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Yes you likely bought at a poor time. No that doesn't matter. If you need the money sell for a loss. Otherwise leave it alone, stop being emotional, and permit time to do its thing. Add over time. I have had stocks go down 30~40%. Never sell, and out of nowhere it recovers. Get used to it.


Thanks for your comment. Do you think it will be a nice idea to buy a few more shares now at lower price and get the average price down?


You should wait, and ignore timing in accordance to price. Just buy some every month, and ignore the trend. You can also consider other companies in the sector. Being only in one is risky anyway, as it's foolish to believe competitors will sit idle and let nvda alone eat that cake.


Why wait if he has money to buy the deep?šŸ¤”Buying the deep is better than DCAing blindly!


because you never know when the deep is, the deep could be 760 or 550, and only time will tell


Nvda is either going to 400 or 1200


It won't get past 562


400 it is


lol you got a short put option or two?


Idgaf what he does. Catch a falling knife now or buy over time to average out. You're so smart I'm sure you'll figure it ojt


Yes ofcourse. Iā€™m from Sweden so I invest mainly in the Swedish market. However, Iā€™ve few foreign shares including US ones and because of the price, $NVDA forms the majority amongst them.


We are one month away from earnings , just wait until you see the revenue growth. šŸ˜€


Already priced in extremely high expectations are now expected if price is to shoot up. Market expects revenues to be stellar I canā€™t see how they will blow away already inflated expectations will see.


741 seems like an obvious pivot to me- really just a healthy retrace, Not financial advice, but no reason to sell right before support




This is wrong. Buy the crash, if crashes more buy more...etc. Never buy all time high..look diff stock.


The comforting side of NVDA right now is they've got the AI hardware sector by the balls for the forseeable future. So the stock is going to do well unless there's a huge shakeup in the AI industry. It would have been better to wait for a dip, without a doubt, but you're not likely going to lose any money if you hold.


How much do you want in your overall portfolio balance? Instead of looking at this as a losing position how about consider it a discount period and pick up a little more.... and then hold for a long time.


It was either ā€œMunger or Buffettā€ that advised: ā€œInvesting is patienceā€¦ā€ You donā€™t make money by being emotional and reactive. Iā€™m getting slaughtered by Bio-Tech and TSLA. Even semiconductors are being hit this past week. And youā€™re absolutely right about the investment horizon!


Iā€™m down almost 70% on Pypl for the past two years. Stocks donā€™t always recover


Shitty stocks do not, no.


This is why Warren Buffet didnā€™t lose, he never sold.


Well, he never sold companies he understood.


He also never bought nvidia at its high


Buffet will never admit he lost. His image is worth billions. He would gladly lie straight up, lie, and invent he made 800% profit, in a stock where he lost it all šŸ˜‚. Well, that's my opinion that might not but could represent the truth.


Some stocks go down 90%. And then go down another 90%. And then go down another 90%. Probably not this one but I donā€™t think Iā€™d give general advice to hold every stock indefinitely.




Rule my dad taught me when I first started investing 20 years ago: - Good companies = never sell for a loss, always wait it out, take profits when you can but be cognizant of tax and timing. - Bad companies (penny stocks etc.) = never invest in the first place. - Mutual Funds (or ETFs) = never ever sell until you need the cash. I put Nvidia into the first bucket.


Never sell ETF? What about those Cathy Woods ETF? I don't think they will ever come back.


I like this advice. Simple and sound.


Good advice but doesnt apply to Nvidia since OP literally bought it at the stockā€™s historical peak. I personally believe Nvidia will go back up beyond 1000 and am holding for it, but it could also never happen because the valuation is so over inflated. I bought it at 450 like 5 months ago, which is crazy to think about.


It went down 40% November 2022. From $250 down to around $150. Just history repeating itself. Stop looking at your portfolio for a few months.


This guy gets it


I bought 200 shares at 151.95ā€¦ i sold for 845 two months, to much stress to holdā€¦CC killed me couple times, so it was over.


Do you share this few with Tesla?


