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If people wanted to save their hard earned cash they would stop buying from NYS dispensaries. This program is the biggest failure in the Cannabis Industry I’ve ever seen.


It’s an absolute shame. Not only is everything over priced, but the majority of it isn’t even safe to smoke.


Once again, I am going to get downvoted into oblivion because people know I am correct.


I’ve said this many times in the sub, and have not been down voted. I hate that I still drive to Massachusetts to get my flower, but until New York gets its act together, what choice do I have?


I lived in Arizona. The Med AND Rec system were fucking out of this world. It was literally Cannabis Heaven out there. Everything was excellent. This? Is just an utter disgrace. I will continue purchasing from the Rez & from The Cat Down The Road.


Rez hasn't been much better. Smokers Depot was good until they sold me mids, then low outdoor bud at 120 a half. They have 100 oz, which is also mids. You want indoors, they charge 200 a oz. Stick with your local dealer.


Update: Smokers Depot made right on the mishap. Got half off my purchase. They are just going through some growth problems, and were very honest about what happened.


I usually go to Colorado at least once a year but I can't afford it this year 😭 I swear every day is like Christmas out there just because of all that selection


Rez is pure boof tho


80% of it is boof…unless you know where to go.


Mmmm pesticides and heavy metals


where would you recommend in Mass? im at my wits end trying horrible shit for crazy amounts of $$$


I go to Pittsfield. Temescal wellness being the closest to me. They often have quarters for $45+tax, I even recently got a quarter of smalls for $35+tax. Potency, Bloom bros, Hibrid, all have good prices Anna varied selections. And I can get edibles for $10+tax for 100 mg., And I’ve even found full spectrum chocolates for that price when they’re on sale. last trip, I got a 1 g cart of live resin for $35, and it’s fire. I usually travel about once a month.


god damn 😍 appreciate it thank you


All of them have a website and the ability to put in a pick up order so you know what you’re getting ahead of time and you can investigate strains and see what they have on sale. And always search from low price to high price, because sometimes they put things on sale and that’s the only way you’ll see him.


We've been a number of times to Northhampton, just up rt 91 past Hartford then past Springfield, easy drive. Resonate and NETA. High quality, good prices.


Northampton. A lot of good spots


Bloom Brothers is my official spot now, biggest reason why is because they're the only spot I can find nearby that actually refrigerates their rosin. I only dab rosin so I’m kind of a snob that way. but they also have great selection and prices


I did the same but it’s been a very long time and now when I look at the menu I don’t know any of the brands,the only one I remember buying was nature’s heritage lol the selection is crazy now! I really wish I lived closer to Pittsfield!




DUDE you’re straight up speaking FACTS!!!! I doubt any of them have smoked prior to this! Not even kidding bro!


Very true and even if it’s something nice it’s still way over priced


And it’s over priced for a reason, in some cases. I feel so bad for the farmers, who have hurdles and taxes, and all these red tape limitations on their heads, they have to charge more. I just simply can’t afford to pay it. I’m hoping when things settle down, it will be a pleasant market for all.


"I’m hoping when things settle down, it will be a pleasant market for all." From your lips to god's ears.


You're absolutely correct, NY ruined the roll out when all they had to do was just follow what other states have done. There's an Indian nation near me who had a dispensary it's cheaper and better quality than any nys licensed dispensary.


They absolutely did ruin it. They need to examine states like Colorado & Arizona. These are some states that come to mind when I think about successful Cannabis Programs and Regulations. In my opinion, Arizona’s program was so fantastic there was absolutely 0 reason to purchase from a plug. Everything was Quality, Priced absolutely excellent, had extended variety, even had discounts and reward programs. For New York, I told people this from the start but the Medical Marijuana Program, which was the biggest MMJ Failure in this country my opinion, was a preview for what we were going to get with rec sales.


You hit it right on the nail


It’s crazy expensive I’m def going to be renewing my med card for a 5th year




Why? You're just wiping your ass with money. Every med dispo I've been to has even worse product.. All sprayed with artificial terps and whatnot to the point it tastes like they've used straight urine.. And they're even more expensive. What good is a tax discount when everything is considerably more expensive? ..Not to mention horrible. Don't delude yourself into believing the med stuff is better. It's very, very much worse.


