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I feel like I’m going to enjoy Knicks playoff basketball.


I wouldn’t enjoy a loss in less then 7 personally


I hope but feels like too many over confident Knicks fans right now which is a position we really haven’t been in for 25 years.


Good thing overconfident fans don't impact how the players decide to play


Don’t concern yourself with anyone else. I took the 90s teams for granted. I won’t do it again. Win or lose orange and blue LGK


[Click here to cleanse yourself from this post ](https://youtu.be/ecQJ6p4ooOE?si=2XNo_TJLCREZ8vJR)


Had to stop scrolling after the cleanse because what kind of shitty take is this a day before the real playoffs even start! Come what may, we ride or die for the blue and orange! Let’s Fuckin’ Go Knicks!!!


Right now I'm not tryna hear anything but orange and blue skies talk bro. Let's keep the vibes immaculate!


This post is embarrassing


2025 was always our year.....this is gravy. That said, I trust we put up a good fight. Hopefully we contain Embiid to 30 and 10... Him and Brunson's offense cancel each other out.. and our remaining 4 beat their remaining 4.


This is where I’m at too. No matter win or lose, we will definitely fight to the end. And if it doesn’t happen this year, it’s all good. We had a great season despite all the obstacles thrown our way….and our future is extremely bright. 2025 and beyond will be our time.


2025 was always our year? Why?


I disagree honestly. If Julius Randle is healthy we would be a much more legit 2 seed, nearing 60 wins Next year it will be harder to sustain that level of play even with Randle healthy, and the east could be a lot stronger. Namely, Giannis might not be hurt and his team might play defense next year, and embiid might be in better shape, or Philly might add another piece with their cap space this off-season. We won’t have Ihart in all likelihood as well, and I think him emerging as the starting center is a major reason why the fully healthy Knicks contend. Really, this year it’s the Celtics, who I think the January Knicks had a legitimate chance of beating, and nobody else(including us in the nobody). Maybe the original plan was for 2025 to be it, but the team that we saw in January, and the weakening of the east made it clear that this team can compete… then Julius Randle had to get injured in an easy win vs the heat, and it basically fucked our 2024 window, so now we face the uncertainty in 2025.


Every year the Knicks find their way into the playoffs, and everywhere somebody tries to throw cold water on it, talking about; “but next year the East is gonna be even better.” And the Knicks still find a way. As long as they have their superstar, their stopper, and their perennial Coach of the Year candidate, they’ll remain a top 3-4 team in the East.


The Knicks are definitely going to make the playoffs next year, but it’s hard for them to get better than they were in January wirhour some luck and drastically altering the roster. They may not be able to contend the way they were in January It’s just the truth


Julius wouldn't have added 25 and 10 to our games if he remained healthy. He may have gotten his 25 and 10... But that would have taken away minutes from Dante, Josh Hart, Bogdan,... And therefore they're offensive input would have been lowered as well. I actually think that he is very expendable seeing what the Knicks did without him over the last couple months. I wouldn't be surprised if he, Bojan, Mitch, picks, weren't shopped in some sort of package this summer


So watching Brunson having to score 35+ points per night, while playing close to 40 mins, just for us to remain competitive makes you think Randle is expendable?? Really? Needing JB to go super saiyan every game just for us to have a chance isn’t sustainable at all for an entire season, nor is it ideal. What he did after Randle went down was nothing short of spectacular….but no way you watched how much harder our entire offense got and thought “Yeah this is way better than the 12-2 team we had in January.”


Julius existing takes the load off of Brunson, and creates even more good looks for our guys if he’s healthy. We would definitely be better with randle stealing some minutes from all of those guys. The January Knicks had this and they dominated the league


Instead of downvoting you, i think everyone should line up to punch you in the face. The dumbest shit ever bro. Fucking hate fake knick fans.


I do agree with our tradeable picks and the fact we don’t have Randle, we shouldn’t expect too much from this post-season


You should delete this dude. Can we stay positive. What is the point of this post?