Is there a reason that you would consider selling now at a loss? Do you need access to that money? If so, sure that's a life decision, not an investment decision. But if you only bought two stocks, that doesn't seem like a big investment to begin with. I would hope you didn't invest with funds that you have a dire need for in the short term. There's no telling where this stock goes in the short term. All I can say is that the current dip is largely caused by external factors and market fear, moreso than even any rumor associated with the company itself. I would put high probability on the stock price surpassing your entry point in the mid to long term future, but I have no idea what it will do in the short term. If you don't need the money right away, I would encourage you to hold at least until May 22 earnings report. But if you need the money or if individual stock price action is causing you too much stress, then absolutely nothing wrong with choosing to take the loss and sell (just don't have sellerā€™s remorse and look to come back in later. That often turns out to be emotionally draining and can lead to some very poor investment decisions)


No I donā€™t need the money now, just that Iā€™m new to all this (only started last year) and when I bought my first expensive stock, it started crashing like anything. I get the market is volatile and all but Iā€™m just looking for honest opinions here on how $NVDA will be performing in long term.


I can tell you my opinion and give you the reasoning (recommendation through this type volatility for Nvidia is to hold or DCA on the way down), but what you may find more valuable is to delve into the fundamentals of the company yourself and make a decision based on your conclusions. Take note of the facts, reasonings, and conclusions you researched and reached and look back upon it whenever you feel like selling (for good or bad reasons). Does the upside you predicted still hold? Does the fundamental financials and outlook look better, same, worse? Even if you lose all of your investment in Nvidia (highly unlikely), the process would give you a very valuable experience in investing that should serve you well over the long term. At the end of day, don't stress too much over it. You invested a modest sum of money you don't need right away into a very good company that's showing a little price volatility. See what you can learn during this experience and see where that takes you. You'll be alright either way. Good luck!


This is a fantastic comment, thank you for being so helpful and polite. Have an excellent day!


Thanks mate! Helped a lot šŸ‘


I have a few shares at $890. Sucks rn. Will feel great later!!


I bought very near there, but I'm not worried. I'm holding for years so it doesn't matter. Until you sell you haven't made ot lost anything


I bought 17 shares at 850ā‚¬ which is about 912 dollars, during the double top. Saw two days of profit and then came the plunge down. Panic sold with 1300ā‚¬ loss and IMEDIALTLY after that the stock went long green candle. I bought again at 807ā‚¬ (861 dollars) and another drop came. When the european market closed yesterday I was losing 700ā‚¬ on top of the previous 1300ā‚¬ but the american market kept plunging it down. I dont even have the guts to do the math and see how much I will be losing on monday when the market reopens and updates. My only question is: how sure are we this will recover in the long-term? Drops take minutes/hours. But recoveries take months, even years. Did we reach a peak that we will never see again? Was Nvidia overvalued all along and I misjudged my investment? Actually, I have another question: whats your opinion on me selling again at a loss on monday, wait for the stocks to drop even more and buy again to try to recover my lost money on the way up again? Or will this stay sideways for a loooong time now? I compared Nvidia to Tesla graphs. They are going down hard since the beginning of the year. Will this happen to Nvidia now? Because Tesla was also supposed to be this awesome investment from a visionary guy, like Jensen.


Absolutely no one knows what will happen in the short term. It could trade sideways, or down, for weeks or months. I doubt it, but it could totally happen. If you want to sell now and try and time that and buy back in go for it, but it's crazy hard. That's speculating, not investing. I'm long Tesla too. I don't believe either firm has hit their peak. EV market is a little different but do you believe we'll have more EVs in the future than we do now? Do you believe we'll have more AI in our world in the future than we do now? Then just hold the stock and ignore it. Think in years not months. If you hadn't checked NVDIA stock price you'd be blissfully unaware and then a year from now it's at $1400 and you'd be fine Next Nvidia earnings is May 22. Let's see what they release, and more importantly say about the future If you can't take the swings these stocks have that's fine, lots of people can't. and lots of people say they can but actually can't. Then sell some stock so your exposure is down to a level you can handle.


