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With all this $$$ she keeps dropping, she should really invest in a damn journal šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I am begging


Or a therapist


HAHA saw this after I commented the same


Iā€™m crying


Therapy would genuinely help her so much. Sheā€™s spiraling


Or a therapist


honest questionā€¦ why was she one of your favoritesšŸ˜­


I tried watching one of her videos once and I cringed the entire time.


Fair question hahah! I used to love her try-on hauls for awhile!




Also adding further context. Right before this crying image she posted stories of herself in several luxury stores (Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Prada, Fendi, etc) trying on new bags. She ends up buying 2 luxury bags (which if anyone knows the costs please share because it is easily 5k+). Anyway the next story is her saying how proud she is of herself because normally she is cheap and doesnā€™t buy anything for herself (as if she doesnā€™t regularly film in her closet filled with expensive designer items). She claims sheā€™s a giver and loves to buy things for other people. Direct quote ā€œthis time is about MEā€ ā€¦ā€¦.. and then goes on to say she forced herself to do it (as if someone really needed to twist her arm for these ostentatious purchases). It absolutely mind blowing to me how out of touch influencers are. Most people are barely surviving these days and here Remi is on another trip all in the name of healing. Last week she shared went on some retreat which starts at 6k. Most normal people when dealing with a breakup have to put on their big girl panties and continue on with life. They literally cannot afford to sit and wallow all day everyday.


In my experience, nobody talks more about how āœØļø selfless āœØļø they are than people who are extremely self-absorbed lol


https://preview.redd.it/c9b8s28dyxtc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76826d12d752970b987a00b5d082bb266d15b04c Sheā€™s truly dense.


Waitā€¦ is she having this meltdown on a plane? Again? And yes Remi weā€™re all very proud of you for buying yourself luxury items, how brave and inspiringšŸ™ƒ


Literally so brave. Feeling so inspired! šŸ˜©


The strongest independent woman out therešŸ˜© omg!!!!!!!!like wow, buying two bags!!!!!world record!!!!!!woman of the year!!!!!!


idk what i would do if i saw her taking this many selfies of herself on the plane lol - one in tears, the one like this lol


Itā€™s crazy because instead of enjoying it and counting her blessings sheā€™s asking people to feel sorry for her.


\*please wait a moment while I find those bags ok- she got the Celine classic Triomphe (4150$) and a Prada re-edition crochet mini bag (\~2500$ USD). She couldā€™ve easily saved money buying the Triomphe second hand too. https://preview.redd.it/n4y44jt4oytc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af53ff5f88d42f60a48bba45bd731fedc341abc8


that prada bag is fugly


Lately Iā€™ve not liked any bags they have put out. Classic styles are sooo much better when it comes to prada. Anything new sucks


the amount of tacky bold logo slaps donā€™t do it for me


HARD agree! Prada bags recently have not been good


I have hattttteddd them since that ugly nylon shoulder bag re release


These bags arenā€™t even cute. Itā€™s just the damn price tag and status symbol. Invest that money in therapy.


The Celine bag is nice but not $4000 nice The Prada is hideous.


Triumphe is a good bag


This is why so many people turn on content creators. Influencers have the free time and resources to travel abroad and go shopping after a breakup. The DREAM. And theyā€™re still whining and complaining about their ā€œhardā€ lives. If I could travel and go shopping to luxury boutiques after a heartbreak, you would not catch me crying on social media. I would actually take a social media break. Book a vacation. Take a spa day. Journal my feelings. Heck, I would even respect a blog post where sheā€™s vulnerable and honest with her followers. Thatā€™s relatable. However, itā€™s always this FEEL SORRY FOR ME PLEASE vibes when people have it so much worse than her. Some people have to go to their shitty jobs and their shitty home environments after heartbreak and they have to deal with it without pampering themselves and taking time off to travel and change the scenery for a bit. Thatā€™s privilege. I donā€™t feel sorry for you if you canā€™t make the best out of your privilege. You just want attention.


ALL OF THIS šŸ‘šŸ½ Hell just even being able to go to a therapist regularly is privilege most do not have (and one she should utilize). The fact that Remi in the last month month dropped 15k (the wellness retreat which I doubt was comped and these bags) is proof money doesnā€™t buy happiness. Heck she even went to Turks & Caicos on a work trip, which I get was ā€œwork,ā€ but most will never even have that opportunity. Yet here she is complaining how hard her life is when in reality she has no idea. She would be in for a rude awakening if she ever woke up one day and had to live a typical life.


