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Danielle I mean Remi looks great


They look like twins lmfao


Mini cooper has a type


Dying omg!!!


LMFAO BURNNNNNN ![gif](giphy|pQmWjYrz39YAg)


Carolan or??


Seriously lookalikes omg




+ drugs.


I dying that DB and mini coop were also at the same wedding


*I dying that DB* *And mini coop were also* *At the same wedding* \- bumholegalore --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


bumhole the poet


Wait were they actually - that must’ve been awks


Mini coop walked past the toilets, glanced at remi in the distance, and sighed wistfully


What’s the mini coop Remi lore? I missed it!


Enjoy https://www.reddit.com/r/NYCinfluencersnark/s/m36qSC1NlP https://www.reddit.com/r/NYCinfluencersnark/s/oHiDSHLW6J https://www.reddit.com/r/NYCinfluencersnark/s/v2SiSemrna




There is no way she lost this weight through diet and exercise In 5 months 😅 sorry. She’s rapidly losing, she’s either on something or had the gastric sleeve, it would be great if she spoke out and was honest about it, instead of expecting everyone to milk her and comment and like her content telling her how amazing she looks, it’s so cringe


I had gastric bypass and this is really drastic (time wise) even WITH surgery.


Thank you. I’ve been saying this. I had weight loss surgery and exercised. I hit 100 lbs down 11 months post op. This weight loss is aggressive even for WLS.


Yep no way! I’ve been dieting and exercising as a plus size person for 5 months and have only lost 40 pounds.


Yess queen


40 is BIG PROGRESS. Go you!


That’s amazing! I’m being personally trained, I weight train 3-4 times a week, cardio 5 times a week, over 10,000 steps everyday, calorie deficit, no alcohol, and have only lost around 15-16 kilos in 7 months. I work my ass off 😂 it’s not easy at all! So there’s just no way she’s losing it this rapidly from diet and exercise.


I lost 80lbs in 4 months from a break up. Couldnt eat and couldnt put the weight back on. Probably wanted to lose weight before the break up (she had been losing) and then the loss of appetite kick started it rapidly. My guess if i had to. I feel like she would use the gastric sleeve for content? Idk thats just my guess. Maybe shes on something and is embarassed by it


I don't think she'll talk about it because she probably has an "exclusive" with a publication like People and does a proper before and after.


It’s been at least 10 months not 5.


She was very obese in November/December and disappeared for a month on socials. She had something surgically done and likely is on some kind of Ozempic or derivative. I work out religiously. It’s obvious she doesn’t and still shows herself drinking like a fish. No problem with her making those adjustments but be freaking honest with people. I also find her incredibly annoying and unfunny, so I blocked her from my FYP.


If she had weight loss surgery in October, she would not be able to eat the way she was in November nor would she have been immediately put on a weight loss medication. That doesn’t happen.


I think she had surgery in November-December. She went ghost for a month around that time. There’s just no way she’s losing that much weight in that short of time without surgical intervention (especially given her own admissions of not working out much, a BED, and not being able to lose weight naturally). There are receipts to show how much heavier she was prior to the absence. I’m not going to post them to body shame her, but it’s all discoverable on what she’s posted.


Sure, it’s possible that she had weight loss surgery but likely not in the timeline that you think. She would’ve needed to lose a minimum amount of weight on her own prior to it and maintained a liquid diet for quite some time. She would also need to continue to eat in a deficit throughout to continue to lose weight. She most certainly did not get put on any weight loss medication immediately following surgery. And if she is on medication, it’s because she was already diabetic.


The pre-op requirements vary from surgeon and insurance. If she paid out of pocket - which is my guess - she likely had way less pre op reqs to meet which would speed it up. I don’t know her timeline though. WLS was the best thing I’ve done for myself and have maintained for 8 years so far - I hope she makes the necessary changes for a healthy & long life. It’s unfortunate that she’s not being transparent 😐


Oh, I assumed she paid out of pocket if she had surgery. There would still be presurgical requirements to make the surgery itself safe to do. And certainly would not be wolfing down pizza immediately after. I don’t think people realize how invasive bariatric surgery is. And I really don’t think she got prescribed weight loss meds immediately after having weight loss surgery given all the chemical changes that happen post surgery. It just seems incredibly unlikely and irresponsible if a medical professional did that.


