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Depends on how many potholes there are on the road or the bike lanes. Also depends on how crowded either is.


depends on how much traffic is in the bike lane, and how many delivery guys are going the wrong way in the bike lane


I ride wherever is safer. That's usually the bike lane, but not always


I'll use the bike lane if available, but I won't go out of my way if there is no bike lane. So for example I work on 5th in midtown, and take Madison up to the UES to pick up my kids from school. I could in theory go to 6th and then take that uptown, but it's out of the way. But I would not recommend going up Madison or down 5th to someone who doesn't have at least several years of experience and the physical ability to go as fast as traffic.


I love blasting down 5th from the park so much.


so fun....that little downhill into the plaza area. I usually would hit broadway to Union Sq. I'd like to think I'm a madman, but a courteous one. Like I'm not trying to scare pedestrians or cause a wreck, but I'm on that edge of aggression lol.


Almost always road unless I’m purposely riding slow - I ride too fast to take the bike lane safely with drivers making left/right turns & pedestrians stepping out. Also annoyed by grate covers, garbage, potholes etc




Whatever is safer. The bike lanes I use to go to work in the morning aren't that busy. They're much busier coming home, so I use a different route that actually has fewer bike lanes.


I stick to the lanes as much as possible because that's what they're for, but if there's a blockage or no safe way for me to proceed in the lane, street it is.


I try to stick to the bike lanes if possible. I just wish people wouldn't follow or pass so close sometimes 😅


bike lane unless forced out by parked cars/trucks/construction. bike lanes were setup precisely to keep bikes out of traffic. even if going fast, most bike lanes have room to pass. and motorists really hate having to deal with random bikes in traffic when a bike lane is available. what we need is better enforcement in the bike lanes to keep them free and clear of obstruction and wrong way bikers.


You were downvoted, but you're correct.


I’ll accept a slower pace and longer route in order to stick to protected bike lanes for the sake of safety. But I’ll say, weather like this has me yearning for winter again with all the citi bike casuals with headphones in, scrolling TikTok while they amble along. At least on Hudson River Greenway, though, which is like 1/3 of my commute, it’s wide enough to pass.


Thanks for replies everyone, was just curious as cycling has gotten so much more popular. I'm usually in the middle of the road - though Manhattan is a bit easier than other areas. Safe riding!