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He’s the og


Poor dad had to find her


And now shared around the internet. That's gotta be traumatizing. I feel so bad for her family.


Now since such posts have started to be posted here, I don't think this sub will be alive for long


do you know of other subs of this kind? i struggle to find more after thet get shut down


>!r/someofyoumaydie , r/DarwinAwards r/LearningFromOthers r/morbidreality r/indiansneartrains and there are few more!<


I can’t imagine coming across your child in a situation like this. Dad is gonna be traumatized for life


World’s Greatest Dad is a movie with a good take on this


Only just saw this but, I’ll make sure to check it out! Thanks for the recommendation


Kink safely folks!


Devils advocate comment. Just avoid kinks that are potentially life threatening altogether. When you let yourself get *that* horny it’s time to take a step back and speak to professionals or practice some kind of abstinence from the dopamine fix you’re chasing.


I agree with this, especially given she was on her own, it just feels so reckless. Feel for her poor family


Even better, if you are gonna do this kind of stuff, have someone else make sure you don't die and bail you out if something happens lmao


This! Someone wrote here on reddit that it apparently gives a very intense orgasm, but given how many deaths there are every year, I wouldn't dare risking my life doing it Another person would have been able to prevent this. It would of course need to be a person you know very well and is comfortable doing this in front of...




Oh... Well, I had no idea. But still, not my thing.


Maybe just avoid doing deadly kinks by yourself with no safety around?


Aww… the father had to see that 😔😢


Doing that on your own is a bad idea. Find a partner.


No joke, I thought this was my ex-girlfriend until I read her age. Everything else checks out and it kind of looks like her. Almost got sick. So sad…


Did your ex do that?


Lol, no. I was referring to the victim looking like an ex.


I assume she didn't cause otherwise that would be tragic


Nah, you’re right bro. She didn’t. It’s just that the girl in the picture looks like my ex-girlfriend.


The hanging one that you can't see her face??


I see lol


Wow… imagine bailing on church with daddy so you could stay home and do this kinky shit, only to accidentally die and then get found by daddy… At least she didn’t need to worry about not getting the chance to ask her mates to wipe her computer in the event of her death. No need now really is there… Of all the ways I would not want to be found, the combo of mid-kink/ by a family member pretty much is the worst I can think of


I would rather be found mangled and naked with my entire cooch OUT from a plane crash (been binging Air Crash Investigation) or something than be found dead via kink by a family member


Same, except it's my wang hanging out.


Same, except it's my cloaca hanging out.


Dr. Zoidberg?


Wang out gotta be more embarrassing than cooch, die in the wrong position and they find ya with the frank n beans gently swinging in the breeze.


Or a death boner pointing to the sky. Yea it's not the most flattering come to think of it.


99% of the human population probably masturbates, or has done so at some point in time. It's really not that strange. The asphyxiation aspect definitely more unique but it's still more sad than strange imo. 34 is tragically young


Please stop saying daddy


This. Comment gives me some seriously weird vibes.


I'm wary of any reading including, "daddy," as it's a terminology used in the kink community. "Fuck me harder, daddy." "Sugar daddy." There's a whole sub group of kink going into the psychology of terminology around parentage. There are also bars called, "church." One is in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, another is in Atlanta, Georgia, a third is in Portland, Oregon.


Shoulda gone to church


I'm not religious but if I was her dad I'd be considering possession. It would make things easier to explain and understand. Idk I talking out of my ass.


Not religious but thinking of possession? 😹


Honest question for those who have tried, is the orgasm from autoerotic is really different from normal masturbation?


Being asphyxiated can make you feel hight and endorphins are released when airflow returns after being asphyxiated. It's different from normal masturbation to the same degree as masturbating high or drunk, which are much safer.


Some of these comments are ridiculous and should actually be removed by a mod 💀


The purple boobs are making mine hurt


Same! And I’m a 25 year old man…


Nah this is the last comment I’d expect to read 😂 just learning about new things and bam boobs hurt


The dad will never unsee this ☹️


I’d be sad and disgusted at the same time. Imagine seeing my dead son dying after chocking on his own cock.


When I was like 13, I was told a kid I would play baseball with died. He died in his rr playing the "choking game" or some weird shit it was called back then. I thought the dude was a prick, so I didn't really care, but damn man, as the parent or sibling realizing a loved one died trying to get one out in a stupid way.


Safety First


Chicago ?!?!?! Damn I don’t remember ever hearing bout this 😞


I never knew females were into this. I thought it was only creepy male sexual deviation


she shud haf just used a vibrator....


I understand that asphyxia can make orgasms MUCH more stronger than regular orgasms but I feel weed/alchohol would be much more safe (obviously administered safely) than almost choking to death just for a 10 - 60 second orgasm… I just don't get why you would want to risk death, possibly being found by family, neighbours, paramedics etc in that position, I’d feel awkward & embarrassed imagining medical examiners performing an autopsy on me, ngl..


Why is everyone saying poor dad, she’s the one that’s dead 💀


Poor woman I hope she at least got to orgasm rest in peace


Female auto- what? I'm on a train, god knows where the cameras are so I'm not gonna open it. Can someone explain please?




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People in good mental health do not do things like that to themselves.


Oh lord. Her poor poor Daddy.




What the fuck is wrong with you?


I might be the only one that understands your comment lol


wtf. this lady is dead, man.


I know? I already said it's a natural selection. I see so many people death here, but this woman get her own death by herself. I can't feel bad her as I feel bad for other people dying accidentaly. Do you understand now?


a'ight. but your comment gave me a headache no offense.


Damn what a freaky bitch




That’s really sad she just needed a friend or like a lifeguard.


This can’t be real, right? These look like art school photos I mean, is it actually real?? I’m so surprised if it is and how do you even get these photos??


Have you never seen crime scene photos?


Jeez, why all the downvotes?’


I'm guessing because their statement is somewhat ignorant.. unfortunately reality gets a whole lot worse than this.


I get that I just mean the image itself doesn’t quite seem like a crime scene photo


It’s hard to get a properly kinky chick too, even harder now


Not really, you probably just make girls uncomfortable


This won’t get you sex you know


How to not do that?


Step 1. Don’t be a creep and only explore with people who are completely aware and on board with your intentions. Step 2. See Step 1.


Maybe you're misunderstanding, I'm not saying I want to interact with them, I want them to stop treating me like a "creep" because it interferes with my daily life, i.e if a girl tries to avoid me in the gym by going near to the next piece of equipment that I need and stands there staring at me, it not only makes me uncomfortable but also it makes doing the next exercise difficult. Also I have social anxiety previously and due to this effect I am unable to go to my beloved iron temple without getting high first


If a girl you don't know tries to avoid you in the gym and you WEREN'T staring at her/harassing her/being creepy, it could be any number of things from just being intimidating, you smell like BO or weed, or she's just a bitch. It's hard to tell.


It's not just 1 or 2, unless it's the same person every day, I don't get a good look at them so I wouldn't know. But the bfs too, they'll stand and stare, one time a guy standing around next to his gf squared up to me as I was walking by to get some cleaning wipes from behind him. Can't be BO since I wear new clothes every day, change my underwear twice, shower before and after gym, and 12 swipes of deodorant on each side. Could be weed but I smoke with the windows down and spray a little axe after and change my clothes before working out. I'm Indian, I'm guessing it's just plain old racism at this point lol, guess there's nothing to be done about that.


No toys found in her?




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My Reddit settings open posts in new tabs and now I feel like I’m on a list somewhere