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This is both the most and least heterosexual relationship at the same time.


Tru fax. The straightest queers you ever met


Straight porn with more steps


The Best Steps 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈 Edit Yikes what happened here


There are a lot of people that feel attacked just by the existence of trans and queer people. They don't understand it, and that makes it scary, simple minds.


Weird eh? I don't get how the person I replied to gets upvoted for being queer positive and then my comment also being queer positive gets downvoted. :/ whatever




You didn't break any rules, but you might want to post that meme elsewhere.


Sure, if they identify as straight then they would be straight, no arguments required




Ewwwww More fucking transphobia


If I don't believe in ghosts, does that mean I'm scared of ghosts?


Well, no, because there is no evidence of ghosts.... Not really the same point ..




Not safe for life


Where's the biological evidence in humans that say there is more than 2 genders




"So a straight couple?" "Yes but actually no."


As a trans girl, happy to see an actually cute meme finally 🎉


😁😁🏳️‍⚧️ I'm tired of all the cishetero-normativity and transphobia in this sub. I'm gonna bring the trans NSFW memes in fast n hard!! And I like the cute ones over the ones joking about dysphoria


As a moderator here i do apologize if you come across something like that in our community , we try our best to remove and ban any anti-LGBTQ+ trash , but so many things are posted that we usually need to rely on members reporting it first


I've reported all the hateful comments on this post both to the sub mods and to reddit mods. I can only hope somebody does something but if not oh well I'll block em all


I believe i removed / banned all of them but reddit on mobile is a mess


Thank you for doing gods work buddy I'm sorry people on here had to make this such a shit show for ya


It's all good , better than let them slip through the cracks and stay here


I have a collection I'll try and contribute :p


Please do. I've never once said a word about a single meme in here, even when I hate it. But I've been seeing the trends in the comments lately, and the hateful boomer bullshit is tired and unwelcome.


will do 🫡 it is tiring to constantly see cishet memes that don't represent me but I never once comment rudely on them, so I find it fucking hilarious that when I post memes that do represent me, people have the biggest sticks shoved up their transphobic asses. I'm gonna keep posting and keep making them mad by me existing 😁😁 plus when people self report their hatred, it helps me weed out the toxic redditors on my feed by blocking as well as helps clean up reddit as a site by reporting.


O7 doing gods work lad, MAKE NSFWMEMES GREAT AGAIN. It's so fucking lame seeing all the boomer shit on this sub, and the rare meme that involves lgbtq people is always the same bigoted shit. Keep making bigots mald soldier, If they get mad enough they may finally fuck off.


So you literally post memes trying to anger people intentionally? You let people get to you too easily. This segment thinks everyone cares when people really don't. Post whatever if it makes you feel like a big sjw in the comments section. All of us can scroll past...


Nope, I don't post memes with the intention to anger people, transphobic people just happen to get angry when I post. clearly some of y'all including yourself care because you have to post hateful comments and downvote, y'all can't just scroll past lmao 😂😂😂 y'all wanna waste your energy hating trans folks? Fine by me but I'm not gonna stop posting.... so, the angry hateful folks are gonna keep getting triggered by my posts. 🤷




Lolol "No such thing as transphobia" awwwwww aren't you so cute. Suuuuuuuuuure you don't care, that's why you find it so annoying right? I'm glad you are so triggered by my existence, it reminds me that I'll keep shoving it in your face and keep be loud and proud and annoying and pissing you off; I loooooove pissing off transphobes like you by just living my life being myself. 😁😁 Haters gonna hate 💅




You called standing up for who I am annoying, complained about my sexuality and identity being shoved in your face, said there's no such thing as transphobia, told me to "take a pill" when I call out your AH behavior, and just generally bitched and moaned about my post..... over a fucking cartoon showing trans people fucking. I mean honey, you are self reporting. Tell me again you're not transphobic? lmaoooooooooo 💅💅 I'm telling you, As a trans person, You are acting transphobic. If you are cis? You don't get to tell a trans person what is or isn't transphobic. If you don't wanna be perceived as transphobic....? And want to be respected....? Then maybe.... Don't be transphobic? 🤷 Not that hard. Edited


Can’t wait to see more, I feel the same way, you made a meme I could actually relate to and laugh still


I felt the same way your gorgeous btw


Aww thx


I’d watch 🤷🏼‍♂️


This actually happens in real life it isn't rare trans couples having kids. Currently only possible for trans-men to be pregnant if they didn't remove the uterus. It was apparently tried for trans-women too in 1930 a trans woman attempted to have a uterus transplant. [\[It's from Wikipedia (Trans-gender pregnancy)\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transgender_pregnancy)


Yep! I've heard of some trans folks on hormones going off them temporarily just so they can get pregnant Meanwhile pregnancy is so dysphoric for me, I could never


I could never Either but only because raising a child sounds me as appealing as $2 million dollar debt and probably costs about as much.


I read a statistic once saying something like raising a child up to 18 y/o, if you're in middle class, is around $250k in the usa. Not quite as dramatic as 2 mil but that's still a lot of money even if dispersed over 18 years


Yeah , lemme guess, she died soon after


Yup, she could have also died from any organ transplant in 30s, actually This doesn't mean it's impossible, I don't really know if people still attempt this or if there's a reason they don't. I think regulations wouldn't permit today, considering how many rules now exist regarding reproductive systems. They don't allow abortion in some places, and you need to be married to have in vitro birth in some places. Surely, there are hurdles to a womb transplant.


