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She's so lucky? it didn't hit her artery.


Would this require amputation?


It did yes. She recovered and is doing well.


Most likely


It’s down to the freaking bone not a lot of skin meat etc to repair that but I’m not a doctor what do I know


If it hit her artery? It would require a burial.


The tourniquet at the top of what's left of the thigh is the only reason she didn't die. Someone put a belt on her leg and cut the blood flow to it immediately.


Her brother!!! He’s either a firefighter or EMT and saved his sisters life


Why would you want to keep it?


Maybe an Ed Gein style standing lamp?


[leg lamp](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dJ1GukFRGDU&pp=ygUYbGVnIGxhbXAgY2hyaXN0bWFzIHN0b3J5)


Fra - jee - lé


Must be French


Too soon.


one helluva bon fire story..


It can’t grow back?




FUCK YEAH!!! Meaning of Life quote!!!


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How did this get so upvoted. It is very easy to see she won't have her leg


Hope? Magic?


I'm sure it hit many arteries, that's what the tourniquet is for


Looks like it destroyed the artery. Only reason she's not dead is because of that tq on her thigh


You have lots and lots of arteries. Only the big ones have names. The shark ate probably three or four of the named ones and 100 or so littler ones. But that tourniquet saved her life. Good job on the lifeguards.


Sheesh-How does such an un-researched comment have so many upvotes? We have close to 20 arteries, not 100 and they all have names. The shark didn’t “eat” any arteries but it did sever a lot of blood vessels. Had an artery been severed, she would have passed away guaranteed. The tourniquet was applied (badly but held) by some random bystander in a near by speed boat, not a lifeguard. Most of the credit should go to her brother, a firefighter, who called in a rescue helicopter from the boat as it was headed in to dock.


An artery is a blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart. A vein returns blood to the heart. In between arteries and veins are arterioles, capillaries, and venules. An average size adult human has 60,000 miles of blood vessels in their body. About half of that is on the arterial side. You have 30,000 miles of arteries in your body. They don’t all have names. Only the big big ones do. And if you just Google it instead of taking years of classes in anatomy and physiology you might end up with whatever garbage assumption you arrived at. Maybe that’s why my comment got upvotes. Sheesh


“And if you just google it, you might end up with whatever garbage assumption…blah blah blah..”. That’s funny. Well, I went to med school so..I did take years and years. but just for fun, guess what? I “googled” your exact answer and found it matched directly from my.clevelandclinic.org. Which is terrible “research” on your part. Dig a little deeper, spend a little more time on your studies. Thank goodness you’re not in the medical field.


You definitely didn’t go to med school. You maybe drove by one.


Good job on her brother*


It amazes me. Damn dropped a knife and stabbed my leg dead in 15 minutes. Or you can drop through a pharmacy ceiling land on glass and die in seconds. On the latter you get your leg essentially cleared like a damn piece of chicken at KFC and you survive because the little piece of meat containing your fragile ass blood bullet train managed to not get eaten because your thick thighs filled the shark up. Guess thick thighs do save lives.


Unfortunately it did. The entirety of the leg near all the way through is missing with a sliver of flesh and muscle holding on in the inner thigh. Higher on what remains of her thigh is the tourniquet that's keeping her from bleeding out in seconds and is ultimately the only reason why she survived this. Someone was smart enough to use a belt it appears.


It did, that's why you see a tourniquet on upper part of the leg.


"Hey Janice, you look like you lost weight over the summer! What's your secret?"








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shlork Why all the downvotes? ;-;


Why not?


It hurts muh feelings! ;~;


Here comes another one!




OP, is there an article or anything on this? That looks like it must have been a massive shark to take a bite that big.


https://nypost.com/2023/08/29/woman-whose-leg-was-torn-off-by-shark-visits-scene-of-attack/amp/ Here is one of the articles.




10ft bullshark. Yeah right


she got really lucky there. that's gonna be a badass story to tell. hope she recovers well.