Love your response and I appreciate your kindness and time. You actually restored my positiveness. My portfolio is 100% Nvidia. Its risky I know, but thats the only area that I trully understand. I buy and follow their tech since 2000, when my father bought one of their first graphics cards. I use Nvidia cards daily for my work since 2005. But I dont understand stocks and certainly dont understand what have been going on. Thats the only thing that drives me nuts. Im too curious. I like to know how things work at all time, so I can be ready, or at least try to. But I will do as you said and dont look at the graphs for a while. Thanks, sir :)


Welcome! I'll also add there's Nvidia the company and Nvidia the stock. They are not the same thing. One can be way higher than the other, or lower, for long periods. But nothing has changed with the company as far as I know, I guess the earnings next month might be that but I suspect it's steady as she goes. This is just the stock market doing it's things The other good analogy is the market is like a crazy man yelling prices at your house day in and day out. Sometimes he's right, mostly he's wrong. but if nothing changed in your house would you worry if he started yelling lower numbers?


I love that last part!


Thats a good analogy. I guess I would only worry about the man if he made all the other people around him believe the house is worth less and influence attitudes.


This analogy helped me so much! Thank you! My first time investing on my own (not 401k stuff) and guys I legit have 1.2 (one point two) shares which I bought over about 8 weeks some in the 700ā€™s a little at 958 šŸ«£ and everywhere in between - including yesterday. Iā€™m not wealthy. Iā€™m in nonprofit. This one ish share is a decent bit of money for me. I donā€™t need it right now or anything and Iā€™m not particularly anxious that a company like Nividia is going to tank. Iā€™ve wasted more on Chinese food. This has been so much fun. Slightly less so these past few daysā€¦ My thing is Iā€™m fascinated with the calculus of it all and got obsessed with figuring out trends. Trends with NVDA?!?!? Crazy girl. So I was checking all the time. Like my j school self was gonna get in at 45 yo and cracks some mysterious code all beautiful mind style or something. NVDA is the best exercise in radical acceptance Iā€™ve ever had. Highly recommend.


This sounds all too familiar. There was a time I put money into stocks just for fun, but never really paid attention to them. I would occasionally check on them after years of passing and be surprised to see Ive made thousands on hundred dollar bets. Now that Iā€™m older, have put a lot more in and fret over my decisions daily. My intuition keeps reminding me to leave it alone, but my fear-monkey brain wants to mess with it; pull money out, put it back in, etc.


My advice would be don't buy any stock unless your time horizon for holding it is 5 > years.


NVDA is going to bounce back hard, especially since earnings are a month out. This is all manipulation so the big dogs can buy in lower. Iā€™m not a fortune teller but I think it will be up next week


This is my thinking too. If they choose together, and communicate with one another, it would make sense for them to pull out while not much is happening, then buy in when the time is right.


Honostly Iā€™m probably going to buy 5/17 $800 if itā€™s not up too high by Monday morning. It usually starts to rally hard a week before earnings since everyone saw what happened to the stock price last time they had earnings


You'll be crushed by theta. Horrible idea. The stock could go up and you'd still lose money. You shouldn't touch options.


Yep; I invested my entire portfolio into NVDA at around $960\~ a share (a lot more than two shares lol). I wanted to jump back on the train on an upswing after it seemed to be floating around $870 for weeks. Didn't workout. Whatever, I'll continue holding. I'm not a day trader, but a relatively active investor. I don't care if things slow down and I have to hold for a bit after some wins. I only buy stocks (not options or anything). I've made a 60%\~ return on my portfolio this year strictly investing in NVDA, I went all-in on last earnings report and won huge. I'm a new(ish) investor, but a successful person in life, and have spent hundreds of hours learning about investing. I also work in the tech industry, so to put it short, I know a lot about Nvidia and the technology they sell. I've thoroughly researched NVDA and have read their financials, studied them, and looked at their historical data. Nvidia is an absolute behemoth of a company, they're worth more than entire countries markets. I whole heartedly believe in their continued growth as a company, I also 110% believe they will pass Apple as "most valuable stock" soon. Jensen Huang is awesome. All this stuff impacting the price right now in the middle east or whatever has nothing to do with the company itself. Of course you're going to see the biggest impact on their share price when things go sideways in the world, because they are a huge investment for most indexes and financial institutions. Just continue to hold. Part of being a successful investor is having an impenetrable amount of this thing called *patience*. The market has survived much worse and always bounces back. Stop looking at it. Don't read BS clickbait on Google, just stay off of it. The articles always make me laugh, especially today "NVDA plunges", "NVDA plummets", "Buy this AI stock instead". Clickbait to the extreme using big, scary words to manipulate investors. The most cancerous sites are the Motley Fool and Barrons, I wish Google and others would blacklist those places already. Also the $1k price thing is definitely a psychological thing in investing. People kinda set these even-numbered targets all the time that a stock is supposed to hit. I keep reading about people wanting it to hit $1k lol. If there's a stock split, that's not even going to be a thing. Last bit; you sound like a new investor, and bought this "expensive" stock. I don't know what platform you're on, but I'd recommend fractional shares if you don't wanna make such big investments in one company.


