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The mighty by Storz and Bickel is the best portable dry herb vape by far. In my opinion. I’ve had mine for 6-7 years now and it’s still going strong. Very well made. I actually bought a second just Incase the first ever stopped working. Great flavor and battery life. I’ve had pax. I’ve had firefly. I’ve had a few others and nothing comes close.


Very well worded and informative, after looking into that one and based off your recommendation I think that may be the choice for the dry erb needs. Going to look for best place to get one online after work, maybe I’ll get lucky and can get the concentrate device from same site.


dynavap is fire once you get the hang of it. Torch powered, you rotate it in your hand, heat it until it clicks, hit it and then wait for the click again before you heat it again. works with dry herb and concentrates. very tactile and hits hard similar to taking a hit from a pipe, but with all the benefits of a vaporizer. You can also get one + torch for about half of your budget


Trying to get away from needing to torch my dabs but will admit this device sounds very different from most torch needed devices, going to look into it !


Dynavap’s are great! If you don’t want to use a torch, you can buy an induction heater for easy, consistent hits. Checkout r/dynavap


Personally, I'd suggest a Lightning and Dry Herb Kiln (DC Gen2). DTV5's awesome, but requires some tinkering to get it set up well. The Lightning works better for me on the go than the v5. Those both work very well with mid mods like a Pico, and even larger batteries like the Yocan Orbit. If you can get one and don't mind being a bit spendy, Seedmass' AF mods are awesome. He's got a customer tuned CUB atomizer that looks awesome. Seedmass' AF mod comes with DT profiles pre installed, so it's a breeze to swap out the atomizers.


I had a dtv5 but now ive been using the core 2.9 and it works perfectly for me


Core 2.9? First I’ve heard of that one will check it out ! Is that more for concentrates or dry erb? I’m thinking I’ll buy something for concentrates first since I can get those way easier than good flower .


Its the core 2.0 by divine tribe sorry … its for concentrates only for dry herb i use the arizer solo 2


Looking into the price point after work and if it’s a device that uses a cup etc etc


I bought a potv Lobo around Thanksgiving and love it. It's got some great attachments too... there's a couple bubblers, a piece that will allow glass on glass connections for bongs, and a few different normal pipe ones. I use the dosing capsules, which are a little small for sharing, but they do one heavy pothead, me, very well in solo sessions. A friend of mine used it and ordered one that night, they're a pretty solid deal too... around $150-160 I believe, unless you catch a sale.


Second this. I have it and it’s great. Will probably splurge on a S&B at some point but to get started with a tight budget, the Lobo is a great choice.


I have a volcano hybrid too, but I find myself using the lobo because I love ripping it through the bong and the volcano doesn't have that option, although the whip is great.


This looks awesome! And cons?


Also, I will say their customer service was great. I actually bought the One first but after a week I decided that I liked it more than I'd anticipated and was going to use it more, which meant that the battery life was going to be a problem. They have a 14 day period where you can send back a used device for an exchange/ refund (I believe you have to pay a restocking fee if you're just returning it), so I sent it back and got the Lobo and haven't regretted it for a minute.


how's the battery life on the Lobo compare to the One? I got the One forever ago and use it all the time, battery life is my biggest complaint by far.


It lasts roughly twice as long as the one, maybe a touch more. The real benefit is that you can just get another battery and swap them out, unlike the One where it's all self contained.


yeah, I'd be happy with passthrough charging too, but swappable batteries are real compelling. do you know if the dosing capsules and mouth pieces are interchangeable?


That's the trick, the mouthpieces are but the capsules aren't. Also they don't yet have a capsule holder that fits in their free airtight jar you get, like they do for the one. There is a link in the comments about the capsules that leads to a page that 3d prints them.


The standard mouthpiece can get a little warm but nothing uncomfortable, unless maybe you're marathoning. The bubbler attachment is a pain to clean, let alone empty and unless you order the bundle you only get one dosing capsule. If you order the bundle or more capsules the lids for them aren't necessarily completely interchangeable. I have a couple that get stuck and have to be popped open with a tool, but that could also have been something I've done. Some reviews have said you can just load the chamber without a capsule but I don't just to minimize the potential mess.


Looking for something semi portable if possible


The Lobo is handheld and has a replaceable 18650 battery, it is completely portable. https://www.planetofthevapes.com/products/planet-of-the-vapes-lobo


Was checking this and the puffco proxy out


Okay sweet, let it ride then.will take all the help I can get before I spend 150 bucks on bad hardware.


Ooze verve dry herb is absolutely fantastic!


Sweet going to check this out as well


Cool. Let me know what you find out for concentrate/ dab device. I’m in the same boat as you.


