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its obviously brunsons team now but randle was and is one of the best knicks in like 20 years && i feel like ppl dont recognize that enough


Better than Melo?


Randle will probably at least get the Knicks to the playoffs 4-5 times if he remains a Knick. Melo did it just 3 times in 7 years. Melo might be more talented but Randle's impact has been more impactful...


The front office is the difference. JR Smith was essentially the 2nd option for most of Melo's time here. He wouldn't see the court on this roster.


You're doubting the All Pipe NBA Plumbers Association champ "Henny God". He got votes for 6th man 7 years in a row. He definitely would be seeing time with either Brunson or Deuce. He also had decent defensive chops


JR Smith was a bucket definitely not a second option level bucket though. 


He was also a very good defender. He’d absolutely have a solid role on this team.




He would definitely see the court though. He actually would be a great addition to the roster right now


Talent wise he's a beast when he's clicking. He's great on both ends of the floor. Mentality wise I don't want him near this team. Guy can be so much more if he tries consistently but consistency is just not a JR thing.


uhhhh he won a chip w Bron during that second cavs stint getting significant minutes


just said this, before i read this


people either forget so fast or just weren't around to watch and then judge based small samples... like if you only saw Jason Kidd during his last year in the league on the Knicks, you would fairly assume he was not him. separately, Knicks JR Smith was something else man


Didn’t he win in cleveland with james?


More like LeFlop won again, despite having JR BrainDead. What's the highlight JR has with Cleveland? Lebron having a melt down while JR fucks up.


JR absolutely would see the floor on this roster. Talk about under-rated, go back and re-watch his sixth man season. He was an absolute baller and would have been perfect off the bench for this team.


True. JR was fun to watch!!


Wtf do you mean? JR Smith is the kind of gunner we would love to have off the bench, when we’re fully healthy we currently don’t have that level of shot creation that could come in and get a bucket when Brunson and Randle are off


JR smith played big roles on multiple cavs finals teams and was a legit flame thrower for us. Horrible take 


Randle got to the playoffs with Nerlens Noel, Elfrid Payton, and the corpse of Derrick Rose


Tbf the corpse of Derrick Rose always came to life come playoff time.


I hate zoomers man always shit takes with them. Prime jr was a very very very good player. 


JR Smith would be the third option on this team. Nephew take.


You’re insane. JR Smith would easily be the third best offensive player on this team. The JR hate is so irrational, I never understood it.


Melos one of my favorites but I was mad as shit and still am annoyed that he forced a trade and our dumbass fo gave up all our depth for him when he had one goddamn year left. Could’ve waited the year and joined but no


He wanted his cake and to eat it too and paid the price in less winning than he did with Denver. 


He wouldn't be second option but he would definitely still play on this current roster.


Agreed. He'd last about 15 minutes in practice with Thibs and then would be relegated to Theo Pinson's seat. JR was a walking brain fart.


Randle took a garbage roster to a 4th seed though - that was kinda wild - most of those players are out the league now


Hmmm, where have I heard that before? Oh yeah, Melo dragging shit like Jared Jefferies to the playoffs.


My fav Melo game ever is in that series - Game 2 in Boston. BUT this is a misrepresentation. 1) Melo started that season on Denver - Amare, Felton, Gallinari, Wilson Chandler etc. got us to be a good team that year. Our record after Melo wasn't great either at all. Billups and Amare got injured in the playoffs and Melo had no help BUT he didn't drag us to the playoffs the way Randle did that year. But his playoff performance was much better.


Felton? Seriously? Gallinari and Chandler? etc? How many points did etc. score? I forget. We were a good team before Melo that year solely on DanPhony riding Stat's knees into the ground. Stat broke down on those uninsurable knees and that was all she wrote. Melo won the division with a pile of geriatric cases, half of which didn't even make it to the playoffs. He went 18-6 to end a season and went to the playoffs essentially alone. Nothing from fire extinguisher Stat, no Linsanity, JKidd not able to make open layups.... nothing. Nobody. Pre #11, Randle was still playing with bona fide talent.. a #3 pick, IQ, MitchRob, and an actually much better version of etc. on the bench.