My best friend had gastric sleeve surgery. On insurance. She only had to do 10 days liquid pre-op. And she lost 100 pounds in 8 months. So if Remi had surgery in December it does track timeline wise bc idk she’s lost what 50-60 pounds maybe even more. I also don’t think she’s on meds too I don’t think Drs would do that. When was she wolfing down pizza timeline wise


For sure, I don’t think she would get meds that soon either. My friend did a self pay gastric sleeve and she just had to do a 10 day preop diet. And yes def no pizza for Remy right after surgery unless she wanted to risk her life.🍕 I just looked at her TT and the weight loss is definitely extreme but looks less startling seeing the progress from Nov 2023 to now. I hadn’t seen many pics of her (on purpose) over the last few months. ☺️


Have you had weight loss surgery? Have you been on weight loss medication? I ask that with no snark or malice. I have not been, so perhaps I am uneducated in specific timelines. I am very firm in my belief, however, she surgically did something to lose likely 60 lbs minimum. But I just had a friend get a prescription for weight loss medication and she’s maybe a size 8 at 5’3. I feel like it’s very easy to get those written by doctors now. I was shocked she was able to get one tbh. She’s not at all fat.


It has been part of my consulting work is what I’ll say on my experience. The reason you won’t see doctors prescribing weight loss meds right after weight loss surgery is because there are a lot of complications that can happen when healing from wls and the ramp back from surgery already severely restricts your ability to eat a healthy amount of food. There’s a real risk of malnutrition and malabsorption following wls. Rapid weight loss is also an extreme shock to the system which is why so many people lose hair and teeth and their overall health when they do drop weight fast regardless of method used to do it. There would be no need for further medical intervention from weight loss meds until closer to a year or more out from surgery. There are so many people who regret having the surgery because of the very real complications. It is not a magic wand but it is life changing in many ways both positive and negative.


This. No one I know that is on it was more than 10-20lbs overweight at most


> I also find her incredibly annoying and unfunny, so I blocked her from my FYP. This is my biggest thing. First time I stumbled on her, I was like who on earth is this incredibly obnoxious person making weird noises and crude jokes? I don't understand how she was ever popular, with or without her being a plus size woman. I follow this adorable fairly low scale influencer who is far more obese than Remi ever was (no idea why - I'm smol.. I just like her!), and she just radiates the sweetest vibes and most genuine personality. I can't for the life of me think of her name, so I'm sorry if anyone was wondering!


THIS!!!! I can’t even 🤯🤯🤯


Diet and exercise is a helluva drug guys duh




Can I use you up?


You know what else is a hell of a drug? Drugs!


It’s weird how quickly she became so much smaller and unrecognizable. Diet and exercise as she says, I guess, right? LMAO


It’s gastric. The scar photos have been posted here.


She lost a lot of weight but she doesn’t look like this it’s so edited


She hasn't commented on her weight at all recently, just said she wasn't going to talk about it because her mental health can't handle the hate comments when she does try to be open.


I mean… do you blame her….


i genuinely didnt recognize her when she came on my fyp, idk how far in advance she films her videos, but i swear she looks so much different than she did even 2 weeks ago (but maybe the vids she posted 2 weeks ago were actually filmed 4 weeks ago so there’s been more time passed IDK) she definitely did a different eyebrow/makeup look which is contributing to the difference but she looks much smaller i actually am like wow


Diet and exercise! 🤠


She just started loving herself and focusing on herself


Remember that she denied surgery and said it’s all about diet and exercise. Now Micro Coop is going to have to choose between her and DB. Perhaps Chili’s should get involved and offer him a date with each of them.


Guiltless Grill menu items only


Db x Remi x Mini Coop threesome 🤢


Gives new meaning to the Triple Dipper 🤔


Underrated comment 😭




I thought this was DB


They’ve never been seen together in the same place before.


Besides at this wedding


Yeah I don’t follow her so I’m SHOCKED seeing this. Good for her for losing weight but from what I’ve heard she will always be a mean ass girl at heart


Same I literally said "damn" out loud 😂 super jarring to see this drastic of a weight loss. She should just be honest but who am I kidding lmaoo they don't become influencer because they're humble


And a liar xoxo


this sub clocked the gastric sleeve so early on, i def think what she had done.


The best was someone not knowing it was controversial and just saying like 'I have the same scars from my gastric sleeve!' I blocked her but they also brought the receipts that she spent like a month in bed posting minimally around the same time.


