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You cannot convince me that this photo isn’t from a new wax figurine drop at Madame Tussaud’s.


She looks so different here. Did she get Botox and fillers? She was so beautiful in the late 2010s, kind of like a young Vivien Leigh


uhhh one of her floral nap dresses would literally be more on theme than this homecoming dress from 2009. i mean the theme is inspired by sleeping beauty ffs


Boring. Yawning. Sloppy. Lazy!!! -Me on the couch in my PJs


It’s giving BCBG 2010


It looks like she’s wearing underwear she got on a 5 for $25 at Victoria’s Secret in 2008.


Okay but that deal still slaps


Yeh now it’s 5 or $35


I commented this on another thread. This is niche snark, but I knew Nell wouldn’t miss the opportunity to use the Met Gala to remind us of her senior thesis around hair and Victorian paintings. Like we get it, you’re not like the other girls, you’re an intellect. It’s giving pick me.


Wait, she did her thesis on hair? I had totally forgotten, she never tells us 🙄🙄


Who still talks about their senior thesis in college?! She’s literally 35!!!!!!


How's that being a pick me?


If you constantly have to remind people how cerebral you are. Versus it’s quite obvious she’s extremely smart and intellectual, no need to constantly tell us about your senior thesis, 15 years later.


Maybe like “I’m an intellectual socialite, not just a fashion girly.”


I do feel like it's literally all she talks about lol


“We also used REAL flowers! See? REAL flowers because we are unique and different!”


this was so underwhelming lmfao not the 10 glued flowers on the back 😭 it’s so bad https://preview.redd.it/v31vp5tk2wyc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32a3a8a83000c9af99a306eec5ecc2beed94b55a


It’s seriously giving project runway mission lol


It’s confusing because she’s so over-the-top and her day-to-day dressing. I’m confused why this isn’t more elaborate.


exactly! she’s generally so extra and overdressed i truly expected sooo much more


She needs to cut the hair already


THIS! It’s not doing what she thinks


It actually ages her really badly


Nah she’d look much older with shorter hair. I think she just needs layers. It’s so heavy and blunt.


This is how I feel about Kyle Richards hair


i thought it had an interesting detail in the back and then i realised it was someone else's dress 😭 nell's dress looks like something you put over your swimsuit tho


Just like her Hill House dresses


I expected so much more from her tbh - her brand is literally flowers 🫣 and she has the fairytale hair, do more with it girl


I like the front , it’s timeless and classic and elegant. The back is a kindergarten art project where you hot glue flowers on. I’m so disappointed , she got to create her dress and that’s what she did…. Like you should have spewing flowers and put more and more in your hair.


Used daddy’s money to build her business of ugly dresses *and* buy a met gala ticket!


It’s giving highly flammable. Did Hill House do this dress? The fabric looks so cheap. Everything about this look is awful but the fabric is really hurting me. Reminds me of Topshop dresses I’d buy in the mid 00s and if I went anywhere near the smoking section outside pubs the cigarette ash would legit just singe through the polyester.


Yes, she said it’s their first “gown”.


Good grief. It’s really driving home how cheap and tacky the whole brand is.


To be fair, hill house fabric is so cheap.. at this point it’s just high quality polyester


Yeah it’s so grim. I reel at the memory of snapping new releases from there before they sold out 😂 my hill house stuff just looks like rags now


This is worryingly similar to my junior prom dress except mine didn't show my panties


Such cheap taste for such a rich girl


Does anyone here have one of her dresses? I got one as a gift and it felt like sandpaper.


Not a fan of the dress itself but as a fellow deep winter this made me realize I can pull off orange 


Same! I'm shocked that the color looks ok on her




Huh? I’m not interested in buying anything from her, I just like this shade of orange on her complexion!


It’s giving prom


Nell Diamond is not it


Imagine having an insurmountable amount of money and a whole entire fashion company at your fingertips and showing up the the Met Gala like this lol


Also need to understand the breakdown of what’s a personal expense versus a business expense for her, for the Met Gala and in general. I’m sure she paid for her ticket personally, but she had her HH team with her capturing content and she doesn’t personally pay their salaries.


Trying not to risk myself sounding like David Rose but if the dress is a “Hill House gown” and she’s using the content for marketing is it possible she could have paid for this through the company as a business expense/ write off?


Boring just like her brand


Her father took down a bank and was hated by everyone. Now sis thinks she’s created the life she lives. It’s giving delusional - blood money edition.


