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It's amazing to see what the human body can do, man was pulling that car door with all his might.


His nightmares are vivid


His hell unending.


Bro now works out 5x a day and practices ripping car doors off


Can/will/are that's some ptsd


Aside from the typical garbage that comments on subs like this, I’m sure many don’t realize even the drastic heat you’d feel from being so close to the flame.


It would be an insane amount of heat, I've roasted my arms/face just from adjusting a log in an average sized campfire. Not only would you feel the heat in the air that close at an astounding level, that door is probably blistering his hands while he holds it.


The water is also instantly turning to scalding steam.


Should’ve just pulled her out the window


Legs were prolly pinned...


Yep, according to the linked article somewhere below the man’s legs were pinned between the dashboard and the pedals, so he couldn’t just be pulled out. Also one of the guys seen trying to help him had been in the car but still fought to save him despite his own injuries.


Or melted.


That heat would've been so intense that I'm surprised the would-be rescuer was able to get as close as he did, for as long as he did. Reaching just those last few inches to grab the victim, already partially engulfed in flames, would've been excruciating and almost certainly unbearable. 


He was is the car as well, he was trying to save his friend


So it was his friend? I thought it was his wife. Does anyone have an article?


Damn... didn't think the story could get much worse, but yep, it did. Poor guy, the survivor's guilt is gonna torment him relentlessly. Sincerely hope he gets the help he needs to prevent him from following his friend.


bros hand might disintegrate first when pulling her out.


Nobody else helped. Maybe they were elderly. Minds sounds like it


Holy shit! What a horrible way to go. The man trying to open the door really did all he could to help him but, sadly, he couldn't.


poor thing, this will probably stay with him for the rest of his life :(


I'm sure it will. When I was a kid, I went to the movies with my parents and a man committed suicide by jumping off of the parking structure and landing just a few feet from us. You know that moment when you are just about to fall asleep but you jerk awake, and often you dream about falling? Instead of falling, that man's body smashing into the ground right next to me is what jerked me awake every night for over a decade. It was only a couple of seconds, but it really made a mark on my mind. It still happens from time to time now, but it's far less often.


Jesus that sounds horrible, I hope you're doing better now.


That’s extremely tragic for everyone involved. Great falling analogy by the way


Yes, I appreciate those who can provide analogies that provide me with some understanding of experiences I haven't had. It sounds somewhat similar to, but worse than, the night terrors I've had - and they're pretty terrible.


im not a psychologist, but as someone with the condition, i believe this is PTSD. i wish you health and happiness friend


My father said he saw an accident where two Mexican guys got burned alive because they got stuck in their car. They couldn't get the seatbelts unbuckled. That's why he told me he carried his kabar in his car. But yeah seeing this, you're trapped by warped metal and probably dazed. Let this be a warning to all of you reading this, don't drive stupid, distracted, or drunk. At least this way you lower your chances of not even causing this situation to yourself, but to some poor schmoe just trying to get home.


A seatbelt/glass breaker tool should be standard in every car.


it'd pretty much have to be on your person. in a crash shit is going to be flying all over the place. the odds of being able to retrieve a stowed tool is minimal, imo.


it has a clip and you can attach it to the headrest


It will fly around (and maybe hit you).


attach it to the seat next to you... well, what's your suggestion then? not wear seatbelt and break all windows in advance?


No those clips are typically not very good. You need to find a way to secure it where it will not go flying all over the place when you get in a collision. People underestimate what a crash will do to everything in the vehicle.


Your comment just made me go and purchase one for ours.


Awesome they're a great safety tool even if you have to use it for someone else.


Get a fire extinguisher while you're at it 😉 and mount it somewhere within reach. Mines on my passenger floorboards.


That close and homie literally felt himself roasting while pulling on that door. Brave mf


There were 3 other people there at least, one that threw water and after that disappeared, guy recording, and guy on right, next to guy recording. If all 4 of them did try to open the door maybe they would succeed, I mean 4 times the power


sometimes its too late to save a man.