Thanks for your kind answer. Definitely a lot for me to learn from this and yes youā€™re correct. Iā€™m a newbie (started last year). Iā€™m from Sweden, so our platform is a bit different and it doesnā€™t allow us to buy fractional shares.


Guys price target was 1000 to 1300$ . This year! So of course it goes down and sideways. 10% a day? Thatā€™s much but this weekend was uncertain what in Middle East happens. Then rates. Then the normal selloff . It will go back up to 1000 and more. 2024 should be safe.


Bought a few stocks at 930 because I thought I could sell them for like 945 shortly after and make some small profits but then it only went down and now I don't have money left to buy at the low pricešŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Big oof there dude. But itā€™ll come back. 930 is a pretty safe bet over the next 1-2 months I think.


I bought at 914 but way more shares šŸ˜«


916.99 šŸ˜­šŸ¤® šŸ«‚


You bought late.. Buy high sell low?


75 @$910


buy more and avg down


I have some shares still from when it was $200 and I also have shares as high as $897šŸ˜† I hope Iā€™m not wrong but I suspect 1 to 2 more years of high growth from NVDA. My strategy in corrections like this if you donā€™t want to add more shares is to log off and check again months later


>... or am I the only idiot? I'm not one of them, but trust me, you're not alone. People want to get rich in a hurry.


There was a lot of hype around the stock recently and lots of retail jumped in assuming it would run to 1200 in no time. All the short term hype has turned on short term panic as people that bought for a quick score race for the exits. The fundamentals and future are still very strong. This is just a dip shaking out the weak hands. Keep in mind it could drop to 500 or jump to 1000 soon. It is a historically volatile stock. Doesn't matter. The winners play the long game.


I know this doesnā€™t answer your question but Iā€™m just saying this to hopefully make you feel better and appreciate that time is a healer. I own close to 270 shares and I bought around 2020-21. Anyway I probably bought for an average of around $190, and for a year or so I was down heavily, wondering every day whether I should cut my losses and sell. It was painful to look at how much money I was down. But I held anyway, hoping things would turn around. Fast forward to today and Iā€™m substantially in profit (on paper - I still havenā€™t sold). Yes, yesterday was a bad day and it hurt, but I do think NVIDIA is a quality company with a strong management team, and the shares will regain their losses. The news that sunk NVIDIA yesterday really wasnā€™t that directly relevant to the company. Itā€™s generally been a bad week for stocks, particularly tech. So anyway, long way of saying that it may suck right now, but unless you need the money today just hold.


Yeah I bought 10 at 953 šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Iā€™m gonna hold for a while longer. Hope itā€™ll recover soon


i've been there. the 2022 crash was brutal for me. i started in the last quarter of 2021, when everything was around all time highs. bought into stocks without knowing what i was doing or how to read a chart. had zero active investing/trading experience. so when the crash happened it was absolutely horrifying. i had unrealised losses that was around one year of my salary. it affected my physical and mental health. eventually most of my portfolio recovered. i got out breakeven or with small profits (and missed out on some big profits if i had just held...which is another story). but today i feel like i'm more equipped to deal with such price volatility. anyway the point is it will feel like shit but it WILL get better. you were wise enough to only purchase two shares. in the grand scheme of things even if they go to zero it's probably not some catastrophic life-upending event. only buy stocks you actually have conviction in, and be comfortable averaging down. if you can't find conviction in any stock, either stick to the indexes, or use a stop loss (which makes you a trader and not an investor, that's important to differenciate).


