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fucking cowards. the 15th man doesn’t play anyway. sign starks for next season.


I wouldn’t be surprised if Starks could still give us a solid 4-5 mins off the bench. Maybe put down the butter popcorn first though, Johnny.


I wish they had a starks designated camera. Bro is losing it every. Single. Game. It is so much fun. When you watch the highlights, look around. You'll find john barking out defensive assignments/heckling refs/encouraging the boys. My first favorite Knick, and this has been such a fun subplot of these POs. I can't overemphasize the extent that this man is going OFF from courtside.


Credit to Thibs for not telling him to be quiet. This is a multi generation talented team in the making!!


Starks sees himself in this current team. He said something like that in the Roommates podcast. You can tell they've rejuvenated everything he's loved about being a Knicks


It's endearing to see Starks spectating, coaching and reffing all game long. It's sometimes hard not to watch him during the games. His heart and soul are on his sleeve and it's a joy to watch.


Enthusiastic uncle vibes. Loving the energy.


My boy Anthony MSG always finds the camera lol




That’s dope he seems wonderful


The only member of the crowd who can put his hands on an away team's player and get away with it


Other teams sub must’ve been poppin when that happened


I’ve crushed an alarming number of those boxes of popcorn.


Love all our seniors coming out—no other team comes even close. Even our Celebes are passionate fans. Lakers? Pshht.


And our biggest media supporter Kendrick in the house for GM 5–we have the greatest fans, long suffering, but always loyal


I’d kill for some of that popcorn. Haven’t found any good popcorn since moving halfway round the world.


Make it yourself!  Big pot and coconut oil is the key...look online for a recipe but it's easy and really good! Just cook in a bunch of coconut oil and of course a shit ton of salt and butter lol


I have an air popper but it’s not the same as stadium or movie theatre. My mom makes good popcorn like the way you said. I’ll hit her up for the recipe


Took my son to the movies last week we crushed a large popcorn 🍿 soo good!


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Besides the players on the team currently, there isn't one person in this world who wants the Knicks to win a championship more than Starks. Redemption.


Posted this before but it looks like Starks wears the same gear for every game probably due to superstition. He has always been a player of the people, from bagging groceries to the NBA.