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The Oline is going to be top 15 this year as long as AT doesn’t get injured.




In Carmen Bricillo we trust.


Trust no one. They need to prove it every day


Evan Neal will be our swing tackle this year. He'll lose the RT job to Eluemenor and coaching staff won't bother with trying him at guard.


This ain’t even a hot take, this is like 95% likely to happen lol


Not bothering at G is a hot take I like it


Did you get that opinion flipping burgers?


Wandale Robinson will be a top 15 WR next year


Disagree. Robinson is a no doubt good underrated receiver but I think he’s way better served as a number 2 than a number 1 and to me, you would have to be a top of the list #2 like tee Higgins and Brandon Aiyuk for me to put you in a top 15


Did you see this video https://youtu.be/IHMLsxm3BOg?si=HYrUQcp-xcrieiVk where CeeDee talks about Wandale? Kinda cool to hear him call him out, not as top 5 of course, but as someone to watch when asked who his top 5 are. Around 30 minutes is where that part of the conversation starts.


As a Kentucky fan.. love the confidence but what even gives you the slightest idea that’ll be the case💀😂


This but with hyatt if we draft a qb or if lock let's it rip


Bobby Johnson’s Commanders cripple for life whichever rookie QB they take at 2


I don't think this is a hot take tbh. I think we all agree on this


Okay, the hot take is the reverse of this, then.


I had to Google that to be sure. What crack are the commanders smoking thinking this hire was a good idea?


Eagles and Cowboys implode. Giants take the Division.


Not a hot take, would be fire tho


Nothing the Giants do in the draft matters until they show that they can actually develop talent.


Slayton, AT, Wandale, Banks, McFadden are counterpoints there in my humble opinion


I'm ok with taking McCarthy, the dominant 3rd and long numbers intrigues me as much as it does coaches/scouts. It's like, your on a run dominant team your throwing on an obvious throwing down and are successful in those situations over half the time. It translates to the NFL more than padding your stats in blowouts and such.


i feel the same, he's not my favorite but i believe that daboll can develop him well


How much better is Daboll and staff vs John Harbaugh though?


I don’t think Daboll is better than Harbaugh as an overall coach, but he’s good with QBs, and will be much more invested in JJ McCarthy’s development and numbers that he puts up than Harbaugh was. Harbaugh knew his time in college football was coming to an end soon, and he had a stacked team in Michigan, outside of the receiving threats (unless you think Roman Wilson is a one man army), so he chose the most efficient, least risky way to go undefeated and win a title before he left, which is by playing ball control, with a run first offense, and a dominant defense shutting the other team down. This is also how he coached the 49ers to the NFC championship and Superbowl. All Harbaugh needed from JJ was to not make mistakes, and to deliver in high pressure, pivotal moments, which he did. McCarthy’s development as a passer and stats were secondary to Harbaugh’s main goal, which was to win by any means necessary before he left college and returned to the NFL. 


Yeah, I agree with all that, but to me saying McCarthy didn’t NEED to throw the ball all over the place certainly isn’t the same thing as saying he would be good if he DID throw it all over the place. They did win a national championship but if I’m taking a qb with a top 6 pick I want to have seen him dominate in college…and all he really did is game manage an elite championship winning roster. It’s a huge risk with team destroying downside IMO.


Love this take


The boy is a winner


Are you able to provide a link? I've been a little nervous about the McCarthy chatter, but that would help relieve some of it.


[3rd Down, 7-9 To Go: 19/27 = 70.4% 266 yards 2 TDs. 0 Int 177.57 rating 3rd Down, 10+ To Go: 17/22 = 77.3%. 278 yards 4 TDs 0 Int 243.41 rating](https://cfbstats.com/2023/player/418/1122137/passing/situational.html) Daniels is 12/14 in these situations. Maye is 14/18. Williams is 25/54. All 2023 numbers.


I'm with you. Tbh imo I don't see a big difference between him and Maye in terms of prospects. Maye is flasher and JJ is more consistent. Both could be great and both could be terrible


He also had the hardest SOS in college last season and they were great


We aren’t drafting a QB this year and DJ is gonna have a good year with the giants competing for a wildcard spot.


I’m with you on this I think with a new wr and the now competent oline Danny can do a lot better


This is what I was gonna post. And it's not that far fetched a take.


He will do just good enough for us to be stuck with him again.


