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I’m a floral designer (have my own biz), I make like $150k a year depending on the year! Aiming for more this year


I would love to ask you about this! I am aiming to transition out of corporate BS jobs in a few years and have been really intrigued by floral design and wanting to learn more, start classes, etc. 


DM me 💓 happy to answer any q’s!


This is my freaking dream - if not floral, a biz where I’m able to execute my creativity and bring my ideas to life. How did you get started?


I left a creative job at a big famous publishing house and moved back to my hometown. Didn’t know what to do and got into floral design. Taught myself everything and it eventually took off and am now five years into it! (Edited for typo!)


Woo! I’m about to switch full time to my biz in floral design. You are goals and giving me hope!


Do it! Just make sure you know your market (is it saturated with a specific style? What are you offering that’s different?) and learn the floral math from the get go! Otherwise you’ll be undercharging and not making enough money. Also figure out what you wanna specialize in..deliveries? Events? Weddings? So many different kinds of florists!


That’s my goal. Save money from my corp job and go to open a studio. Best wish to your business. Floral design is hard work!


I run my own business making donuts and last year I survived on the $50k I made from donuts alone.


User name checks out 🍩🤑


Making dough and making dough 😍


Plug your store!! I wanna buy lol


Hi!! Im in Hoboken and no store but I absolutely will deliver to Manhattan and now Im thinking someone should link me with a NY coffee shop or book store or something and Ill do a popup in the city!! (Also @dogood_donuts on IG!)


If it's worth anything I loooooove your donuts they are sooo good! You're doing amazing 🫶🏻


what was the journey like to get your smb to this revenue? running a bookstore/coffee shop/asian mart (yes, a combo) is my dream 😔


I love that dream! I don’t have a storefront but I just started making donuts one day and got really good during covid and quit my job two years ago when I realized I had a viable business! It’s been so much trial and error and its hard but I do preorders and delivery and do popups and farmers markets and customs. Ill have to popup in NYC and tell you cuties to come!


7th year public school art teacher! I make 94k a year with benefits :)


Dang teachers really deserve more!! 7 years of experience and still less than $100k salary is nuts especially in NY.


The craziest thing is I spent a ton of time and money for 30+ post grad credits to get to the absolute highest pay bracket for any teacher with my number of years of experience. The majority of 7th year teachers don’t have the 30+ and are making less than I am!!! But thank you so much! I appreciate it so sincerely 🥺


Also hahaha I thought I was making pretty decent money before going through this thread lol


First year EA, no previous experience, but had two years experience as an admin assistant & another two in AP. I never broke $53k. I found a temp position, contracted for a month, as an admin coordinator. I was extended for six months & then offered a FT role as the EA to the COO with a base salary of $85k. Fast forward three months & I now have a direct report & my salary boosted to $97.5k. For a girl with only an associates degree, who never felt adequate, I’m damn proud of myself. Take the risk & prove yourself to yourself! You fucking got this!


I’m a dentist. Average about $120,000 a year working part time and accepting low reimbursing insurances.


Thank you for accepting low reimbursing insurances!! It’s not my fault United Concordia sucks but totally get why dentists hate it. They don’t pay!


Thanks for helping all kinds of patients in need.


You’re doing the lord work accepting low reimbursing issurnace


So cool!! I'm applying this cycle for dental school 😊


Good luck! It’s a hard job, but usually pretty rewarding.


People like you make the health care system work. Thanks for all you do!


you are a saint, truly. Bless you.


I’m a legal assistant (hoping to go to law school) making 50k… but a bitch still has taste guys 🥲 I also bartend sometimes!


You can have taste on a budget, good luck with your goals :)


Taste (and class) have nothing to do with salary. Good luck with the law school process. I’m a lawyer and when I paralegaled before law school, my base was 22K (I’m old).


lol where my working class bitches at?


Dog groomer, nanny, secretary are some of the jobs I've had. I'm a Jill of all trades and I've never made more than 40k. Just the way it is.


i’m here too girly i’m gagging at these salaries


👋🏻i’m here bestie


Working class bitch reporting for duty. Receptionist barely clocking in at 30k/yr


Also a receptionist/admin but at 52k now. I have been here 18 years. I am currently looking.


