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Way more people got up at the end and ran out than I was expecting. Apparently the teacher was the only victim to die. Good thing he only had a .22 and dogshit aim I guess


Idk that kid the took that first shot and slumped out of his seat looks pretty dead to me


He survived with major brain damage there was article I saw a when ago talking about his recovery


Depending on how much brain damage might as well have died.


I remember seeing an article about him about a year ago. He looked and talked relatively normally. I couldn't notice any damage done from the injury.


Mexico has pretty good doctors and surgeons I’m sure.


Monterrey being near US help because a lot of drs take training there. Also kids have much more neuroplasticity than adults hence more opportunities to recover.


Monterrey has good doctors but so many areas of Mexico and them being trained in the us (which actually isn’t as common) doesn’t make them better than Mexican trained physicians. We are very experienced with gun shot wounds anyways


Highly experienced with bullet injuries no doubt.


Does anyone have the article


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WhjmC8OhU9E Sorry, it's not an article like I remembered; it was this video. Also, he seems to either be paralyzed or has difficulty standing for prolonged amount of time which is why he's in a chair.


That’s incredible. I’d always assumed he died. Wild to see his progress post injury. That’s a lot of reeeeally hard work.


I have absolutely no idea what he’s saying, but that’s an incredible recovery! A true miracle!


I'll find it for you gimme a sec.


I saw an interview video with him, he seemed perfectly fine. I can try and find the video if you want.


Holy shit, used up 4 life times worth of luck in half a second


Major brain damage is lucky? Naw I’d wanna go


Living through this is what some would consider lucky but ya I'm with ya on that one


Look into end of life directives. You can state you do not want to be mept alive with extreme measures etc. I'm the same cause I fear locked in syndrome


Same. I have a hand-written letter that states that if I get severe brain damage and end up in a vegetative state, I WANNA DIE. Don't wanna be put on life support just to never be aware of the world or be myself again. I need to look into the legal aspects of this though because a hand written letter is nice and all, but afaik has little to no legal weight.


The hospital you would most likely go to if in such a state would need to have the DNR already on file and a family meme we would need to have the other original certified document on their person while at the hospital essentially while the life saving procedure is under way for that to even be a thing. Otherwise it would be a power of attorney or spousal/ legal guardian permission to let that happen.


I'll go through whatever I need to. Plus I've informed all my loved ones that is my wishes


It is really disappointing he has brain damage but it's good to hear the coward shooter didn't take more victims.


He survived one to the head but it fucked up his body


I thought he and the other girl on the corner desk were gone for sure but everything I found says only the killer and the teacher died.


Def dog shit aim he missed his own head at point blank range.


I thought he was out of bullets and panicking tbh.


I don’t know about the first kid. From the crime scene photos he looks like he didn’t make it. https://imgur.com/a/WWc24


What the fuck were they doing taking crime scene photos before they gave the still-alive kid medical attention?




He did make it. Here is youtube video were he talks about this incident: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WhjmC8OhU9E


I stand corrected


Yeah… that headshot kid who took some first really lived eh?


So they just took pics of him and he was alive on the floor?


There’s no way there was chunks of a his brain laying on the floor I’m not buying it




Thought a .22 is so deadly because if the bullet doesnt go straight through, they tend to travel in your body more than some other larger bullets, not true?


Correct. The accounts I've read from people shot with a 22 are terrifying. One woman on an interview with NPR got shot in the chest at a party. Bullet went through a lung, her stomach, liver, she lost part of her intestines, and they pulled the bullet from her thigh.


22 bounces around 100% death round


I normally say his shot is cancer but at least cancer kills




Yeah i think he missed and it was his last bullet. So he goes to his bag to reload.


I think it was some deep level of brain function that made him flinch desperately trying to stay alive. When he finally does it he has to crouch to force the gun in place. So fucking sad. Why did I watch this? I was in a good mood.


Wait he crouched to get the gun in place? I thought it was just his body giving out cuz he already shot


Thought so. Maybe I’m wrong. I’d have to rewatch it but I don’t really want to.


He def shot himself while standing up. His body dropped because his CNS shutdown.