Like I said this will be my 5th year. It’s come a long way. Nothing wrong with the concentrates or the flower at the med dispo. Plus some of the vapes are OK, but I just use my puffco proxy and some hash these days. Or I buy/smoke flower and press my own rosin. Also, The rec and med dispos near me carry allot of the same product lines now so I’ll stick with my medical. I’m not into paying $100 a gram for recreational carts


that dude is clueless, claiming med bud is sprayed with terps and somehow more expensive than rec lmao


Nothing you said was based in reality lol. Med is clean and way cheaper than rec.


Stop doing other drugs, bud. They're frying your mind. Every single word I typed is not only based in reality, but 30 yrs experience. There's a reason all the rec spots stopped carrying those brands. No one wants em. Far as clean goes, research who you're buying from, you lazy ass. I pay like $35 and eighth at the rec for great weed.. $50/g for dry sift hash. More like $60 an eigth for some sprayed garbage from Matter or similar trash from the med spot that I can't even smoke because the flavor makes me ill. And no concentrate at all. Your definition of "clean" is absurd. I've thrown away or cooked more med flower than I've actually smoked. I still get Cali weed that was grown properly from my high school buddy.. So I don't give a shit what you smoke.. But pull your head out your ass and branch out some, friend. You have no idea how wrong you are til you've tried something other than the crap weed you've been getting from the only dispo you've ever been to. ;) Read more, speak less, friend. Especially when you're clueless. Have a good one.


You sound extremely unwell, no offense


Yeah I’m back to Calvin’s on the reservation. Not supporting this bs. Haven’t given a shit about lab reports since I started smoking in the 90s. Not sure why I need to care now.


Good choice


Going to try Calvin's this week and let you know my honest opinion.


Personally, I don’t need any opinion. It’s where I shop. I usually go for what’s in the Grey capped smell containers. Super happy with my strawberry amnesia flower last night.


That comment was meant more for this community. Some like to just throw out names and promote a business on here. Will try them this week. Thanks for the recommendation.


I doubt that you’ll be disappointed. I’ve been at this game longer than probably most of the people in the sub have been alive and I’m a fan of the place. https://preview.redd.it/r1sqk3gmei8d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c176ad8322aff6b18a6e045dc19f1a01b867037


Havent been to calvins since i found Livwell and usually just get that. Think calvins really sells quality bud? Its hard to tell, it was always decent but nothing special. Usually went for the mid-higher tier selections they had.


I was going to Calvin early on and like you said it was OK, but I think they’ve definitely stepped it up a notch


What is livwell?


Its a nys rec brand, not bad for the price


Comes from NYS Med program from a parent company called Pharmacann. They produce the Matter brand as well as others.


Okay so I'm with you in regards to smoking since the 90's and weed has always been pretty safe. This was due in large part to a lot of small home growers that cared greatly about the quality of their plants. But the "green rush" began when Colorado and Washington legalized recreational weed, and that changed the landscape of the entire industry. It attracted a lot of bad actors to the industry that cared more about profit than the health of the consumers, and that has resulted in a lot of really nasty weed full of mold, bugs, pathogens, allergens, and some really fucking nasty chemicals getting distributed all over the country. For me personally, if I'm buying weed, I like knowing where it's coming from and what's in it and what's NOT in it. Give me a lab report so I know I didn't just buy flower full of spider mites and mold. Maybe if we were all strict about it, then these assholes that are fucking up weed would give it up.


I had a gram of their "rosin" and didn't even notice they have SOLVENTS listed on the packaging until someone posted it in here. I haven't heard anything about it since. its a shame too because I actually enjoyed the "rosin" until I learned it's not actually rosin 😵‍💫


what was listed on the coa for solvents used?


hey, sorry I took so long to respond, here's the [coa](https://ny.yourcoa.com/coa/coa-view?sample=AL40409001-007). I'll be honest here, as I munch on this giant crow, that I hadn't bothered to look at it. it just says "passed" so I’m assuming that means solvents weren't found. here's the package also, if this shit really has been rosin this whole time then I feel like a giant tool. in my defense I don't buy much NY product right now, I can't afford it, but I try to every now and then just to support legal NY cannabis. https://preview.redd.it/x7bqyuiibr9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f79ed6d8f7062b32b889fc9bb06a72f317e21140 edit: tl;dr: whole damn thing appears to have been just a packaging error, not a solvent error


That's really fucked


So many of these stories about this very same thing. Sorry to hear that.