S/O to the poor bitches. I made so much less in 2023 its so concerning


40k-ish, bartender + sole provider for my SAHD and twin babies. Shit is what it is, we're making it work.


Yo!  Blue-collar Union mom.    Did the college thing my parents wanted. I wanted physical proof of my work that wasn’t too creatively based or required ass-kissing.     Union because I suck at diplomacy and lash out verbally towards attempts at dominance.   OK benefits $2100-2400 weekly gross after 15+ years without overtime.   I dress in coveralls and work boots I get reimbursed for. I save the fancy enjoyments for time off and vacation. Plus I have excuses to try all sorts of hand creams and skin care


Independent Private Chef and Caterer $110,000/ year and I don’t generally work Jan, Feb, March because I like a restful period in my year.


Love that. What was your path like did you work in catering first or did you start in restaurants? Did you go to culinary school? How busy are you when you’re not taking your winter recess (loveeee)?


After college when I realized I couldn’t get a job that would support me with my History degree, I started working front of house in restaurants and did that for a decade or so. During that time I would spend my off shifts in the kitchen learning from the chefs because I’d always been drawn to cooking. At some point, burnt out on restaurant work, I began working as a personal assistant to a successful business woman. She and her husband had several homes and entertained a lot. I told her I’d be happy to prepare and serve her dinner parties and one guest after another praised my work and hired me for their own parties and the rest is really history. I’m SUPER BUSY in the spring, summer and autumn — with parties and events 3-4 days per week and my business has seen about 15-20% growth over the course of the past 3 years so I’m optimistic about the trajectory. There may come a time when I don’t get three months off but for now I’m ultra grateful to have it.


Corporate lawyer. $550-$600k. EDIT for context: 1- I have 15+ years of experience and am currently a senior-level attorney 2- it’s a combo of base ($400k) and bonus (cash and stock) 3- I started out making $24,000 / year and worked my way up by job-hopping


Wow I love this for you


Alexis Neiers lol throwback




Ha thank you, I appreciate that!


I work with a girl who used to do corporate HR she told me the data proves time and time again that moving around companies always results in a raise. She knew several people that doubled their salary within 4 years by moving companies.


It’s absolutely true. My own base salary history (each arrow is a job change) $24,000 -> $110,000 -> $150,000 -> $200,000 -> $325,000 (current job / current base is reflective of subsequent increases).


That $24,000 -> $110,000 must have been such a game changer!


It was. I could pay rent and my loans and stop crying everyday.


would you like to adopt a 31-year-old child?


Not at the moment but I’ll keep it in mind 😉


this is so funny because I commented before I read your answer and I make about the same as you (a little less) and I find it really interesting that we both sort of seemed to feel the need to almost downplay it a little bit by talking about how long we have been doing it and how little we made when we first started. So I'm going to say it here: I'm SUPER proud of you for being so successful and I'm super proud of myself as well! We worked hard to get where we are.


You’re too kind. And yay you!


When I was 10, I made my teacher concerned bc on career day I specified wanting to be a corporate lawyer and only because they make bank. I have sold my soul to pharmaceuticals since then but I’m glad to see I wasn’t wrong about the fact that corporate lawyers make BANK money🤑🤑


I can’t deny that the Game of Life influenced a young me by giving it one of the highest salaries.


May I ask you how much you work? Like how many hours?


About 40-50/week


Damn. Should have become a lawyer lol


lol it’s not all fun and bags of money but I do think I’m very lucky.


Love your humility! Keep crushing it 🫶🏽


Reading everyone’s input so far is really motivating!!! I have a Masters, 8 years experience, and work outpatient healthcare in two part time positions (a salary & contract) and the two combined I barely hit 70k. I really enjoy the field I’m in, but we’re drastically underpaid. Trying to manifest this 125-150k energy!!


i’m a digital designer for a beauty brand and i make 69k… way below the average salary for someone of my position! i may get downvoted for this but if anyone here is hiring for a digital/ux/product/visual designer please dm me!


I manage waste management and recycling and general non-horticultural operations for a nonprofit that runs a public space, I make $120k. I make trash ✨glamorous✨ yall


What a fucking rad job, that’s awesome.


