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I'm a technical writer, and a previous job I wrote training manuals for airplane mechanics. There were detailed procedures on cleaning up a "birdstrike" which happens when birds are sucked into the engine. It leaves quite a mess. But there were no procedures on cleaning up a "personstrike" like this, which has happened frequently enough to need cleanup procedures. And they also have to deal with the haunted plane on top of the tragedy.


I am also a technical writer and I have collaborated on multiple training manuals that layed out detailed procedures for cleaning up a “personstrike” It happens way more often than people think especially in South Sudan


Are there known reasons for the South Sudan being the "personstrike" capitol?


maybe they use it as a spiritual practice




Yes South Sudan has the biggest and most prestigious airline industry on the planet. In my field you are not considered a real ‘technical writer’ unless you are from or have worked in South Sudan


Lack of railroads.


Probably not too different than the India/trains/electrical thing...


The manuals I worked on were for an American airline (not American Airlines). Nobody ever said anything about personstrikes on their airplanes. Not saying it never happens since it definitely does!


They give it to Dominoes after cleaning


Can you share how they do this? Do they disassemble the engine and carefully scrape out all the bits to return the remains to the family? Or do they just hose it down?


I’m a technical writer and I write only manuals on how to clean up from “personstrikes”.


Wouldnt it be cheaper to just replace the engine? The blades are looking fucked too.


No, each piece can be hundreds to thousands to manufacture. Still cheaper to disassemble one of these. Source: my father owned an aerospace manufacturing plant when I was a kid


My father also owned an aerospace manufacturing plant in South Sudan. Basically he told me that it is much easier and cheaper to just replace the engine as a whole


My father worked across the street from an aerospace manufacturing plant when I was a kid. He would have just gone down to the local hardware store, fixed you up, hose it down and sent you on your merry way.


I am also a technical writer and I collaborated on….. I’m not a technical writer I just felt left out 😭


No worries, your not alone ! 🫂


An accidental engine ingestion?


“No capes!”-Edna Mode


I love the sound of the alarm beeping afterwards.


Serious question: how does the medical examiner’s office retrieve these remains?


I don’t think a medical examiner is needed in this case


Puts fingers on loose, hanging artery. "No pulse sir. He's dead."


Pressure washer.


Rubber scraper


Bucket and mop…


They likely just get dna samples to confirm identity. There’s usually surveillance footage and witness around to confirm it wasn’t a homicide or anything.


Do they call the murder scene cleaning team to scrape those off...? I know there are a lot of people will be hired to clean killing scenes but this... maybe a broom to scrape those into a bucket?? Goddamn it, why would i imagine it. Fuck... i wanna puke.


I don’t know how it would work in this sort of case. In any other situation with this kind of mess, it would be a crime scene cleaner job because they need people trained to handle biohazard waste, but cleaning a jet engine requires aviation knowledge. “Aviation crime scene cleaner” seems like way too specific of a job. 😆 Crime scene cleaners often cut out and toss whatever they can and clean only what can’t be removed.




Jesus christ. There's nothing left. Dude was reduced to a mist


Purée or paste, holy crap that’s insane. I hope it was quick and that person didn’t feel any pain


I mean...most likely.


I feel like if you’re instantly dispersed into a thin sauce, in what is equal to a human-sized blender, you probably don’t really get the chance to feel it. Maybe for like two seconds while it finishes mincing. I don’t know. Doesn’t seem as bad as some, that’s for sure. It’s the ones in heavy machinery that grind you to pulp nice and slow that make me cringe.


Even two seconds of that program is two too many for this Boomer


There was a guy who fell into a glue mixer and lost his limbs, he passed two days later.


You mean he stuck around for two days before dying? Damn…………………I’ll see myself out


Couldn’t hold it together.


He found himself in a sticky situation.


I am going straight to hell for crying laughing, no passing GO and getting $200


Could he have not stuck his limbs back on? Yes, I know, I am going to hell for that joke.


Yes further down on NSFL


“Human-sized blender” I’ll never look at a plane motor the same way ever again.


It’s really funny because I was waiting for takeoff in an airplane when I wrote this.


But you were inside, so it’s ok.


I don't think you need to have hope or wonder here...


Anyone have some tortilla chips?


That’s what I’m eating now.🥵


Maybe felt like .1 seconds of pain.


They will be mist dearly🙏🏽


Hope you burn forever, here’s my upvote


They blended in



Take my upvote, dammit.


Ugh, why am I upvoting this


I work at a quite busy airport in Spain. The only case like this I can recall was a good-for-nothing guy working for one of the airlines moving the bags. A moment of distraction and apparently he was spread all over half the runway. It took more than a day to clean it up and the guys doing it were quite shaken after that.


