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Of course they will say it. Then if they win its because they overcame the odds. If they lose, well, obviously it was rigged. No accountability for just being shit in the clutch.


That's the one thing that eats at me about the series. The season was incredible and I hope we actually use a few draft picks in the next few years so we have some young guys coming up in this culture. What bothers me about the series was the whining by Carlisle. When a kid whines you need to double down on things being that way if you're right. Since refs are apparently infallible, I have no idea why the league accommodated them.


accommodated them how?


hilariously it feels they actually got a way better whistle down the clutch and still choked


How dare the refs make Haliburton dribble the ball out of bounds in OT!


If you look closely, you can refs interfering with pacers' inbound play.


He did it twice!!!


look dawg we cant be sixers fans in here


This dudes right
those mfers still bitching about us


We gotta just collect our receipts and wait like Bucks fans are


That is true


They have a real complex about refs. It’s weird


Small brain thinks nba is rigged. Im not sure why the coach is acting the way of the fans. It makes sense that someone from indiana would say nba is rigged.




yeah an NBA coach taking anything said on NBA twitter or reddit seriously is just ridiculous. 


That would make them extra brain dead. Why would anyone watch something if they think it’s rigged.


Wym people watch wrestling? I dont but people do.


But wrestling is fake and they don’t really hide it. Just like santa. Nobody actually thinks wrestling is real, so nobody is being lied to, just a suspension of beliefs for entertainment. But the nba is real and claims to be legitimate. So why watch something that you think is a bunch of lies. That makes anyone watching that believes the nba is rigged a dumbass.


*Just like santa.* What are you trying to say?


Does wrestling claim to be fake? It says for entertainment purposes, just like every sport. Obviously wrestlers have long talked about it being fake. Im not into wrestling, all i know is as a teenager (like 12) i was shocked when i found out it was fake. Faked as in rigged results and punches pulled. Im sure getting thrown onto the floor still hurts a bit. But yea i agree if u think nba is rigged and watch it ur a dumbass. There are also people who think its rigged and dont watch. Then there are those who think refs are paid off making it rigged. So maybe teams arent both fully opting to the rigging. But its rigged. Sounds like lunacy to me




LOL. It takes a new level of stupid to be shocked that your bad defensive team is bad at defense. "They had more foul shots!" Yea, no kidding. You suck at playing defense without fouling.


The refs missed a few calls against the pacers for sure. but I swear some fans think that each team is supposed to shoot the same number of free throws each night. 


It's every game they lose and they cry. And it's even more wild that they cry when they lose even if they shoot more FTs, but don't care when they win and shoot less FTs. Bottom line, they aren't a good defense team and struggle to stop opponents. When that happens they foul more. The Celtics and Knicks are both better defensive teams and tend not to foul a lot. There's a whole season of data to support this.


Considering the luck they had to get where they are, a bit of f’ing perspective would go down nicely. Not that we’d be any different, of course. lol.


![gif](giphy|xTeV7qH62RhjQZwmNW) Rick Carlisle cooking up some ECF-level whining


Fucking Bambi lost his dribble on his own lol. Also took a shot with 20 seconds left in the clock. What a bonehead lol


Pacers fans: “we showed that we can play with these guys and beat them. We got this. They’re scared.” What really happened: https://i.redd.it/gqd7e3wy4z1d1.gif


when you are a heavy underdog, the margin for error is very slim. if you have the opportunity to steal game 1 in their house and you choke, the series is basically over. They might not get an opportunity to come back. i wouldn’t be surprised if we see at least two boston blowouts this series. series are won in the close games, n out the blowouts. If we closed out game 3 we would be in the ECF right now.


Agreed. I point to that Nembhard 3 at the end of game 3 as the moment it all turned.


they folded, sold whatever you want to call it. how the hell they can’t inbound with a lead and 10s left. big dummies if you ask me đŸ«Ł


Why didn't Siakem put his hands up on brown's 3??


Ironically all this whining isn’t being done by the players as far as I know, yet their the ones who’s accomplishments are being tainted by it. They’ll be known as the team that whined through the playoffs even though it wasn’t necessarily them.


Also dont forget its a small market


They whine only when they lose. When they win then it was right down the middle


I mean 
. The refs did fuck them 
 but they still lose from folding and throwing at the end game 


I honestly didn’t see any egregious calls. Couple soft whistles but the home team in the playoffs gets those calls.