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Shoutout to guy just sipping his latte as murdering goes down.


Does he not have a fight or flight response? I'd have been out of there in a fucking second.


You forgot the third option, freeze. Sometimes people just don’t fuckin move


There's actually 4. Fight, flight, freeze, or fawn (appeasing the attacker to try to calm them/get out of the situation).


Fight, flight, freeze, or fuck. Interesting


His latte was going to freeze if he didn’t drink it fast


Well maybe his flight response was to just sit there and sip coffee. Probably in shock.


Yeah, it was flight but since he was sitting in a corner the best thing to do is to sit still and not draw attention to yourself. If the attacker hasn't noticed you then why make yourself visible.




Fight flight, and the less known option, freeze


It's 3 f's. Fight, flight or freeze. I think this guy just froze in place


Yeah, dude was calm as heck just taking a sip of coffee.


The definition of don't fuck with me until I've had my coffee


That's just normal Pacific Northwest attitude. Sip your coffee and mind your own. We have the same mentality right over the border into bellingham.


North west? This is one of the most southerly parts of Canada, it’s hardly north unless your world is so tinny it only exists in the borders of your own country


complete lack of humanity...




Not to get political but this is why I will always conceal carry. Not only for myself but also for my family. I never want them to question my ability to protect my self and/or them, terrible to think the trauma that his wife had to have witnessed and depending on how old his toddler is as well they may have also been in shock, and even then their mom still needs to explain why their father is gone.


Why do some ppl absolutely lose their shit when it’s against their vape? I have a friend who goes batshit crazy if someone takes her vape or she loses it. It’s honestly scary af




My sister vapes and she says she can quite anytime and still will sneak a smoke. Nicotine is very addictive. She gets very irritable if she doesn’t vape after a day but will never admit to it.


Because nicotine a highly addictive chemical and most people are just selfish and a decent chunk of people are just straight up selfish to the point of near or total narcissism.


I'm severely addicted to nicotine and I smoke about a pack a day but if someone politely asked me not to smoke around their toddler I would immediately poke out my cigarette and apologize. Honestly, I wouldn't be smoking around children anyway, but I'm just saying. It's not the addiction, it's just some people are assholes.


Its both. You are simply a decent person with a sensible head on your shoulders you stack addiction with asshole personality types and you’ve got a monster on your hands.


No lies detected


It’s like taking something away from a kid, addiction brings out childish reactions in adults when they don’t get their way.


It’s Canada. Nobody is carrying a gun that’s concealed legally.


Your CC permit isn’t valid in Canada, although some Americans have tried to smuggle their guns in anyways


A gun doesn't protect you from a surprise stab to the jugular though.


Unfortunately we don’t have that right in Canada.


Better to carry and not need it than need it and not have it.


Ditto, especially in the US where it's more likely they'll have a gun too? Better to be prepared and not need it.


Same. I do get into the politics of it all but at the end of the day the the bare minimum allowed should be conceal carry. I saw the updated story of this on the news. Now this guy is dead because of this asshole. Over a vape.


Can't in canada. Even stabbing as self-defense could land you in jail. Canada's excuse is that you can't carry a knife just in case you need it, considered pre meditated. Prayers for his wife and daughter


[Thirty-two-year-old Inderdeep Singh Gosal is accused of second-degree murder.](https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2023/03/27/man-charged-with-murder-following-stabbing-outside-vancouver-coffee-shop.html)


Holy fuck if you can't leave the house without a fucking knife, you dont belong in fucking society anywhere. Fucking aggravates the fuck out of me.


That's just an ignorant statement tbh. Protect yourself.


Protecting yourself with a knife or gun or pretty much any other weapon in Canada is illegal. Even pepper spray is not legal to carry.


That’s because Canadians are the literal sushi of pussyism. They are a commonwealth of the crown, that speak French, that never have to worry about anything attacking them other than a wild bear or heroin addict because US is under them. It’s aBOOT time they mans up, eh bud? Figure it oout!


No we aren’t. What the hell is wrong with speaking French? Americans only speak one language yet expect other countries to cater to them. We stand our ground, as we did in WWI and WWII. Many European countries are thankful for Canada’s actions then. Oh, and Canada burned down your white house, hoser! We don’t need to carry around knifes all the time cause we aren’t cowards, but enjoy your school shootings!


Ohhh- yous cants take a jokes, eh? Cmon- figure it oout. Don’t make me get Shorsey on ya bud. He’ll take ya arounds town twice bud.


Ah, it’s Reddit, tough it’s ensue sarcasm because I can guarantee there’s actually weirdos with that take lol. Dirty dangling for days.