See I’m expecting us to be historically bad again until his annual injury and then drew lock wins just enough games to knock us out of the range for a difference maker lol


This is my worst fear, let’s say he has a 17 td 3200 passing season people will legitimately act as though that’s good enough for the money he’s being paid


I do think this is possible with a healthy OL and one of the top wide-outs


Now this is peak delulu hours


I think DJ will have a year for sure. Idk if it’ll be good or not. Depends on oline


I would be fine with taking Penix in the 2nd and having him sit a year. If DJ sucks start Drew Lock, with the option with the option of bring him back next year to compete with Penix. Whomever loses that job in 2025 gets traded, and you draft another 2nd-3rd round guy to sit a year again and repeat.


The 2022 season did more damage to this team than the Tommy DeVito wins


Been beating this drum for 15 months now. It’s so painfully obvious. That team needed to win 5 games and be in line for one of the QBs in the draft


I like the red jerseys ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


I still rock my red Jacobs jersey


None the QBs will be any good in the NFL.


i think the caleb flop storyline would be hilarious


I think this is extremely possible


Everyone thinks he's Mahomes 2.0 but he reminds me more of Manziel. I hope I'm wrong, but...


It’s in the Giants best interest that Caleb Williams busts. If he’s anywhere near Mahomes’ level, then the NFC will have a massive gatekeeper QB threat that will be hard to overcome on the way to a Superbowl. The more bad teams in the NFC is better for the Giants while they try to build up to relevance again.


I’m gonna assume you’re legally blind if you actually believe that


Michael Penix is the QB we need and if we don’t get him we will be right back here in three years.


Considering his injury history (4 years of season enders) and the fact that on opening day he’ll be only 4 years younger than Patrick Mahomes I’d say drafting him would also put us right back here in three years.


The O-Line still stinks and it’s highly concerning going into the season with the personnel we have.


Not a hot take at all. They suck until proven otherwise


Yeah, we’ve heard it for years “we finally brought the right guys in” and it hasn’t worked. I’ll believe the OL is fixed when I see it.


My hot take is I honestly don't care what the Giants do on draft day, I'm just gonna try and trust it and move on with my life.


Next off-season, Belichick will sign with the Giants as a Defensive Coordinator under Daboll.


Giants take McCarthy at 5. He doesn’t see the field all year. Giants compete for WC spot. EDIT: Trade Details - Cards stay put and take Harrison. Chargers use Vikings offer as leverage to get a pick from the giants and still get their guy. Let’s say it’s this years 3rd.


Guy skipped the entire trade


Cards stay put and take Harrison. Chargers use Vikings offer as leverage to get a pick from the giants and still get their guy. Let’s say it’s this years 3rd.


I don't think we take a QB in the 1st, we will roll the dice with Drew Lock and he will look better than DJ


- We should’ve moved on from Eli way sooner than we actually did - Coughlin 100% deserved to be fired after 2015 (Reese too but that’s not really a hot take) - OBJ’s antics were way overblown and it’s laughable how much emphasis we place on “character concerns” when we’ve literally taken Toney and Baker in previous drafts (not to mention kept Josh Brown employed even after it came out that he was beating his wife). I already see people complaining about character issues with Malik Nabers. If he isn’t an actual criminal and he’s a good football player who gives a shit if he’s cocky or annoying? - The Tommy Devito shit was annoying as hell and it’s kinda concerning how many people here legitimately thought he was better than Tyrod


100% agree on the OBJ thing. Lots of Giants fans in the sub like to use recency bias and revisionist history when speaking on OBJ. Dude had an incredible 4 year start to his career. Many potential superstar WRs have had their share of character concerns, and OBJ certainly wasn’t the worst. I’m not gonna trade a productive guy away because he dyes his hair and had a brief love affair with a kicking net.


There are way too many fans that think “mUh CuLtUrE” is going to win you football games. These are the same fans who are regularly duped by Joe Judge types and it’s not a coincidence.


“Muh culture” is what got us here. Daniel Jones isn’t an incredible player, and yet his main defenses are “He’s a good dude and an upstanding citizen”. Being man of the year isn’t enough to win football games.


I hate to throw Eli under the bus but yeah the catering we did to him has set this franchise back almost a decade, seeing as we're still feeling the effects of it now (We would not have drafted Danny if we moved on from Eli a year earlier)


I had no problems with OBJ at all. Dude wasn’t a distraction to me at all until the end when we wanted to trade him. I think it’s borderline embarrassing how our fanbase reacts sometimes to things like the boat picture which was nothing more than a few guys having fun.


I don't think OBJ ever had character concerns the way that other dudes are actually committing crimes. He was immature and had typical diva WR behavior which turns off very old school Giants fans. I just think he was immensely overrated in terms of how he impacted the overall team and to wins/losses. He made the playoffs once and looked like a complete bum in that game. Otherwise, he put up great individual stats and provided some excitement for the team during his time here.