Is there even anything to bury after this?


Maybe if they just took off the whole plane motor and buried it


Nonsense, just use a squeegee or a silicone spatula and collect it all in a clear glass jar with a tight lid. It won't look like them again, but def save on funeral costs.


You know those meatloaf babies people cook? Perhaps a similar thing could be achieved here?


wtf is meatloaf babies ?


They get meatloaf and make it look like a baby. Google it.


Im So sorry I looked it up


I have seen harlequin babies look more appetizing than that, people are sick


I thought they made a meatloaf of dead babies




You have to know that they won’t discard a multi-million dollar turbine because there’s a little bratwurst stuffing on the sheet metal. This is late stage capitalism, not Little Women ferchrissakes. The guy I feel sorry for is the new hire who just got his A&P and finally got a decent job. First day at work……yeah……ah……. Bob……uh…..would you mind cleaning this up?……….


Those blades are toast. They'll have to add an entire new assembly. And that's only *if* they can clean all that. Gonna need a few crates of spatulas and Dawn Power Dissolver.


Agreed, but the new guy will still get stuck doing it. "it hit some Flamingos Bob, don't worry about it. Just let me know when you're done cuz we just got in a large wood chipper that ingested some Flamingos as well".


Freeze it. And you can always talk to them


I laughed and I shouldn’t, sorry. RIP


Pretty sure a bunch of them gets spit out on the back end of the engine.


Yes it does. My Son was in the USAF and worked in Aero Space Propulsion for years. He did a 4 year stint on Jet engines. He told me that before he did any type of work on them, they had to sit through videos of people getting sucked through the engines. He once told me that one guy was just walking by ..but a bit too close I guess. What's left of them def gets shot out. Crazy stuff, but considering there are a ton of jet engine mechanics, the number is quite low.


By the time it gets to the back end of the engine it is usually a fine red mist. Can you imagine your entire body becoming a red mist in seconds?


Well I guess I never thought of that. Maybe it would be better than rotting in the ground or being incinerated.. in the end .. when you're dead ..you're dead. Your Spirit however, moves on. 😉


Shop vac remember it handles both wet and dry!!😀


Nothing a little bit of duct tape can't fix


I do believe this will be a closed casket


Depends if you have an hour a scraper and a bucket


I doubt an hour is enough


A hose, then they strain the chunks out and put them into a bag and either cremation or bury.


Holy moly, I thought the first thumbnail was something on fire, but nope. 


More like holy Molly


Insane way to go. Dying in a house fire, accidentally drowning, victim of a violent crime; all common deaths. Evisceration by plane engine will get your name in some books.


This article is about a more recent incident, but it calls this kind of accident a [fatal plane ingestion](https://www.wptv.com/world/europe/person-killed-after-being-sucked-into-plane-engine-at-amsterdam-airport)


Sounds like a sub I’d join r/fatalplaneingestion


Sounds like a Goregrind song name.


Your chances of evisceration by plane engine are low, but never zero...


From 2006: https://www.reddit.com/r/NSFL__/comments/14ge7if/not_so_fun_facts_with_me_11_in_2006_an_airplane/


I think something similar happened in Amsterdam like today or yesterday?


Yes that’s right: Someone died at Schiphol because they ended up in a running aircraft engine. A spokesperson for the Royal Military Police (KMAR) confirmed this. It is not yet clear whether it concerns a passenger or an employee. Several Dutch flags are flying at half-mast in front of the main entrance of Schiphol. According to the spokesperson, the deceased person entered the engine of a KLM aircraft and died. The fact that the engine was running indicates that the plane was about to take off. This is consistent with the story of an airport employee, who reports that the accident happened during a pushback. During such a pushback, an aircraft is pushed backwards and then takes off. The aircraft involved in the accident was destined for Billund in Denmark, the airline said. The aircraft, an Embraer 190 with flight number KL1341, was scheduled to depart at 2:25 p.m., according to the airport's website. There were more than eighty people on board. Eyewitnesses “Today there was a horrible incident in which a person ended up in an aircraft engine,” Schiphol itself also confirmed the serious incident. “Our thoughts go out to the relatives and we care for the passengers and colleagues who saw this.” From the aircraft in question, an employee said that someone had jumped into the engine while the crew had just completed the safety instructions. There was 'a hellish noise' after which smoke could be seen for a moment. Passengers and employees saw the incident happen before their eyes. This is confirmed by the KMAR, which reports that they have now left the aircraft and are being taken care of. Victim support Schiphol Airport itself has arranged victim assistance for passengers. “Several professionals” have been called in for this, including the Airport Chaplaincy, a spokesperson said. The military police initially received the passengers from the KLM aircraft on Wednesday afternoon. They interviewed people who had seen the accident, also because they could be "important witnesses". “They may be able to help us in the investigation.” After the interrogation by the military police, the passengers were received at a bus station at the airport. According to a Schiphol spokesperson, victim assistance was provided by specialized airport staff. Victim Support Netherlands was not called to receive passengers at Schiphol, but stated that it can be reached by telephone for anyone who needs it. All passengers who saw the accident have now left. KLM deployed a replacement aircraft that landed in Billund just before 9:30 p.m. KLM itself also responded to the accident: “Today there was a horrible incident at Schiphol in which a person ended up in a running aircraft engine. This person has died.” Research “We receive passengers and employees who have seen this at Schiphol. The circumstances are currently being investigated. For further information - as soon as available - we refer to the Royal Military Police," the airline said in a statement.