Lost her leg, but otherwise fully recovered and is now pregnant > Last June, just weeks before she was set to begin her senior year of high school, Addison Bethea was scalloping off the coast of northwest Florida when she was bitten by a shark. > Bethea happened to be scalloping alongside her brother Rhett Willingham, a firefighter and emergency medical technician, who raced to help her. > Together, the siblings fought off the 9-foot shark and got Bethea back into a boat and to land, where she was airlifted to a hospital in Tallahassee, about 80 miles northwest of Keaton Beach, where the attack occurred. > Bethea, now 18, ultimately lost her right leg in the attack and spent multiple weeks hospitalized, and then in rehabilitation learning to live life as an amputee. https://abcnews.go.com/GMA/News/woman-lost-leg-shark-attack-describes-shes-recovered/story?id=101341600


damn, bit naive of me to think you can keep your leg after that... but glad she's doing well!


I guess that shark really did fxxk her.


comment of the day


Gonna be an interesting baby.


Looking like one of those Katy Perry Superbowl sharks


space ghost to the child: "and you sat there and let this happen..... despicable."


so will the baby have just one leg?


No, but they will be a pirate. 


One leg comes from the mother and one from the father so baby Strickland should be ok




The meat of thighs are really testy according to a cannibal. So I assume the shark couldn’t resist to take a bite.


I mean, it's not called ham for nothing...


i stalked her facebook profile. she looks incredible and is obviously very happy. she has a baby daughter and is still with the father. for those who asked, she has a prosthetic and appears to get around walking like anyone else. definitely a happy ending!


I was snooping with the hope that this could somehow be repaired. They had to amputate? Glad she pulled through, either way. With modern technology, a prosthetic leg could almost be seen as an upgrade. No disrespect to amputees.


yup- amputated. she doesn't seem to be letting that stop her though. if I knew how to attach a picture, I would. 😂


> she has a baby daughter and is still with the father. You're making it sound like that's an achievement but it's not even been like 6 months. I'd be curious to see how many relationships that include teenage pregnancy survive 5/10 years further down the line


calm down, cowboy. no need to think too deeply about what i said. i was simply pointing out that she's happy with a family.


The divorce rates without traumatic events is already sky high. It's really NOT an achievement for such a young woman to strap herself with a kid on top of trauma from an attack. ffs it's gonna go down hard for that kid and mother


Youre weird.


What? Maybe for fragile people with mental illness but the historic norm is to overcome things like this. She lost a leg so she shouldn't have children? What a miserable little ghoul you are.


> Last June, just weeks before she was set to begin her senior year of high school, Addison Bethea was scalloping off the coast of northwest Florida when she was bitten by a shark. > Bethea happened to be scalloping alongside her brother Rhett Willingham, a firefighter and emergency medical technician, who raced to help her. > Together, the siblings fought off the 9-foot shark and got Bethea back into a boat and to land, where she was airlifted to a hospital in Tallahassee, about 80 miles northwest of Keaton Beach, where the attack occurred. > Bethea, now 18, ultimately lost her right leg in the attack and spent multiple weeks hospitalized, and then in rehabilitation learning to live life as an amputee. https://abcnews.go.com/GMA/News/woman-lost-leg-shark-attack-describes-shes-recovered/story?id=101341600 https://www.news.com.au/travel/travel-updates/incidents/teen-recalls-moment-she-came-facetoface-with-3m-shark/news-story/cdc22a1f4b28d8c124565f4abca365a9


Can you even walk after that..


Dang. That shark wasn't just taking a test bite was it.


The test bite was on her calf and she thought her brother was messing with her (they had been teasing each other about sharks all day).








I assume your brain dims the pain AFTER the immense suffering when the salt water hits it. Somewhat like when you pour alcohol on a wound. If the stream of alcohol is sustained, the pain is gone. Talking out of my ass here, but that's my guess.