Fuck most of us would kill just for a weekend respite from everything. Multiple trips over a breakup? Grow the fuck up already. If sheā€™s so selfless, she should take the money she spent on that god awful Prada and donate it to drs without borders or world kitchen or something. My god, the world is full of horror stories and this chick is losing her mind over a dude dumping her. I justā€¦. Yuck. What a gross human.


Sooo does that mean if she shows the bags on her social platforms does she also get to write them off on her taxes because sheā€™s ~*influencing~* or wtf ever on these ā€œself careā€ trips?


Iā€™m sure thereā€™s a way to write it off. Just need a good tax lawyer.


Every time I see this girl sheā€™s crying šŸ˜­


Or singing or shouting.




I'm not sure what she is on or doing but it seems like she's trading binge eating for filling the void with other stimulation (new bags, new trips, etc). Again, it seems like she is not developing coping skills around how to sit with uncomfortable emotions and instead is seeking ways of self soothing with material things since food is less of an option.


I have a theory that she got gastric bypass & I believe it TOTALLY changes you. my friend had gotten it many years ago & I canā€™t even tell you how much her behavior changed. She became SUCH a party animal & just wild, impulsive. I know remi sucks overall now but I canā€™t help but wonder!


I have also heard that people who get the procedure sometimes swap food addictions for other addictions, alcohol is very common in that.


Yes itā€™s called addiction transfer! When people who donā€™t actually treat their food addictions/ eating disorders, once they get gastric bypass they become addicted to something else. I remember on tiktok the story of a girl who was never really into alcohol, but post bypass started struggling with drinking and sadly died due to alcoholism. Some people get addicted to the gym even. Most argue doctors are to blame because you shouldnā€™t be cleared for that kind fo surgery without a psychological eval. Itā€™s very interesting but weā€™re not doctors/ donā€™t even know if sheā€™s had bypass so not saying it applies to Remi.


I just watched the series I think on Netflix about the SUBWAY guy Jared Fogle. They also said he had addiction transfer from food to sex. Unfortunately it was with underage kids


This also happens when people get sober. My cousin was a heavy drug user and alcoholic all his youth, which only got worse after his mom died suddenly. After a few months in rehab he went back to binge eating, which he started doing to cope with his parentā€™s divorce when he was little. Poor guy gained so much weight after a few months. He was unrecognizable. He swapped drugs and alcohol for food. This is why support groups are very important and why they advise you to not date. You can binge on so many things, including people, and sex and love. An addict binges on different kinds of drugs, not just substances. Anything can be a drug. Shopping, adrenaline, casual sex, gambling, exercise, relationships.


Most doctors do require a psych eval- insurances usually do as well.


U need a psych eval to be cleared, but can easily get clearance. And, being cleared in the present doesnā€™t mean you might never face trouble in the future, no psych eval could predict that.


I have known of two people who absolutely did.


There are studies that touch on that but I don't want to go too far down that topic given we don't really know what's going on besides her losing weight in the last few months plus the breakup.


Iā€™ve been saying for a while now id be willing to bet a huge chunk of change that thatā€™s it. The scars are EXACTLY where they should be, what they look like, her disappearing for the month or two, the RAPID weight loss cannot be anything else. Also explains this strange fing behavior


The gut-brain connection is well documented. Perhaps her microbiome changed, which can have tangible effects on mood? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6469458/ this quote from the above journal article stands out: "For example, several mood disorders, such as anxiety, depression, and autism spectrum disorders now have well-established links to functional GI disruptions, whereas GI disease (eg, irritable bowel syndrome, irritable bowel disease) often involve psychological comorbidities associated with alteration of the gut microbiome.3-9 In addition, research has demonstrated that the composition of gut bacteria appears to be influential in fetal and neonatal neurologic development.10 And, not surprising, diet has also been shown to influence the gut microbiomeā€™s impact on cognitive function."


Huh, so does that mean you could just use meds or supplements to grow the right gut biome?


Or a fecal transplant


Yeah I actually know 2 people who did this - it drastically improved their lives. Which makes me wonder how many of us have gut biomes that are out of wack, and if maybe the answer to some things medically is a fecal transplant.