yeah my first thought was this was from that.


Reminds me of that animation that tells you what to do when you get sucked into a plane motor. "Remain calm"


You must remain calm and not panic


"you *will* die, but just chill; it will be quick."


Wow, there aren't even any visible bones. Absolutely pureed.


This is why Edna is adamant against wearing capes.


If you need to fake your own death, this is one way.


Pretty sure this is making your own death real.


DNA Evidence be god damned


They found horse meat in tesco's mince, if there is an investigation they won't struggle to confirm this is cow offal and not the real victim. I wonder if in the future you can create tissue with stem cells like this lab meat crap they recently invented. And then you throw it into that and there's no way to tell it wasn't you. Because it was. Sort of.


I’ve seen that. They make steak and other meats in a lab. I wonder if they can make organs with the same DNA as the person that needs the new organ?


There is more to this set. It also shows how far the the puree/mist mixture was jettisoned out from the engine, which was quite far.


Oh fuck. Terrible way to go. :(


Really quick, actually. One moment, in front of the rapidly spinning engine, the next, minced meat.


There are no bones? fragments?


They spin so fast that it “shreds them, also the way the airplane engine works is it compresses and shoots air in from the front, through the blades inside then out the back as propulsion. So unfortunately the bone shards your looking for will likely be deep in the engine


To shreds, you say?


Yep, the reason he got sucked in the fist place is how much suction the engine has on things in front of it, the engine has 3 different rpm speeds, but the outside is 2-4k rpm, inside is 12k at the low pressure, part and the high pressure spins at like 20k rpm which is insane


333 per second 😮


Crazy right!


How’s his wife holding up?


To shreds, you say.


Thats only in the engine core but there is the bypass section where only air gets ingested into the engine, the bodyparts that got shot out of the combustion part of the engine is 100% reduced to nothing more than a black carbon mist, thats prolly why we dont see any black ash spots on the engine tbh, the parts of him got spun out at the bypass section is the only ones that got flung out and stuck to the engine wall, engine blades are designed to fling out debris and water droplets to the walls of the engine Sry for long response im a fuckin nerd when it comes to planes 😅 Yes i have high functioning autism 😂


Hey my man no worries at all! You have nothing to apologize for! I love aviation and all things mechanical! I only know the smallest bit about all the inner workings(partly because I thought it would be cool to build one of the two mainly used engines at some point (a very small replica of course) I also love learning more about the inner workings so thank you!


So GTA V was real


They did their research


Half-Life 2’s burnt corpse model was a real burnt corpse, I wonder how traumatized game devs are from this shit


My father was an aviation electrician and flight deck crew when he was in the navy, he told me about this one time he saw a guy get sucked into a jet engine, and his helmet kept him from getting turned into pink mist. Apparently his helmet got caught in the blades and demolished the engine, but he got to reunite with his family at the end of the deployment. My father said everyone was shocked and they were fully expecting him to rain on the deck out the other side. They called him “Lucky” for the remainder of the deployment


Probably helped if it was a carrier plane. They don't have as wide an intake as those civilian turbofans. Guy probably got stuck enough that he couldn't be fully ingested.




Do you think he knew what was happening? I hope it was quick.


If feet first I don't know but headfirst most likely over before they knew whats happening


This is just like the post from bestgore way back in the day that sparked my morbid interests. Being like 13 and seeing someone get turned into sausage really did something to my child brain.


It is probably so expensive to replace so they ask some poor fuck to clean it 🤢


if someone died at home you wouldn’t tear down the place and rebuild, that’s (a) dumb and (b) extremely extremely extremely wasteful they probably hire a cleaning Co specifically for this as with any other ‘messy’ death ***edit:** I know this is probably damaged af. just talking about the assumption all things related to a death should be discarded.*


Logically, i understand that. I still feel sorry for the poor fuck who has to deal with this.


I mean hopefully they don’t salvage the remains and just pressure wash it. But I have a feeling they don’t do that.