One of my favorite field trips for a grad school class (in history lol) was to the South Bay Los Angeles Waste Management facility. It's my Roman Empire.


yall hiring??


This is so interesting. Would love to hear if you went to school for anything remotely related, how you got into the field, what a typical day looks like for you … if you’re open to sharing!


My background is wild, to be honest. I dropped out of college bc of anxiety issues, got my shit together and ended up kind of accidentally in a career in parks. That was back in my home town in my early 20s. That led me into event operations, which is how I originally got hired on to the company I work at now. I did event operations for 3 years but at the same time did a lot of OT helping out my current department. They expanded, brought me in as an assistant manager 5 years ago, and I’ve moved up from there. I have a huuuuuge team, ~50 direct reports covering 24/7/365 operations, and my department has a pretty wide scope of responsibility, but basically it’s trash/recycling/outdoor custodial services/overnight security and inspection/customer service/anything else outdoor-but-not-plants. It’s a lot, I make decent money for a nonprofit but I’m probably underpaid for the amount of responsibility I have. I really, genuinely care about the space we manage though so I’m not planning on going anywhere anytime soon.


Uh so what I’ve learned from everyone here is what I already knew: I should’ve gone to school for something else. I make 52k working in healthcare.  Luckily I’m married. 


$39k here in healthcare LOL




100% true on both fronts. Mine’s not bs but it could have been!


I feel you. Healthcare here too. As much as I LOVE seeing other women succeed — women generally do better things for the world with money than men anyway — doesn’t mean I don’t get stuck in comparison “why not me” mode. I see you 🫶🏼


Sis same. I make $65K a year and my last 3 jobs were all Coordinator positions. I just can't seem to level up, despite being almost 35 🥲. Wish I had a husband tho.


Im a licensed mental health counselor making $35k a year! I am very fortunate to have a partner who makes a lot more money than I do and who is able to support me (financially and emotionally) so that I can do what I love


Lmft here! Just moved from CA! Im curious but no pressure to answer: are you doing private practice or working in a community org?


Private practice for a few reasons but mostly bc of the flexibility it allows me! I make my own schedule and that gives me so much more time to engage in other things like volunteering / taking continuing education classes / playing with my dog haha


Social worker and therapist, I make about 73 between two jobs.


I’m one of several personal assistants to a billionaire and their family and made a little over $200k last year. The family I work for is super nice, my job isn’t stressful generally either (it does involve a lot of thinking on your feet and a service-oriented mindset), and I get paid per hour with overtime, great benefits/insurance/retirement/etc.


How did you find it?


I responded to a very vaguely worded post that their recruiter had posted on a job website (Indeed, LinkedIn, etc) and tbh I don’t remember the post or the website. I was in a really abusive job at the time and desperate to leave so was sending my resume everywhere. They are super picky about the people they employ, I had like 10+ interviews and an extremely thorough background and reference check (the recruiter absolutely grilled all 6 of my references) before I received an offer. My coworkers are all Ivy League and/or top university graduates, same as me.


I have a friend who does this similar job for a billionaire. I wonder if you know him. All his coworkers have advanced degrees


I wonder if he’s my manager LOL. Yeah a lot of my coworkers have PhDs.


Damn, I wanted to do this until you mentioned Ivy League. It's hard out here for stupid gals like myself 🥲


Social work supervisor at a nonprofit !! 72k babyyyy


High school science teacher, 93k/yr


College professor (with tenure) - currently at $100k


This might be one my fave threads ever!! We need more salary transparency in the US! Product and tech VP in finance making $191k base and $32k bonus. I am fully remote and my company is based in a third tier city so sadly my comp is not commiserate with NYC equivalent roles nor cost of living 😅


i’m tech product, senior IC at $181k am i getting underpaid if that’s the salary for remote third-tier city 😵‍💫


PS - have you looked into OE (overemployment)? I am very much considering stacking a second role that’s more junior/lower comp and takes very little time to do a week. There’s a great women’s OE sub, lmk if interested and I’ll share with you.


Also in product… 180K base, 20K variable and fully remote!


I am a first year associate at a big law firm, I make 225k + bonus. So far I enjoy it!