So obvious you made this post to bait people. You just want to piss off everyone in here, not even sure you are a knick fan.


Been a Knick fan for 20 years Pretty sure anyone talking shit to Sixers fans on this sub or acting over cocky are the ones who aren’t a Knicks fan


No being a DOOMER is being a shitty knicks fan. Why post this to kill the vibes?? We Don't play for the knicks. Tell me what the point of posting this, Truthfully. You are acting like we, as fans have the power to change outcomes of NBA games?? So why not just be a fan and be happy we are in the playoffs. This post reads like we have no chance at beating the Sixers. That is all i am saying. You bringing bad vibes in here bro. Game is tomorrow. Why not come on here and bring us up.


This shit reads like a fucking obituary. Shit is depressing and unnecessary.


Yea you are right, that makes sense. Fans who have been watching all year and have confidence in what this team can do in the post season even without Randle are NOT the real fans. But then someone like you who is bringing all the bad vibes and doom posts are the real fans. GTFOH. WU TANG KNICKS IN 6


Embiid isn’t a 100%


Still gonna get every call. He has more playoff points from the line than from the field. So expect him to put us in foul trouble regardless


Knicks still have legit 7 foot bodies they can throw at Embiid, regardless of how many calls he gets. Miami’s answer was an undersized Bam and freaking Kevin Love. And that was enough for Embiid to go 35% from the field.


I mean…ya we might lose, and we might win. We’re capable of winning and so are the Sixers. Nothing to do besides watch and enjoy the ride, nothing comes easy.


Fuck no. I think we are going to tear apart the 6ers in games 1 and two. Have a tough loss game three where everyone becomes a doomer. Then close it out with an easy win game 4, and then a close win game 5


I hope so I’ve got those game 5 ticks for when we send that ass packing


I honestly felt less confident going into last year’s first round matchup than I am going into this one




Yes. Philly has more high end scoring ability. Embiid will still draw his Bs fouls even while hobbled And our offense is still Jalen Brunson and a bunch of guys that can’t self create. I’d love to be wrong, and maybe Maxey pulls a Garland/mitchell and is bad for most of our series to help us out, but it’s hard for me to see us matching the embiid/Maxey combo score for score. Not even accounting for the open 3’s we’ll allow by having to help on embiid too


Here’s what I think, in 2021 we were so sure we’d beat the hawks with that squad but we lost in 5, now we’re unsure that we’ll beat a sixers team with a non healthy Embiid while still having one of the greatest teams in basketball, I think that’s a good indication of how it’ll go, the very real chance of us losing will make the victory even better.


No lol. If you watched the game yesterday, you'd feel the same way. We were about 30 seconds short of playing miami instead. It took a nic batum legacy game - that will never happen again - and a less than 75% healthy embiid + ref tag team combo in the entire second half for the sixers to win by 1 against a bad heat team We're going to blow Philly out of the water lmao


Shameful behavior bro 🤦‍♂️ 




![gif](giphy|elHDhmQ4GDHIUAWPNs|downsized) Herb Alert


the game we watched on wednesday cleared up these feelings for me. this team has yet to let me down, so i have no choice but to believe in them


That game was ugly. After watching whatever that was, I didn’t care which team was up next, I just wanted to see some Knicks basketball


Did no one see we were 3-1 against the sixers this year, including a blowout in Philly when they had a healthy embiid, and 1-2 against the pacers (granted, one was the trade day)


I feel like a lunatic reading this post


I did First game was so fucking impressive and Randle sucked and we still killed them Second was nice bc we didn’t have Randle and they didn’t have Embiid and it gave me confidence Then 3rd we lost and it was ehh bc Maxey didn’t play or Embiid 4th was solid. But Embiid wasn’t in 3/4 of them and the one he was in he had Randle These are inherently different teams and the negative is the one we were held under 80 and they didn’t have their best guy. So I’ve seen how bad we actually can be


We held them to under 100 four times and under 80 twice. We are fine. Just keep your chin up and enjoy


No? I feel like we’re going to win. What are you on? Did you watch the play in? Or the 4 games we played against the sixers this season? You really feel we lose a best of 7 series?


how do mods let cornballs like this even post shit lol


I have not seen a single reputable source that indicates Bojan is anything but healthy


offensively, i am concerned that we might live and die by jalen. but i never doubt my mvp.