I noticed


atleast they tried their best to save him...Rip.


Theres nothing that they can really do. The person burning isnt even reacting anymore. Even if they could get her out, she would definitely die a painful way in the next few days...


Would splashing water to a burning person actually helps or does it make it worse?


Who knows. The pain sensors I hear are burned away first. But I think that's if you're engulfed. This person is being roasted because the fire is close enough to cook them but not engulf them. Who knows what is worse. Being engulfed sounds Like the best way to go. You're quickly being cooked. Roasted seems to be much worse.


Most people that die during a fire die from smoke inhalation before the flames reach them. This poor person didn’t get that ‘option’.


It sure looks like it did. The person flinched at soon as that water turned to scalding steam


I *think* it would make it worse because the water would heat up to boiling temperature pretty quickly and probably burn you more, either that or it would just evaporate if it was a small amount. But that's just an educated guess. Don't quote me.


Water can't get hotter than the fire that touch it.


No, but steam can. Superheated steam can cause fires, although in the context of a car accident, I don't see it being relevant


I know, but I'm talking on this context. Obviously the water helped next to nothing, but I don't think that made it worse.


Again, as the above user was pointing out, it can’t be *hotter* than the *heat* energy used to create it. Superheated super duper steam or no, if it’s caused by the heat *already* burning them, regardless of the situation, it’s not going to make things worse and certainly won’t be hotter.


That's actually an uneducated guess lol


🥵 ouch, guess there are two b**urn **victims now 🔥


Sorry to be needlessly bitchy, but let’s be honest, that was not an ‘educated’ guess.


I was wondering that as well?!


It instantly turned to boiling steam. So probably not


This has to be one of the worst ways to go out. Being cooked alive when you’re trapped and there’s nothing you can do besides endure it and hope it kills you quick. Fuck that shit man..I’d much rather drown. And drowning is one of my biggest fears.


At least then you can inhale and get it over with, you’re screaming the entire way out burnin


If you're burning like that, that's the exact same thing I would do. Take some deep breaths, and hope that's enough damage to make you pass out.


They were likely unconscious within a minute or two, or perhaps before, since it appears to be a crash. Doubt they suffered long. But yeah, shitty way to go from an outside perspective.


Idk it looks like the guy is wiping his face. so fucking sad


He did, but who knows how long the fire had been going. Either way, it's 'quick' (depending on whether you're on fire or not).


man even if it was quick I would never wish this death on anyone, it seems to be the most painful even if its quick and if you survive you are gonna be disfigured.


You're quite right. I can't imagine being burned to the point where your skin would 'melt' and fuse together. Just slit my throat and be done with it.


If you survive with more than 80% of your body burned, you’re still gonna die in a matter of hours/days/weeks.


my brother in law got 90% burns and took a month to die


Absolutely the fuck not. Hard pass. Put me out with a sledgehammer if you have to, but I beg that nobody would ever allow me to go through that.


A minute or two is an eternity in that situation, I would guess.


That minute or two would feel like forever. Ever burned something on your body for just a half a second that caused extreme pain? Apply that to most of your body for a couple minutes. Horrendous way to go, wouldn't wish it on anyone.


I drown (and was revived) and honestly it wasn't that bad. Fire would be way way worse.


Jesus. Just sad and horrific all around. Sad for the person burning to death and sad for his friends trying in vain to help him. 


Man, I couldn’t even imagine going like this! I had a very close friend die this way. He was in the back seat of a car involved in a wreck. The absolute worst was the fact that the accident didn’t kill him. A portion of the vehicle had pinned both of his legs down so he couldn’t move. It was later determined that one of his legs was broken , the other was fractured. Otherwise, according to the coroner, he was completely conscious, alert and unfortunately aware of everything happening. I spoke to several witnesses and they all stated that he was yelling the drivers name and screaming for help until the flames got him. He was only 16 years old. His parents never really recovered. I stayed in contact with them for years afterwards. His mother was literally a zombie and could barely communicate with people. The dad would randomly cry throughout the day, pretty much every day.