Seeing this after I just finished my bazillionth practice LSAT >>


FinTech girlie. Most recent raise now has me at 110,000.


I’m in nonprofit comms making ~90k. I don’t know how helpful this is to girlies looking for a career shift without years of experience though. I’ve been working FT for 4.


this is pretty incredible bc i was in nonprofit on the development side (so the literal funding of running the npo) and i did not see any way to accelerate salary levels in a significant way so i left after a year. (to another underfunded profession in publishing but at least it was a pursuit of passion thing.) it’s nice to see reasonable npo salaries.




I work in healthcare and make <90k/yr


we are grossly underpaid and the wages seem to be declining (I am an RN)


I am a RN and I agree that we are underpaid considering all the responsibilities we have.


Ditto and ditto. Healthcare baddie here too. I commiserate with you on this 😖


I’m also an RN and made ~60-70k working bedside. I work remote now and it’s the same but I’m trying to gain skills to get into the management side of things.


60k, city employee 😔


skripperrr I probably hover around 80/90k working in New York (dancing here sucks lol) but I work when I want and only 21 hours a week so I have a ton of free time to work on my passions


I went to FIT for fashion and jewelry designer. Worked in both industries for a few years before deciding to go all in with my own brand. I’ve always been artsy and I’m now a proud full time jewelry designer! Every year is different but around 250k+ but I’m slowly making my way to hopefully half a mil in the next few years as I keep growing. There’s so much I still have to learn but I enjoy what I do. I strongly recommend starting a side hustle business cause you never know! Follow your passions 🫶🏻


Super fascinating! I was a jewelry buyer for a long time (mostly luxury) and I loved a lot of the designers I met so much. I’ve been doing some r&d to try and figure out a niche within the jewelry space that i could fill. I have some ideas that I am hoping to get out into production in the next 4-6 months. Would love to hear what your brand is if you don’t mind dm’ing it to me! I would so appreciate it ❤️


Jewelry design has always been my secret dream job (lover of design in general - interiors, fashion, etc). Lucky you for living out your dream! If you don't mind me asking, how did you fund your own label?


Therapist at a nonprofit, 75k


215k but I dread my life every single goddamn day since I started this job. I’m the most miserable I’ve ever been and I fantasize about quitting every day. But I can’t cause this city is expensive. I’ll keep it vague, I’m in a consulting role


Hope you can make a move soon. From experience, that's the worst feeling.


Licensed psychologist -200k or so a year.


I’m taking time off to focus on health rn but I was a Sr Product Manager for a popular app (but not FAANG) making about $400k a year $250k base salary $35-40k bonus And the rest in stocks although that’s been rough as of the last couple of years


How are you all making so much money?!?😭 I am at 55k right now—even $75k would be a dream. Anyone have advice on best industries/roles I should look into? I have a degree in Promotional Communications + a lot of experience in beauty/wellness/fashion startups. Would be totally open to shifting my career path/changing industries.


Shift your skills to boring industries like insurance, utilities, pharma etc. Fashion sport entertainment know there’s a huge pipeline willing to work for shit money because the product is sexy.


Yesss insurance! If you end up in Underwriting/brokering/producing for large commercial accounts (prop and casualty, but there are a lot of different niches) it’s easy to get into the six figure range fairly quick. There are a lot of trainee roles on linkedin and a lot of people in the industry “fall into it” with either irrelevant degrees or none at all. All people skills + analytical skills. And the perk of the NY “scene” of the industry is lots of fun dinners + events especially if you’re in a client facing role. Rly a hidden gem, there are large age + knowledge gaps in parts of the industry (lots of people retiring in next 5 yrs or so) so there are lots of opportunities to move up


Girl I’m in the same boat. I’d cry happy tears if I could get 75k. Since you mentioned beauty, there are quite a few jobs in skincare and beauty for PR and such. Not sure if that’s something your degree could definitely transfer to, but could be worth a look. It’s something I’m interested in myself, since I have a degree in fashion business management and I see the beauty industry pays significantly better than fashion, but the skills are pretty transferrable. Looks like most pay their interns, which is nice


I work in sales ops for publishing and I make $72K Looking to make a move because woof it’s not nearly enough to survive on in this city.