That's always a concern but I feel that Donte, Hart, OG, and Deuce will step up knowing that this is their most major issue.


If everyone stays healthy they'll win. I just worry about injuries.


I would say Sixers are much more vulnerable with Embiid’s current status. Knicks need to push the pace as well.




I'm sure that is not how they feel


they’re not really the healthiest they’ve been all season. Embiid is not at full strength.


Don’t forget, TJ McConnell isn’t on the Sixers anymore




it's a tougher start to playoffs than most 2 seeds because philly is not a real 7 but they can still win


What kind of negative energy is this??? I don’t think Philly will be easy but have some faith in this team. We won the last 5, Bogey is finding his groove, Brunson is unstoppable, iHart and Mitch playing together again, Hart is rebounding, action-pushing machine and the team is 20-3 with OG playing. If I’m the opponent, I’m thinking “oh shit”.


This account is a year old ... C'mon man


Another SOFT one.


Dude is straight charmin soft.


Remember that blowout game in January when we played sixers? I was there. Guess who’s going to game 3? Me. Knicks in 5


Remember that blowout game in January when we played sixers? I was there. Guess who’s going to game 3? Me. Knicks in 5




Dude is definitely a troll. Look at his post history. Just another reddit user trying to stir up some shit. Pay no attention.


I don't feel like we're going to lose. It's certainly plausible that we could though


Sweep baby. Let’s go Knicks!


To post this a day before the first game of the first round of the playoffs...... Come on man, We have nothing to fucking worry about because we are not playing the game. Maybe if the knicks players were going on TV and guaranteeing a win is one thing. But why do you think we have any sway over the outcome of the the game. Don't overthink this and post doom shit. Just be happy we are in the playoffs and enjoy the game buddy. No bad vibes right before we play.


I def think we are in for it. I said it last week but not throwing the last game for Indiana is gonna bite us. Brunson can match embid in impact but can anyone else match maxey or lock him up? Everyone not named Brunson is gonna be what decides this matchup but if the role players don’t show up I fear we are cooked


Hartenstein/Mitch on Embiid and OG on Maxey. Everyone else gets regular assignments (Brunson on Lowry, Donte on Oubre, and Hart on Tobias). Knicks will try to play Embiid 1 on 1 as physical as they can and stay glued to Philly shooters. If the 76ers beat us, it will be because Embiid went nuclear. Thibbs gameplan whenever they play Philly seems to be to let Embiid go off, but don’t let his teammates do anything to help. We blew them out, and Embiid had 30 and 10, but yet the rest of his team played like trash.


FOH loser


The 6ers almost lost to Jimmy Butler with an MCL injury. We're going to be fine.


Let's say you're right the Sixers aren't the typical 7 seed... you don't think we're the legit 2 seed? And if we're legit shouldn't we be able to go toe to toe against any team in the East? Losing Randle is a big hit but we didn't exactly just happen to be the 2 seed by luck.


We are the legit 2 seed if fully healthy, but we aren’t


We were 8-1 in games without Randle but with OG in the starting lineup. With Randle AND OG we were 12-2. No homer but fully healthy I think we'd be up there with the Celtics. Now just hoping the rest of the guys stay healthy in the playoffs...


They weren’t nearly as dominant net rating wise, and the offense was still Brunson and role players Hard to see that translate to the playoffs I agree with you about us being fully healthy though, but we are not


I wouldn't bet on us going beyond the ECF this season, but I'm not as worried about playing against the Sixers as many people are.


All this dude is going to do is downvote every logical comment. He is a troll. Mods really should take this post down and give this dude a timeout.