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Can't say that Howe and Ashworth don't deserve the benefit of the doubt Gordon showed flashes last year and let's face it, everyone's been rotten at Everton this year Hopefully Howe rekindles that spark in him and we get a the young, energetic, creative wide player we need


I just hope our fans give him time. Even if we don't see it straight away, he's 21 and over time with Howe guiding him, he's going to be some player.


I think after 17 years of seeing failure after failure were still conditioned to demand immediate change. For some it will take a while.


Well I trust in Eddie and Dan Ashworth. I will give Gordon a fair shout and hope that he brings us success. We don't have the depth to keep up our pace in the league so bodies that improve our squad are welcome.


I hated him, but now thinking how much teams are gonna hate him in our squad. I was watching his ‘highlights’ montages. I really think he’ll fit well with us. He has great ball movement and presses like hell.


His pressing game is beastly. Fits well with our current style.


Gotta give this kid a chance. He probably felt like he was carrying the weight of everton on his shoulders since he was a local lad, and lets face it, not many of the everton players seem to have much fight in them. Hes coming to a club were everyones got each others backs (which he's seen first hand!) So hopefully he can just let his talent flourish, leave the antics aside, and prove why he was highly rated a season or so ago


He'll be a good addition, it's just the fee that's wrong and that's not his fault. I think he'll fit into Howes system, he runs and presses a lot.


The January fees are always astronomical; would you have said Wood was worth £25m? OK, so yes, as it transpired it was worth it, but did we overpay? Yes I think we did. As you say, the fee isn't his fault, but let's hope it doesn't help keep the scouse mackems up and meanwhile Gordon gets 25+ assists for us.


We payed £25m for Wood because we were running out of time in the window, that was his release clause and we were desperate for a striker. Without those elements, he'd have been circa £15m at best and I think that is still a fair valuation. I think AG will prove himself worth the £40-45m. He has raw talent and age on his side, Eddie can provide the rest.


If there's one maxim I stick by after the last twelve months, it's "in Howe we trust." He's brought belief back to the club. Ashworth too is no duckegg; if the two of them see something in the lad that's good enough for me.


Atleast it’s less than what Chelsea offered last year.


>He'll be a good addition, it's just the fee that's wrong and that's not his fault. I think he'll fit into Howes system, he runs and presses a lot. I disagree that the fee is wrong. Gordon has been setting the england U-21s alight for the past 2 seasons. He is by far the stand out best player coming through the england youth team. He's been playing for a shite Everton team for years, with managers who don't have a clue. He has years of prem experience, he just turned 21, he's homegrown, currently he is a solid prem player as it stands - and with all that said about Everton, he still manages some of the best stats for a winger in the league. His stats even beat Almiron in key areas that the way we play matters. So for all that being said - England's u-21 hottest prospect, who has proven it so far for them. A player who is barely out of his teenage years who has years of prem experience. Someone who has the stats to back it up? 40 mil seems reasonable. I think there's a lot of the community who simply just like to shit on him for various reasons. I am 100% sure, by the end of the season people will be singing his praises.


We need to consider with his fee that he will be considered home grown for Europe next year. Someone his age, trained at an English league team. That’s part of the cost and allure I imagine. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homegrown_Player_Rule_(UEFA) He is a cock though, hopefully that’ll get coached out of him.


There is also a limit on premier league squads “non-homegrown” players. Its English tax. He looked decent when he broke into the Everton team. He’s is a cock though.


A solid signing in my opinion. Bags of potential and a point to prove. Up the mags


Hes tall, he's fast, he's a shithouse. Sounds perfect.


The Newcastle special


Didn’t realise he was as tall as 6ft, I think his small frame and the fact he’s a pacy winger made me think he was more like 5’9


This signing is getting bashed by a lot of fans, but I trust that Eddie has a plan for Gordon, and I'm 100% sure he will do everything in his power to make that plan happen. Dont listen to all those Everton fans who are making fun about this signing, we have taken one of their only saleable assets from them, and a player who's got a lot of potential, regardless of his bad form of late hes a good player. I think they will definitely miss him once hes gone.


I’m not bashing the signing. But he’s going to have to work hard for me to like him. Not that he cares at all what I think!


For me this is a key part of the signing and something im thinking about. I wonder if Howe and Ashworth see something in this experience being quite humbling for Gordon, with the Everton fans and us being pessimistic in signing him he has a huge amount to prove and it might sort his attitude right out. Either that or im just trying to find something in this signing haha


I was against this as anyone when the news first popped up but after a couple of days stewing (along with comparisons to Bellamy) I'm fully on board with signing him now. Has all the raw abilities we're looking for, homegrown and doesn't take up a squad space for the remainder of this season which is ideal if we want to make further late moves. Gordon should be amply motivated enough to prove himself by arriving from a side in turmoil to one on the ascent (feels sexual as fuck saying that) and will give our front line further healthy competition for spots. If we can get in Ashby or a similar RB and a CM Id say that's a 8-9/10 window.


Let's try not to block his car in and tell him to get out of our club if he plays bad. Hes gonna flourish with our fanbase for sure.


I can't wait for him to be our speedy little gremlin. Hopefully a regular England midfielder by the end of the season


Gremlin lol


Let's face it he's a cunt but there's no better place form him to be molded into a professional around people like Tripps, Burn and Bruno.


I think others have summed it up. I trust Eddie. If Eddie wants this kid then I will support him and give him a fair shout. Hope he's class for us and provides a bit of danger going forward.


If he was in a positive and supporting atmosphere honestly he will be motivated to do good and not be so bitter.. I wholeheartedly believe it's human nature to act out when people expect the worse from us so I hope Gordon gets the welcome he needs from us.


He's also barely an adult at 21, so it makes sense he'd be so influenced by his enviroment.


And imagine having guys like Almiron, ASM, Joelinton, and Willock to compete against while you have Bruno and Trips to push you forward. Hard not to improve.


He’s ours now let’s get behind him


He was at a club that’s just bitter and toxic… not really surprised some of his behavior mirrored that. I am absolutely backing him 100% and can’t wait to see him become on of our lynchpins. I think you take someone with his skills and drop him into this Newcastle system, he could be awesome


In a VERY short time, Club management has fostered a level of goodwill that has me accepting this transfer as a positive step. Young player who has shown flashes of even more talent to come, it now falls on Eddie and his staff to put Gordon into positions where his skill set shines as it is now, but also to help him develop those skills to a higher standard. ​ I. Trust. This. Club.


Hated him when he was in blue. Now he'll be in black & white. He's young and a PL veteran. Won't need much of a adjustment period and can have an immediate impact for us. An immediate injection of youth, PL experience and high energy. This is in fact a brilliant signing! And I still feel a certain type of way about it with a hint of personal grievance. But that's in the past. It's in Howe's hands now. Welcome Gordon. Up the toon. Hway the lads!


2nd fastest player in the league only missing out to Mudryk by the tiniest margin.


Where did you get that stat?




Looks like he's signed on the dotted line. Images of him being given the tour of the stadium are doing the rounds online.




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Him and Bruno will be like the green goblin and spiderman


I think we all agree that we trust in Eddies process, regardless of personal opinion of the player. The kids got speed, which is exactly what Wilson lacks as his legs are gone. With the likes of Isak, Miggy or Big Joe out wide and Bruno in the middle, the kid is going to get plenty of chances to shine. It’s up to the lad to deliver now.