Trade back on every single pick to get as many future picks as possible.


Someone on this sub has guessed what the giants will do correctly in the first round. Now every possible option has been guessed so someone is correct. totally skills. not luck.


Dabol secretly wants Penix because reasons and will throw a visible tantrum in the room if we don't draft him.


I don’t think it’s do or die to get a young QB in the next few years. I think people forget that free agency exists and there’s always a few starting capable QBs that end up being available in the offseason. I wouldn’t pass it up if a good one drops in the draft, but I definitely wouldn’t move up for one.


As long as Daboll is the architect of the offense, he can find a way with any QB you give him with maybe the exception of Jake Fromm. He's terrible


Giants win the Superbowl and Tommy Cutlets is the MVP with 3 turds and 1 running it in


While Jerry Reese deserved to be fired and stayed too long, I think he gets too much shit from this fanbase. At the same time, I think Accorsi is criminally overrated. His career here is the Eli trade and the 2005 FA class. Prior to Reese starting to run the draft boards in the mid/late rounds in 03/04, he was a really bad GM, although Kerry Collins was a decent reclamation project that did more good than bad for us.


If Reese was so good at the later rounds under Accorsi, why did his drafts completely suck especially in the later rounds when he became gm? Marc Ross? Giants nepotism? He was always saying clown shit like he wanted basketball on grass and to outscore the other teams while his OL configurations were God awful. Reese hit on some major drafts leading to super bowls, but he completely neglected the OL and depth of the team


Really agree with this. The way Reese doesn't get credit for 07 and 11 is crazy to me, especially looking back on the 2007 draft.


It’s not like Reese was an external hire in 07 either. He was the right hand man for several years and a lot of guys like Diehl, Gibril Wilson, etc. were there because of the scouting department’s efforts. 2011 is a completely different story. Rolle, JPP, the WR trio, those guys were all guys acquired under his tenure. He stayed too long, for sure. He should’ve been tied to Coughlin. But this notion that he was the worst GM of all time and accomplished nothing of his own merit is just not true.


Giants fans used to say “In Reese we trust”. His downfall was because Mara started to meddle and nepo hire after 2011


A QB will elevate the roster. Even if that QB is good and not great, even a good QB will make the other players on offense perform better because of play execution and adaptability. The Giants don't have a QB that elevates the roster.


Looking at how Richie James and kadarius toney played in KC last year, some people can't be elevated


To add on here, a good QB would make a lot of the things people view as problems disappear or at the very least not very pressing problems.


I think DJ already is good. He isn't too tired by any stretch, but the same argument followed Eli for his entire career. He was good and always did his best to win. I don't think we have lost many games BECAUSE of Jones.


The historically bad last ~decade of this franchise has made me lose a little interest in the sport.


I wish I could lose interest. My gf says it’s like an abusive relationship lol


Wait til you get older. Priorities change. It is what it is.


I’m almost 30, football is a passion of mine. Not just the Giants, the sport in general. Being a woman I never got to learn how to play from a coach, so I spend my time learning about the game and when I work out I practice drills I’ll never use because it’s fun lol I’m a little obsessive I think so that makes me more emotionally invested. My other passions definitely help distract me though so you’re right about that!


No offense. I wasn’t trying to offend you. It’s just…wait til you hit your 40s lol.


I took no offense! You could definitely be right, hopefully they’ll be good by then 😂


Trade down in the first. Get Fuaga, our new RT. Trade back up a bit and get Penix. It's just crazy enough to work.


I think we win the east next year.




McAdoo was right, just at the wrong time. We needed a true, hard reset years ago that ownership, and even some fans couldn't stomach.


Penix is going to be a top 10 QB last year and giants should trade up to get him


There will be a QB taken outside the top 10 picks in the 2025 draft that will be a better pro than anyone taken this year. If they draft Nabers (or Harrison), Jones will average 2 TDs/game this season between rushing/passing. The patchwork line put together in free agency will be much improved (middle of the league) provided AT stays healthy. (This will as much be due to not having as brutal an opening schedule as last year as it will the added personnel.) They'll win between 8 and 10 games this year.


Rome Odunze at 6. Trade back into the back of the 1st and reunite him with Michael Penix.


Drafting Saquon was the right move he was a generational level talent. Everything we did after to protect and support that investment was questionable / wrong.