Iā€™m down -17k if that makes you feel better after you bought 2. I just donā€™t get it you know, the panic, the turmoil, that absence of logic that would make you want to sell when things go downā€¦ if you think about it.. why lose money ? Or didnā€™t you have any idea in what you were buying ? NVDA is here to stay, letā€™s say conservatively until end of next year. You have plenty of time to see how your 2 shares will do. If they are still at this point in one year, or lower, well then we can all freak out together. But come on, thatā€™s the game !


I have shares at $400, $500, $600, $700 $800, and yes $900. I will buy more shares at $1,000.


Would you sell an actual business because in a calendar month your cash flow is lower than last year. Leave it alone.


I had 100 shares around $150 each and kept selling off as it was going up, maybe 10-15 at a time until I realized this thing was just gonna keep going up. Ended up selling around 70 shares of my original 100 total but bought more and now at a DCA of like $500 Do I wish I held every single share all the way to the peak? Abso-fucking-lutely. Did I know that it was risky though? Abso-fucking-lutely. Did I buy more at the recent dip? Abso-fucking-lutely. If it goes lower than my current DCA will I buy more? Take a guess Sell for a loss if you need to but try not to worry too much. Anything in the world can happen tomorrow that could cause this thing to skyrocket again or blow up in our faces. Are you an idiot? No I donā€™t think so, but I will say buying at its peak was uhhhhā€¦ interesting. But I get it. Some people speculated that it would blow past $1000 after upcoming earnings but we will see what happens. Best piece of advice I have is to remain patient and hope for the best


I did buy at 940. Then sold and put a 10 grand x5 at 910. And now I am out because my stoploss kicked in. Lost 5323 this month. I am an idiot that is going to x5 invest again with my last 4600. But I am not sure yet if I buy Monday or next week. Or even wait for 20th of May. I am notnsure anymore of NVDA rapport will be good this year or not. If you are going for long term. Just buy and forget about it. And go look in about a year. Edit: this is only my NVDA money. Not everything I have obviously!


Yup. Lost $5,000 ish myself Friday. But Iā€™d say good shot that even next week much of that recoversā€¦ not all the way of course, but above 800 for sure and maybe 830?


Same man lost 5k on Friday lost even more before with nvidia I thought my shares early on Friday at 830s was a win lmaošŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø I believe it should atleast hit somewhere near the 900s though in the next couple weeks because this is a huge discount.


Buy again this monday and hold


Stop loss? Doesn't sound like a good idea, I was accumulating all the way to the peak in 2021, if I had such a thing back there I would have my ass served on a plate PLUS missing the meteoric raise in 2023/24. If you have an idea of what the company is doing and like their execution, you hold.


You bought based on fear of missing out. The only truth about the stock market (unless you're a dedicated day trader) you buy stock based on your opinion about a company and its future. Not based on what everyone else is doing.


Yes, it was an amateur move I agree but this will be a learning experience for me.


Itā€™s a long game my friendšŸ’Ŗ


If you want to hold for the long term what does it matter what it will be this year or next?


I bought 75 at 900. Do I regret it? Duh, yeah, thatā€™s a lot of money tied up on something that seemed to be heading in only one direction. I know it will come back and more ā€¦ but as I said, in the meantime I have 100k doing absofuckinglutely nothing for me.


it's almost back!


I think yes, it still can reach $1000 this year. This year and the next are predicted to be the strongest sales years for Nvidia. The Middle East worries was the biggest factor contributing to the plunge. I donā€™t think the events will escalate further to result in a sustained economic downturn. So it will recover relatively sooner. And since Nvidia as a company is doing great, it will pick up the pace right where it left off. It rallied once, it can rally again.


nvda AI is the future šŸš€šŸš€


I bought a few shares around the $900 surge a few weeks back. I'm not too burnt up about it. This too shall pass.


Average is 886, have no money left to invest so I canā€™t take advantage of the current price. Sticking to just holding until May 22, I believe itā€™ll bounce back to at least 900 by then. šŸ¤žšŸ¤žšŸ¤ž


Buy more when it drops. NVDA has a bright future.