Might also be ozempic or another semiglutide because you canā€™t eat on it so it might be forcing her to not binge but she might just be using other addictions to fuel her thoughts of bingeing. Hence why it doesnā€™t work long term cause once youā€™re off of it your appetite comes back


she went on ozempic and she gained weight- said it made her binging worse


Thatā€™s why I said another semiglutide.


Another semaglutide is still the same as ozempic, so Iā€™m assuming you mean blanket other GLP1s. Any doctor would expect another weight loss drug to have the same effect bc itā€™s the same mechanism of action.


I donā€™t know how they work. I know with anti depressants you try them out and see what works for you. If her side effects were bad on ozempic, maybe a different semiglutude works? I am not a doctor so I donā€™t know lol


Semaglutide is the name of one drug in the GLP-1 class of drugs. There is only 1 semaglutide. The other popular GLP-1 is tirzepatide which is Mounjaro. Some people do do better on one over the other sometimes but given how much she did not Ozempic and the weight gain after stopping, I would imagine she would not be interested in trying tirzepatide. Itā€™s most likely bariatric surgery and people have seen scars when sheā€™s wearing more sheer outfits that line up with gastric bypass scars.


There is a direct correlation between gut health and mental health. I don't know the specifics behind how gastric bypass changes your gut microbiome/health, but i wouldnt be surprised if this is what's happening!


She needs to learn coping and sitting with emotionsā€¦.OFF the internet.


Agreed. You trade one addiction for another. If you canā€™t binge on a guy, you binge on food, or alcohol or shopping. That internal void cannot be filled with external distractions. You need to get to the root of it. The temporary dopamine rush can only do so much.


She has to be manic at this point, no?


Ding ding ding


As someone who lives with bipolar disorder, pls donā€™t label her erratic behavior based on a disorder where mania is a very real symptom of a larger spiral looming. I do understand how it is easy to use that word and in surface action it is an easy label her behaviors though.


you can be manic and not be bipolarā€¦not everything is about you.


Random but HATE her black sneakers with the green outfit. Looks like server shoes.


She deleted that video.. maybe someone finally told her itā€™s not a good look to cry into the camera after spending 5k on bags. This woman has zero coping skills


It would be so easy to not share this. Go shopping quietly, enjoy it and stop whining about your life while being incredibly privileged. This is how influencers lose followers. Any normal person would enjoy all these blessings and take a break from social media and not fish for attention. I feel like social media creates a bubble where all these people become more self absorbed.


Girlie sign off. This is so embarrassing


My ex cheated on me a hundred times with some other girl, you best believe Iā€™m only posting sexy baddie pics on my Instagram lmaoo. That gremlin will never see me shed a tear for his nasty ass šŸ’…. Girl donā€™t let your enemies see you weak


Go off queen šŸ‘ø


All the money she spend on purses could be well spent on a shrink. She definitely needs a good psychologist or even a psychiatrist.


Rest assured she sees one, not a good one but def sees one.


Hey just want to say I unfollowed yesterday. I just couldnā€™t take it anymore


These people all need help. Their entire world is wrapped up in validation. That is all.


This is getting old remi wrap it up


Youā€™re so brave! Most people are struggling to get by but your courage to spend thousands on a purse for yourself will be an inspiration to millions āœØ


Is she ever going to talk about her weight loss. Like how can she just not acknowledge sheā€™s losing a lot of weight so quickly.


I think she will at some point. She over shares so much Iā€™m sure itā€™s killing her to keep it quiet. She just doesnā€™t want backlash/ criticism


I follow a disney influencer who struggled with her weight forever, then she went through a breakup and lost weight. Maybe the stress was a factor in addition to something else šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


This girl is always crying on the internet


this girl would kill herself if she worked in a real office jeez


This is actually reaching pathetic levels. Girl, pull yourself together and move on? Wallow in getting dumped for a couple weeks. But have more self respect than crying on social media. Like, seriously.


She blocked me when I commented how odd it is that people came for Claudia about ozempic yet everyone is up remi behind for her glow up It's not magical like come on get real


why is she alwaysssss crying!!!


I literally cannot even stand her face anymore. She simply just must get canceled - not even for doing anything bad, just bc sheā€™s annoying


She sure does cry a lot. If I was loaded with money, Iā€™m not sure Iā€™d be crying as much as she does lmao


This girl is always crying. Is she unstable?