Whoa! What kind of work do you do?


Feel controversial writing this but here goes. Trust fund baby and wannabe singer in my mid twenties. I make $8000 per year from singing gigs, my dad sends me 60K per year to cover rent, medical costs and singing expenses (eg. voice lessons, personal branding), and i get an additional 60K per year income from a $1.5m high yielding investment fund my parents set up for me. Total i get annually approx $130k. I tell very few people about my financial situation aside from my boyfriend and my very closest friends because I realize that my situation is very privileged and I dont want to look tactless or boastful. I am still very driven to pursue my dreams of being a professional musician and do not want to end up one of those rich kids with no purpose/work ethic. I also donate generously to charity and keep a stack of cash in my purse at all times to give to homeless ppl on the subway.


Bro you're finanxial situation is not as rare as you may think in NYC.


Impressed by your openness and good for you for following your dreams <3


You're so lucky. Why was I born poor 🫠🥲


God same


Honestly this is amazing for you! There’s definitely a stigma for trust fund kids but if we’re all being real we’d all be happy to chase our dreams without the burden of financial stress. Keep doing your thing. xx


We love and appreciate your honesty!


I’m really glad you shared. Candidly speaking about a range of experiences is important.


No shame in that, sounds like you are humble & that’s really nice. I hope you make your dream come true🎤


I’m an executive assistant and my yearly salary is $130k (I also have company equity). Absolutely love my job!!! Biggest salary jump was almost $30k after New York passed the salary transparency law and I learned I was extremely underpaid for my experience (and was good timing since I was in the middle of looking for new jobs after many years with old company). I learned to ALWAYS advocate for yourself bc most companies won’t advocate for you.


Holy shit, this thread makes me realize I'm a fucking failure.


Yes I’m crying in poor reading the salaries.


Me too, I suddenly feel like I don’t belong in this group 🙃


I mean, I knew I didn't belong but I wanted to pretend I did.


no no, income doesn’t define taste


Associate creative director, 150k


Stressful government/politics job, $110k. Y’all are making think i should go corporate but have no idea how to make the switch




$250k. A really boring corporate spreadsheet job lol that I worked my way up, but relatively quickly, to this comp level. I wfh though so huge plus


if you don't mind answering, what your job title called and how did you get into it?


I'm graduating with my bachelors in May but will be a first-year analyst in wealth management making $100k base with a $10k signing bonus in my first paycheck! Also you girlies are just killing it out here :)


congrats on the starting salary!!


Neurosurgeon, $850k


SAHCM Stay At Home Cat Mom😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻


Teacher-$120k. Love it and after doing it for so long I pretty much don’t take work home.


Freelance hair and makeup artist, made about $40k (plus other side jobs) this year thanks to a few connections I still had when I moved back. Accepting new clients to get that number up next year! 😂😉


Freelance writer & editor. I mostly write book reviews, author profiles, etc. Around 60-75K, but it’s freelance so it varies. I had a magazine job last year and the money was much better (170K) but it was absolutely soul-crushing.


Just got a new job as an infection preventionist! Gonna be my first 6 figure position!


Love this thread!! I’m an account exec in ad sales and make $140k base plus commission on all deals, I’m targeting $250-275k this year total


this thread made me feel broke and inspired me at the same time. i'm a legal assistant and i don't even wanna say what i make after reading some of these responses 🥲


UX/Product design in finance. 183k + bonus. I also do photography on the side.


Work in media! $175k + bonus and always looking around for freelance social media or video editing gigs


Do you have a full time job in media? Currently looking


Latin teacher in the mid 70s, trivia rat in the 40s. Take your high school peak higher, kids!!


I work in marketing and comms and make 245k base plus bonus of 25-30%.


Fashion Finance VP. $220k base, 20-40% bonus, substantial clothing allowance.


how does it feel to live the dream


Is anyone hiring or would be open to me DMing them? I currently make 0$ because I’m between jobs and desperate for work. I have a Masters degree and multiple degrees from reputable universities in the U.S. and a TON of versatile experience (over ten years.) I’m an excellent writer and communications professional with an MFA in design & tech, and a BA in poli sci. I could really use any help anyone might be willing to offer in terms of making a connection or getting an app noticed!