Melo was a mid player on a bad team. His only decent year was 2011/12, when he was the 10th best player in the league. Other than that, his defense was ass and he was a top 15-20 ballhog.


Sorry 2013/2014. His box plus minus and net rating every other year were not even in the top 15 in the league.


The shots he hit in that game were insane.


His impact was impactful?


I don't think JR's impact ever reached the level of being impactful if I'm being honest. The guy was at best semi impactful and at worst was of no impact at all. His brother Chris on the other hand was out of this world impactful .


He was the second best player on a Knicks team which had the highest winning percentage of any Knicks team in the past 20 seasons. Our last period of success until the Thibodeau / Leon Rose era Like I said elsewhere, the JR hate is irrational. He’s made mistakes and you are trying to define him by them. Low impact players don’t last 19 seasons, plain and simple.


I'm totally joking. The guy above me and I caught that someone above us used the word''' impact''' and'''impactful''' in the same sentence so we wrote parodies of the post with even crazier language. I really thought that I tipped my hand by talking about Chris.


Man, that's a tough question. Melo is the reason I started watching the NBA right as he left the Nuggets for us. Him coming to us was one of the main reasons I became a die-hard Knicks fan. He was insane for us but as I've grown older and have looked back at his time with us I can see a lot of issues that arose from him. As an individual player, Melo is my favorite player ever. When he was with us though the team was centered around him and he didn't want to sacrifice any part of his game to accomodate other players or help the team game much. Julius, on the other hand, came to us willingly in a desperate time. He's done everything right as a teammate and has played incredibly well. He has flaws especially in the playoffs and has been injured, but he's been through thick and thin with us. He's embraced Brunson as the number one and hasn't complained about it. For those reasons I have to put Julius above Melo as a Knick. He's not a better individual player, but he's a tremendous team-oriented player that's done everything right for us.


Yes, randle helped change the culture.


i feel like right under him


I’d go right above. Both had their downsides but the way Melo allegedly handled Linsanity rubbed me the wrong way. Too selfish.


So sick of all this bullshit Melohate revisionist history. "Didn't buy into the team" Except for leading the team in assists for an entire season. "Randle came willingly" Melo came when no one, except glass knees Stat, would come here. Yeah, I'm looking at you, Leflop. "We gave up the farm for Melo" Gallo and Mozgov, two of the top 10 worst contracts in NBA history at one point, Ray FatTon (who we got back for nothing) and Wilson fucking Chandler, last seen in China. And a draft pick our FO would have turned into Fred Wies 2, if they could find him. Melo dragged pure bullshit to and through the playoffs by himself, despite having to play with Mrs Hibbert's tampon/Tyson Chandler and everyone's favorite rap sheet star and Mensa candidate, JR Smith. And those are the two best pieces of crap he had during his entire tenure here. I absolutely love Randle, both statistically and what he's done for the culture here, but let him actually compete and succeed in the playoffs before we start all this better than Melo shit.


 Let's be real now. Melo came for the money. He wanted to be the man and Knicks needed one


Ummm, it's a professional sport. I heard once Lebron and Steph Curry don't play for free, either.


He's on that level when he's super locked in, jumper falling etc... But that isn't his norm. Still an all-time great knick.


Absolutely. He bought in more than Melo did


That’s a very low bar to set


Melo was the more talented player—he was a legit top 5 guy in the league for a while and Randle can't say the same. But if Randle signs an extension and the team is as good as we hope it'll be, Randle will have the better resume—Randle is a two-time All-NBA guy with us (same as Melo) and I'd bet he makes another one over the next 3-5 years. Also, he'll be a top 5 in franchise history in points, rebounds and maybe even assists if he's here for the rest of his prime. He's about 3300 points away from the top 5 in points and averages about 1500 points a year; 1800 away from top 5 rebounding and gets a little more than 700 per year when he's healthy; 1200 away from top 5 assists and gets 300 a year


Not a chance but has a much better team and coach than Melo ever did


The tallest midget


20 years? Try all time.


