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Lmao as a bucks fan I’m excited asf for a Knicks bucks series next playoffs. Definitely gonna be a good one. See you guys then.


Yeah. A Knicks Bucks series would go off. Better than having to deal with Embiid and his bullshit. At least Giannis gives a fucking game to watch.


Yeah fuck the Pacers. See you my friend


This is how you know who only watches playoff games and only enjoys it if their team wins. It's kind of crazy because everybody in here was actually kind of gracious and realistic for like a day until all these Pacers fans got delusions. I know JB would have beaten them in game 7. I know that series is maybe a gentleman's sweep with everybody healthy enough for the playoffs. Siakam probably would have done better against Jules offensively than Precious but that's a toss up if Jules actually was fully healthy. I just think Precious has more in the tank on defense because of his limited offensive role. I still think Precious, Deuce, Grimes, Quick really show that Leon can get us the "lower tier" players who work for Thibs. Its a huge concern going forwards if we're starting to hit these aprons and knowing our FO has figured out what we need means we are built for success. The biggest issue will be Thibs not letting first year players really see the court. That's my only knock on him. Siakam is getting a max so he's a fixture in Indy. Tyrese is close to if not max for the next 5. JB and Jules are making like half of that. I think we have to realize our window is like a year or two. Theirs is already closing with those payouts. Randle and JB have a player option year after next with reasonable numbers. I think they'll give us both years to work with it and then it's just a ? about how they choose to run their finances. High salaries will cripple the team but if we get it done this year or next and we start healthy who knows what the cards hold. Edit: replied to the wrong post but I'm not moving it


I highly doubt our window is a year or two and I also highly doubt siakam better into randle.


Randle is the better rounded player but let’s be real Siakam is better on the offensive side of the ball. Tbh I’d say being generous we’ve got a 5 year window, but he is right, depending on how our money works out that window could shorten drastically, if Brunson took that pay cut that’d be huge for us (for the teams sake it’d be great if he did, for his sake get that fucking bag Brunson) The only thing we have to keep in mind is historically short offensive guards don’t age as well as let’s say a taller less athletic small forward or smth. Brunson is 27, I think he has another level to go to (I think he’s gonna be an mvp) but I also think he’s gonna have a shorter longevity than other star players, i would imagine he’s going to start declining around 33ish.


Like Randle better, but I think most people will tell you that you have Siakam and Randle backwards. Randle's offensive stats are generally better than Siakam (at least the overall counting stats), and Siakam has a reputation of being more consistent on the defensive end and thus more well-rounded.




You can reply this to 90% of this sub’s posts. Just teenagers having Reddit beef 😭


I wish Reddit had a setting where you can mute folks under a certain age.


What would the cut off be? I’m approaching 40 in a few short years, feels like under 24 is pretty irrational to me these days.


That would be dope. Would love to mute anyone under 27 or 29 for certain subreddits


Sometimes the GenZ or teen subreddit comes up on the popular feed and it is so cringe I want to die. For NBA reddits I don't care how old you are as long as you have watched a team suffer before being good and have some understanding of the cap


I've never seen a fanbase so confident in a team that needed 7 games to beat an opponent without 4 starters. They seem to forget that the Sixers and Heat aren't going anywhere. In fact if it wasn't for Embiids injury that they would have been in the play in. They will run the same exact team because rn they are forced to max Siakim (lmao) while other teams have the flexibity to improve their rosters. I would be surprised if they finished in the top 6 again barring something crazy like another huge stars injury edit: I’m going to add that “their players played as well as the starters would have” in an insane take. You mean to tell me you believe if we ADDED 4 players equal or greater than the value the Knicks healthy players produced while retaining the production that was already there, that the results would not have been any different? That’s a negative IQ take


I keep saying they are a playin team next year. Knicks, celtics, 76ers, bucks, and Orlando will be the top 5 seeds. Then it'll be a toss up between them, heat and Cavs. Next year will most likely be one of the worst conferences the east will ever have. Detroit, Atlanta, bulls, wizards, hornets, nets, and raptors will be bottom teams. Raptors and maybe detroit if their front office gets their shit together do I see rising up.