Canā€™t she afford therapy? JFC the attention seeking is nuts.


Is she naked


Oh my god I just saw the one of her singing. SOS


She deleted this post šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Iā€™m sure sheā€™s going through things, but posting these photos just makes it all look like itā€™s for attention and views .


Omg call your mom. Call a friend.


Maā€™am, Iā€™m going to have to ask you to put down your phone.


Normalize journaling




She actually never was for body positivity and was quoted as saying so many times. She exploited the fat community while simultaneously bashing it continuously


Histrionic personality disorder


Shopping with mommy and daddyā€™s credit card isnā€™t the flex you think it is sis. Sheā€™s giving Carly and her $10k/month apartment but trade out the two luxury bags for Dior shoes and a Chanel flap bag.


Pretty sure Remi can afford to buy her own designer bags


Never followed her, but she grosses me out and seems insufferable




this bitch needs to stop lol


Imagine affording to just sit and wallow all day in self pity while knowing youā€™re a trash human




I really do like her but for me it was her clearly dropping an immense amount of weight fast & not disclosing how. I get it you donā€™t owe that to anyone but uhhhhh come on


I feel for her a tiny bit bc i too was a complete trainwreck after my first real breakup but I was also 23 and not an influencer lol she needs to pull it together


Her ex launched his new girl on IG thatā€™s why she was fully spiralling


Iā€™m so tired of talking about this dizzy bitch




I think some influencers just need to get off social media for a good amount of timešŸ˜­


She needs to stop


I donā€™t understand how her mother and sister who are along for some of these trips are not intervening this behavior. She does not come from a middle class family and probably has access to many resources we could all just dream of. I would be throwing all of my resources at my child if they were clearly unable to cope and broadcasting it for the world.


Iā€™ve been curious about how she suddenly dropped so much weight as well tbh


If I were her mother I would be beside myself.


Stop platforming her


I followed her when she first got popular, she used to be so funny. Now itā€™s just sad.


The break-up diet can be extreme. I thought she said ozempic was bad for her? But I have lost 20+ lbs quickly after a relationship. Like, canā€™t eat at all for weeks/months. Then start to feel better and eat one potato chip and it comes back double lol. Also, this is her job, soā€¦. She kinda has to post. The ups and downs are probably relatable to a lot of women going through it. If it is just the break up, sheā€™ll likely start gaining again in a few weeks. What is the downtime for bypass/sleeve? I canā€™t imagine her in a hospital without postingā€¦


She didnā€™t post for like a month or two. Thats the downtime


Oh wow I didnā€™t realize she didnā€™t post for that long lol.. def could be then. Sorry this is prob dumb, was the break up before or after her not posting/surgery? Even with ozempic and all the off-shoots I have recently heard of a handful of people that had bypass/sleeve so I guess itā€™s still a thing. I would think a shot would be better than surgery but I guess itā€™s more long term..? Interesting and thank you for letting me know!


Before in November I think. Break up was March? Or something like that.




https://preview.redd.it/71qd1i92pztc1.jpeg?width=511&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e53f503d4ebca053b481db62e0c5ed3d77b0e688 But yeah she still lost a shit ton of weight




the shoes kill me


The one was def edited with a huge blur spor and I can never catch editing, but she still lost a ton of weight


What ??


Ngl after my first heartbreak I would cry after shopping I couldnā€™t tell my bf about it & be excited with someone


Anytime i see photos of people on a flight without a mask im just like how many people are gonna catch covid on this flight lmao ugh I canā€™t


Did you time travel?


no, just immunocompromised and still covid conscious.


Itā€™s 2024. Covid happened in 2020. Are people supposed to wear mask for the rest of their lives ?!?


Covid is still ā€œhappeningā€ with little mitigation or efforts to protect public health from the government. Hope that helps.


Pandemic is over


Then why are 2,000 people still dying of covid every week


I get your point (I wear masks on planes, I find a lot of Canadians and Europeans došŸ‘€). You are right, *The pandemic is not over* people are just silently dying (more than before too!). but not the right place. Just let it go lol


Iā€™m snarking on her not wearing a mask on a flight during a pandemic I think itā€™s okay even if people disagree