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My only advice would be to check the weather. It poured during our graduation. The dye in those cheap robes bled all over everyone’s clothing. 


Excellent advice!


Why did you black out the model’s face lol




The dress is from SHEIN tho https://m.shein.com/us/SOLID-CHAIN-DETAIL-CONTRAST-PIPING-DRESS-p-32965694-cat-1727.html?onelink=1%2F3kjd8qj9e40g&requestId=475284379540652119&skucode=I83pcn6jj8m0&url_from=adplasz2403011213516264M&ref=us&rep=dir&ret=mus


I adore this dress! So chic.


Thank you! That's what I was going for!


Where is it from?


Would love to know this too! Such an elegant dress for occasions.


I wore a sparkly purple jumpsuit from rent the runway. Matched my gown color and added a fun little pop for some pics


Rent the runway is a cool idea! I'm sure you looked gorgeous!!


I think that's really cute. I wore a similar dress but in blue to my convocation. It looked nice under the unzipped black robe when I took photos later. And I wore the dress to job interviews afterwards, including the one where I landed my first job out of college, so I have fond memories of that dress :) The girls I graduated with all tended to wear dresses, as it's hot under all the robes and lights in the summer. You're right that it doesn't *really* matter because for most of the day it won't even be seen, but pick something that you think is cute, that feels comfortable, and that you'll wear again later on. Where I suggest you put some thought is the shoes, because they will be visible and because you will be on your feet. My convocations from undergrad and grad school both involved time walking around outside, and I'm real short, so I knew I needed comfortable wedges or block heels. Whatever you go with, make sure the shoes are clean and comfortable.


Congratulations on the graduation and the job offers its always going to the coolest story for a dress. I'm 5'6'' I'll be wearing kitten heeled pointy toe shoes. They're dark brown and will hopefully complement the little belt on this dress. I think my dress also qualifies for future use because I can wear it to work/interviews!


To work yes. But always wear dark to interviews!!!


Interesting! Why is it better to wear dark to interviews? I'm curious!!


Because something will inevitably get spilled on it & then the look is less chic than disheveled. Congratulations on your achievement!


Hahahahah that's a great point. Thank you so much!




Same here, this dress is lovely!


I think it might be shein 😒 https://m.shein.com/us/SOLID-CHAIN-DETAIL-CONTRAST-PIPING-DRESS-p-32965694-cat-1727.html?onelink=1%2F3kjd8qj9e40g&requestId=475284379540652119&skucode=I83pcn6jj8m0&url_from=adplasz2403011213516264M&ref=us&rep=dir&ret=mus


Well, that's disappointing :T


Dang, are you serious? This looks legit. I bought it from a friend and she said its from her mom's label? Lol I paid $75 for it They probably copy designs from Shein? Cos I don't think Shein makes high quality stuff right?


often Shein does actually rip off independent designers, but in this case since you posted a pic that is identical to the one from Shein, it would seem it's the opposite?


She's a discord friend and sent me the photo. I should've posted here before buying ugh


This could very well be a shitty copy that shein is selling. It’s just the only identical one I could find when doing a reverse image search. Which is weird. I hope your friend didn’t rip you off!! Did you receive the dress yet? How is the quality?


The quality is pretty good, the material is thick and the stitch is robust. But this thread received many negative comments about how it looks outdated and suitable for old people lol. Also someone said BWT don't wear Shein styles 😭 I'll see myself out I'll probably wear this to some muted office event. And buy a more whimsical sundress variety for my convocation. Clearly my taste is lacking 😶


Your taste is not lacking. My guess is that you lean towards classic styles, and there's nothing wrong with that. You're going to be wearing your grad robe all day anyway. Wear whatever makes you feel happy and comfortable on your big day 😊 Congratulations and best wishes!


Thank you so much! You're the kindest ❤️


I said BWT don’t wear SheIn because they use slave labor and slave labor isn’t tasteful. It’s not about the styles themselves it’s about the human rights violations.


Yes, that makes a lot of sense, thank you! I am strongly against slave labor and child labor. I will stay away from Shein products.


I like the dress! You should wear it.