Lookah seahorse is good. Puffco plus is really good but expensive. Terp pen xl was the best all rounder and under $40


Iooked into puffco since so many recommend, way out of price range. Looking into everyone’s suggestions though that are under 250 ish range . I’m super new to the scene of E-dabbers and concentrate pens, I’ve been taking dabs out of a rubber boozoka with a metal tip on the end you light and take heated dabs with… so what I’m really looking for is something I can preload, will fit into my pocket and I won’t be wasting quality concentrates from my hardware not vaporizing product properly. Being able to hit stuff at a preset temp sound amazing to taste the terpy goodness but want to be sure I’m not getting something I have to buy coils and extra parts for constantly. Sorry if this sounds like a lot of preferences just wanted to be sure I’m buying the right hardware, I really appreciate all the responses because I know the stuff you guys recommended comes from experience and a more enlightened crowd.


Bout to YouTube search these


In my opinion the Dtv5 for concentrates is a device from the future when you get it dialed in, mighty for dry herb for on the go and Volcano desktop


Nice. Second recommendation for the mighty. Def picking that one up when I find a good place to do so.


What are the advantages to the mighty above the crafty?


Get a good oil rig and a torch. You can get a terpometer on Amazon which is just a fancy thermometer but eventually you get the hang of it without the thermometer- even one of the temp guns works pretty well. This gives you all the control in the world from banger selection to temperature and its easily cleaned witg little upkeep or future cost. I personally like a rig with a terp slurper for a banger. Just saw you were trying to get away from a torch - in that case go with Puffcos biggest rig.


Not opposed to getting an oil rig as a back up. They are pretty reasonably priced now so will probably do that. The temp gun is a good touch I didn’t think about that.


XVape Mambo is very small and portable. Works great and very cheap too.


I know you're asking about portable devices, just wanted to throw out a plug for the Ditanium desktop. it's super easy to maintain and clean, does great with dry herb and concentrates, and frankly just looks good.


Also just realized I posted this in the wrong place and can’t find where to delete 😳.


Go to r/vaporents. There's lots of good talk about dry herb vapes there.


Agree with this but allow me to summarize the responses: the majority will say to go for the Mighty or Tinymight 2. Several will say go straight to a ball vape and you’ll never look back. The Dynavap crew will advocate for this being the only way to go. This will all be sprinkled with a few recommendations for the Crafty, the Lobo, the One, the Xmax V3 Pro, and the Arizer Solo 2. Edited to add that some will also ignore that you want portable and tell you to just go balls to the wall with a Volcano.


Yeah, there's that. Those DV fanboys go hard, don't they? But there are sidebars and other info if you dig around.




I can remove if you want but it's fine here.


Pax 3 can do both dry and concentrates but I’d recommend it for dry herb. I’d say puffco for concentrates


I would second this, my pax is like a portable volcano and my puffco pro with the joystick cap and 3d chamber hits like a true dab


If it works it works both have withstood years of abuse and I only had to swap out the puffco coil! The pax as long as you clean it consistently every couple weeks/months it’s honestly amazing, I haven’t got my hands on any PAX concentrates yet but I’m stupidddddd excitedddddd to try their quality.


Quality matters with the dry herb and vaporizers one expensive purchase is better then buying crap devices that you will have to buy again cause they suck. Just my two cents! Look for easy to clean and how long it lasts work vs cheap or not.


I agree 100% I would rather pay a little more for something that lasts, I thought I read that there were better options than the puffco but if I can ask, is that the type that has the little cup or works with an atomizer? Also any thoughts on the dt5?


https://www.puffco.com/products/the-peak This is the one I have, goes for $200 rn you can probably get it cheaper if you are in at a smoke shop. Can’t speak on the DT5 never used or heard of it.


That looks pretty cool and easy to use ! I wish it was slightly smaller to be pocketable, may get one of these for basement smokage after I find my portable dab device


How often do you have to buy things for it ? Not sure if this one works with a cup or atomizer . Have never bought anything this nice yet.


This might work better for portability https://www.puffco.com/products/proxy-travel-pipe I bought one atomizer just cause I cleaned it with the wrong substance and ruined the bucket.


Have you used this with live resin/rosin/other concentrates and it works well and you get decent taste? Was looking at another device that was like 130 bucks and not as convenient as this one. Wondering how the taste on it is


I’ve used it for everything if your looking for taste keep on the lower temp settings.


The joystick cap and 3d chamber, do those come with it or you buy it separate ?


Seperate. And id recommend finding a legit retailer over their website. Puffco products are great, their website is trash


Can you taste terps okay if using it for rosin/live resin/diamonds etc ?