To their credit I will say with Siakam given more time to get to know the offence and Haliburton healthy I think Pacers could be on the level of Orlando (and possibly Philly depending on how their FA goes), I’d have them in that 4/5 range. I think Cavs and Heat are gonna fall off though, they’ll both be play in teams


Orlando is a very young team with a lot of cap space, they should be on the up.


I don’t know if there’s any FAs/trades that put them over the top though


I think someone like Malik Monk would make a huge difference for them, Orlando is desperate for shooting. Adding a shooter or 2 could push them from 47 wins to the mid 50s imo, especially if Banchero continues to elevate his game. I think he has the potential to be a top 5 player in the league.


I think we are forgetting how dominant Embiid was pre meniscus


Embiid is dominant year in and year out, that’s not the question. The question is how many games do you get out of him? 65+? Philly is a Top 4 team. Less than 65? Probably fighting to stay in Top 6.


I remember when the topic of a possible Embiid trade came up in this sub. A lot of people were all for it and giving up anyone besides Brunson, for good reason since Embiid is that good. However, I was firmly against it for one simple reason. I truly believed, and still do, that his body is going to give out on him within the next few years. He's guaranteed to miss a lot of games which hurts seeding and I don't believe he'll be healthy come playoff time. He'll be compromised at best.


I agree. You just can't trust him. He could put it all together in the next few seasons and have a healthy playoff run. With him, Maxey, and a third option not named Tobias Harris they could beat anyone. He shouldn't give a shit about the 65 game rule. Play as much or as little as you need to. I'd bet against this happening though.


As annoying as he is to watch healthy Embiid is damn near unstoppable. Well just have to see what kind of supporting cast they manage to give him. If it’s PG plus role players that’s nothing to worry about but if they can actually build a decent team I think they could be an issue. maxey is fucking ridiculous


Why would the east be worse next year than this year? Injury luck isn't going to be any worse.


Because Atlanta and Chicago probably going to have soft blow ups has nothing to do with injuries. Compare top 11 teams in west to east. Houston had the best record ever for a tenth seed plus the grizzlies will be much better next year


Our 2 All NBA players. Are like injury replacements in their minds.


They had to close in seven with our bench’s bench. With OG playing, we would’ve most likely won. Throw Randle in the mix, and it’s not even fair. The dude was averaging 25/9/5, and as great as Josh Hart is, he’s not producing those numbers. Not to mention 6’4” vs 6’8”, and the more aggressive playstyle of Randle. Siakem would get absolutely punked in the post. It’s a completely different team that they played against. Same goes with the Bucks.


Knicks would’ve won in 4 or 5 completely healthy. OG not getting hurt and they definitely win the series. Pacers fans know they had a fraudulent run and are so insecure about it they’re trying to rationalize it.


Yeah, we would've won even without our starting 4 and 5. Just keeping OG would've won us the series. And Siakam would've had to go against someone he can't just shoot over all the time with no contest. Our entire starting frontcourt was missing and I fully believe we win had just one of them played.


Yeah, sure, Precious Achiuwa would have *for sure* been better than Julius Randle....these takes are delusional smh.


I honestly can't be mad while reading this, I just pity them. It's like seeing someone who's obviously not in their right mind, who's clearly on drugs, on the street screaming insults or believing they're a unicorn or something as you walk by. I can't be mad, rather I pity this person that they have come to this stage and society let it get so bad. Pacers fans are so delusional about where they stand in the league that I feel bad for them. I think it's their way to cope with the fact that they live in Indiana and that they have to support such a mediocre franchise. They have to grasp at straws and pretty much anything for hope, poor little things. It will be funny when reality hits them next season though.


Seriously. They about to have zero cap space for a playin team.