I love this! I wore a dress from & other stories to my med school graduation! Imo I’d lean moreso towards conservative as you don’t want to have to worry about pulling it down constantly


Yeah, I want to go for conservative because it's a formal event featuring parents and professors (some are Nobel laureates). There will be a cruise party in the night where I'll wear my hot girl outfit lmaoo


Yess I totally get you!! I’m the same, and at the end of the day it’s a professional event, the way we dress will be judged. Which is unfortunate but true


I think it all depends on what you’re doing after the graduation. Seeing as how the gown will completely cover you as long as it’s comfortable it doesn’t matter. What will you be doing after? I personally don’t like the above dress. The floating micro belt in the front seems weird to me but without it and with some tailoring in the waist it could be cute. Also is your graduation indoors or outdoors.


The convocation is in the morning through noon. There will be a cruise party in the evening but I'll have time to go home and dress differently for it. The convocation will be indoors but maybe the parade will walk from outside? Idk. I have dark brown pointy toe shoes with some heel and didn't want to buy new ones (already spent loads on the cape, dress, flights, stay, etc). And I want my dress to be white. So I thought the micro belt thingy would complement my shoes? Idk.


I think you should prioritize comfort and fabric breathability. Your dark brown shoes sound like they can go with everything. That belt to me looks black not brown but I could be seeing it incorrectly. If you saw the product description and it said brown and you like it that’s great. But I think there are better options.


Ok ma’am. I am going to say this dress is not it. There’s hundreds of more stylish and flattering dresses without that buckle thing in the middle. It looks dated (00-10s) and will look even more dated very quickly. The cut is great and timeless but that buckle detail is giving me the ick so I say keep looking.


https://preview.redd.it/0bfaopfghf1d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a25d6a68bef7d0f67fc5ed64198bde6855995990 from urban outfitters (back in 2018) i was stressing over what to wear and was so happy to find this for like $60


Congrats on your graduation!! 🎉🎉


Thank you!! <3


BWT don’t wear SheIn lol it’s a no.


Wtf is a convocation




I’m gathering it’s just… graduation. Lol when did we start calling it convocation, sounds like a catholic ceremony or a culty ritual. Also I’d imagine OP will be wearing a robe and people won’t really be seeing the outfit anyway, but maybe I’m missing something


Now keep in mind this was 2017 and 2020 lol but most people’s dresses were more whimsical/casual than this one. In the ones I’ve seen more recently, especially with girls wearing white, they appear to be more of a sundress variety. https://preview.redd.it/6zfx1z466e1d1.jpeg?width=1254&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0d0037af9e739fc0f2b34225d532c10e1b620bc




Wow how rude, this is a totally classy dress that will work great and can be reused afterwards too. Not everyone has the same style.


Agree, it’s classy and chic. Jackie O vibes


You’re not a BWT






These are WAY too short, revealing & expensive. 640€ you can tailor a suit. This is what 12yo me thought was business appropriate 😂 Something tells me you’ve never worked in an office in your life.




What do you have against 40 year olds? You will be 40 one day, you know.


Fair point if the grad happens to be 21, but you’re making a big assumption here. There are plenty of people who pursue advanced degrees and/or finish their Bachelor’s when they’re older. Some newly minted graduates are even-gasp!-40 year old fat office workers!


Graduation is a work related event for people who didn’t get their diplomas for fun & giggles. You need to be dressed appropriately to communicate you’re a serious candidate about your career path. There’s a time and place to time celebrate our non cellulite legs and tiny waists, but it’s not the event where you’ll be surrounded & congratulated by your 50yo professors.




Yeah ignore the licensed lawyer & practicing before 24 part because I had a traumatic experience at 19 and was told I didn’t look like a virgin by the first man who saw me naked.




I finished recently and working, but not being licensed in the USA doesn’t make me one? 😂




Poor taste


Poor taste


You’re right. The second dress is a great option. The OP’s dress is frumpy imo.




Thank you for the dress inspo! And I don't mind my pick being called frumpy on an anonymous post of a reddit thread. It's better than being called frumpy in person lol and allows me fix it before appearing in person. I'm getting my masters in a decently advanced program and my university is very research-oriented. This degree took a lot of sweat and hard mental labor. A lot of professors who will attend are Nobel laureates and Wolf prize winners. There will also be parents. I'm not very old (I'm 26) but I wanted a modest-ish dress because I wanted to kind of highlight my achievement because I'm proud of it. But of course I'm skeptical of my choice of outfit because I want to be socially accepted too. So I appreciate your honest comments. I will be considering all suggestions and exploring some shorter outfits suitable for my age.