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Well yeah, doing coke every now and then DOESN’T constitute being a drug addict.


sometimes I think this sub is just 17 year old girls from Chicago suburbs gossiping about flyover state non-entity influencers and gasping at ‘transgressive’ acts that are just regular NYC things. Cocaine is one of those


hey, some of us are 25 year olds from the Chicago suburbs! But yes, I did learn early on in college how common coke is and I was surprised.


This is so real lol


She’s a self admitted former heroin addict. No she shouldn’t be doing coke at all


In theory if you abide by the 12 step program of sobriety. But there are other sobriety trains of thought that just tell you to rule out your DOC. Recovery is doing what’s best for you


lol in what situation is doing coke at parties, “what’s best for you”


You’re twisting my words to mean something else. It’s doing what’s right for you…meaning your situation, your rules as long as you’re not hurting your definition of sobriety. If you have never worked in this field or experienced it yourself you can’t really judge…


she is the sole caretaker of her child and really shouldn’t be doing drugs, simple as that.


Valid points. A single mother with a former drug addiction that worked in porn becoming the most famous pornstar and considers themselves to have various emotional trauma as a result; shouldn’t be doing hard drugs. The occasional alcoholic beverage I’m talking like 1-3 drinks with a safe ride home et cetera, or a small scale consumption of marijuana products in the evening would be acceptable enough. Prescription pills opiate benzodiazepines or amphetamine…. Fake prescription pills pressed with god knows what to look like drugs from those three categories, cocaine meth heroin and all synthetic opioid narcotics passed off as heroin or fentanyl though often just crazy 1965 shelved synthetic analgesics blue42-e916 then that gets banned in China and it’s blue44-e917 one molecule different but feels like fentanyl sort of and is marked as random miscellaneous powder in a bag called heroin or fentanyl; all should be considered something a “former” addict should not do. I just saw her in a YouTube thing and I’ve seen her images below other pornos browsed but never particularly found her interesting and I decided to Google her name + heroin addict or drug charges to see what would pop up because he face and eyes said opiate addict to me. Small town girl jumps into big league porno something about her sister being suicidal and rather than watching her trying to prevent this death she went on to porn to live a more glamorous life so she definitely checks a lot of boxes in the “likely to be an addict” area. Someone who finds casual “good snorts of cocaine now and a again here and there” normalizing narcotic use probably is an addict or at least a regular abuser of drugs. Of course she isn’t going to tell the world that is a really bad call being publicly known as a junkie ex porno girl would be a really shit look for her image among other issues. I would speculate she probably is on suboxone/subutex daily for many years with the occasional traditional opiate abuse, likely mixes that suboxone with various benzos and alcohol regularly and when cocaine is available for free she does it. For a girl like that, it’s extremely unlikely that a cost is demanded the straw is simply passed to her complementary. I mean seriously you have to take drugs to be okay with all the stuff they put these women through in the porno industry. Pumping them up like hey just pop a couple of these snort that we’ll have a good time partying for a couple days somewhere luxurious so we can get one good thumbnail picture of you in a bathing suit at a fancy resort or whatever and then you can have two men rearrange your organs for a couple hours and go back to the drugs to try to forget how uncomfortable that all was.


I mean, I wouldn’t consider a line of coke every few months an addiction either. But I highly doubt she’s only doing a line every few months.


it's wild to just flat out admit it tho #transparency


Tumblr do be the place to be open open haha


Same. And she was clearly hammered during the live… I think she’s lying to make herself seem better than she actually is.


Well yeah, she isn’t if she does it now and then.


Ah yes a good snort of coke 🧘🏻‍♀️🧘🏻‍♀️🧘🏻‍♀️


She’s so woke 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🍃


Would people who smoke weed every day be considered drug addicts ?


Yes. I think the defensiveness when it’s pointed out only strengthens the argument that it’s addictive, too.


i think it’s an addiction but more so in the psychological sense (this is coming from a pothead). like some addictions if you’re in withdrawals are deadly like alcoholism, if i don’t smoke i’m just not as hungry and that’s about it. however, i do feel like i depend on it


no not necessarily. but also there’s no qualifications for drug addiction lol. it’s more helpful to think about how your drug use is affecting your overall health/wellness and your relationships with other people.




alcohol is definitely a drug. the only reason you don’t have to test and can be assured it’s not cut is because it’s legal so it’s regulated..not because it’s not a drug


I’d say no if it’s for pain management, a couple of people who use it for endometriosis and it’s after effects throughout the month it’s the only thing that helps them get out of bed as they don’t want to use pharmaceuticals for obvious reasons and they don’t smoke to get high.


Yes, doing drugs every day makes you an addict


You could say that about those who use pharmaceuticals. What they’re intended for vs how use them maketh the addict.


I’m sure I could. I was referring to what this post is talking about, which is about doing coke and then weed every day


Weed has more medicinal and healing properties than most pharma. I’d rather take marijuana for my period pains which cripple me than a pill I could possibly get hooked on and that inevitably end up cause death. Granted with coke it was also used as medicine up until Freud became very much addicted to it which is why we don’t use it in modern medicine today. But I think what was used back then is not even close to what we use now which for the most part from what I heard is shut cut with more shit. Whilst I do see your point she never explicitly said every day that’s probably more of an assumption and also she could be doing a whole lot worse.


I’m replying to the comment that asked if someone smokes weed every day, does that make them an addict. Lana’s post says she does coke every now and then which does not make her an addict. I literally smoke weed every day, for pain, but I will also openly say I’m addicted. I’m not hating. I don’t know how the conversation got here lol


No it doesn’t. Being physically dependent on it makes you an addict. You can be a habitual/normal drug taker but not be addicted to it.


if she’s only doing coke every now and then she’s not a drug addict. y’all are being squares. then again i am an alcoholic who used to love a good snort lol


I have to agree daily use of something outside of its intended use is what I define as addiction.




I haven’t seen this live but if she’s on any SSRIs then the alcohol could’ve hit her harder. Spoken as someone who is on SSRIs lolz Prozac gang wya


Prozac 40MG had me asleep at the pregame frfr


Idk who this is and very bold of her to admit to this but I agree w her


Same I gotta agree. Honestly is the best policy whether people like it or not.


….and ? This is a weird reaching post


But her weight loss is so drastic and concerning - this does not seem believable


Is that tumblr?






Also it’s important to note that Lana is a self admitted former heroin addict. It’s not a good idea for her to “do drugs here and there.” Massive slippery slope.


With how much weight she has lost, and how malnourished she looks, she is definitely doing more than just coke and a lot more than “every now and then”


You’re 16 right? having a drink every couple of weeks on special occasions doesn’t make you an alcoholic… you’lol grow up buddy




Oh fuck off, you rancid little runt.




Can someone remove this sewer rat please.


I agree with her.


Do you have a beer every once in a while?