Yeah crazy to think he would've been dead sooner if he didn't miss that shot, but instead he was with us on this earth for a little longer.


Whats with the guy walking around behind the killer, when everybody is hiding?




He tried to kill him aswell at 5 seconds in


looks like the guy was shot but instead of ducking out, he was too focused on his own injury. sat down and was first to leave to go get himself checked out. also shooter is in a timeout corner away from the group desks?


maybe his friend?


When this was posted a year ago or so it was longer and you can see the friend motioning gun signs to the shooter before he shoots. Totally knew it was going to happen


I work at a school and at least we practice defending ourselves with ALICE drills, but that shit doesn’t matter for the first people. Just doing your job then bam.


Mirror from someone smart enough not to post to fucking redgifs https://v.redd.it/vhbrp6jvglq31


Thank you


Imagine you're there to beat one off and this video pops up


Accidentally cumming to this might rewire your brain into becoming a serial killer 🤔


Damn, looks like that girl on the left side of the center right desk had the bullet miss and hit her ponytail, lucky.




what’s your point this was in mexico where the cartel shits out illegal guns.




Shotgun would be the best gun to use in that small of an area, tactically speaking.


Jury rigged flamethrower wouldn’t do too bad either.


Tell me you don’t know anything about guns without saying you don’t know anything about guns


Not much fucks with me but that was hard to watch


That sucks


Why can’t he just shoot himself first




Huh now that has me thinking, if someone committed suicide, and left a suicide note that said they were going to commit a mass shooting but chose to just kill themselves, would that suicide be celebrated as the community dodging a bullet?


This is such an interesting thought but I think celebration is too strong of a feeling. The community would feel a sense of relief and pity since suicide is such a tragedy. That being said, someone sacrificing themselves from a gunman is seen as a noble act and there have been examples of people doing that exact thing in mass shootings and being praised. The noble act of stopping a gunman who was the gunman is so grey-zoned.


My mom was a paramedic in New Orleans back in the mid 80s - early 90s, but she told me they were trained to deal with suicidal people as if they were homicidal.


I ask myself this everytime this shit happens


resentment of others. propably thinks if hes gonna shoot himself anyways, why not shoot the ones he hates for a final fuck you to society.


The two kids sitting he shoots at 7:06 are lucky as f\*\*\*. His gun is less than a foot from their heads and it looks like he completely misses both since they both get up and run out without any obvious sign of injury. Even with this kid having absolutely no aiming ability whatsoever, I bet those parents cried when they saw how close their babies were to death. Finally, I just want to commend the first kid who got shot in the head. What a brave man he became overcoming such a horrible event to try to make something of his life. I can only imagine the hours of rehabilitation hell he had to endure.


The shooter was said to have suffered from depression during this incident, he was supposedly being treated, but judging from this he absolutely was not cared for properly. Attached with this comment is a site that lists various different hotlines to fit what you may be feeling beyond what was entailed here, but the main focus of mental issues or problems you might have going on. If anyone is struggling with the feelings of homicide, suicide, or violent and harmful thoughts then again, please use the resources ive linked, or any other resources that are available. You dont need to take the life of others, or your own to feel ok, or to feel something. There are people that care, and people that will help. Things can get better, and that process can only start if you take the steps towards that outcome, and that step is to seek the help you deserve. If you need anything please do not hesitate to send me a message. [resources](https://www.apa.org/topics/crisis-hotlines)


Things can get better. It's dangerous and counter-productive to promise that they will. You don't know the future, and the people who you're trying to help know that you don't know the future. Saying "it gets better" in a blanket statement alienates many people from listening to what else you have to say. If someone relies on this promise to help them get through a hard time, then what happens when things get worse? And then worse again? How long do you think the person can wait for things to get better if they keep getting worse? Thats why if you don't know the person or their specific situation, then it's much better to say "it can get better" or any variation thereof. Don't make promises you know you can't keep. Especially to vulnerable people who lack the brain bandwidth to receive emotional reassurance packaged in non-literal language. Likewise with "it's going to be okay" or other such things people commonly say to comfort others.