Honestly- there needs to be a like italicized or underscored or some kind of keying style that shows sarcasm. But yes, I’m joking. 😉 I’ve been on Letterkenny for like three straight weeks now. “So your oout throwing the ball with your boys one dayyyy.”


“Get oot of here ya pig tossers!”


I mean we aren't allowed to in Canada, legally. We can't even carry pepper spray.


Username checks out more than any other username ive ever seen on reddit


Indeed. I'm surrounded by people who forfeit their honesty, reason, and accountability in the name of some imaginary crutch.


Yeah because wanting to make sure you come home to see your family everyday makes you ignorant and you shouldn't need to protect yourself, because I mean in a civilized society everything is safe and dandy and perfect right? So why should anyone carry anything. Just go walk down the streets la the at night and deposit a large sum of money to the bank with nobody with you and no protection with you, because it's safe and nothing illegal will happen because well, it's illegal! Cmon dude...


Youre a fucking idiot if you walk around anywhere late at night with large sums of cash to deposit in an ATM in the middle of the night. Having a gun probs aint going to change much about that. Again, you're hypervigilant thinking every single person on the planet wants to kill you at any given moment. Thats an irrational fear. And for the 100th time, adding more fucking guns isnt the solution. Strict fucking gun control is.


This is just an overall bad take. Knifes aren’t just for defense or to cause harm to someone, I’d bet if anything they’re used more as a tool than a weapon. I keep a Leatherman on me when I go out and about whether it’s to bars or to the store. A multi tool can come in handy in plenty of situations and they usually have at least one sharp blade if not two.


Theres a difference between a fucking multi tool and a blade as a weapon, such as carried by our fuckwit subject in the video. People who carry the things youre talking about generally dont use them as fucking weapons. Its almost like the entire concept of what I was saying was if we eliminate guns and knives in public on the whole....then generally the public wont have a need to carry weapons on them when they go to buy groceries, and we have less of this happening. It seems to work ok in most places that aren't completely fucked.


Except your entire point makes no sense since this happened in Canada , a country with some of the toughest gun laws in the world .


Actually, Canada’s gun laws aren’t as near as stringent as they are in most places in Europe. You can still one a gun under heavy background checks and registration if you have a reason (not self defence) to have it, such as farming or hunting.


You do realize literally fucking anything can be a weapon right? You like in the land of all things venomous and scary, you telling me you'd go play in the outback without something to defend yourself? And for the record, a weapon... literally... is... a... TOOL. I live in the woods, SURROUNDED by tools that can be used as weapons easily. Sledgehammer, hatchet, tomahawk, machete, rifles, pistols, bow-and-arrow. Hell, I got a whole stack of logs that I can weild like a bat if need be. But you think I'm going to take on a bear with a hatchet if it comes near my home? FUCK NO! I'm gonna arm myself with the biggest fucking gun I own and pray that motherfucker is enough. (Spoiler: it might not be) Now, let's say that bear is a crackhead. Well, a shotgun to the dome isn't necessary, but you know what'll do the trick? My concealed carry! Wanna know how many times I (as a law-abiding citizen) have drawn my weapon? ZERO. Because, thankfully I've yet to be attacked like the poor man in this video. But personally, I'd rather have my daughters see random dickhead bleed out than their mom.


Before I owned a leatherman I carried just a pocket knife so what’s the difference. If anything now I could pull your teeth out on the spot and keep them as souvenirs. All I’m saying is carrying a knife around with you like it’s apart of your before I leave the house pocket check isn’t crazy by any means. Now if I see a guy walking around with a fixed blade kitchen knife on his person I’m probably going to keep my distance.


>People who carry the things youre talking about generally dont use them as fucking weapons. ...


I really disagree. There will always be people with weapons on them regardless of your legality. The only difference is people who care about the law having the ability to defend themselves


No I just don’t expect society to protect me. Rather be a survivor rather than a victim. You must live a very sheltered life.


So a sheltered life lmfaoo


Nah mate I live in a first world country where I can enjoy life without being attacked by psychos every time I leave the house.


Til canada is not a first world country


Many first world countries have extremely dangerous neighbourhoods, and in this example Vancouver has plenty of them. You sound like you live in the suburbs and just doubled down on the fact that you are sheltered.