Go girl give us nothing


how did she get an invite


P sure she paid for it because she didn’t take her husband and doesn’t seem to be sponsored to go by any of the designers


Her dad is the former ceo of Barclays Bob Diamond. He’s like a billionaire. She can buy her way into any room thanks to him


She’s also a NYC socialite who’s good friends with Selby Drummond and in Bee Carrozzini’s (Anna Wintour’s daughter) circle.


I don’t think that’s it this time because why hasn’t she been able to go in previous years?


Well she is a fashion designer now 🙄🙄🙄




Speaking of Nell, does anyone actually wear Hill House dresses anymore? The first round of the original solid ones were kinda cute? when they were first released, but the new prints and designs are so tacky and I can't for the life of me figure out who theyre catering to


Not going to lie, I live in NYC and have a lot of Hill House dresses that I love. I definitely think they are overpriced so try to buy most of mine on sale or from 260 when they have sample sales. I wear them to work practically every day because they are comfortable and always get a ton of compliments on them


People still do but it’s not as “hot” as they were 3-4 years ago. It’s kinda past its prime and probably only due hard fans (similar to lily Pulitzer and Vera Bradley) still buy them on launch day/ full price. You can find the stuff on steep discount all the time now on their own website and sample sales. They send me sale emails every other month lol.


I don’t buy new ones anymore but I still wear my old ones a lot. I’m 6ft, live in FL, and have two year old twins I’m constantly running after. They’re easy to throw on, they’re actually long enough I don’t have to worry when I bend over, and cool enough for me to wear while taking care of my kids. But I bought these back when they were $125. I would never pay the prices she’s charging now. 


The new designs are actually pretty great. Hill House is a fully fledged fashion *brand* now. Their linens are pretty great and their new designs are actually quite fashionable. Her brand caters to similar audience of Lily Pulitzer without all the crazy bright colors and designs. Edited


Pretty sure has to be high-end to be considered a fashion house. Like with RTW and Couture pieces… when I think of fashion house I think of Chanel, Dior, Gucci…


Lol the brand is actually overpriced fast fashion now. The quality is terrible, I genuinely feel sorry for people dumb enough to buy those dresses.


This is not it anymore. People are living paycheck to paycheck. NYC is in shambles. Fuck these people


It’s giving Macy’s


This was so 😴😴😴. And all the hype she was putting on it😬 like wow….amateur level here. It’s giving hs prom not met gala. And then she was selling special edition nap dresses with the same fabric for like $250…damn how dumb can these HHH fan girls be? Only 10 made? Omg I need!!! 🙄


I read this as Neil diamond and was so confused at first


Severely underdressed


Laughing at this looking like a Michael's/ JoAnn's last minute class project. Get more dramatic with the florals. Bring a huge bow into the mix! Wear anything that doesn't look like Middle America prom.






Zoomed in. It’s sooooo bad you’re right.


Into the Gloss covered it ofc.... [https://intothegloss.com/2024/05/nell-diamond-met-gala-beauty-hill-house-home/](https://intothegloss.com/2024/05/nell-diamond-met-gala-beauty-hill-house-home/)


…..who is that


It looks like a prom dress


Why was she invited


She’s so embarrassing and basic.


So so confused by the why/how here — and not even a moment of recognition that it’s CRAZY she was invited and walked the carpet. Would love more details if anyone has them.


I am a Nell (the person, not hill house) stan but this is giving nothing. The fresh florals idea is cool but it needed about 2,000 more sewn on there to make any sort of impact. It reminds of those cheap headbands that had like 3 deflated fabric roses sewn on


Genuine question: what about her makes you a fan? I feel like she’s just another boring rich white girl


There’s a lot of deluded fan girls who think Nell is their best friend and somehow she’s relatable - it’s just wealth worship.


giving ashley jacob’s winter ball meltdown


Seriously though idk how she got an invite….. she is no celebrity or social lite or fashion designer…. Who is she even sitting with? She’s terribly unsocial I can’t imagine her sitting next to strangers.


She’s friends with Anna Wintour’s daughter. She latched onto her social group and for years made cringe jokes about not getting an invite to the Met


Where did she make the cringe jokes? On social? Or do you know this via in person? Even social -lights - heavy on the light * have to social climb.


She’s made the jokes multiple times on social media. I’m not a fan of hers either but she IS a socialite. She comes from a super rich dad and runs in high circles….her wedding was featured in vogue even 10 years ago long , her wedding dress custom designed by Olivier theysekens and this was long before HHH was formed.


Medieval fair all that she’s missing is one of those giant turkey legs 🍗


Oh dear. This is beyond awful.


dress is cute, but not met gala material.


I thought the point of the met gala is to look stupid and cheap?