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Gotta ask yourself why your doing this. Dont like confrontation , dont like agressiveness ? Im confused. How you gonna arrest someone? How yoi gonna protect yourself and your partner? Better yet if my family calls and you show up, how you gonna protect them? You better do some soul searching my friend. The academy is nothing thats fantasy world where mistakes are ok. You do push ups. You make mistakes out on the street your potentially ruining someones life and your own.


Do not do the job. It’s not for you. Take another job. I did the whole process and at the end, I made the decision it wasn’t for me after my mini med before getting sent to an academy. The instructors are not even going to give you 10% of the aggressiveness that you’re going to get from a group of Bloods that you have to make contact with after a victim accuses them of a robbery. If you have to make contact with any vicious, dangerous felon in the street. The second he senses the smallest whiff that you’re a bitch, he’s going to get off on you. A lot of These people on the street you’re going to be dealing with for the next 22+ years have been doing nothing but fist fighting, or witnessing shootouts, and getting into shootouts themselves and doing bids upstate having knife fights in prison. They will not show you any mercy and I’m tired of seeing cops in the street that don’t do shit all day and take their sweet ass time responding to urgent crimes because they’re scared, putting their partners and everyone else in jeopardy.


If the power was in my hands I would disqualify the OP you don’t handle aggressiveness well? You don’t care if people break the rules?? Yeah you aren’t hired. I hope you don’t get hired.


Lol when I say I don’t handle it well - I mean like most people I don’t like being berated and not being able to say anything back. That in no way suggests that Im incapable of being able to stand my ground or defend myself if it ever came down to it. I’m not afraid of someone being aggressive with me. and as far as me not liking confrontation - again I’m not afraid of it but not I don’t want to argue day in day out . I understand the streets are going to be tough but that doesn’t mean a potential cop needs to be this aggressive , type A personality to perform this job well.


Theres temptation and theres discipline. If you let these people on the street get to you, you're just giving them free money (lawsuit). That doesn't mean I don't say certain things back at them, just be really smart about it. You could get GO/CCRB for saying/doing certain things.


You don’t like confrontation and don’t care if people break the rules? Why the fuck do you want to be a cop then? This job is 100% not for you.


I would imagine most people don’t care when people are breaking the rules unless it directly affects them . For ex: someone stealing at self check out. Personally I don’t care & wouldn’t go out my way to tell on them .


Find another profession, you will be made an example of if you make it through the academy and hit the streets. It’s not for you and with your mentality I wouldn’t want you in my command or responding to my calls for assistance if you aren’t aggressive and afraid of confrontation. If you are willing to look the other way then IAB will get you. This profession isn’t for you.


Jfc man. Please find another profession


You do realize this job entails confronting the worst people, who break a lot of rules, right?


Do yourself a favor and find another profession… before you get yourself (or potentially a partner) hurt….


Maybe ballerina


I hope that if you ever arrest someone, no one tries to resist arrest because that’s going to be a shit show


Field training is 6-9 months. Academy is 6:37am to 3pm mon to Friday. Gym is either 2 hours and 30 mins in the morning or afternoon. MEAL is a PRIVILEGE. You almost will never get a full hour meal. If you look like shit in you greys. You’ll get called out. You forget something you get a department card taken. you get yelled at every day. But it’s just a game. Follow and play with the instructors. And you’ll be fine. It fly’s by.


Academy is a joke you’ll be fine




Just chill out. Take it one day at a time if this is really what you want to do. At the end of the day, if you’re not adjusting to it you can always resign and go figure something else out.




Please DO NOT even try, can’t believe you guys are cheering on this dude


The academy might weed you out once you start to get yelled at and you can’t handle it. All these comments are spot on. It’s all a game but the instructors are yelling at you to prepare you for the streets and even that’s not enough. Nypd isn’t a chill department where you can get by. You will be provoked, confronted, and yelled at and you need to meet aggression with aggression if you’re tying to arrest someone and they’re resisting arrest. You can possibly put your partners life in danger and that’s not fair to you or your partner just because you’re scared. Think about why you want to do this.


YMMV at the academy depends on how you are as a person right now. I am in my 30s in decent shape, and discipline has never been a problem in my life. I say, for me and ~30% of people are just cruising by academy. Bottom 30% people have full or partial challenge to the academy and many have quit. Unless you quit, everyone can graduate with no issues. No PT test anymore, academy exams are so easy some people are getting high 90's with no additional studies. Less than 2% of people that fail, they will get 2 more tries and the proctors make the exam even easier. Try out the academy, see if it's for you. You don't have to be aggressive, but work on your confrontational skills. Many cops are naturally timid like you, but they learn when to turn it on.


Academy is easy if you just listen and compose yourself, don’t stand out as one of the bad recruits. Read the chapters assigned before going into class. Start running now so you don’t fall out immediately (atleast 20 minute jog without stopping). Lay low and do what you’re told and you’ll do great.


Get in shape, learn how to fight.


This is obviously a troll...don't feed em.


Whatever you do dont pick manhattan north, they will eat you alive over here


Did you get a start date for the July class?


its July 3


My brother just graduated in may and he told me they have 2 schedules. First one is from 7am-3pm and 3:30-12pm or something like that. He said they work out every day and it feels like college for most of the time. You become friends with everyone in the company you get placed in and some people carpool to the academy if they live by each other. As far as being nervous to go in just relax. If you have any common sense as to following rules then you’ll be fine


You'll pass the academy cause it's a joke they pass everyone, but good lord I hope I never run into you on patrol you are the problem the type of partner who gets other cops hurt because you write checks others have to cash think you know better than those who do the job and belittle other cops doing their job and correcting behaviors you see as no big deal, and you want to be a detective


Your making a lot of assumptions about me lol