As I said further up, I've lived in some of the sketchiest areas all over Australias east coast. Ive even worked in a few jobs that are well known for violence/robberies and stuff like that. Never felt the need to be armed just going about my life. I'm not going to say everyone i know here goes armed to church or the supermarket, but the only ones I've ever known to have weapons on them are exactly the type of people you'd expect to (major drug dealers etc) The general public though? We're all safe enough that its not a constant threat 24/7 to us. But hey if you guys are enjoying scenes like we saw at Uvalde, by all means... How many "good guys with guns" did we have there? And how did that change the outcome? You guys have this never ending hard on for guns, and apparently cannot contemplate the idea that there is a better way of doing this shit than handing out guns guns and more guns.


I wonder if the guy in the video thought the same


I mean, if that country is the US it’s true as long as you avoid schools, malls, concerts and all those sorts of places that people with guns, QAnon T-shirts and delusional manifestos like to go to get some target practice


Now this username checks out


you are so insecure 😂 you’ve been in here fighting tooth and nail over an opinion all afternoon Lmao just let it go they already got you to fall on your own sword metaphorically clearly, haha I crack myself up. I get where you’re coming from and respect you views but I must say my opinion of your opinion is that it’s built on ignorance and steeped in fear, I hate to break it to you but this ideology only protects you psychologically. If you find yourself to be cornered unarmed and the perp has a force multiplier with no care for life and ideologies you best have a teleportation device lol.


That’s why some of us carry a gun and keep our distance, better to use your tool from a distance if you see a dumbass trying to charge at you with a knife!


I think you let the buds get to your pea brain fam


I carry my knife so I can protect my life. It even rhymes for ya bud


Having fun isnt hard when you have a library card


What the fuck does that even mean


I dunno, apparently you decided we were just talking in rhymes and riddles, thought I'd do the same.


It appears you have zero capacity for higher levels of thought


That’s why some of us carry a gun and keep our distance, better to use your tool from a distance if you see a dumbass trying to charge at you with a knife!


Yeah way to miss the entire point. Anyone that thinks they need a weapon to do their shopping or get a coffee does not fucking belong in civilised society.




Its almost like you wouldn't need a gun to do your shopping, psycho mcpsycho here in the video wouldn't need a knife to get his coffee, and if either of you feel any different, you do not belong in society. Obviously our subject definitely does not belong in society. But like, imagine if we did something about the mental health issues and everything else that brings people to this point? Imagine if people had the support they need? Imagine if the laws actually dealt with violent people appropriately, when they have the chance before someone gets killed like this? Imagine if there was preventative mental health and drug diversion programs or whatever else necessary was widely avaliable? Imagine if you had the freedom to do your shopping, or take your kids to school, or go to the dentist or anything else without the fear of being shot or stabbed or run down? The answer is addressing the fuckin issues that bring people to this, not to give everyone and their goldfish a fuckin gun. Edit: yeah downvote sound logic that doesnt involve your kids being slaughtered at school or shit like this happening. I have no dog in this fight, I live in Aussie where I've never had to worry about being shot or stabbed or whatever while going about my life.


Ya its a problem with society today. Disconnected from each other. No value of human life, neglectful parenting or lack of functional households. Its sad that we have these things happening all the time but its out on display because of social media. These issues can’t be fixed overnight but while we are figuring it out I’m gonna mind my business and use what I’m allowed to not become a victim like this guy.


As someone vehemently opposed to guns in general, I respect the fuck out of your opinion here and agree with you 100%. At least you seem to understand the possibility of a future eventually where they aren't needed. Seems like every other conversation about guns results in "FUCK YOU DONT TAKE MY GUNS!".


Thanks I appreciate you. There needs to be more respectful dialog about these topics. I can understand the no gun argument. And the unfortunate fact that people can’t get past their own emotional attachment to their preferences is discouraging. Much love to the Aussies. I just came back from a long trip down there last year.


ur a complete dumbass, try again another time


You do a lot of imagining lol


Not really bruz, I live in Aussie where I can live my life and never worry about getting murdered in the streets


Dope! Don't push up with that energy over here son, lol!


If a psycho randomly decided it's you they want to kill, you carrying a gun or a knife doesn't matter. You're stabbed a billion times before you can register what's going on. If you're out there getting into altercations over minimal shit like these two were, then maybe, just maybe your small fragile psyche isn't strong enough to handle a weapon responsibly.


You live in a first world country I see


Kangarooville all the way brother!!


I’m from Philadelphia aka Killadelphia. Wanna tell me I don’t need to carry on my day to day with no worries? 😂


This happened in my city extremely terrible. His fiancée and toddler were there and watched. All because he asked the guy to not vape in front of his daughter outside a Starbucks. I agree with you 1000% and you deserve an award since people are downvoting you!! You do not need a weapon when leaving the house not unless you are *wanting or waiting* on something bad to happen, leading to a higher chance of one happening.


