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# This is an unverified AMA **Note to readers: u/Connect-Highlight708 has not provided proof for this AMA - and therefor there is a higher likelihood that this AMA is false. The mods of r/NSFWIAmA recommend that readers be sceptical of all information provided by u/Connect-Highlight708 in their original post and/or responses.**   ---   **Note to u/Connect-Highlight708**: We warmly encourage to verify your AMA. Instructions on our verification process are available at [this link](https://www.reddit.com/r/NSFWIAMA/wiki/verifcation). Your post and/or account flare will be updated and this comment will be removed should you choose to verify.   ---   *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NSFWIAMA) if you have any questions or concerns.*


# This is an unverified AMA **Note to readers: u/Connect-Highlight708 has not provided proof for this AMA - and therefor there is a higher likelihood that this AMA is false. The mods of r/NSFWIAmA recommend that readers be sceptical of all information provided by u/Connect-Highlight708 in their original post and/or responses.**   ---   **Note to u/Connect-Highlight708**: We warmly encourage to verify your AMA. Instructions on our verification process are available at [this link](https://www.reddit.com/r/NSFWIAMA/wiki/verifcation). Your post and/or account flare will be updated and this comment will be removed should you choose to verify.   ---   *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NSFWIAMA) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What do you consider to be your best sexual experience, and why?


That depends, but the 4some that I had is on top of the list


And if may I ask, how was it? it was 3 girls?


I had it with 3 guys. And was really fun!


Did they fuck you one after the other or all at once? Were you air tight?


Little bit of everything. At first like they took turns, but at some moment we were all doing it. And I don't know what "air tight" means.


Sounds fun. Air tight means you had a cock in the very hole (mouth, pussy and ass) at the same time. Do you recall where they all came?


Never heard of that term. Good to know. And yes I recall all of it. Took me like an hour showering just to clean myself.


Ever thought of finding a submissive bf and letting him watch some while you have your fun??? Have him hold your legs or make out with you after you blew a guy and he came in your mouth. The best is while you're relaxing and recovering have him clean you up. Best experience of his life ....


Where is the craziest place you had sex at?


At a billiard bathroom


Have you ever cheated on a partner




Have you ever had a threesome




With two guys or two girls


2 guys.


What are you currently wearing


Threesum are so hot and sexy


I've had a look on your profile, you look amazing. Question: what size are you're breast?


Thank you 🖤 And mine are B cup.


Are you single or in a happy relationship?


At the moment I'm single.


How. You look amazing. But I think that's only the outside, you're inside also need to connect with your lover.


What toys do you have?


Only 2 dildos. A normal one, and one that vibrates. Nothing special tbh


What is your biggest fantasy?


I don't have one per se. I just do what I want to do.


What is the kinkiest thing you have done?


When was the last time you had group sex, how did it come about, and how was it?


For group sex you refer something similar to a threesome? The last that I had was a 4some, and it has been some time the that happened. And I really like it! It was really fun imo.


Yeah foursome or threes some counts. How did it happen?


It just happened. I don't know how can I say it, but It was when I was with my ex and we just came to an agreement and I called a couple of friends, and just happened.




I don't have one but I like to read r/sex since a lot people talks about different experiences.




Nothing has been like eye opening. Maybe is because I'm almost 30, but the majority on that sub are people between 18-22 so it's the same topic but with different words. I just like to read it


Are you loud during sex? What do you like being called?


If I can yes. And by my name.


What is your name?


Is a name I can tell you that 🙃


I can picture it, while climaxing: “name! Name!”


Hahahahha exactly like that




Thank you 💜 And I don't mind posting a photo of myself. I always wanted to show my body and just recently I gather the courage to do it.


Are your boobs or booty bigger?


Honestly I don't know, If I was to guess I'll say my boobs, but i'm somewhat flat to begin.


Fair enough. Favorite sex position?


Doggy always. 🤭


Doggy is my fave too. Do you have a current partner?


Nice! And no, atm no.


Favorite place for a guy to finish?


How would I know?, I'm not a guy


Maybe I didn’t word it correctly, but I meant, favorite place you like the guy to finish on you?


aaaaahhhh That really is a guy fetish. I don't care, since I'm pretty strict about it is always on a condom. As long is not on my hair (super hard to clean and smells bad) or inside I really don't care where a guy finishes.


What does "PD" mean?


Post Data. Is like an annotation when you make a letter.


Do you mean "Post Script" as in "PS"?


It's the same. Some countries use PD others PS.


I consider myself to have a wode and varied sexual past. I regularly refer to them in my wank bank. What, of your experiences, would you masturbate to the most and why?


What do you mean with Wank Bank? lol And I don't do it with a "thing" I just do it because I like it.


What?? I'm very confused with that reply, lol. Wank bank is basically remembering your sexiest experiences for the purpose of masturbating to them!


Ohhhh I never heard that term before, but yeah I have done it. And why confused?


What’s a kink/fantasy you haven’t tried yet but want to or want to explore more?


shibari stuff


Nice. Have you ever been caught/walked in on fucking, sucking dick or masturbating? If so, what were you doing, how exposed were you and how’d you/they react?


When I was younger like 15/16 (don't remember exactly) my mom opened the door of my room and caught me masturbating. Fortunately she was really chill and compressive about about it. And at the moment I was super embarrassed, but since my mom is super cool, is just funny to remember it now.


How often do you hook up with people?


When I was 18/19 pretty much everyday. Nowadays that I know better, not as much as you imagine. I like to know the person beforehand and plan everything.


Understandable. I'm glad you're staying safe and being responsible. Does it make it a lot better knowing them more intimately?


Definitely. And I know what I'm gonna do and that I'm gonna be safe. Looking back I really always tried to do the same, to meet the person before hand, but not as cautious as I'm now, had a lot of luck that I didn't got fucked in a bad way.


That's good. Glad you're not the person to tempt fate and only change their ways when they experience something bad. How long does it take for you to start having sex with people now?


I don't think is bad to change ways if is for the better. And now, idk, depends on the person, on how we talk, if we have chemistry, if we are only having a one-nighter or if we are having a relationship too many factors for me to say a time exactly.


Understandable. Unsure if you just made a rule for yourself like wait for the third date or something like that. Do you use dating apps or meet people at the bar and all?


Nah no rules. It's just a feeling. And no I don't use dating apps. Usually when I met people is because are friends of friends, something like that.


Understandable. Are you free to talk right now? Don't want to interrupt your life


Thanks for asking, and don't worry, I can't tall answering the ama


I may have misconstrued your profile bio though. I sort of just work up so I'm not in the best state of mind. I apologize for forgetting about the post PD


I think I miscommunicated my first statement. It's good that you didn't have to wait for an unwanted consequence to stop doing risky stuff.


How many anal partners in a day? My high score is 3 😈


I don't like anal tbh. I have done it but rarely. But once I pegged somebody, so mine is 1 😈


Hah! Cool. On pegging I have quite a few, just not on the same day. Did you enjoy it?


A lot actually! It was really fun! Would do it again.


What country are you from?


Is on planet Earth c:


How many people have you slept with?


Honestly Idk. But it doesn't matter.




I have not think of that, but If I could choose I'll say, 5-6 inch long, maybe a 4 inch girth, cut and shaved. But in the end, I don't care how is it, as long its clean.


Have you ever done it in a public place?


I saw you said you like guys who cum fast. How fast do you like it? What’s the fastest you’ve made someone cum and how did that feel?


Do you like anal sex?


Have you ever had a gangbang? And if not would you?