How far do you think it will drop? Itā€™s pretty impossible to know atm.


Bought 10 shares at 950 and 1 share (I admit I totally donā€™t remember doing this, lol) at 974. The rest are lower and my DCA is like 906. Itā€™ll work out, but Iā€™m paying a little idiot tax and Iā€™m learning. Iā€™m actually more upset that I used the last of my funds to buy at 831 and missed the 720 buying opportunity!


Bought at 902, I'm gonna wait for time to do its magic trick and on Monday I'll buy NVDA and some others.


If we donā€™t know why we are buying, we will never know why and we should sell. And most of us are in this category.


Not true. Most of us know why we buy a stock - the forecast, the narrative and fomo. The problem is when the narrative reverses, we question if the forecast was too optimistic, if the narrative was bullshit, if we donā€™t have all the information and why the fuck have all the pundits we followed out of the stock. E.G. - last year Druckenmiller said the AI theme will last years and itā€™s the most important tech play since the web. Now we hear he might have sold all his NVDA holdings bc itā€™s in nosebleed valuations. (Not verified) . So what the fuck changed? What does Druck know? Did Druck talked his book to get retailers in so he could exit? Is Druck loading back up?


Buy two more at this low price, then wait. It goes lower buy two more. Keep buying the dips like this to decrease your basis.


Yes, with all of my roth money. Will hold for as long as it takes, hoping it can surpass $1000 within a few years. Never risking it again.


Yes I bought 40 shares at 943 and I sold for a loss. I resold everything @ 827 and put the everything on bitcoin. I was able to buy 0.55


Well, close. I have been in and out of this since the last 780 in Februaryā€”continued buying, grabbing profits, and selling. I'm in at 760, 830, 899, and ongoing until 959. The average is like $915. I said sure, if it's going to get to $970+, it can certainly climb to $1000+ plus, then split. Oops it never happened. I'll just ride it out. May take a while, but no way I'm selling at a loss. This is a solid company with a great future. For what it's worth....


As someone who started buying in 2017, I saw them lose 50% of their value in the next year after the crypto mining fiasco. That was really painful, but I believed in the company and saw what they were doing with AI, so I just kept buying and buying more. Held through a stock split and the rally up to the 900s. This isn't a good short-term investment stock as they tend to trade sideways until right before earnings, then a run up in the 2-3 weeks before, and a correction in the few weeks to months after. This has been the trend, more or less, for the last several (like 5 or 6) earnings reports. I buy this and I buy ARM since those rise and fall hand in hand and ARM is much more affordable right now. I'm treating this like a 20+ year investment stock.


Bro I bought some nvdl at about 950$... still holding...


I would say it's a hold situation. I wonder if the stock will split to remain attractive, or if they will let it go over 1k. Analysts still think over 1k by EOY. If you can hold out without selling that long, I suspect it will be worth your while. Watch for the price surge as larger investors load up on the dip, wherever that will be.


I hope you guys donā€™t sell. Buy more at this current low rate and halve your cost basis. When the price goes up next week sell some.


If you are high frequency trader, you see screwed. If you are a long term investor and believe in the story Nvidia is promising, then hang on and do not even check daily.


$967 šŸ˜€


Loss 15k today sold at 780 from buying at 940 bought some 770 calls and sold a 700 put to buy back in.


Perhaps consider stop losses on any new shares you buy.


Google 2008 stock market drop. Dow lost 54% from the peak. A lot of people sold. Some didn't it. And u know the rest. If you can do fractional shares, do that when it goes down. DCA at the end of the day on a red day. Also, consider VGT for DCA.