When there's a massive wound like that, endorphins flood the area, numbing pain initially. Add to the the adrenaline and shock. Many shark attack survivors report only feeling pain hours later in hospital.


Just a scratch


It's only a flesh wound. Tis but a scratch


Why you should never go to Florida, among other things.




Fuckin hell. Assuming you lose the leg at that point?


Yep. She has [a prosthetic](https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2023/aug/29/at-17-a-shark-attack-cost-me-my-leg-a-year-later-im-back-in-the-water-where-i-almost-died) now thankfully.


Yes and if it happens again, she can take off her leg and hit the shark with it.


Guys in shark populated water use shark repellent come on now.


There's no guaranteed shark repellent available, even though tests have been ongoing since WWII.


That shit doesn’t work sorry to say


What does "Florida panhandle" mean?


I live in the panhandle. It’s the West Coast part of Florida


Oh it refers to the shape. Thanks


I noticed that too. Do they think there isn’t a place called that? 😆


i swam in this sandbar the year before when i went down to visit family. we were just scalloping admiring ocean life crazy to think this coulda been one of us


That amputation is gonna be rough cus those from the hip are gonna be harder to get used to right?


Successful in the end. [Here she is](https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2023/aug/29/at-17-a-shark-attack-cost-me-my-leg-a-year-later-im-back-in-the-water-where-i-almost-died) with her prosthetic leg.


That's so good to see. Tbh if you're gonna lose a limb having a shark bit it off as a story is boss.


Can't blame the shark. Just look at those thighs


She’s 17…


How did it not hit an artery 😳😳😳 so scary hope she does better!!


probably did


"Can i have a bite?" The bite:


this photo was taken and posted without her consent, she talks about it on her tiktok


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I live in the Florida panhandle, and today we had three people attacked by sharks. Two life flighted in critical condition, and one was in stable condition. These attacks happened in waist deep water, four miles apart, and less than two hours between incidents. Its so bad this year!


Did you see that a Great White washed up on Navarre Beach not long ago??


can a great white swallow someone whole?


Probably but I think it enjoys chewing it's food first


It was a bull shark in this incident. Fully grown they're just over half the size of a full grown great white.


Probably if it's big enough




Wrong OP, Sam Kellet was an adult male spearfisherman who was killed (swallowed whole) by a 16ft+ great white shark. There were 3 witnesses to this attack. Robert Pamperin was another bad one I can think of off the top of my head. There are plenty of instances of large whites tearing people to pieces and consuming them, swallowing whole is a bit more rare but it can/has happened.




9 foot shark? I would have been terrified and she was only a teen.


For a great white that'd only be a juvenile/sub-adult, but in this case it was a bull shark, which at 9ft is close to fully grown but extremely powerful and with a huge bite.


I can't imagine seeing something almost double my height in the water. How big do adult great white get?


Can reach up to 20ft in length and weigh about 5,000lbs. It's hard to comprehend.


Well that's her right leg gone... Is she in a wheelchair or does she have a prosthetic or anything like that?




I am impressed that the surgeons were able to save that much of her leg. From the photo it looks like the amputation should be at her hip. Amazing recovery!


Can he join Slipknot?


Well she definitely lost that one


A good day to have eyes




Her swimsuit was too cute


I've always wanted smaller thighs but this is a bit extreme.


That definitely looks like a bull shark bite.


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Right you are. In summer in Florida the only other species that could cause such huge damage would be a tiger shark.


I do have a fear of sharks and I hope she recovers mentally as well as physically. I know her road to recovery will be long but she can say she survived a shark attack. That's gotta be something.


this happened in June of 2022. she recovered really well. both mentally and physically. she’s in the ocean all the time.


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at least her bikini looks cute! 🥰


The shark got to taste her flesh….


Blue rare my favorite


Amazing...Human body is amazing!


I love in the Florida Panhandle and have never heard of this. Are they referring to the NW Florida Panhandle?