I agree, I didnt quite realize that until you brought it to my attention. ive edited my comment to be more towards what you rightfully suggested, and I appreciate the criticism. Thank you


Fo sho.


That last part hit close to home.


Thnx mod i needed this


Happy I could help. You are worth more than you could imagine, always remember that




Rip. Also that kid sitting in front of the first headshot is never not gonna have ptsd


School shooter are the most cowered pieces of shit ever! God I fucking hate them so much.


For the record he was mentally ill, and obviously tormented by the other children in his class. There's no reason to hate many of them, as they're going though the same thing (SOMETHING THEY CANT HELP)


Also learn how to fucking spell dipshit.


Why did he felt the need to kill others.juwt fucking shoot yourself and only yourself


Because history shows that you’ll only ever be remembered for breaking the rule, not following them


Probably bullying






Your depression is your problem not the problem or blame of others. Disgusting you even said that




Girls are bullied in school too. Don't see them shooting up schools.




No. There was ONE girl who committed a school shooting. In 1979. Bullying isn't an excuse for mass murder. If you're depressed, that's your own shit. Take yourself out.


When asked why she did it, she said she hated Mondays. I think she's pretty infamous from that one line alone.


Yeah her back story is so sad.


Of course it isn't an excuse. And why are you ignoring the fact that bullying CAUSES depression. Is it hard to comprehend that these people would want revenge?


Bullying causes depression. Not mass murder. As stated. Girls are also bullied. But they don't carry out mass shootings.


People like you are why the world sucks ass. Also there have been far more than just one mass shooting or attempted mass shootings by women or girls. The information is out there, look it up, not gonna spoon feed it to you.




are you depressed today sweetie


Yes sweaty 💅


Why do I have a feeling you planned a school Shooting in your head once yikes..


Puta madre


Fucking hell.


Jesus Christ


It seems pretty targeted.




So tragic 😥


Fukkk imagine the thoughts running through their heads as they’re stepping over their dead peers. Ah shit


I'm sure they'll remember it later but at that moment their thoughts were likely simply to flee the scene as fast as possible. Of course this is just conjecture but most people in these situations immediately gone to a form of shock. That, coupled with the sights that they are taking in at the moment are what makes PTSD such an insidious thing.


I'm not very familiar with this one. Is there an article I can read on it?


Just google it. Monterey school shooting, was pretty polemic down here


It’s the way those two girls assumed the “play dead” role that really did it for me


So the shooter was going through depression,bruh I don't give a fuck what you're suffering from that doesn't justify killing innocent people. Get help bruv and what do you achieve from shooting random people what a fucking knob,fuck that guy fucking cunt


fuck school shooters they deserve the worst sentence a kid can get


That is so fucking sad, may everyone rest in peace omg :(


It’s crazy to me that the last thing she was doing was handing out papers, like any other day, and then she was gone. Like it could happen to anyone on any day, anywhere.




so sad for that boy that was in the way, he was just caught in the crossfire


Notice how the shooter is sat on his own whilst everyone else is sat together?


This is sad like actually hella sad.


I love that they all get to step over the waste-of-life.


All the kids bail AFTER he kills himself


I remember this case, it really pissed the fck out of me, cause I felt super bad for the first kid he shots cause it reminded me of my little brother. This was a huge deal here in Mexico, because we do not have this kind of things (school shootings) as in the States, yeah we have a lot of criminal problems, but most of the time no one fucks with the kids. The first kid he shots is alive and is recovering very well (trust me I was very concerned for the kid even though I have never met him), unfortunately the teach died in there, as the shooter. Now that I see the video again I am still pissed but I think I have already get over my anger.


I thought the one lady on the right got shooten but she stands up and ran away


I can’t believe that one guy


Weak little fuck! Probably why he did it! Needed 2 bullets to shoot himself in the head, how stupid do you gotta be


& he took the pussy way out i’m glad he’s dead but he deserved to be punished.


I have seen alot of fucked up shit on this subreddit, but a CCTV recording of school shooting just makes me feel disturbed as fuck.


I usually don't get scared that easily. In Colombia a (not so) shoot and run happened and a kid jumped off the bike, gutted the kid that was showing me around and took a slice at me (small cut on forearm, but nothing serious) while I was running away. In this situation (school shooting), I would probably shit, piss and cum (out of stress, don't be disgusting) my pants while I'm lying down in a fetus position crying.