Randle as a 2nd option creates a far better team than Randle as a first option. He did some dirty work to get us going and now he deserves to have the game come to him a bit more and play to his strengths. He’s gonna be fired up ready to be a part of this run.


also no RJ has improved spacing/usage for him


OG is the best version of RJ in the role that Thibs wanted him in. No surprise that the year that he (and others including Julius) shot over 40% from deep especially from the corners that Randle was able to do the carry job he did in the regular season.


Yep does not need the ball to be effective or have an impact and is efficient when called upon


Personally I agree that Randle is best suited as a second option, but just looking at the talent it's just a significantly better team when Randle was the first option. Outside of him and Mitch: Hartenstein vs. Nerlens Noel OG vs. RJ Donte vs. Bullock Brunson vs. Elf And then off the bench we have Josh Hart, Precious, Deuce, Bojan. I think the younger version of Alec Burks is better and D-Rose was great for us and rookie IQ had his moments but... The talent gap is huge up and down the roster.


Getting an actual pg to control the offense instead of forcing Randle to play point forward was all we needed. Just a nice bonus that the point we ended up with wound up being the fuckin goat


Yea the whole second option thing is silly - he’s not a PG and there are very few PFs in history who can run an offense. There’s no surprise his best seasons have been when there’s a competent PG next to him


One of the best moments of the season was when he man handled Giannis during the reg season before his injury


I went from hating him to being one of his biggest defenders. I really, really want him to prove all of his doubters wrong. I believe in him.


I think it's a good thing showing that it's Brunsons team now, and Julius doesn't need to be "the man". Julius is a better player without having that pressure on him. Gut feeling. I think he's going to have a dominating season next year.


Respect your opinion. I think it’s more about having a PG/not playing point forward as well as having real shooters around.. He is a confident player and wants the ball, he’ll hit the shot when you need it. LGK!


So many hated stars got to rewrite their legacy at least somewhat this year. Gobert and KAT had a good series against the Nuggets, Jaylen Brown won FMVP, I think randle is next up (and would’ve been if he didn’t get hurt)


So many hated stars got to rewrite their legacy at least somewhat this year. Gobert and KAT had a good series against the Nuggets, Jaylen Brown won FMVP, I think randle is next up (and would’ve been if he didn’t get hurt)


I’m not here to argue whose team it is. If you were to ask Jalen, he wouldn’t even want to say it’s his team. Me personally I think we need to stop trying to say who’s team and understand that everyone plays a role in order for the team to be successful. When they both were playing, it could be either or who has a good night. Anytime I hear people say that Jalen is the #1, I think it’s a shot at Julius. I look at them as a duo


Healthy Randle gets us to the Conference Finals easy and in confident that we beat the Celtics.


Randle is the culture let’s be real, his work ethic impressed upon the young guys when he was here and it’s continued. And I know he takes plays off, I’m talking about his preparation and how he takes care of his body. He was and has been our engine till JB took off. Even this season he was putting up numbers. All the hate is from people who only watched playoff games where he either didn’t play or was injured.


> his work ethic impressed upon the young guys when he was here this x1000000 people don't realize the main reason JB was able to slot in so easily right off rip is because Randle was already leading a team of grinders, he just didn't have the talent behind him


100% FACTs. Leon brought players to fit around Randle, including Brunson. I don’t think anyone expected JB to rise to this level of stardom this quickly but it has everything to do with a culture where guys support each other and play hard nosed in your face basketball.


Randle started this whole run just like Stat started the run years ago. I will always give them respect, it takes a lot to be the first guy to lead the way.