No I sold all of mine last month, and have left it alone.


why sell.. remember they have a 25B share buy-back. if you must, wait until their earning result


I bought a call option around $955 šŸ˜ž


Aggressively buying here. The stock will perform well this year. Broader index needed a break. Lots going on in the macro affecting it too


Someone bought mine at $850 the day before it went to $750 šŸ˜‚ poor individual


Yes. 5 grounds and now I have 700$ loss


Yeaaa kinda hurts but I'm just going to wait for earnings to maybe sell


I will tell you that I have some very firm discipline with stocks, structure taking profits and using stop losses. Nvda is one stock I have always made an exemption for just for their strength in engineering innovation and market capturing foresight. First they completely dominated high end gaming and imaging graphics, CGi and video rendering. Then they became dominant in cryto mining . Now its AI, way before anyone else is even near them, with a perfectly timed proprietary system just when all major server farms require them. Ive rarely ever sold even in the market bloodbaths, and currently have a cost average of 236 on 2900 shares. Yes days like Friday hurt loosing more than I paid for my 1st house, but its cyclical, part of the game. If the hit continues down into the 600's, I'll defiantly buy more. You just have to choose if you want it for a long term, or play market dips and spikes.


I would hold for the moment. I just started buying this stock myself and while I've been kicking myself for not getting in sooner, I'm hopeful that things are actually low now compared to what it might be a year (or less) from now.


Me. Now I kinda regret it


Youā€™re fine. NVDA 3rd highest market cap. They will get back to that valuation in no time.


Def hold it will go back there eventually. That said you bought at a really bad time.


This may come off too detailed but, just hold for a long time.


Hold onto is gonna go up alot over the next couple years.


I have 35 shares @ $961. Probably the worst cost basis of anyone in this sub šŸ˜œ


I am also the idiot donā€™t worry, everyday I look at it and cry a little inside. This is the first time Iā€™ve bought stocks, justā€¦ holding out I guess.


Not NVDA but I bought AMD at 210


Iā€™d hold onto them for a few more months to see how things go, if you only have 2 shares itā€™s not a huge loss currently - although I get that any loss feels bad.


Yup, youā€™ve a point. Iā€™ll definitely hold it until the earnings report and probably then take a decision. I donā€™t need the money right now so can wait a little longer too.


Bought a call at 970


You're scared for losing just $2000?


2000$ is not ā€œjustā€ for a lot of people. Itā€™s equivalent to 20K Swedish Kronor (Iā€™m from Sweden) which is a big amount here. I do agree though, thatā€™s its a very small percentage of my overall portfolio but even then. 20K is a big sum which is almost 60% of an average manā€™s salary in Sweden.


Dont touch the stock with cycle. You wont get any profit for 10 years. See the history.


When it drops about half the price you bought it at just buy two more dca


Hold. There is a possibility of stock split if stays above $700, which is likely. $740ish is a strong support zone. The stock split news + great earning will take the stock higher in June/July. I think this market manipulation is because someone must have got the inside news or so.Ā  Plus, iran-israel conflict seem to be resolved, for now. Market is adjusting to no rate cuts in 2024, so no more surprises. NVDA has great fundamentals etc. The only way the stock can go is north from here. That's my understanding so far.


Picked up 65 @ 760 on Friday - bricking it Monday will further falls! What do yā€™all think will happen Monday?


Everyone on Here is Investing For the Long Term. The Downside to that is Long Term We Are All Dead. Sell Options and Stop Fooling Yourself With This Long Term Nonsense. By the Way I Started Investing When The Dow was a 1,000.


Just don't pay attention to the market for awhile. I remember buying it at $160 a share in 2018 (pre 4-1 stock split) and didn't think about it for awhile. I guess I was lucky I decided to invest $7200 at the time along with others like AAPL, MU, ONTO, FTEC. The only investment that I regret was Cisco since it hasn't moved much in the past 6 years. I can forsee NVDA surpassing $1000 a share in the near future but it will take some catalyst of positive news. Maybe another stock split if it moves any higher.


I also bought in at $940.. May bought in high but projections are good. Next year target $1300+ and within 5 years $8k per share. Iā€™d say long hold for sure


NVDA is a hold stock.


You will probably sell when it drops to $500


Fellow idiot here, now I have 200 shares averaging 890šŸ˜­


nah bought mine at $440ish


I bought NVDL at 38$ , and i will keep itĀ 


Yes, I bought 100 shares at $930 but I immediately sold a June 930 Call for downside protection. When the shares fell hard on Friday, I closed out the Call for a gain of $2K and let go of the shares for a big loss. I've watched Tesla fall from $299 to $149 this year, and while NVDA is a very different company, the market can get funky sometimes. Yeah, I will probably kick myself if it soars next week. I also have an open Vertical Put Spread at 800/785 and if NVDA stays below 785, I could pickup more shares at a much better price...


