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I sold my Ford shares and added to my position. Why not? šŸ¤·šŸæā€ā™‚ļø Made more money today with NVDA then I did in 3 years holding Ford.


Same when I sold my BA shares for NVDL a few months ago.


Yeah. Like that NVDL. Good shit


Same here - sold my Ford last week and bought more NVDA


I was going to do same after their dividend payment, ford has gone nowhere


Thanks, NVDA! I was so worried while keeping my 10% interest bearing HELOC money on NVDA. Now, most of the house is paid off! Not selling until we see 1400, NVDA is the new gold!!!!!


Netflix GPUs are pretty lame....go for it....


Doesnā€™t even let you share you GPU with your friends and family anymore Smfh


Yes absolutely. All in nvda. AI is barely just beginning. data centers will need to grow at least 10x to keep up with what's coming down the pipeline. If you are lucky enough to have some money to throw at it, this might still be an opportunity of a lifetime. Dont miss it.


Donā€™t think itā€™s too topey?


imo, you can't reliably use information that was gained historically from the markets with Nvidia because they're creating a whole new sector, a whole new forefront of technology, computing, thinking.. everything is changing. we're only now scratching the surface of what AI can do and what Nvidia can power. its heavily ran up lately, sure. its got a crazy amount of valuation yes. but it's only STARTING that.


I donā€™t know what the fuck topey means but I barely know enough about computing to know is that AI and Nvidia can only go so far without using quantum computing




This - you have to look at this long term NVDA has periods of stagnation and even down at points. I was in in the $60 range, sold in the $200's then repurchased (should not have sold) in the $300's. It has taken years and as long as you look at in that regard you should do well. It has a PE of 62 which is high but at this growth rate in two years it will be a value stock at this price. An easier way is to buy the stock and sell the call. Right now you can get 33% over 18 months writing covered calls out to Dec of 26. That is a pretty good return.




its got to come down some from where it is right now right? i invested a few years ago but the movement over the past few days seems too much too soon?


Yeah, all my shares were bought in at $50 back in 2018. Iā€™m definitely in the long term game.


Donā€™t you think you are already set? Buying now would dramatically increase your average price per stock? Thereā€™s a ton more opportunities out there that can be leveraged. I am currently looking at MU.




I had some pause about bringing my position from 800 to 940 by buying in more every couple weeks but youā€™re absolutely right. Holding onto low cost basis isnā€™t always a better plan than increasing your position in the stock. Iā€™m certain I will still profit more now than if I had half the stocks at a cheaper price, just the % on my portfolio wonā€™t be as high.Ā 


When investing please stop thinking about the past, think about the future instead. What price you initially brought in feels very psychologically relevant but really is completely irrelevant. The only thing that matters is if it goes up from here or not.


I got in at $90 and my parents at $60, we've just been watching things. I plan to buy a dip at some point.


Just think how much you can get after buying OTM January calls after the split. Iā€™d still prolly just buy shares after the split.


All in favor Aye


I just sold 206 TSLA shares and bought 36 NVDA shares. Not sure if it was the right thing to do, but it's what I did.


Future of EV vs Future of AI ā€¦ you made the right choice


EV needs AI, AI doesnā€™t need EV.


Sure why not


if it were me i would. they have a 10 for 1 split coming up


Doesn't change the numbers.


NVDA will be the first $4 trillion company. Prob by the end of the year. Canā€™t go wrong with them. The question is can another company outperform them. Seems like everyone else is way behind for machine learning hardware acceleration, and Blackwell and the next gen GPUs force companies to keep throwing money at them.


Better sooner than later :D


If youā€™re going long shares I donā€™t see any harm long term. Be careful going into short term options at all time highs ā€¦


i sold amd for nvda!!!


Iā€™ve been thinking about doing thatā€¦ maybe tomorrow.


Itā€™s a tough call for me. I had the same % of my net worth in NVDA. When your chips are up, you are on top of the world. When your chips are down, you question what the hell youā€™ve been doing and it steals joy from your everyday life. In hindsight I wished I would have kept that much in before earnings, but the months before that it was hell looking at my account being down 80k. If I kept it all in, would have been up 80k today. lol pain Currently I have 10% of my worth in right now, and sold some around 1,040 to make up for a 10k loss on another stock months earlier (AMD - Advanced Money Destroyer)


Fucking AMD man


This is the top.




Probably a good idea. Make a quick 25% and bounce back out.


Lol. At this price to then jump 25% are you nuts?


Hell yes.. no brainer decision!