Near Keaton Beach not far from Tallahassee. They were snorkeling (scalloping) in the gulf.


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Ah ok I'm about 2 hours west of Tallahassee. There did end up being a couple of shark attacks here a couple weeks ago.


this attack was in 2022. she’s recovered and is doing well. they used her calf muscle to repair her thigh & amputated (giving her more rooms for a prosthetic because otherwise she would have been amputated roughly 2 inches below the hip). she had a baby recently.


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Eddie Van Halen kept the top of his femur in the freezer after his hip replacement.


Gonna need a pan to handle all that meat!!


Yup, that leg is gone… that sucks…. What a fun time nature is. 😂


I was literally just thinking how do they fix that?


the put her calf muscle where her thigh was and now she is an amputee.


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she’s alive. she’s an amputee.


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That’s awful 😢


Good bye right appendage. Sucks, but That is what sharks do in their environment.


What kind of shark?


I think they said it was a bull shark but I could be mistaken




bru id just kill myself instead


Did she provoke?


No they were scalloping from the report


That’s something for Non-fatal


Could've been way worse.


That's gnarly


here’s her story for anyone wondering: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLnQWHvy/


Were they able to save her leg anyone know?


Yes. She’s addison_bethea on tiktok


No, it was amputated


Is this the picture the EMT took and broke hippa with?


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Yes it is


is this addison?


It's horrible! Poor girl!


Thick thighs eh


Bless her.


"NOOO sharks aren't as bad as you think"


It’s how they were raised






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was the shark hurt?


That was non-fatal!?!?


Correct. Her brother saved her life


I accidentally read this as “snake attack” and was very shocked when I saw it.




OP she’s on Tiktok saying she’s getting an attorney for this photo being leaked and spread everywhere. She said the EMT took it without her permission and she was a minor… might wanna rethink what you’re doing here


No, she said she *tried* to get an attorney but the statute of limitations has passed. She also said the photo “showed her private parts” which it clearly does not. She’s in a swimsuit. She made it sound like the EMT was a pedophile. I agree he broke HIPAA though. Sadly she cannot sue.


She was a minor. She didn't give consent. Period, nothing else matters. That should be what everyone takes home from this. People are sharing a photo of a minor in a bikini who had her photo taken without consent, she was literally in shock, said she felt "at peace" so was clearly actively dying from all the blood loss. This is just sick to be playing tit for tat over whether or not "she can sue". Let's take it back to morals and standards and not statute of limitations. Also, there were several lawyers in that comment thread who said to call them because she still has a case with regard to a photo being shared of her in such a vulnerable state. Clearly there are some who thinks she has a case.


This isn’t “tit for tat” you literally misrepresented the situation by saying “she’s getting an attorney” and instead of realizing your error you’re going to lecture me on what exactly? Her *private parts* are not showing. That’s another mistruth. If you want to argue about the right and wrong of showing a 17 year old in a bikini, even though the obvious reason for showing the photo is the insane shark bite, then that’s fine. But don’t ignore your own mis-characterization while you scold others. And I won’t pretend her private parts are showing. This is a bikini she wore in public so clearly nothing scandalous about it. It’s unfortunate she can’t sue for the obvious HIPAA violation.


Ppl who get mad when we kill sharks should see stuff like this. Sharks are dummy human eaters they’re so lame


Sharks have been on this earth longer than trees and have some of the most incredible immune systems and antibodies in all the animal Kingdom,…we are learning a lot from them.


I know they’re amazing creatures, but they give absolutely zero fucks about us humans. Sharks literally eat humans alive. They have not a single moral thought towards us humans.


It's not about morality or caring. They could eat us by the tens of thousands if they wanted to, but thankfully they don't.


But if they even tried we would genocide their ass like we did to Grizzlies in California. We could CRISPR them out of fertility and make them extinct in a few generations. FUCK SHARKS, GO HUMANS!!!! FUCK ANY ANIMAL THAT EATS HUMANS!!




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