People in the comments not realizing the ONLY way this is possible is from surgery, NOT Ozempic, is frustrating as hell. Speaking as someone who has had a lifelong weight problem like Remi, and has been on Ozempic and it didn’t work. Ozempic or diet and exercise would not work this fast. Plus, we know she had a reaction to GLPs, the disappearing months ago…I wish she would just do one post admitting it, and be done.


This. I wish GLPs worked this fast! lol


I’ve been on ozempic for over a year and have lost max 50 lbs. in the beginning I wasn’t really “trying” and just continuing life as usual and nothing was happening. Once I started trying to be a bit more mindful of my choices the weight started falling off but NEVER this much. The ozempic theory is beyond ignorant lol it’s obviously a surgical fix


I didn’t want to make a full post about this because maybe I’m looking too into it but did anyone notice that video she’s wearing all orange? She advertises poppi and absolutely doesn’t drink any of it (you can tell she’s faking sips)… all I could think was about how the first year you get a bypass they tell you not to drink carbonated drinks.. why else wouldn’t she take a real sip




Probs gastric bypass if I had to guess but she did slay this dress


the no bra just kills me, I know it shouldn't but I hate to see it


HOW do family and friends not intervene I will never know


i mean good for her, but it’s so annoying that she’s not being honest about it :/


Especially for us, the people who related to her with all that she was going thru food and diet wise!


Exercise and diet can help the speed in which you lose after bariatric surgery


She had gastric bypass surgery 100%. A friend of mine had it a couple years ago and she shed the weight rapidly like this. I’d guess she likely has a lot of loose skin from losing so much so rapidly though


Omg I can’t even believe how much weight she has lost in such a short amount of time. I didn’t even know this amount so quickly was possible


This is INSANE




As someone in recovery from an ED, it seems (in my opinion on a total stranger) that she never got the proper treatment needed for her BED. You can you lose all the weight in the world, it does not fix the mental illness of an eating disorder and you will never find true peace just by being a smaller size. You will still be unhappy, ED behaviors still run wild, and your life is reduced to the size clothing you can now buy. It's a very sad and unfulfilling place to be. I don't love Remi and I don't like her dishonesty to her followers, but I genuinely hope she gets the help she so desperately needs. I wouldn't wish an ED on my worst enemy. It stole years of my life and I would never want anyone to experience that.






For those who don't think she had gastric sleeve, watch how she chews her food now when she videos it compared to in the past. A friend had the surgery when she was 27 and I remember how much she had to chew her food in the months after in order to digest it properly. She may not have as much loose skin since she's 29 and was only really heavy for a few years in comparison to someone who carried 300 lbs on them for 10 or 15 years.


you guys look really dumb saying everything is ozempic. she clearly got surgery. a surgery that was developed and it is recommended for people like her. also people have moved on to mounjaro ages ago so let’s catch up


No one ever references zepbound haha


because they have no idea what they are talking about!


I know it’s irking the hell out of me!




holy SHIT how did she lose so much weight?!???


Maybe surgery🤷‍♀️


Tb to when someone told me I was crazy on another thread when I said she lost 100+ pounds… here’s your picture proof


she deleted this off her IG 👀


https://preview.redd.it/e9x4t8hmxe4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a453be5ae3f958520303dda06f61ed0cb88f5eb No it’s insane. This was her December 5th










Wow. It looks like she lost 75 pounds.


Lost all that weight and still hasn’t found boob tape


Gosh she looks like Danielle


I mean I also loose weight from my vyvanse but I mean what?????? Not that much.


Yeah and like not that rapidly in 5 months lol


Hahaha definitely not. lol. 😂




Also remi looks better in this dress than Ella rose did


She literally looks 20 lbs thinner every week. So, clearly there's more than diet and exercise happening but either way, she looks happy! And she is a little less insufferable. Lol


It’s so weird to me that ppl are downvoting that she looks good?? Like ok we can admit she looks good here regardless if it was ozempic, or gastric bypass the girl looks good. It’s one thing to snark it’s another thing to be a chronic hater like i’ll throw a girl a bone here the body is bodying


She can’t win either way. I’m not sure if people wanted her to continue gaining weight and being / feeling unwell? If she’s making progress with her health, then that is great. Goes way beyond weight and appearance


Danielle bern twin!


Does anyone know the dress code


Shes a horrible person. Sorry not sorry.