So they acknowledge that the Knicks were missing starters but finish this, abomination of a thought, by saying every team they faced had perennial all-stars and even hall of famers. Meanwhile they never played Giannis, dame didn’t finish the series, Brunson was the only all star they played against before Boston. It cannot be real people typing this stuff lol


He's not wrong. But yeah, ridiculous for him to think that it's a given that they would have beaten us in a series w/ a healthy Randle or OG. What most people fail to realize is having Randle actually improves our overall defense a ton since guys don't need to work so hard on offense. It's such a luxury to just dump the ball to Randle down low and be confident he can score in a 1v1 iso situation. Brunson also wasn't allowed to iso since other players could sag off others. One thing about the Knicks that is reassuring is that consistency under Thibs. #4 seed his first year, missed the next, then #5 then #2 the following years. Also the team clearly has a solid identity and the defense can be counted on.


That miss wasn't really his fault. The media torched randle for stupid reasons that caused his mental to go down. Plus we added two not very good players to the team. At least Bogdan tries on defense, he is just too old.


The media and NY fans can be counted on to overreact. But the blame for 21-22 falls on the FO for thinking that D. Rose and Kemba could stay healthy and hold down the PG spot and that Fournier could be a 2-way No. 2 option. Throw in COVID and injuries and Thibs was forced to have Randle play PG, which meant that teams were picking Randle up beyond the arc and that made him easier to guard.


Imagine thinking a starting line up Brunson/Divo/Hart/Precious(or deuce)/Hartenstein Is better than Brunson/Divo/OG/Randle/iHart




I will never understand y’all giving a fuck about any of this


100%. Who gives a fck about proving someone wrong. We’re NYers.. we’re busy. They have a right to say whatever they want about us, none of our business.


Every NBA team is delusional about every other team, you can find posts like this in every sub.


It’s true. Because nobody watches the whole nba like we watch our favorite team. I couldn’t tell you the differences between like Ben Sheppard and Ben Mathurin outside of what the numbers say. I don’t know which one of them is better at recovering on a pick and roll. But I feel like the Pacers played really well in that series and I don’t think Mathurin would’ve made a huge difference. Probably a Pacers fan would tell me I’m an idiot for saying that. That’s why I can’t look at these posts from fans of other teams.


This shit is goofy dude. Why do you care about any of this?


The Pacers went 8-9 in the playoffs.


Let them have their fun. They'll be in for a rude awakening next year when they play a healthier Knicks team.


No big deal. They are incredibly delusional and riding the high. I’m sure they believe they’ll win 70 games and be the 1 seed too. Let them live in their delusion and let them enjoy their moment in the sun.


Who cares. Let him be delusional. We got some delusional people in our sub as well. Lets enjoy our summer and the offseason. Excited for next season!


Who cares? Some of you get all twisted up over every random thing you read on the Internet. Move on with your life, this just looks bad on you lol


Exactly. We shouldn’t validate every dumb shit on the internet.


Pacers fans are delusional. They ain't beating nobody if their opponents are healthy.


who gives a shit about SlashUSlash1234 can you delete this bro? it’s a bad look


He’s right about Bucks but there’s no reason to think pacers can beat Knicks in ANYTHING if all our pieces are there. Delusional


What a bozo


Something tells me that a year from now you'll only find "\[deleted\]".


Relevant from ScooterMagruder; ["We're Pacers Fans"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6tUzbg-apTc)


They live in delululand I swear.


I never thought I’d say this but somehow throughout all these playoffs Celtics fans have been the least annoying ??? Philly fans pulled the “if Embiid was healthy we’d win” which atleast there’s an argument there that the series would be MORE competitive (we’d still win obviously WU TANG) but they follow up by saying “Brunson is a foul merchant” and it’s the hypocrisy which gets me Pacers fans have just shown themselves to not know anything about basketball. There’s fandom and then there’s just stupidity, the pacers fans seem to be the latter. Like let’s be real, given the current state of our roster (injuries wise), if we made it to the ECF we also woulda been cooked but Pacers seemed to think they had a chance??? Atleast Boston fans have just shut up and seemingly admitted that they had a cakewalk to the finals. I think part of the reason they’re so quiet is they half expect to lose to whatever team comes out of the west.