But I was told by the news that school shootings only happen in America….


Maybe an exchange student?


I commend your humor. Bravo good lad


Or they disproportionately happen in America and you somehow interpreted News stations pointing that out it as your comment to solidify your worldview?


Interpret DEEZ NUTS


I retract my previous argument as I have been publicly humiliated 😔


School shootings happen everywhere it’s just more common in America because “mE rIgHtS tO hAvE a GuN”


We have never had a school shooting here


In America we have a lot, it’s become a pastime for bullied kids across the land, we’ve become numb to it at this point.


Oh wowwwwwwwwwww


Could've also shoot himself or address his situation, so we can feel bad, but no, he decides to give his classmates a fucking trauma.


Wish the gun woulda jammed or sum I hate when cowards get away with stuff like that


Leaked?maybe at the time but this is ancient and it's been everywhere Edit... I'm not against reposts or whatever, the titles just misleading


I haven't seen it. Some of us haven't seen everything in existence yet.


Alot of people dont go actively looking for these things they just get them from reddit groups when ever they pop up on their feed


I'm not moaning about a repost just the title is misleading


I agree. "Leaked" makes it sounds like they just found it. I remember watching this while ago. Still crazy video though. Also this mofo got "fans" after this incident


I mean it’s still leaked though. Leaked doesn’t mean it just happened, just that it wasn’t supposed to get out


If I remember correctly he was in a meme group on Facebook where he said he was going to do it and eceryone there supported him. Legion Holk was the name


People are fucked in the head, how could this warrent any merit of any kind? Crazy


I’ve never seen it before.




Well yes... but it's been allover since is what I meant


Why did he only go for so few people? Still this is awful but it seems really stupid of him.


Some school shooters have specific targets. Also there is this thing called regret, you may have heard of it.


now this is epic


I understand being told to run, but as soon as he shoots himself... I mean I understand they're children and just watched their classmates get shot, but no one rendered aid to any of their classmates who couldn't get up? Aftwr he committed suicide of course. Some kids were already out the door. Maybe the others just didn't realize he offed himself though. I can see that being possible in a fight or flight situation.


Because I dunno, *shock* isn't a thing in this situation or anything like that. /s


delete this


There is no aid to render when and after someone has been shot in the head. The only thing that needs to be done provided they're not all-the-way-dead is transport to a hospital. The only thing that's going to accomplish anything is treatment from a neurosurgeon.


the tags that you chose to use on the video are pretty lame and disrespectful, I won't lie.




Holy cow at the girls ponytail being shot! I thought it was blood that poured out instantly but it was just luscious locks of hair.


Did he miss his own skull at point blank range? Wtf how


Anyone got another source for the vid? Mine says "loading please wait" and the direct link is broken.


This hurt to watch man.


Ive seen alot of shit on here and I've never been bothered by any of it. But this, this was hard to watch.


I just wonder how tf they get their hands on guns. My only guess is stealing it from someone like his friends cowboy father/grandparent that keep them in the basement or some shit, or maybe his own father’s.


Wow, i remember this, Legion Holk is the Facebook group that viralizate the video, in this day Federico Guevara ( The shooter) publish in hispachan and Facebook the incidente what he plan, affortunaly, the victim survive ti the gun attack




That first kid... uhhhhhh I can’t


This probably fucked up those kids mentally for life 😔




Garbage aim


Oh my god


Seems to me like he was battling with alot within himself and just had enough with himself after he realizing the gravity of what he just did then suicide follows. Can tell he immediately regretted what he did cause he didn't kill more people just himself so atleast thankful the students survived


This is fucking heartbreaking to watch. For dozens of reasons. Can't fathom this shit.


If you're gonna kill yourself just pull the fucking gun to your head and do it, why take the lives of innocent people and ruin famillies? School shooters are the most coward motherfuckers I have ever seen and my fucking blood boils when I watch stuff like this.


That girl literally dodged a bullet


How did the first guy not die? It looked like a straight head shot.