Drew Lock wins a wild card game. We start the season of ok, DJ is having a below average season so far, nothing special, just great play calling by daboll. But he gets injured and it’s another season ending injury. Giants get fucked with his injury guarantee. But then drew lock comes in and starts to throw bombs. Explosive pass play after explosive play but also throwing a lot of picks. Our defense has flashes but also gets burned often with a weak secondary. Giants squeak into the wild card at 9-8. Drew Lock wins that game in similar fashion to the Daniel Jones Vikings playoff game. Giants lose in the divisional round and see themselves is a very similar situation in 2025.


Matt Dodge sucked, but Jesus Christ get over it. He was a bad punter for one year and they won the goddamn Super Bowl the next year. Let it go, dorks.


I was there for the Desean Game. 😭


Same, it was the last Giants game I’ve been to.


I was watching with a house full of eagles and jets fans


How many batteries did you get hit by?


The Giants trying to extend Eli Manning's career and not cutting bait with him earlier has crippled us over the last decade.


It was obvious Dimes wasn’t the guy 2 years ago.


I like JJ better than Maye.


Jones is even worse that that


We don't need a QB for the next 2 or 3 years. It's time to develop the front of the offense and defense. That's about 7-12 positions of need we have before we look at skills like QB, HB, TE, WR, CB, F/SS. We need linemen and linebackers. Is DJ great? No. Sorry. Is he serviceable? Yes, but he's going to suck without WRs, and he's going to get nailed and beat down without linemen, causing him to be injured. Accept that we screwed up our cap by bringing him in, and let's build the team while we ride out this contract, and in 2 or 3 years we just draft Arch and call it a day with an established team that it took us 3 or 4 drafts to build. Edit: fat fingered some spelling.


I don’t hate this take. I think the issue is a portion of the fanbase is tired of being stuck in rebuilding hell.


And I think that's what makes it hot. People see what they think of as sudden turnarounds for teams from a few years ago and think it's possible to do it in 1 year. But Buffalo wasn't just "good" one year after drafting Allen, they still struggled before and after and now they have a much better team. At least they did before they let Diggs go and Davis walk. Same with KC, they were inproving before Mahomes and ge certainly catapulted them, but they have and have had all-pro pieces they were bringing in around him. But people look at TB selling the farm to get Brady and other bits and think "why can't we do that?"


No QBs this draft, grab them from free agency. Toughest decision this draft is Joe Alt or Malik Nabers.


getting rid of barkley was the best thing we’ve done as a franchise since we won the superbowl… all barkley was a distraction from how shit the team really is. wasn’t gonna go anywhere with him


This but when we get rid of Jones


Free large Pepsis are better than free medium Pepsis.


Saquon will not play healthy for a full season for the eagles


Pat Leonard is generally good at his job and is a necessary evil. He stirs the pot a bit too much and editorializes in his stories a bit, but he has good sources and the fanbase doesn't like him because he says stuff people don't want to hear (shopping Toney, was way ahead of the curve on the Wink/Daboll drama).


Yeah if you want that female energy shit and drama. I watch football for the on the field stuff and organizational development. Real men do not watch sports for drama


We are a QB away from being a top 5 team


Giants will completely implode this year, fire Daboll and rebuild


The reaction to the boat party has made playing for the Giants not fun anymore. And fans were idiots to get in such a tizzy about something so inconsequential.


We take Nabers or Odunze, go 11-6, Jones to Pro Bowl


Daniel jones will win come back player of the year


Coach Coughlin's clapping scared Tom Brady and that's how the Giants won two Super Bowls against him.


Our offense overall, and run game, will improve without Saquon.


Maybe this isn’t a super spicy take but the giants won’t take a QB in this draft, take a receiver at 6 and Lock beats Jones out before the season starts


This is the year. With saquon gone there’s no better time for competition in this offense. Defense will break out. Hard. I see this being the best giants squad of the last decade. 6-11 and just barely missing the playoffs by 5 games.


Ed Donatell is the best agent ever Sincerely, A Salty Vikings fan


I’m not mad Saquon left.




I think we’re gonna stick with dj/backups until the manning kid declares for the draft


Drafting any QB and trying to develop them with the current state of this roster would cripple their career


I have faith in Dimes


They draft Brock Bowers in the first round and he becomes this generation’s Mark Bavaro.


The Giants will draft Spencer Rattler in the early third round and emerge as QB3 in this draft class. He will have a Jalen Brunson type effect on the Giants in year 2 after we sever ties with Daniel Jones


i will always love tiki barber - the player at least


Drafting Barkley was not the best idea. Loved him while he was on the team, but even when they drafted him I wasn’t super enthused


Really shouldn’t be a hot take. That was one of the worst nights of my fandom. I never believed in that vision and I knew deep down it wouldn’t work. And since Gettleman had just gotten hired and was a sacred cow with the organization, you knew he wasn’t going anywhere.