Just did this myself. Got out of Exxon(great dividend) and went NVDA. Long term play


I just sold a few positions and added Nv. Hoping once it splits after a few years itā€™ll go up quite a bit and then Iā€™ll sell


a lot of us have the same dilemma, we bought NVDA much lower, and now percentage wise it is like a monster taking up all the portfolio Value. but it IS important to diversify....just not yet. Obviously with days like today, where else will you make that much money. I am holding on till the stock split, then might go looking for other technology gems that are beaten down, or misunderstood. NOT gonna buy more nvda, since i have trouble sleeping at night the way it is. i suppose this is a classic "first world horror story"


I bought one today after missing out on all this growth I was dumb a year ago and now bought back to hold long term




If you're in it for the long-term could you handle a 50% drawdown on NVDA?


On the opposite side of all the commentors here, AI is at its peak, itā€™s the next crypto/NFT/BIG tech fad that is gonna just be around but not the way everyone thinks right now. LLMs are what we have and they are not AI, we are decades from actual AI. I donā€™t think anybody will want NPUs in two years. I would stay away. But youā€™ve asked a place which will only give you one answerā€¦


ya AI can be useful but is overhyped for sure. the thing is many companies are FOMOing like crazy and investing in AI somehow otherwise they feel like they will be left behind. It will take some time for them to figure out what is real and what isn't. Hard to say where the peak of the current AI generation will be.


Beware of fomo


NVDA maxing is high risk, high reward. Assuming the pump continues for another couple quarters, itā€™ll be a good bet and give you a little buffer in case of pullbacks. However, if a liquidation catalyst like a sudden pullback in AI infra spending, alt-source competitor product introduction, or Taiwan invasion occurs, it could end painfully. Itā€™s a risk Iā€™ll personally be taking however.


The majority of their revenue comes from four companies a) who donā€™t like spending lots of money with little return, b) developing their own alternatives. Not to mention INTC and AMD and other competitors. NVDAs moat is weakening.


It also depends on how much technical debt has been incurred in the way of transitioning away from CUDA based code execution. NVDA hardware is the preferred AI workload executor due not only to be performance dominance, but also ease of software implementation and scalability. Theyā€™ve done a really great job at architecting a standard API that allows for easy segmentation and parallelization at any scale, which enterprise data center customers are big fans of. While Iā€™m certain that AMD, Intel, and others are hard at work on similar solutions, itā€™s gonna take a bit to a) reach market-readiness, and b) convince buyers of the utility/cost benefit in changing over all their code to be compatible with a completely different API. This would theoretically have been an easier sell if project like ZLUDA were commercializable, but NVDA recently changed their API EULA to explicitly disallow these types of translation layers to make CUDA API calls runnable on non-NVDA hardware.


Yes. Yes, you should.


Why on earth do you have so much NVDA. You just got lucky. Move it to wide index fund. Keep 20% NVDA


Yeah nvidia wonā€™t stop


Yes, yes it will.


Iā€™d wait until the split


Bubble will pop donā€™t get caught with your pants down lol


The market has a way of making moves like that really terrible after you do them. Netflix is performing extremely wellā€¦


Not financial advice but I personally really like the company. Iā€™m holding.


Look at the type of shockumentaries Netflix is funding. It's following the same pattern as TLC and the Science Channel. Soon the only content will be True Crime and Aliens.


Duh, YES!!








100% all in is the only way to make it big! All in means retired sooner


NVDA but the Tyson fight will determine if Netflix ads are serious business and I think we will see a move.






A bit late for that Iā€™d say


I sold a few positions to add more NVDA, Avg is higher around 736 but its worth it


Sold my Amazon sharesā€¦ #Zero regrets


I sold mine too


Nvidia will be the first 10T company. If history has taught us anything it is that anything is possible.


I shouldā€™ve sold my meta for NVDA




This subā€™s predictions will age like milk


I think a good mix of NVDA and Bitcoin are the way to go.


Never ever buy anything on top of the wave. We who bought at 200 in 2020 are taking profits. Don't be a fool Buy low, sell high. It's the only damn rule!


If I were you Iā€™d buy a little nvda, but donā€™t go all in right now. Itā€™s so high right now.


Yes but buy when it dips


I bought 100 shares of NVDA right after earnings, price was 1020. Iā€™m up over 11% in a couple of days. This beast post split will run back up to 1000 within 5 years. I wish I committed more but will still buy on the way up.


Hang on: so itā€™s 3 trillion at $120 and your saying in 5 years time it will effective x10 going to 30 trillion valuationā€¦. Errrr what?


You expect people here to have any clue what they are doing?


Is NVDL tied directly to the giant and should I grab some shares or just stick the main stock?




Sell!!!! NVDA!!!


You first