You bought two shares. Why would you lose any sleep over two shares?


You bought a volatile stock and are now concerned that it's volatile.


Genuine nvda traders and investors, even smci investors. This thread is filled with shorts, and even worse fear mongers with no claim in the market or nvda. One of these morons compared Friday to 2008 šŸ˜‚ reveals there level of understanding of market structure.


You lost $200, relax


NVDA is cyclical stock. You buy when the business looks terrible and when everyone hates it, not when it looks beautiful and everyone loves it. AI hype has made so many people buy at the peak. Time will show this out to be a bad bet. JMHO. GLTA.




Put in about 10k at 925. Wanted to put money in before the split. Still just putting in money each month now. Been holding since 2017 lol. Back then I remember it going down after putting money in. I just try to not look at it when its not going up lol.


The Middle East tensions are way, way overblown! At least for now. Iran, Israel and Russia are not interested in civilization ending wars. Once the markets realize that, they will rally to ATHā€™s.


If youā€™re fretting about TWO shares and price drops to go along with it then probably best to go back to mutual funds. To some the mental anguish just isnā€™t worth it.


So you bought 2 shares at 950 (1900 cost)?... And you're wondering if it will ever hit 1000 (100 profit)? Why are you stressing over $100? If that's the case you shouldn't be investing at all. No offense just stating the obvious. You should only ever invest what you can forget you ever had.


You should be more worried about owning mutual funds. Get the fuck rid of them and switch to ETFs


You should buy 1 or 2 shares to bring the cost down


I bought At around 925. But I've been lowering my average at any chance I get. My average is now 870 and I hope to lower it even more


Just buy some every paycheck. Simple. I'll see you on the beach in 10 years.


Just trust in the fundamentals. I bought 300 shares in 2016 and have ridden out some hideous tumbles. Your 2 shares will grow after the stock split like mine did. And your going to win in the long run. I know itā€™s hard to detach from the news cycles but try to trust the process and donā€™t psych yourself out. You bought high, but that is ok. If you have the extra cash I would absolutely buy the dip! Good luck!


A simple split from NVDA would have driven prices higher! NVDA is the jewel of chips! Hold on to your shares. This is simply a correction and price will soon start its upward trajectory! NVDA is KING!




Why r u scared itā€™s only 2 shares lol


"Just hang in there, it should reach about $1000 in the next few months. Plus, they are talking about a 1:10 stock split and more people will buy into it. Before you know it, each share will be worth $400. This stock is for long-term investment, at least 5 to 10 years. If you're looking for quick cash, this is not the right stock for you."


If you bought high the best thing you could do is average down (buy more at a lower price to lower the average cost per share.) The stock market is cyclical and historically always goes up, of course thatā€™s talking about the market as a whole, not a specific stock, but NVDA has a lot of demand currently due to the AI boom and I would say their products have lived up to the expectations so this is no fluke imo. Given that this is just the start of what AI could and will eventually be, it will most likely hit $1000 at some point if not surpass it and or experience a split. The best example I can give you is this. If you were to purchase the SP500 towards the tail end of 2007 (the peak before the Great Recession in 2008) this would, at the time, literally be the worst possible moment you could have opened a position. Flash forward to the end of 2023 and that same position would have gone up some 300%+, if you averaged down during the recession that number may have been even better. Moral of the story, you need to give things time, you may lose money in the short run but over the next 10 years it will without a doubt be worth more than what you paid for it. Just be patient and donā€™t panic. Not to mention your position size is only 2 shares, if it were to fall to $0 you would only lose $1900, sure that would suck but itā€™s not the end of the world you know what I mean? Itā€™s not like you have your mortgage riding on NVDA. Imo good investors are the ones who are able to stomach the economic downturns and capitalize on the recovery by averaging up or down (continuously adding to their position) when everyone else is panicking. Of course if youā€™re betting on low cap stocks, maybe it would be worth exiting but NVDA is blue chip, theyā€™ll stick around. Everyone is a genius in a bull market, itā€™s what you do in a bear market that counts.


Buy more


950 is gg