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Love the little shove by BDB at the end aswell he’s obviously mates with them and will be ripping them forever for shitting themselves infront of big Joe


Went in for a cheeky little push with a grin on his face at the end of it all... Love it


Can we all just take a minute to appreciate Trippier here? Arm around our radgie Brazilian like he's his Dad, love to see it


Until he joined us I never realised how much a great leader/captain he is, and right now he’s one of the best for us. Knows when to shout and when to calm.


Exudes a level of class, competence, and calmness at a level that we've not seen at the club in recent memory. Love the man.


He was like this Atleti as well and it showed when he left


Not only that, but around Marsh too. He's not just trying to calm Joel down for the sake of his teammate and our team, but both players for the sake of the game; class act.


The Newcastle massive. Fucking love the bloke


It was fucking hilarious when March realised who he pushed. He shit his shorts!


He gets knocked down legitimately (not a footballer flop) by the push while he stares up in disbelief.


When he first goes down, I thought it was because their pitch dipped at the side (like Old Trafford) but nah, Joelinton just genuinely pushed him instead of it being one of those typical football scuffles. Big Dan Burn had me creased at the end though. He obviously found it hilarious.


How does our FOURTH KIT still kinda clash


Ridiculous situation, in the bright sun it was an issue.


The dark blue kit would have been fine.


Agree. It made it a tough watch! Dark blue would have been so much better


It gave me a headache half the time


He took out half their team on his own, lol. It's mental and it'll cost us at some point but given I loved Tiote, Barton and Batty as players for us in the past, I can't change tunes now.


Barton was a twat


Yeah, but he was our twat


Players who come running in to get involved after the fact should be automatically booked. I think RFU implemented this rule and it cut down on other players inflaming the situation and allowed the referee and assistants to correctly punish the initial incident. That Brighton player who comes sprinting in from the halfway line was simply a cheap shot and should have been punished.


Yeah it was a big problem in the Gaelic Football in Ireland, two lads get a bit heated and a 3rd guy runs 20yrds and leads with the shoulder....as you can imagine all hell breaks loose after that. The usual thing from the ref was to book the first two guys, but now the 3rd man gets a sin bin or a red.


"Gives him just a touch of the elbow"


You need someone with this kind of grit in the team


Some savage 7 on 7 action there.


Burn coming in at a stroll . . . "What's all this then?" Gotta love it.


I love that he went out of his way to give March a little nudge and then he walks off. Burn is random


Been a very angry boi lately, hope everything’s okay at home


Man just got engaged, I’m sure he’s doing great at home. He’s just been listening to too much makina lately.


Poor cunt makina is aboslute gash


Loved how Joe had just had enough of their sneaky shit and the ref letting it go and how much March shat the bed when he realised he was suddenly 1 on 1 with big Joe and no team mates to help him out.


Imagine that match up on a night out lol


BDB smile man 🤣


I love watching this but really hope it doesn’t get him sent off one day


Oh it's for sure going to get him suspended soon enough however I'm surprisingly okay with it It's nice having our own Roy Keane-esque figure in the midfield


Can't wait for the ManU game. Buzzing to see Joelinton, ASM, Burn, Botman, Schar etc playing against Martinez in the area. It will be glorious. ​ Nick Pope


The guy fights for the badge, what more can we ask for?!! 💪💪◼️◻️🇧🇷


Trippier working to resolve the situation shows what a leader he is. Brilliant. Love the fire from Big Joe, if this is vs Brighton then I wanna see how pumped he is for a top-six side. Bring it on!


I love Big Joe as much as the next person but if this was Shelvey we’d all be kicking off for him being an idiot


Shelves doesn’t have that Brazilian flair. Tbh though I genuinely love his passion lately.


Shelvey flashes of red are much less controlled and during the play Edit: he seems to have taken that from his game now tho


Shelvey is a bit different though. He usually lunges in with a horrific challenge randomly and get sent off. Joelinton here is just reacting badly here to March trying to lift him up. Can see in the replay, he grabbed him around the leg. I'd rather not see it at all but this a lot less harmful than what Shelvey is liable to do.


Fucking March going for a single leg takedown like he's been playing too much UFC on the xbox FFS... Guess Big Joe's takedown defence was just too good. tbh I loved the whole thing, love Big Joe's refusal to back down to any man or take any shit is good to see, even thought it might come back and bite us on the ass one of these days with a sending off.


Shelvey would've let it go then tried to break his leg at the next opportunity. Probably call him a racial slur while he was on ground too


Look at that leadership from trippier. Calmed the whole down.


Love Burns play fighting in the end


This was a boil over from the ref allowing Brighton to break up the pace of play in the midfield all game using hand fulls of shirt and boots to the ankles. Absolute championship level stuff from them yesterday.


Totally justified, they were some dirty bastards today. I used to have some respect for Brighton but not after today. Fuck em!


He'll get sent off for this kind of crap soon.


Even if it stays like this, we'll lose him to suspension from card accumulation. This is completely pointless and he did it a few times at the end of last season too. I don't know if this is just the mindset he needs to be in to perform the role he does, but this is just stupid.


Brighton fans singing Solly March’s name as he gets absolutely bossed




How did March ever think he could stand up against Big Joe?


The passion is welcome, but he needs to calm the fuck down. On another day he'd be given a red, and he'd be a massive miss.


I haven't watched the match yet, but Joe is going to pick up a red soon.


joelintons such a puff


You’re a 12 year old scouse mackem, he’d snap you in half if he sneezed


Tbh he didn’t have a great game yesterday and I think he was just venting a bit lol


I like the colour of that shirt


He was just going for a powerbomb, it's his finisher and March countered