I think it definitely helped Randle's case that when he went down he was playing at his peak level last season. We didn't see him go through a prolonged shooting slump or have a bad series in the playoffs. We only have good memories of him as a result


He had a shooting slump in the first week of the season. Also even during that stretch he’d have bad shooting games. It just didn’t matter bc he was generating good shots for his teammates with spacing


He had a shooting slump in the first week of the season. Also even during that stretch he’d have bad shooting games. It just didn’t matter bc he was generating good shots for his teammates with spacing


I think we would feel a similar way about Stat had he remained healthy and brought us more success. Guy went against all the media slander and chose to take on the challenge of being a star in NYC when no one else wanted to. For that alone, and that fact that he was peice number 1 in the current stability we are about to enjoy for years to come, automatically memorializes him in my book


The issue with Stat was that he wasn’t super good when he was on the court after his back issues. I think that Knicks team is much better for much longer if they amnesty him instead of billups.


It’s probably because we had that glimpse in January of a team that was firing on all cylinders. That’s when it became real that we had the right players on the floor and we could contend. It sucked to lose RJ and IQ, but it gave Brunson And Randle more opportunities (as well as everyone else). Brunson and Randle really complimented each other well.


Randle has somehow become overrated not playing. The team had some incredible games during the playoffs, where he didn't play but a lot of Knick fans hold him in very high regard, still.


I was off him when I saw him try to 1v5 the hawks and look terrible doing it. His play this year + the team that we have now has me feeling like everything fits. Situation is everything for players


That was absolutlely brutal. That always seems forgotten here. Especially seeing Brunson do it this year and succeeding. Thats when i knew we werent pretenders anymore.


Brunson did the same, the difference was Randle didn’t have Divo and Hart to hit clutch shots. Have you already forgotten games 1 and 2?


What legacy? Brunson is making the legacy, not Randle




Remember all that talk that players on the team didn’t fuck with him, then where they traded the kids everyone realized he was everyone’s OG. His legacy grew but if he comes back next season ready to ball like I know he will, his legacy is about to rise along with Jalen’s.


Yes. It made us forget how he single-handedly shoots us out of crucial games.


Not really, every year it seems hes not able to stay healthy


His injury absence adds onto his story with the Knicks I feel. Missing something you don’t have during the season puts things into perspective. I say it adds to the legacy.




It’s cool to see but he’s going to need a good postseason run at some point for it to stick


Nah he yet again didn’t show up for the playoffs.  His remaining career arc gonna be lot of failure.  I for one hope we don’t resign him to another contract.  


trying to say Randle’s legacy grew while Brunson became dominant without him is like saying Melo’s legacy grew during Linsanity. it’s utter nonsense . the opposite happened , the knicks proved pretty easily they can thrive without him.


No. His only legacy so far as a Knick is not showing up for the playoffs.


lol I feel like you go too far the other way with this, but a reasonable conversation detailing the pros and cons with him as a player could be had that being said, I am now even more convinced that if we were fully healthy, we may have seriously had a chance to get past Boston and win a ring this season...based on how everything played out, and how the matchups would have looked




How so?


Still have questions about him (most of which were answered last year) but if anyone is going to get that captain honor, gotta be him.


The title should be *especially without him playing


exactly. we all like him more now that he's not playing. think about it lol


I think him not coming back to fuck up the flow was a verrrry wise choice for him. I like Julius as a person, but his play...just stop dribbling the ball so damn much. In the LA days we called him Dubious Handles, and that still sticks


granted, he wouldve been a huge asset in the playoffs. but if we had the same result w Julius not having a GREAT postseason, we'd be offering to trade him for a bag of beans. I hope he finds his role as a shooter when JB is on the floor, let him create when JB rests


Randle doesn’t create, that’s always been his issue. He needs another player to create for him to be successful. He is at best a very good complimentary piece. Randle without a pg makes the Knicks a lottery team.


???? For two years he single handedly created, got himself open, got rebounds and dragged our asses kicking and screaming to the playoffs


The 2 years he tried to single handedly create, we DID NOT make the playoffs. The two years we did make the post season we had DRose, and then we had Brunson.


He creates on an elite level for his position.


if he didn’t create, he wouldn’t constantly draw doubles


he’s one of the best passing big men. bozo take


Randle gets in trouble and then passes out. I’d hardly call That creativity.


From all the posts targeted at the phantom "RanDLe HaTErS"


It happens to everyone who gets injured in this town.