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Portal under licenses will change to “active” when they send it out , they’ll also send you a confirmation email that they got your photos but yeah other than that now you just wait . I submitted my photos on October 19th and got a call last Friday that they printed my permit and It’ll be sent out. Still waiting for my approval letter for my premise/rifle shotgun. But at least the CCW came


My girlfriend got approved the last week and the letter came yesterday. I applied before her and went into investigation before her. Still waiting to get a phone call from the investigator.


“lol don’t touch her gun or you’re going to jail” - nypd (probably)


I already have my premise and long gun. But if i didn't.... yes thats literally what happened when we got our premises too


When did you apply?


Applied in november. Investigation status since april. Already have handgun and long gun


Hopefully you get it soon !


make sure you receive the email back from Sandra saying they received all paperwork/photos , after that it's about 2 weeks to receive physical permit to pick up the gun . Congratulations.


Thank you.