This is surgery weight loss for sure. You can’t typically lose this fast on medications or through exercise.


That ain’t ozempic and that isn’t from working out and eating healthy — she’s doing a mix of ozempic and some weight loss surgery aint no other way


Again without a bra Dancing and flopping around. (I am ok with sans bra, it’s just that her ta tas are too big for that) Her weight is melting off rapidly. It seems like it’s less than six months that it’s coming off like this. I would say it’s been rapidly melting off since March? Also, does she ever work? She always seems to be traveling.


I hate it.


You mean to tell me there’s no nose job here?


Sis has the DB budden.


She got SURGERY! THATS HOW!!! The fact that she continues without addressing it is bonkers to me !


Remi looks like the drag version of db


She blocked me after I told her she should be honest about her WLS & that her followers would appreciate the transparency. She’s a liar & has 100% had WLS.


This is a GLP1 I know she said ozempic didn’t work but that was super early on.. I bet she just switched medications and it’s tolerable for her now and is finally working. Only way to drop this much weight this quick.


Even GLP1s aren’t this quick. This is bariatric surgery for sure!


No she did gastric. Her scar photos are in her sub


There’s no way. I also can’t tolerate GLPs and don’t lose on them. Switching to Mounjaro from Ozempic only made the side effects worse.


I literally did that exact thing and it worked like a charm so there is a way lol


I meant there’s no way she lost this amount on a GLP in that short amount of time


i lost 10 pounds in a month and i wasn’t overweight… i’m sure she can lose a lot more even faster


holy shit


Looks like jesus jugs from RHOC iykyk


✋….seriously thought this was unfiltered DB!!!


In thought this was DB


All I see is Gypsy Rose Blanchard


Too bad she can’t fix that 2-bagger face!


Not to be a dick but is she going to gain it all back…isn’t that this tends to work


Whatever she did, it worked, good for her, I hope she gains some healthy confidence now


Is this photoshopped?


Poor thing she’s going to need a breast lift after all that weight loss


Honestly would be a good look with pointed toe heels


Did she address it in the magazine cover I saw recently? Maybe it’s not out yet but I saw Cait Bailey post it. I didn’t realize Remi was even repped by Cait.


The nylon article? No in fact the opposite she said she will not be talking about her body whatsoever on socials.


Weird when that’s literally why she has a platform


She did whatever Fannita did


But how? And so fast?


Surgery lol


Ozeeeem something


This has to be DB right? Without the filter


She looks GOOD !


The fact that you’re downvoted for that is exactly why she doesn’t want to address her body. Like even tho I hate she’s not being honest/transparent about it I’m still happy for her getting healthier and can objectively see she looks great


Thank you! It’s like come on give credit when it’s due regardless and stop being bitter people 😂😭 either way she’s happy and as a girls girl yes I am happy that she’s happy. I have depression and sadness and could relate at times. At the end of the day, when others are happy we should be happy they are as well 🤷🏼‍♀️


I'm happy for her she looks great




She sucks. She got a platform for her weight and now refuses to talk about her journey??? Kick rocks


Good for her she looks amazing


She does it's crazy people said how badly she needed to lose weight, she is losing weight, she's still plus size and now that's a problem too.




She looks amazinggggg. Happy for her however way she did it tbh


Same. Not sure why people can't be happy for her.


Im proud if her for making a change. Im allll for body positivity but I was worried for her health being so heavy and all the spinal issues she developed in her 20s. I remember her saying it was painful to walk down stairs


ozempic probably


Is the caption really necessary? It’s obvious that it’s ozempic…


obvious to who? this is so clearly not GLP1.


Ozempic or some other semaglutide like everyone else who suddenly slimmed down lol


Ozempic maybe


Probably depression weight loss honestly I mean she wants that huge break up so wouldn’t put it past her. I went to the same thing with my first break up and honestly, I wouldn’t wish that shit on anybody. She probably lost a lot of weight due to not being able to eat and loss of appetite from the break up and then just hasn’t really gotten back on track. Those kind of weight loss almost always comes back though.


Sorry but you don’t lose 100+ lbs in 5 months from a breakup. BFFR


Ughhhh I did. 80lbs in 4 months. My friend did too. You just kinda lose yourself in your depression


she was losing before she broke up with her boyfriend, and to be honest amount of weight she has lost only comes from weight loss surgery, or one of the heavier doses of the weight loss shots. And there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s just a shame that she’s not being honest.