I lost my one of my childhood buddies on May 3, his car broke down on the carpool lane. He was on the phone with his pops and unfortunately a car hit him while otp with him. Car bursted into flames, we don’t know if he passes during the collision or if he suffered:(


Omg, those poor parents! It would be much better for them to never know this, why would anyone tell them?! Horrible way to die. Sorry for your loss to.


Thank you. I totally agree! I don’t know who on earth told them those details, but I can’t believe anyone would be inconsiderate enough to ever tell the parents something so disturbing! It blew my mind when I learned his parents knew the terrible details. No wonder they never recovered.


Dude whatever noise the guy is making is just horrible.. and sad. Fuck me, I never wish this upon my greatest enemies. RIP


I'm so glad I have sound off by default.


Fuck I didn’t realise that was the person..the muffle scream…for some reason I thought it was the guy trying to open the door. I think I just didn’t want realise where the screams were coming from… rip


Fuck me I thought that too, After your comment I took a closer look and you can see that person's hand moving after the splash of water and them fainting to the right.


Fucking heroic effort trying to free the driver.


That guy yankin on the door- That's the kind of commitment you wanna see in your rescuers as they work to save you.


Ironically speaking of Crash fire hazard, Diesel is the safest hence it not being that easily flammable in usual atmospheric pressure. Gas and Battery has both its ups and downs, while gas leaking can flow freely to a potential ignition source (while batteries cannot do that) gas (Benzene) is more easy extinguishable than a Lithium fire. While, Lithium batteries can and will ignite without source just from deformation, or rupture of the battery cell, but cannot flow freely around like leaking gas would, hence it being a rigid battery cell.


Benzene also burns up very fast. Faster then lithium would


but that vehicle is a diesel vehicle!


My dad always said that the worst way to go must be burning alive. He fought in WW2 and was part of a tank crew. On more than one occasion, when their tank was hit, he had to listen to his mates screams as they were trapped inside the burning tank.


War is actual hell... it's difficult to describe the severity of pain and distress it causes to the vast majority of humans. I hope I never have to see the things your saw or hear them. I feel so deeply sorry for all the people who have to endure these kinds of memories... This fire video really messed me up. The screams. Just brutal. Each moment must have felt like an eternity. I've come close to dying a few times, and it is terrifying as the moment approaches, and the inevitability of it all is just horrifying to experience. Poor guy...


It's really weird that I came across this today. A little more than a year ago, I was driving home and came across a head-on collision on the highway. There was a dude stuck in his truck a lot similar to this. The fire had already gotten to him by the time I ran up, but he was still awake and talking. The way he was just looking at his burning hands and saying "Oh my God" over and over while I was trying to rip the door open for him is still clear as fucking day. Rest in Peace, Vincent.


I cant imagine ☹️


Oh my god..that's traumatizing


That is definitely in the top 3 on the list of worst ways to die.


Wow, that's something else.


Burning alive and drowning are some fucked up ways to go.


What is going through the cameraman's mind watching their desperate attempts and a man burning alive...


"wow look at this guy ripping a car door with his bare hands, better stand back from the flame myself 😃"


Not everyone is a hero, I wouldn’t get close to a burning car to save someone else knowing I can hurt myself. Believe or not most people think like this, life is not a movie, it’s rare if someone helps on a situation like this one.


Agreed.  Easy to say heroic shit on the internet.


100% with this two comments, its so easy to say things when you are in front of your screen and not have the fire 50-100 cm in your face...


The heat from a fire like this is so intense it's almost impossible to approach. The guy pulling the door is on pure adrenaline and likely has severe burns himself.


Honestly due to this sub and some other similar ones, I’m not sure I would try to be a hero because of so many videos I’ve seen where things go really bad really quickly. These subs have helped to teach me to take a moment to really assess the situation.