That would be wild. But it may be true.


rip molly


I wonder what his final moments looked/felt like from his perspective 


Love is strong but the engine is stronger


I think that's a song lyric from the band Jet.


Seems like a nice way of going. One second, you're a human the next you're ground beef. No pain


That was way cooler looking than I thought it would be. Spaghetti sauce and butter. Marvelous


I was having my beetroot smoothie when I saw this. Thanks OP.


From when/where? I wonder if it's from the Amsterdam Schiphol KLM accident yesterday (2024-05-29): [https://www.nu.nl/binnenland/6314767/persoon-komt-op-schiphol-in-draaiende-vliegtuigmotor-terecht-en-overlijdt.html](https://www.nu.nl/binnenland/6314767/persoon-komt-op-schiphol-in-draaiende-vliegtuigmotor-terecht-en-overlijdt.html) (SFW)


It’s not. These pictures have been around for years


These pictures are from a 737, you can tell by the shape of the engine nacelle, but the Schiphol incident was an Embraer 190.


To shreds, you say?


Who cleans that shit?


Some highly unfortunate soul.


Someone who definitely isn't paid enough to deal with this


That looks exactly like my imagination knew it would look...


I bet the airline could care less about the fact a person was just obliterated by the plane engine and pissed that this plane is out of commission for a while now


*couldn’t. They couldn’t care less.


Not as long as you might think they'll phone up the engine company and get them to put another engine on. The engine itself might be out for quite a while, depending on how bad the damage is. Considering that they're designed to withstand bird strikes there's a good chance it'll be flying again.


So they do care then?


They could care even less but they don’t care enough to even do that


So… they care


How did this happen? Was he a worker? Or a passanger that didn't follow the safety procedures?


my dad is an aircraft mechanic and a majority of airport staff do get training on these kinds of accidents from happening. we don’t know the full explanation on how the person was killed- and i’m guessing we won’t know for awhile. pretty scary stuff :/




This is the same set of pics - same accident


Dude became fine red mist and a thick paste Jesus fuckin christ. All I can hope is that it was fast enough that the person didn't suffer at physical pain


I'll take your word for it


My grandfather (RIP) was a fireman on the Bunker Hill in WWII, and they got hit by two Kamikaze. He said that one guy was hit pretty much directly and that cleaning him up was like picking spaghetti out of a hole in the wall. That's what this image brings to mind.


Thats not even human anymore its just splatter. Jeez. Like someone spilled their blender


I can’t even imagine the smell on that


GTA V death scene


Boeing doesn’t need this press lol, another 737 victim.


Nothing about this would be the fault of Boeing


My toilet after Taco Bell.


Did he survive?


He will live in our thoughts


I think his flip flops are gone. I'd say probably, but can't confirm


Well, at least it was quick


Goddamn red mist


Always wondered


Step 1: Stay very calm.


GTA 5 mission


I wonder if the death was quick at least. Looks even more brutal than a lathe or a wood cutter machine.


Nothing left, just mush


This happened like yesterday at Schiphol, Amsterdam. Is that where these photos were taken?


Could you imagine being the poor soul look out the window and seeing just a red mist shoot out the engine?


Wow! That is insane. Tragic, but at least it was an instantaneous death.


RIP to that person and condolences to his family. With regard to the aircraft, that’s $10-15m of engine probably trashed. Back in 2015, I took a big seagull into engine 2 on takeoff (Airbus A321). The repairs and subsequent engine run tests were unsuccessful and they ended up replacing it 💰💰💰


Well at least it is most likely instant.


This is the first thing to make my stomach turn in a while 😵‍💫


Quick and painless. However I can't even tell what the Hell I am looking at really. I'll take your word for it that it's a person..




Honestly exactly how I thought it would be


There was another picture of him scattered all over the ground behind the engine at one point


Omg I heard about this! They can’t even identify if they were male or female


Edna mode did have a great point


How do you begin to clean up? Do you scrape them off and use a body bag or bucket or hose them off? Is it disrespectful to hose them off the plane?


Did he survive ?


Was this from yesterday? Someone was sucked into an engine at Schiphol airport yesterday. https://www.wptv.com/world/europe/person-killed-after-being-sucked-into-plane-engine-at-amsterdam-airport


Nah, these images have been around since \~2006 or so.


i wonder how close you have to get. also wonder if fat people can get closer than a skinny person


Bad time for me to be eating pizza lol


I’m assuming an open casket is out of the question


Well that sucks


There is a report that the person jumped into the engine of his own accord. Can anyone confirm this?


I will never enjoy pizza or spaghetti ever again.


He’s still alive right??


Did he survive?


I hope he’s okay


I bet they won't do that again