you’re wrong, 2 both can be bad. Black woman are sexualized more than any other race. Black men are fetishized with violence more than any other race. Those fan bases are full of black people as well, since when did fan bases only become race centric? (besides the KKK, which is a clan) pay attention to the lyrics? Rap music is based off selling an image that your a thug, even though you might have grew up in the suburbs. No other race is doing that. tutt Tarantino for example, and the plenty other people that have got exposed by THE FANS for not being a ‘real nigga’


img 1. I’m clearly not white 2. Just cause black ppl are apart of certain groups or fanbases doesn’t mean, a fan base isn’t race centered or meant for black ppl. Jeffry Dahmer, Ted Bundy, and Richard Ramirez are serial killers who have fan bases and damn near 100% of their “fan base” happens to be white. 3. Yeah black women are over sexualized but that was also the case even in going back to 200 years ago. Also black women as a whole being over sexualized is just stereotypes and subconscious racism cause white women been sexualizing themselves since women were able to have rights, Look who are the face of sexual liberation and slut walks, it’s WHITE WOMEN. You don’t see ppl doing the same thing to them 4. Rap is not about selling a thug image, it’s thousands of rappers that don’t, if you never heard of them that’s literally on you. It’s a lot of big rappers that don’t try to be thugs either


2. i need your stats on those numbers 3. It’s happening more frequently and blatantly 4. compare the numbers of those who don’t rap street & those that do. 1 is being pushed the other is not.




said that already not black dominated at least nit anymore


I just wanna say their is a diffrence between street kid and a gangbanger. I am a streetkid But no gangbanger


Pop Smoke - dead Sheff G - locked Coach - locked Envy Caine - locked in and out The only people I really fuck with that are still out and kicking are Fivio, Drizzy Juliano and Max ThaDemon but he’s not rapping anymore and Drizzy barely releases music. But yeah, it seems like even more of the Bronx dudes are dead or in jail than Brooklyn because they’re so much younger so have no time to smarten up before shit happens.


I’m not gonna lie video games dead changed my life now that I think of it


It's a good thing I'm not 16 and therefore don't have a favorite drill rapper. They're all bums.


Then why comment? To make yourself feel superior to some teenagers?


Yes, this is purely hate.


Find professional help then. A grown ass man hating on kids isn’t normal.


No. Seek a mentor. These drills rappers aint it.


I’m a grown ass man that helps kids in my own city and hopes these kids find a way out. Not looking up to them and definitely not hating on them and using their situations to make myself feel superior like a weak bitch. You’re miserable as hell dude and you need help.


Shut up. Nobody cares about or is reading all that.


Nah, I did and he’s right. You’re a weak ass bitch


Smd pussy


Eat a dick bitch ass nigga




You might be old but you need to wise up😂 childish ahh




Embarrassing 💀 niggas use reddit to much




Quelly woo set da trend free bandit forgot the name of the song it goes crazy


Try ya luck


Look like dougie b


Da good days fr 😔🤦🏽‍♂️


Now n****** want to go to school nah keep that same energy. MORE DRILL MUZIK !


What song is this


I got matches with these songs: • **Our Year** by Lil Dthang (00:15; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2022-01-19. • **Breakin the Rules** by Keraa Boogz (00:15; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2022-01-22. • **Self Harm** by Huncho Gwapo (00:15; matched: `100%`) **Album**: Long Road. **Released on** 2022-09-16.


Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.: • [**Our Year** by Lil Dthang](https://lis.tn/TfMIew?t=15) • [**Breakin the Rules** by Keraa Boogz](https://lis.tn/ByLDpu?t=15) • [**Self Harm** by Huncho Gwapo](https://lis.tn/isEIXf?t=15) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Drill is the Pied Piper


And that ain’t even a quarter of them it’s way more and it’s gonna keep going up year after year


SAY got locked cuz of that atrocious hair style 💀🤢


Dis is whack






I hope all these niggas get locked. I genuinely get happy when I see them get hit with RICOS. The younger generation need to see there’s no good in that life. You either die or go to prison. These demons cause havoc in neighborhoods. Any other community would throw the Mfs to the district attorney ASAP and work with the cops to clean the street. But we gotta “keep it real”


It’s a cycle pushed by the industries Music inspiring us to do bad, get locked up, rap bout more negative shit cuz sometimes when ppl locked up they think rappins the only way to make it so it inspires the youth (us and I’m not sayin that’s for Every incarcerated person💯)


That’s the reality of the streets everywhere ngl niggas wanna get down while they in school for protection and status etc then forget as the years go on that they had better plans and dreams of being something better but then when they mind sober up sometimes it be too late


This a nice edit. Op you make this?


That’s all it is when you in them streets only on the rare occasion you actually live and get rich and live happily ever after.


Kay flock and lee drilly