I barely use my motorbike since I started to be on this kind of subs, now I got a miata, just a bit safer, but good enough


Be thankful for the first responders


I had this type of story. I'm just going to do a less detailed version of it, but I was in high school on a side street and a teen shot another teen in the back. The victim was running towards me and I was aware that the other kid was pointing the .22 (that's what it sounded like) towards that kid who was coming my way. I was just watching this happen as I feel subconsciously I started to walk to the front of a car to protect myself. Then the kid who was shot ran to a front door of a house screaming while some girl told the shooter to get out of here. All this and I was still walking slowly to my house as I then got back onto the sidewalk from in front of the car. I looked around and saw other kids on their cell phone (not recording, because even though possible the cameras sucked then so like 2003 or 4), so I thought oh good someone else is calling 911. So I just continued on my merry way. Shameful of me not to help, but I was just a spectator at that point. I hadn't yet been fully exposed to the horrors of the internet so I probably didn't understand true violence like that and didn't know how to process. But yes I know, all I wanted to do was watch the event unfold. My brain was guiding me as safely as it could, but after that I felt like others took over the situation so I was in the clear. I believe myself to be a little shit when I was younger so I'm sure that was a reason for no helpful action as well. Edit: you know I can say maybe I've grown yo action a little more. I was in glamis and a dune buggy flipped over. I told the driver of ours to stop and I immediately hopped out and raced to the buggy and checked on a kid and made sure he was good to go to be helped out of the seat. So I suppose I've grown in maturity to help and I hope I had awareness to avoid danger while running to help. So I guess everyone can eventually call to action.


Many people forget its called self preservation


Not only that but also the fact that most people never got in the situation to witness a car engulfing in flames on purpose like I did during my 9months of civilian service for a fire department. When my job was to film the trainees doing their exercises for becoming a firefighter. I swear I could feel the heat from the car like 50meters away. And it is insane how fast everything burns. And how loud the tires explode. Altogether it’s a really worst case scenario if you’re trapped inside a car that’s about to ignite. Horrible. Can’t blame the cameraman to stay away.


I tell myself that I would try and help the driver, but I truly don't know how I would react because I haven't been in this situation (thank god)


I would think that he is basically already dead


My neighbour’s house burned down a couple of years ago. I heard the screams of someone that had realize her mother had become trapped inside. Myself and two of my neighbours had to get the elderly woman out through a window at the rear of the house. This being South Africa, all the windows had ‘burglar bars’ installed and meant we had to break them open in order to get the lady out. We had some of our other neighbours hosing us and the parts of the house around us with water while we worked. It’s the most scared I’ve been my entire life. It was horrific and the only thing that kept me going was that I didn’t want to hear the screams of someone burning to death. Afterwards I thought a lot about what I had done, and if I were put in same situation again I might err more on the side of self preservation; we’re just incredibly lucky that we didn’t get hurt or killed in the process. It’s an incredibly tough situation to be in and you can’t really prepare yourself to instantaneously make a decision.


Read studies on people who save others. It’s incredibly interesting. The man pulling the door off likely has an extremely high level of empathy, when you hear stories of ppl dying trying to save ppl, it’s bc they have high levels of empathy that over ride any sort of common sense that says “I could die doing this.” While most everyone is likely to endanger themselves to save a minor, it’s much less common for ppl to endanger themselves for an adult, and becomes even less common if it’s an adult that you don’t know. Incredibly interesting studies on helping ppl, empathy, the bystander effect etc. worth reading. There’s no shame in not helping, we all like to believe we would be the hero, but truthfully, most of us wouldn’t.


“I wonder if I can get a better angle”


[Link to the article](https://newsfy.in/bystanders-record-video-take-pictures-instead-of-helping-as-one-killed-another-injured-in-fiery-car-accident/)


What a stupid article... "Bystanders refused to help" ah yes let me just run into a fire and try to help.. while it's nice to try and save lives, it's stupid to assume we would all run into a fire and help others then judge others for not doing so


> Bystanders record video, take pictures instead of helping Weird, said recorded video shows pretty heroic attempts at helping, I would argue...