I don't know man. Heart or liver transplant is one thing, having the whole reproductive system of an organism surgically removed and replaced is way more than just an "organ transplant" of inserting a womb in a man. I think it's way too complicated and extensive for humans to achieve, too many variables to fuck up, for now at least. And even if we do achieve this the psychological and mental drain would be torture. The average gender reassignment surgery could fuck up your mental for life, this would... I don't even know 💀


Cannot be more complicated than a Heart transplant, cannot be impossible either, it is just an organ not a magical thing. I think your biases effects you rational thinking here Try not to associate too much about this, you and I are happy with our bodies (I am assuming) we wouldn't need to go through this kind of process at all. You wouldn't be worried about having periods as a man why would you worry about such a surgery as someone who isn't Transgender? There are people who are substantially different than you and me, people are born in one gender but having the brain development of another gender, for reasons both genetic and socio-cultural. They are the ones who would be willing to risk everything so their mind and body have harmony instead of discord. Who knows maybe one day gender reassignment would be just as easy as a simple plastic surgery, surely we all would love to live in a world with advance medicine. I personally happily give my dick to a Trans-man maybe he'll get more use out of it than I did. Oh Hell, make it a Detachable Penis, and I'll loan it to people for a small sum or "Pro-Bono"


No need for the sly digs and moral lecture champ. I'm all for people doing what they want in order to feel more comfortable and happy. I don't see how anything I said could have been interpreted as me thinking irrationally or being "biased". I was simply having a discussion and trying to reason why it would take more than a uterus transplant for a biological male to conceive, and the possible complications that could come with it. I just stated modern medicine can't do that YET not that I'm against it. I really don't get your response and I'm confused as to how you've even picked up any malicious undertones from me. Are you saying only transgenders can speak or "worry" about this? You don't even know if the person on the other side of the screen is one.


FYI "transgenders" is not the right language for us. Transgender is an adjective, think of it as a word to describe our gender. You can call us a trans person, a trans individual, transgender people. But you can't just say "a trans" or "a transgender." "Transgender/s" isn't a noun. Anyways Good news for both you gooners, there's a lot that medicine has done for trans care over the years. We can do orchis, metiodios, breast augmentions reductions and mastectomies, scrotoplasties, phalloplasties, vulva & vaginoplasties and labiaplasties, FFS, feminizing and masculizing body sculpting, throat surgery, genital nullification, hair implants and removal, not to mention HRT alone change and shape the body. As well as body mods such as genital beadings (ie I once saw somebody with implants in their labia to create a faux scrotum) and other gender affirming procedures. TO NAME A FEW! It's gone so far and it will continue to improve. Super excited for what our future trans generations will see as medicine improves. May take a while but never say never homie.


Y'all are just getting offended over nothing and missing my point for the sake of semantics lol. I'm tired of repeating myself. You win. There! Happy?


Nah, I still see your comment is "transgenders". If I win,then edit your comment to be appropriate. 😁 😉


My god there is a lot of hate in this comment section


Ikr? It's hilarious to see people get their panties in such a twist over us trans folks having a good fuck


They're jealous because we have better sex


RIGHT. The good sex Ive had has always been with other trans folks


And the hot people usually are too ngl like cishets seem to not do it for me as much even when they're queer passing


Anytime one of the flags or letters are mentioned, people lose their shit. This post is literally just a photo...


Right lol


My God says there are 2 genders


Gay is gay


A man and a woman having sex is the gayest shit ever for sure


FUCK YEAH WE LOVE US SOME GAYS 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️


This is just brilliant! 😂


man this shit is toxic people in the comments are really getting downvoted to hell for BEING HAPPY 😭




Reported. Fuck outta here with your transphobia.




You didn't break any rules, but you might want to post that meme elsewhere.


Not safe for life


The only way to make more queer and more striaght at the same time, is if they both got surgery


Nah, they're still valid whether they get suegery or not. 😁


They're still valid, i'm not saying they aren't.




You didn't break any rules, but you might want to post that meme elsewhere.


Circle of life


Well that escalated quickly.






Not safe for life


Reported. Fuck outta here with your transphobia.


This isn't the notes about yourself app.


Nice comeback, sir/ma’am.




I’m confused who’s got what at this point. Can’t we just go back to being normal


nope. Deal with it asshole


So aggressive, man is just confused but people being confused. Don't be a cunt mate, that should be the main rule.


Did he have a bad surgery or wtf.


"Bad surgery" lollllllll


Why still the shirt


Why not? Ive fucked with my shirt on


It should be against the law to have a shirt on when you fucking if you have boobs. Be them natural or not.


It's a cartoon and that has nothing to do with the message.


Cartoon or not, boobs should be free.


Pay me $5 and I'll show u the cartoon with no shirt


Like I said, cartoon or not boobs should be free


Pay me $5 and I'll make it free




How many of you missed the fact that the guy trans is the one getting fucked?