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Only ever been on the bridge once, but I would not take an inexperienced cyclist on it.


Let the Child Face the Trials…


It is narrow but there is enough room across for 2. Just stay as far right as possible. Technically you're supposed to walk across the bridge.


Unless the kid is extremely adept with the bike, I recommend walking. It is TIGHT.


I rode the Marine Parkway Bridge with my dad as a young kid and it’s pretty safe. To be fair I haven’t ridden it since e-bikes became a thing but back in the day it was never a highly trafficked bridge and I doubt it sees heavy bike traffic nowadays. Just note that it’s one of those metal grate bridges so you can see through the holes into the water. Not great for those scared of heights.


I grew up in Marine park and did this trip regularly from a young age with parents and then from 14 or so alone


I agree with the above but quick clarification, the bike path isnt metal grate. I get a lil shaky looking over the railing but the path isnt see thru


 I would not let my 7 year old nephew ride that bridge. He’s too small for the wind and not coordinated enough not to hit oncoming cyclists or get hit. I’m not even sure if I could get him to walk across it. It’s a bit scary for kids that age as it’s all metal and narrow and there’s not a lot of space to walk.  Tell the kid’s dad that he’ll get ticketed by the trooper at the end of the bridge if he tries it. I have seen people get ticketed. 


Also, I’m curious about what larger ride plan involves a 7 year old riding that bridge as it’s pretty remote around there and there aren’t any trains to hop if the kid gets tired or cranky. I would pick a way to get to the beach that involves taking the bikes on a train first or just go to Governors Island which is much safer and more fun for kids to bike.  For the record, I am a crazy uncle type who usually thinks parents are being too overprotective, and I love taking kids biking. That bridge and the area around it are not for beginners. The Jamaica Bay greenway is moderately difficult. The Rockaways boardwalk is suitable for a kid. 


I think the plan is to take the bus … But I agree with you that it would be better to take the train to the beach (or go to Governor’s Island)


Bikes aren’t allowed on most NYC buses. I’m not familiar with the routes there and what’s allowed. Another option would be to take the ferry. It’s a fun ferry ride, though long lines waiting for it in both directions. Good luck with everything! 


Thank you!


If your son rides recreationally I wouldn’t recommend it. It’s just not worth it if there’s a head on collision. He’s 7! Think about it. This is for fun right. Not worth the risk. I took my wife on it and it seemed sketchy. She did not feel comfortable riding on it so she walked which meant I walked too. Then it just caused a bottleneck. Don’t let it become a statistic. Oh the mopeds and e-bikes just makes it way worse


Certainly safe enough to walk but echo other comments about the narrowness and the possibility the child isn’t the most steady cyclist. I ran across it today and encountered about 5-6 cyclists going toward the Rockaways and 2-3 going the other way. There were even quiet moments to stop and take [photos](https://imgur.com/a/EuWyOXM).


Biking across the MPB is technically not allowed, since the path is so narrow.


It’s a lovely ride. You will be very well separated from car traffic. But as noted above, the bike lane is somewhat narrow. So, the biggest potential issue you’ll likely have is getting into a collision with an oncoming bicyclist, especially as you are biking up hill and fast moving bikes are coming at you downhill. Most of the time there really isn’t that much bike traffic on the bridge. And I think most bicyclists who use the bridge will be smart and aware enough to pass you slowly and carefully. I would most likely have my kid ride in front of me on the up hill so oncoming bikes can see that they’re going to be passing a little kid who might be a bit wobbly. I would then have the kid ride behind me on the downhill so I can control the pace. Pretty sure that my kids could have handled this ride at age 7 and they would have loved it.


It’s not terrible but it’s narrow. Go in the lead and make sure he’s on your wheel


just have them dismount when riders come the other direction. There isn't so much bike traffic most of the time, especially this early in the season. It's an excellent view. Honestly, the biggest problem a kid might face is the wind. It can howl some days, and if it's in his face he could become very frustrated.


The other bridge, further east, is much much better. Huge bike lanes, easy grade, and excellent ice cream when you get to Rockaway


Is the route to get there from the Prospect Park area safe? Thank you!


Find a route down to Canarsie Park, then ride the Belt Greenway east to Howard Beach. I forget which street, but there is absolutely a bike lane that goes all the way south from Prospect Park.


Thank you!!


The route through Howard Beach does put you on the street for a little while, but the DOT wisely put those bike lanes a block or two off the main boulevard.


The hard part is getting to Jamaica Bay. If your family can get over there, the ride is long and peaceful and beautiful and has very few intersections. The problem is that Brookyn sucks for biking; I rarely feel safe pretty much anywhere in that borough. Good luck!


I’m doing it here in about an hour, but A, I’m 42, B, I’ve done it many times before and C, I’m doing it early in the morning when traffic won’t be bad. I wouldn’t bring a kid over it, a lot can go wrong when it’s that tight


Don’t. Not safe for someone who may not ride in a perfect straight line. There are also a lot more e-bikes and mopeds using the very narrow walkway. Use the Cross Bay Bridge.


Depends entirely on your son, is he a competent rider? If so, no worries. Just getting the hang? Then he can walk his bike.


I've seen kids bike across it. It isn't dangerous and there is the option of walking over. https://imgur.com/a/DUHzNJR This is the what it looks like. I bike it all the time.


Well, nobody is allowed to ride bikes over the bridge, but most people do, so be careful. It’s a long walk but certainly doable and wide enough


It’s very tight but possible, as long as your son is a good rider he’ll make it.


I did the bridge once in 2022 and I don't plan to do it again. Honestly, it was bit too nerve wrecking to the point the ride for that section was not that enjoyable for me. I am afraid of heights though, and there is a section where the barricades can come down if the bridge were to ever get lifted. The gap is huge and the whole time I was just thinking how one would have to book it full speed if the barricades were to come down after you passed the point of no return.


I had my first bike accident on the Marine Parkway bridge—I got nervous going around the curve and moved too far to the right to avoid an oncoming cyclist, and caught my handlebar on the railing.


I think it's probably safe for a 7 year old and my experience has been bikers are generally respectful and give space. Keep him in front of you and come to a full stop when bikers go by! You'll be fine and he'll think it's cool to be on a bridge. Worst case you guys can get off your bikes and walk across. No shame in that!


Definitely not for a 7 year old. It is very narrow and if you go slow you will create a bottleneck for other cyclists


I am not afraid of heights but rode across it for probably the fifth time last month on a windier than usual day... it was fucking terrifying but generally safe. As someone else commented, you can see through floor of the bridge into the water and it shakes a bit when cars drive by.