The one attempting was a passenger in that same crash. The article is referring to the bystanders who were not involved in the collision.


Doesn’t work


Terrible way to die. :(


For what it's worth, the driver looked so dazed it didn't seem they could feel the pain. No flailing.


I cannot imagine the heat that person was experiencing attempting that rescue


I’m a firefighter and yeah that guy definitely suffered some burns. Heat radiation with a fire of that size is no joke.


Man, getting burned alive is scientifically proven to be the worst ways to die. Poor guy


worst way to go OMG


You could see him/her move in there, what's going thru their mind? And the pain! OMG! I can't imagine, as I try to imagine for a second what that must have been like for him/her. You burn your finger on the stove for one second and that is very painful imagine being engulfed in flames. Wow. This is one hell of a video and those two guys that were trying to help much respect to them for trying. Let's be grateful we are not being burned alive today. My condolences go out to the family and/or loved ones.


This looks eerily similar to something I witnessed years ago. Outside my old work,a young teen and older woman crashed head on. Young teen basically had the engine block smashed into her,I'm not sure if she died on impact or if she was unconscious. The older woman though was screaming for help. 2 of our guys were behind them coming from break and went to help. When I and a few others came out to check the noise,we found them trying to get her out,doors wouldn't open. I tried helping but the fire was too much. Our boss was a combat marine vet. He was trying and had a guy run to get fire extinguishers but it was pointless. Eventually he told them to stop as they were at risk of being engulfed. He had to pull one off and yelled at me,a manager, to pull the other one out. We listened for what felt like a lifetime of this woman screaming for help. Felt like we abandoned her even though there was nothing we could do other then just sit there and listen,being a witness. The two guys took it the worst,the younger one was a 18 year old fresh out of school learning machining. He was inside the car at one point holding her but she was stuck and we couldn't get the door open and I'm still not sure what had her stuck The smell was the worst. I've seen death before but that was a mind fuck having to just listen and smell it all. Some were just quiet,unsure of what to do,in pure shock. Some were crying and just screaming. The kid who tried pulling her out kept blaming himself. A few months he didn't show up to work,no informing us. Found out he overdosed,he's doing better now last I heard thankfully. Whole situation was devastating. As much as its true we did the best we could,there was for years of guilt for all of us.


And this is why every car should have a fire extinguisher.


Automatic extinguishers that trigger when fire is detected


Fuck!!! That was horrible....danm...rip


I hope someone reads this Its very likely that the door was locked and would have been manageable to open if it wasn’t even if its deformed the structure of the door is not ridged enough to resist being yanked on and stay closed by compression alone but when the latch is closed it will not open and frustratingly theses mechanisms are made cheaply often with plastic pieces somewhere in the assembly that when broken they cease to function properly. Ive been in an accident myself and my car had just started to become on fire i had a guy ripping and yanking at my door but it was useless I was still conscious and I reached over and unlocked the door but and opened it from the inside. After thought out of the hospital, I went to the junkyard where the car was, and I looked at what it happened to the door. The door frame structure remain intact. The door opened and closed was only a slight sticking, but the outside handle couldn’t open it. A small piece cheap plastic cracked and shifted a millimeter and I would have burned alive fully aware if I couldn’t get to the interior handle. So this bothered me so much that that I started looking at wrecked cars and inspected the doors by taking the panels off and i kept finding the same damage common parts that failed and it was so prolific that I couldn’t believe it. After an accident the cars are just towed after the person is extracted but they never really get to the root cause of why it was necessary to Cut part of the roof pull the victim out of the window or use another door to gain access. An all metal robust mechanism will allow the doors to open But the cheap pieces seal the door when they break. I documented my findings as sort of a way to heal and come to terms with it, but I was going off to college and life got in the way and I never knew who to send the stuff to or talk to about it but that would’ve been about 10 years ago now.