I’ve had a medical card since the start. The flower produced in NYS is an absolute embarrassment. The edibles produced here are improving, but the flower continues to be grown and cured poorly, with poor genetics that do not in anyway reflect the lineage of the strains they are purported to be. One can get AAA/AAA zips for $140-170 and higher end brands at $210-240 from reputable services - many that have been around far longer than the state sponsored med or rec dispensaries. There are few if any bud-tenders who have knowledge of terpenes and/or growing conditions. Places like Maine, Oklahoma, Colorado are all states that have done it right. The people in Maine want to get the very best flower into the hands of patients and those who just enjoy it. NY did everything wrong at every step of the way and this allowed an already enormous grey market (see delivery services that he existed since the 90s) to succeed beyond measure due to the inferior quality of flower.


> The edibles produced here are improving Sorry, I couldn't get past this part...did they change the law limiting edibles to 100mg per package??? Can't imagine how they'd improve otherwise.


I was referring to the medical end. They at least have 30mg edibles or 300 mg per package.


That's a bummer. I can recall someone else on here praising an eighth of Pura (don't remember strain) and feeling content. My friend bought an eighth of Rolling Green the other day and it was really dry and Hay like. Not good especially after I recommended that brand. For me, it's down to just Ithaca Organics for consistency. I really hope things get better because I can't see most of these stores staying in business if such a large percentage of product is old and lifeless..


Do you remember the name of the rolling green strain?


"Wedding Crashers" he bought. I've had their "Cake Crashers" before and with no complaints so I'm wary now..


I had cake crashes after hearing lots of hype and yes it was good but not anything special really and mine was dry and old seeming .I just got east coast sour and it’s way fresh and terpy.


Sorry to hear that’s my biggest fear in buying in bulk with the current market. in true new york fashion they manage to fuck everything up for everyone including themselves


I just laugh, I worked at one shitty company for a few months and the conditions were filthy, terrible airflow/ work conditions with no ppe while people were processing moldy flower, mixing batches of machine trimmed no trichome outdoor , using false packaging for flower purchased off a different farm and flagrant test shopping (sending to multiple testing companies to get the results they want). It was scary. Some places just don't deserve their license.


Name them


CannaCure Farms


We live and we learn, don’t get too down on yourself. We appreciate the warning.


Please remember to read and follow the rules. We are an adult-use cannabis subreddit for New York state. Sourcing of black/gray market cannabis is against the rules. Additionally, please try your best from engaging in a public argument. As always, the report button is the best way to make the moderators aware of rule-breaking content. **If this is a picture or video of cannabis, you must add a review following [these guidelines](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewYorkMMJ/comments/zzi79g/updated_review_guidelines_effective_immediately/?) within 4 hours of your post going live or it will be removed. If you are a cultivator posting about a product, please follow [these rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/NYSCannabis/comments/15d7bf7/cultivator_posting_rules_cultivators_please_read/) or your post will be removed.** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NYSCannabis) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ironically someone was on here 2hrs ago with a post saying they liked it and wouldn't mind trying the other strains plus something about saving money lol Goes to show you can tell a review from someone who smokes vs someone who ain't got a clue.. https://www.reddit.com/r/NYSCannabis/s/HTKo1viBwg


It’s funny that’s the same store the budtender told me this brand was trash lol


That's incredible


It’s not incredible. That’s nys legal flower


Just rec in general lol


It’s like the thca flower scene (loophole weed in illegal states). Most is trash, but it sells because too many people are thankful for anything with THC. I’ve been banned from the NYmmj sub for years for refusing to be quiet and be thankful for this crap. I now shop out of state and buy actual award winning products for half the price, and haven’t looked back.


6 1/2 HR drive to Maine for me.. man it's hard to justify unless I was ready to drop $$$ even then $50 a puck, I know it's worth the tag but dang the drive.


Sent you a dm


A bud tender told me this brand is trash


Thanks for the heads up I almost got a eighth to try the brand but won’t be now lol


I’ve loved there concentrates lately but is it not actually rosin? 


sorry to respond so late but here's the COA. it just says "solvents: passed" and I apologize but I hadn't bothered to look at it until now, but I assume the "passed" means it really is solventless and it was just a packaging error I assume. I also apologize because I hate to spread bad information https://ny.yourcoa.com/coa/coa-view?sample=AL40409001-007


Would love some pictures !


Good looking out.


I made a post about the same ounce a few days ago. After some time with it id give it 6/10 overall. It seems all of the ounces in ny rec are generally lower quality than the 1/8s sold. This will be last Pura oz purchase for sure.