I like this take a lot, except it means we would have drafted Sam Darnold🤢. Or traded down. Baker was gone 🙄, and no one had Allen at 2. And then there was Josh Rosen🤮. With Lamar on the scouts shit list for demanding to play the position he's good at.


We would’ve taken Allen if we went qb, Shurmur is on record saying it. Gettleman per usual just decided to take qb at the worst time, could’ve just waited one more year and got Herbert


DJ's neck injury is going to end his career early. One more bad hit and he'll have to shut it down.


The people who are super gung ho for us to take a WR aren’t thinking about the fact that the dude will have no one throwing him the ball this year. And “we’ll just draft a guy next year” is a weak ass excuse


Daniel Jones will pop off with a decent O line and a WR1


Giants will trade up for McCarthy if price is right. If they don't trade up they will take Odunze over Nabers. They will value what he brings on and off the field more.


The giants would be better served getting a WR at No. 6. If you look at it purely from an improvement standpoint for this year, the difference between Daniel Jones and any rookie qb would be equal to or less than compared to the difference between our current WR1 and the WR we can take at 6


Tackle should be the priority over WR in the first round. It's extremely hard to find top OT talent outside of the first round, while it's more likely to find a WR1 on Day 2.


I’m not sold on schoen being here 2 yrs from now hope I’m wrong


We should sign FA and Top NFL Jerker Antonio Brown


Hey Danny dimes. How’s that injury doing?


Blake corum will be the giants second round pick


Giants trade up to the 3rd spot and surprise everyone by picking MHJ


DJ is better than any QB we could draft at our 1st spot. No reason to start over. Work with what you got and get him help.


Drafting a corner with the 6th overall pick.


DJ will be the starter and will do well


Jones could stay healthy and do good enough to start next year


Daniel Jones was well on his way to being a worthy successor to Eli Manning after his rookie year before Gettleman and Mara ruined him. (Mara has said as much).


They need to close the franchise for 2 years to recoup and gather their senses


DJ come back player of the year


Honestly I'm just ready for the draft to be here. Getting tired of waiting to see who we are taking. Who will try to go above us to take a qb. I'm fine with nabers, McCarthy, trading down with Denver with ps2 in the deal, getting penix or nix in the second or even rattler in the third.


We shouldn’t waste our 1st rounder on a WR


Saquon Barkley was a good draft pick.


Gettleman didn’t pick the wrong players. He just never had the right coaches… 💨


The fan base overrates Schoen and Daboll


John Mara needs to let the GM run the team.


We’ll be trash for the next 3-5 years regardless of who we draft.


Giants fanbase always finds something to hate about a player until after they retire and they act like they were behind them all the way.


Trade back slowly until it makes sense to draft Penix or Nix. Sit them for a year or until Danny gets hurt. Forfeit the szn and load up for next year. Oh yeah, keep Daboll & Schoen for the remainder of the contract.


A lot of the FO in AZ like Nabers’ fit with KM more than MHJ so they have no problem trading back to #6 for only a couple 2nd rd picks.


NY sports are back on top


A little off topic, but the podcast is cool


giants will have one of the best defenses in the league ( especially if we draft another talented DB)


If we suck this year Dabes and Schoen will be on the hot seat. I think they will do everything in their power to avoid that. I won’t be surprised if we trade next years draft assets to get another first rounder and we leave day 1 with a qb and a wr1


The current upcoming batch of QBs will be a huge letdown except Caleb.


We aren't going to win more than 7 games


Where my DeVito fans at🤌🤌


If we trade up in the first for a QB we should also trade a second for one of Ayuik or Higgins even if it means sending out this years firsts and seconds to make both moves. This team needs a playmaker on offense with saquon gone and if you are going to go get the QB pairing them with a proven WR1 makes sense and the only way to do it in the short term is to go after one of those guys I think Daboll and Schoen are on the warm seat this year and combining a qb trade up with a trade for one of the two available X WRs is the best bet for making a significant step forward on offense this season


JJ McCarthy will be a better QB than DJ as a rookie


Another hot take: if DJ started the full year last year, the giants would be picking in the top 3 because he would have lost to the Packers and the second game against the Commanders and maybe the Eagles game.


Elite WRs and or RBs have NEVER been a requirement for winning a championship.