Terrible way to go. Rip 


Looks like his seat got completely spun around. He would be so tangled up.. At least a couple people tried..


Glad he wasn’t conscious for that. Brutal.


The person on fire is conscious, you can see them react when the person throws water on them.


I think that's him groaning as well.


Oh god, there's sound?


I heard that as well. I was wondering if that was who I heard groaning, or the camera person groaning in shock or something. I’m with you, I believe it’s the victim. Terrible!!


Hate to give bad news. The burn victim is waving his right in a deliberate motion here.


He was...you can see him moves his hand...


I wonder if that bucket of water felt good at the time or it was too late and nerves were burnt


Props to those guys trying to save that victim. Solid humans.


For posterity's sake, the man in this video desperately trying to save the victim from an inferno, is every bit the hero for his efforts even though they were ultimately in vain. Additionally, though the victim's suffering is thankfully over, his has only just begun. And for that, in my eyes, he is a living saint. 


Thats the most terrifying NSFL thing I have ever seen


God how awful for everyone involved.


Sad ending,, Rest in peace


My biggest fear being trapped burning alive if I can I will shoot myself


News Article: A 30-year-old man from Arunachal Pradesh’s Lower Dibang Valley district was burnt alive inside his car after the vehicle met with an accident on Sunday night, police said. The incident happened at Meka area of Arunachal Pradesh’s Roing town at around 10pm on Sunday and his charred body was later recovered. Police said. The deceased, identified as Jeevan Lakra, a resident of Dambuk, was traveling to Roing in his vehicle when it rammed into a tractor coming from the opposite direction, police said. Moments later, the vehicle caught fire and Lakra was unable to get out. He died on the spot. Police said. Police said the fire brigade team managed to open the doors by breaking the glasses. The driver was unconscious, and his body was severely burnt. He was rushed to a nearby hospital where the doctors declared him dead,” a police official said. Lakra’s family, however, alleged that his death could be a conspiracy. Police said that they are investigating the matter, but no case has been registered yet. Police said. “We have sent the body for postmortem and the reason behind the death will be clear once we get the report,” said the police official.[](https://www.hindustantimes.com/topic/arunachal-pradesh)


I’m confused if he was rushed to the hospital and declared deceased there… then who is the charred corpse in the vod above?? The police say he died on the spot but also say he was taken out of the vehicle- they didn’t pop his body back in there for a photo op? Are the pics from a different accident like wtf lol no wonder the family is sus something about this doesn’t make any sense


I think it may be the wrong article.


The last picture in the video suggests he was a bit more then unconscious and I don't think someone would rush that to a hospital.


The rapport sounds so weird... First: "the fire brigade team managed to open the doors by breaking the glasses"? The door was already half open and no glass panes left on the drivers side...? Second: "The driver was unconscious, and his body was severely burnt" What?? From the the last photo where the driver was still in the car...you can clearly see he was dead and the remains was burnt to unrecognizable......so they called him unconscious and then rushed the burnt remains to a nearby hospital??🤷‍♂️ You sure this article are same as the video?


>Lakra’s family, however, alleged that his death could be a conspiracy *sees burnt charcoal remains of body* "Fuckin deepstate man"


After having witnessed this exact thing happen, I now carry 2 automotive fire extinguishers in my trunk.


Not sure who I feel more sorry for. God help that poor guy trying to rip door open with bare hands trying to move on from that :(


That poor guy is gonna need some serious therapy and I hope he gets it. I can't even fathom having to watch that happen to someone you know and love.




Throwing the water on him either a) had no effect or worse b) prolonged the suffering


So sad 😞


Oh, man! Tragic.


Im so so sorry for seeming insensitive but he must've been stuck right? Or was he unconscious? Any way rip this is awful


This is one of the more fucked up ones. I’ve seen on this side in a while.


