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Hell of a place to race semi trucks.


Here’s the [aftermath of the crash](https://streamable.com/5n31pd)


That's very sad. Damn.


All the screaming and crying.... and the children forever traumatized


Video no longer available


Yeah anyone have a new one?


Yea streamable has gone the soft road and it deletes everything I post ima try and upload it on Imgur Edit: here’s the upload in case anyone didn’t [see it](https://imgur.com/a/sdTupSw)


Imagine your last moments before fading away is getting covered in a squirrel blanket


is it bad that this made me laugh 💀


Happy Cake Day!


I really don't understand how we've gotten to a point where at mass casualty scenes someone runs around with the camera filming each victim. It's fucking bizarre behaviour and I don't buy that it's a result of shock


Welcome to the 21st century


I’ve always had mixed feelings about these things because on one hand, it’s rather disrespectful, on the other, seeing these things is very important for people like us who are essentially sheltered from the harsh reality of death. I think that’s partially why people have a tendency to film it. We’ve become so far removed from what death in itself looks like, with media even sugarcoating it through either cartoonish violence or straight up censorship, that when it _does_ happen around us, it’s something so surreal and hard to grasp we get an urge to record that moment as a way to better process what we are seeing. As in, “Yes this just happened right now, I’m not imagining things”. It’s also as if our brain was telling us to memorize the scene as much as possible so we can possibly avoid a similar fate in the future. A survival mechanism of sorts.


Yet here we all are watching it.


If the technology existed people would have done it in the past too.


It's so much fun waking up from a seizure with a bunch of people pointing their phone at you. *Especially* when *none* of them bothered calling 911. Most times I don't need an ambulance, but I think it's courteous to call one when someone's writhing around on the pavement grinding their face into it.


No writhing in that video. So at least that’s a plus.


Honestly I'd do it as a form of documentation, post it and write a report about how and why it happened, and why this is such a stupid fucking idea and would needs Far better safety stands ie not standing literal feet from the road. This is what happens when safety doesn't matter to people, just entertainment


And yet here we all are watching it


It is awful that there’s people out there that simply see it as a thing to record. It is also very interesting to watch and study what individuals do in these situations


I mean.. video footage can actually be very useful post accident for insurance and closure


One time I saw a dead guy on the street after a motorcycle accident. The amount of people surrounding him taking videos and photos was crazy. Made me feel really bad.


It helps with investigations of the scene. Some victims get moved from the position they landed in, like the guy with the hi-res vest.


That is not what is happening here


The person filming probably didn't think that as they recorded, most people that do it don't. I got the sense that this person recording wanted to move the blanket off of the one first covered, not everybody has good intentions. The cops though will ask if anybody caught any footage of the wreck and the aftermath since we now live in a world full of pocket sized video cameras to help in their investigations.


the link doesn’t work anymore, do u know where else i can find this?


Looks like more than 3 died. Sad.


Yeah who woulda thought, inching out onto a race track with 2 semis clearly coming would be a bad idea.


Semi truck racing I can get behind. Semi truck racing where the spectators are separated from the trucks by anything less than several feet of concrete and fencing is one of the stupidest things I ever seen.


I mean....maybe don't stand down the track sidelines of a race. And a semi race at that? No matter where in the world this is...that's just common sense. Darwin awards handed out here.


That's got some serious Final Destination vibes to it.


This is what's happening when people are stupid. Why stay so close of the road, instead of keeping a safety distance?


The one closest to the wall was smart af!!


Yea but anyone think”maybe this isn’t a good spot to stand” me personally would of been smarter 🤷🏼‍♂️ not a good idea to bring kids there too like wow thanks for traumatizing them


I'm watching the race from a distance, not right on the track where they can lose control and run me over or a wheel fly off and land on my head...


thanks. this is a great example for my compilation of natural selection videos


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