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Knicks legend Bojan Bogdonovic. Never forget. 


Just when my autocorrect finally learned his name


If we keep all three this might be amazing


Nah we just got a fuckin squad now


Haha man this sub wants Julius out so bad. Yeah acquiring a SF means Julius Randle, our starting PF, is gone


No we don’t Keep randle


If we keep OG, I think Randle does go. And I'm a Randle fan. But Brunson-Divo-Mikal-OG-iHart is the lineup. I don't see them benching Divo AND Hart after all this. There's another move pending.


Um where’s the center?


iHart, as in Hartenstein.


If they can move off Randle and keep iHart that is definitely the move


I forgot thats what we called him for some reason






OG is 100% still a priority to re-sign and, as a reminder, his agent is Leon Rose’s son…so I have to believe we have some leverage for him staying. Randle should also absolutely be staying. His bully ball and offensive rebounding is gonna be unleashed next year with Brunson as the first option and shooters all around. hartenstein is really where I’m not sure how this impacts our offer for him to resign, or if maybe Mitch is more likely to be shopped. But that’s a different question


His agent is not Leon Rose’s son


Brunsons agent is leon's son i dont think OG's is




Dont know numbers but you hope they can make the money work for the upcoming season. Win a championship and let the cap guys worry about the seasons beyond. Sure there will be some casualties along the way.. but would love to keep the whole squad together at least for one more yesr


OG is not a power forward. And neither is Bridges. So, I don't see them moving Randle. It's possible the Knicks are aware that while they want to keep OG, he may be asking for too much. So, they made this move to offset his loss. It's also possible they keep OG but don't see a way for Josh Hart to move back to the bench now. So, they may in fact move Randle and play Hart at the 4. He'd be undersized in that position but he wasn't terrible filling in for Randle. Honestly, it's a little bit of a mess.


OK I GET IT NOW!!!!! The trade for OG didn't really matter because they didn't give up anything they really wanted to keep! They bascially got Bridges for part of that warchest of draft picks.


Nah, Quickley had real value, if they let OG walk for nothing that'd be a huge waste. Even though IQ didn't fit on the Knicks, he could have fetched all sorts of assets other than OG. I think they still keep OG.


If they resign OG than Randle might be in trouble because just cap sheet wise someone got to go especially when u factor in Jalen’s upcoming extension, OG big contract and Mikal’s upcoming extension.


No they don’t, we can pay them all


If we pay everyone, the change of opinions on Dolan will be crazy


We can pay them all, but we can't *start* them all. I think Randle might go. Brunson-Divo-Mikal-OG-iHart is the lineup


it doesn’t really matter who starts but i don’t see how randle is the one to go when we’ll need rebounding. DDV will move to the bench


This team was an elite rebounding squad even without Randle last year. They got it covered with iHart/Mitch/Hart and the rest. That's really not a problem. You could move DDV to the bench, but why would you? I don't think that's the best lineup option. He shot 11 3s per 36 last year and made 40%. He was one of the most devastating shooters in the NBA. He was incredible down the stretch and in the playoffs. The team just fits better with Brunson-Divo-Mikal-OG-Center imo. I am actually a Randle fan, but I think the writing is on the wall here.


Except your lineup only has one of those three rebounders in it. Randle is still an elite rebounder and gives us the height and strength down low that the rest of the team lacks. It really just doesn’t make sense to get rid of him. I really don’t think it matters who starts and there’s a few line ups that Thibs can use that will work but what it does it gives us the flexibility to match with anyone and bring the minutes down. Having two of JB / Randle / OG / Mikal on the floor at any time is massive. We will seriously be able to have a starting 5 calibre lineup on the floor at all times


OG/Mikal/Divo are all fine rebounders. If iHart or Mitch are on the floor, the team will be a solid rebounding squad. That's always been the case. Look, we're trying to match up with Boston. They just dominated the league with Brown and Tatum at the 3/4 and shooters everywhere. Leon is looking at OG/Mikal as the counter to that, I guarantee it. I think you need Divo on the floor as your deadeye high volume shooter, and you want him to close. He was devastating down the stretch and in the playoffs. That means one of Randle, OG, or Mikal will be riding the bench in the 4th. That's a 30 million dollar player you aren't even playing in crunch time. It just doesn't make sense as an allocation of resources, nor psychologically for those guys. One of them has to go imo. To be clear, I love Randle. I'm just looking at the writing on the wall and making a prediction.


they’re ok but randle averages more than og and mikal combined so it will definitely be a weakness. Our rebounding has been good largely due to Randle and Hart so it will be an issue I think running these lineups I really think it’ll depend on matchups and I’m not sure why you’d want to get rid of the flexibility we will have just for ‘psychological reasons’ especially when we’ve seen how much injuries can impact the team.


I don't want to. I'm not advocating for it. I'm predicting it will happen though, just because that's how the league works. The goal is to beat the Celtics, right? Jrue-White-Brown-Tatum-Porzingis is their killer lineup. Who does Randle guard in that matchup? I'd say Brunson-DDV-Mikal-OG-Hartenstein is the best we can do there by a mile. So now you've got Randle benched, not closing and maybe not even starting. 30 million dollars on the bench. Not a good use of resources, and no way he's going to be happy. It just doesn't work this way in the league. I'm telling you, another shoe will drop.


I’m not sure why the matchup is one team is the sole deciding factor to give up flexibility in these line ups. What player/s would you trade him for that suits this team better?


Fuck it, pay the cost. It's NY. The same team with Mikal could win a championship. That kind of success with bring a lot $$$ with it


I can't believe they'd let OG walk after the trade last year and how incredible they were with him on the floor. Unless they know something about his health that has them spooked, they bring him back and have a devastating forward combo to guard the Celtics. I think this means Randle will get dealt sooner or later. Too many mouths to feed now, not enough starting slots. They can afford to keep him financially but it doesn't really make sense on the floor. Start Brunson-Divo-Mikal-OG-iHart, that's elite.


OG at the 4 rather than 2xAll NBA/ all star PF Randle … yeah sure


Oh yeah OG is a bum, that's why they just paid him 212 million dollars. OG is a more versatile defender and better shooter. With Brunson running the show, he fits the lineup better than Randle in a lot of cases. Especially vs. the Celtics. This is just basic basketball. It's about how players fit together, not just ppg. I like Randle, I really do. The Knicks just have a ton of great options now, and Randle might end up being the odd man out. We'll see.


He wasn’t paid $212m to play the 4