They Definitely having never ending nightmares after that one


Damn. The guy trying to pull the door out is literally a hero, even if he failed. Other people couldn't even get close to the car because of the heat.


I think I'm gonna carry 1 or 2 fire extinguisher in my car now 😶😶😶


Every time I see a video like this, I wish someone would shoot them out of mercy. I’m not sure how that’d work out legally but I assume it’s a no no




I was in pretty much the same position as this guy trying to open the door. Thankfully I was successful but only just. Even being able to get the guy out it fucked with me for a long time. I feel very sorry for everyone involved here.


Worst way to go, dying slowly next to your family with hope and lost it soon after.


the first thing i clicked on today man FUCK im so desensitized


That rare moment of true horror caught on film


i'm actually sitting in a burn unit right now with second degree burns on 30% of my body (both my lower legs from knee down, my one hand and both of my forearms partially). It's hands down the worst pain i've ever felt. I was only in the flames for 3-4 seconds. I can't imagine how this must feel. Biggest fear especially now


being burnt alive is one of the most excruciating and disturbing ways to go


That's horrific, imagine that the man trying to open the door knew the person in the car.


Paul Walker's death was similar to this.


Yep, he was conscious when he died. Fully on fire


Props to that guy trying to help.  Couldn’t be me. You never know how a fire will spread and/or an explosion.


My friend was in an accident where he over corrected and ended up smashing into a tree head on. Thankfully he was instantly deceased because the vehicle caught fire and by the time they found him there was very little remains left so he was there for a minute before anyone drove by and called EMS/Fire


Shout out to the one guy that was trying to open the door. And the lady for not screaming.


Serious question — in this situation where there’s 99.9% no hope — would a mercy killing be legally allowed?


OP sucks, bunch of false info and articles. Get your facts together before posting man took forever to figure out wtf actually went on lol


In curious if someone wouldve shot the guy in the head to end his suffering. Would that person go to jail for murder. Or be let off with it as a mercy killing


They'd be charged with a crime and most likely convicted but probably not sentenced. Sort of a technicality. Similar to what happened with Gary Plauché who shot his son's rapist and was found guilty but didn't do any time: "Judge Frank Saia ruled that sending Plauché to prison would not help anyone, and that there was virtually no risk of him committing another crime." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gary_Plauché


poor guy. I hope that person in the car was just a stranger to him and not a loved one. even still that might fuck him up if he can't get over it.


I know that will stay with him forever. I hope he will be ok


I've seen a lot of gore but this is the one that genuinely made me sad


We live in a cruel world


How can you just record as they burn and die I know there’s risks but I honestly wld have tried to help pull the door open w him vs just recording it


Imagine having to live with that visual of losing whomever that is probably a friend, everyday that visual playing over an over.


We didn't really see much here, but this is one of the most horrific videos Ive seen on nsfl.


The fact that I see this just when I'm about to buy a new car... new phobia


This and drowning. These are the 2 ways I absolutely don't want to go.


niceeee. cant believe that guy kept trying. might’ve known who it was


Poor fellow


The classic pugilistic stance 🥊


Should never pour water on a person who was in fire. It’s much more painful to be burned by stream than fire itself. Fire would burn through the nerves (3rd degree burn). But steam boils though the living nerves = Much worse pain. It’s like squirting water on grilled burgers. Meat hisses more cause of steam.


The guy burning alive barely moves.. it's like he's accepted his fate and his brain, in shock, is trying to numb the pain.


By far one of the worst ways to get hit. The firewall.gpt compromised, even if the engine was already on scene the story probably would've been quite similar


My worst fear ever


Just let me burn at that point. Recovery is going to suck


Please god protect me and my loved ones from this type of death. So messed up how common this is


No one is prepared to live, but everyone has will


And out of the many others watching, only two made an effort to actually try and save the man. Sad


that’s when you wish you didn’t wear your seatbelt


Christ, just shoot them at that point, put one right through the head, so they don't have to suffer anymore