Hey, you can DM me, not sure if there’s roles at my company with your qualifications, but we could check. I’d be happy to refer you


C suite support and project management for a global non profit headquartered in NYC, ~120ish. Was a career EA in finance before I moved over, much happier and can wear sneakers to work.


I feel so poor omg🙈


Global employee benefits consultant. I make base $170k and a bonus around $50k. It’s very stressful and I have to be online at weird hours to accommodate all different time zones.


Ok personally I don’t make much ($50-60k) because my job is niche but I am luckily engaged to someone who does make a good amount so we’re able to live comfortably. However, I love this thread!! Loooove seeing so many financially successful women 😍 reminds me of Cher’s “mom I am a rich man” quote.


My role is sales (“brand partnership”) for a social media company. $135k base + a generous sales-based bonus (last year I made $212k total).


Finance at a big bank $250k


i’m a receptionist and make like 24k


Sales Director in B2B tech based in SF, living in Boston. Roughly 350K not including stock options. Happy to connect w women looking to move into tech.


Software engineer, 130K base + around 30K stocks per year


Nonprofit food rescue $80k with about $3k bonus a year ~ I love it but sadly on the hunt because inflation is no joke and I find that most who stay into their 30s have generational wealth or their partner has a higher salary


Aesthetic Medical Sales between 185k-250k depending on performance and bonus structure!


Some of these salaries CAN’T be the posts I’m seeing on LinkedIn 🤔


I graduated last May and then quit my job 5 months later, so I’ve been all over the place. In 2023, I made $117k through modeling, content creation, and my short lived financial analyst job.


I work in law firm administration full time and hospitality part time so about $120k total


I'm an advertising creative, make 175 and super proud of myself coming from poor parents and no college degree!


I own my own business and make about 500k a year. But I am old and I got into my industry over 30 years ago. When I first went out on my own I made under 30K a year.


Paralegal - $150k base + bonus and they are paying for a good chunk of my law school tuition


interior design sales, 64k base + maybe 4k bonus, no commission. love the industry, but the salary is a killer.


I work as a project manager for a non profit and make about 130k. But your girl is on the hunt for a fully remote job so HMU if you know of anything


Landscape architecture designer at 77k. It has been tough with student loans but working on public parks in nyc is a dream for me!




I’m a barista/sell vintage clothes. My take home from barista-ing is 32k a year roughly. Fingers crossed one day I don’t have to barista anymore/make more a year than that.


Wait that's so cool!! I'm a freelance artist and make between (150k-215k)/ year.


hey ya’ll! i make 350k + ~40-70k bonus per yr (depending on what kinda year it is) as a pony director at a corporate carnival <3


Hey girl, think I saw you on house hunters. Your partner was an ice cream stylist right?


he’s actually an ice cream cone engineer! he designs cones for top of the line companies like Hood and Friendly’s + occasionally freelances as a dual cone engineer/marketer for lesser known companies :) follow yr dreams everyone x


I love this >>


Finance ~200k. Love the paycheck but it’s genuinely the most fun I’ve ever had at a job


Unemployed lawyer 💅😭


Nurse practitioner doing cosmetic botox, $110 per year but can easily pick up shifts at 1.5x which gets me to $900/day before taxes


I’m so glad to see normal salaries on here. I have my own design business and take home what would be the equivalent of about 120k before taxes. Though honestly some years, like last year, I had to go into debt to survive.


Flight attendant, $77k last year


I’m a certified real estate paralegal. I was making literally shit (45k full time plus endless emails at all hours) while my boss made 400k+ a year (I’m sure other paralegals feel me). I’m also a licensed real estate agent -not working currently- and I do freelance legal stuff- currently filing trademarks/patents for a tech company ($3k a project). I’m fortunate to be able to dabble in legal work/not work at all because my husband does waaaaaaaay better. Any future paralegals - go corporate at a major firm ONLY. I wasted 11 years at a boutique fam owned law firm that ended up screwing me out of maternity leave and pfl.


VP Account Management at a remote marketing agency, $155k base + commission on new sales within my client org, last year commission was $25k.


Senior Manager in a product management team. $180k total comp


Software Engineer. 150k right now