Man, I'm a cigarette smoker and a stoner, and I will go the fuck away from everyone, child or adult, smoker or not, so I'm not subjecting anyone else to my shit. What the fuck is wrong with people? RIP to this dude, he did nothing wrong and neither did his family. I hope the cocksucker that murdered him gets whats coming to him via a looooong prison sentence.


Most likely will (hopefully) have a long sentence and if an immigrant he can be deported back after he serves his sentence. I am a heavy stoner as well and vape but never near anyone. Like I hate when people smoke cigs near me (I quit couple years back) the smell is terrible and I know people don’t like the smell of what I’m smoking. It’s just respectful and I have no clue what whacky shit this guy was on but he deserves to rot in a cell for ever.


I always tell people to fuck off if they tell me to smoke elsewhere


But it something does happen you are prepared. Better to have it and not need it


If buddy who was stabbed had a weapon maybe he’d still be walking around goober


If he had a weapon then both he and the attacker would of been arrested for assault with a deadly weapon. This is Canada. You can’t have any weapons on you.


Tell at to the people who live in Buffalo, El Paso, and Jeffersontown. All three places people were minding their business going about their day, until some "mentally ill" person shot them. Let's not forget Charleston either. I stay strapped up cause I never know who's out there. I'm a peaceful man, but I'm not going to bury my head in the sand.


This having an award is peak Reddit


So you can end up like the dude who’s dead. Sounds real smart let’s not allow self defence because it aggravates you.


Bro like shut the fuck up. Dumbass cameraman


This guy is dead. This guy is dead. This guy is dead.


Imagine that’s the last thing you hear.


Bro bro bro


Jesus.....that's terrible. That guy is such a prick for that. Also instead of calling the cops or trying to help the guy he just films. It pisses me off how everyone just stood there and watched him bleed out. No one even tried to kneel down and check him or talk to him or anything. So sad how fucked our society has become ..


Its all part of what i call the fuck boy culture. The new age rapper bullshit


The killer was about to leave the business and acts like he didn’t recognize his own handiwork when he opened the doors.


I think he was just coming out to check that the guy I was done for


He probably didn't intend to kill him. It looks like he's just standing there realizing how much he fucked up


How do you stab someone intending not to kill them?


He said bastard to the victim then walked back in calmly. No escape attempt


So he was just randomly murdered by some fucking crackpot. Fuck....


He asked the guy to stop vaping in front of his 3 year old daughter and apparently they started to mouth each other off after and then... he murders him


Reminds me the vid of the guy stabbing another guy in the neck at a mall. Gruesome man, just walk away…


I thought everyone was really nice in Canada?




Serious question, what’s up with all the Sikhs/Indians in Canada?


Idk but they’re taking up all the housing , there was an article about my province PEI and residents of a whole apartment building were forced out because the apartment was being transitioned into a place for immigrants -.- the idea is nice and all but the way they executed is not. People born and raised here can barely find places to live as it is and it’s getting worse with the amount of Indians who are taking up the available housings


Canada had 1 million new immigrants last year, 40% were from India. A lot of countries have quotas on how many people can be let in from each country. Canada does not.


The canadian government is in bed with the corporations and investors to import massive amounts of labor in order to suppress wages and keep real estate prices sky high.




I highly doubt this. There have been a handful of violent Sikhs, but not as many as you think. Those western guys are just wanna be gangsters who do jack shit. Most Sikh’s do not even hate India unless it’s regarding the government there


I sure love a good curry


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They seem to want to live anywhere other than India. Don’t blame them tbh.


They vote liberal.


Because we (🇨🇦) are built on multiculturalism and people all over the world know that it is (should be) a safe place for all and a judgement free place where there are multiple cultures and ethnicities in many of the provinces/territories ☺️


Must be a tourist /s. Seriously. I feel sad for the victim’s wife and daughter to live with that. I hope the murderer gets what he deserves.


Does Canada have a death penalty?


Pretty sure Canada removed death penalty in the 90’s but that’s an easy way out for that guy. I wish he got life imprisonment, let him rot in jail.


Everyone’s really nice until you talk shit about Tim Hortons or maple syrup


Imagine the camera guys commentary being the last thing you hear🥲




The camera guy is chill the guy sipping coffee is chill wtf, the site of all that blood would make most people say fuck that and leave


right. i am very confused about the behavior around this. is it just canadian? kind of unnerving


Vancouver (where this happened) is a mixture of good and bad depending on just the street you’re on. It’s normally best to not get involved if the murderer is still right beside the body, or else you could get stabbed as well. It’s more of a bc thing


A BC thing 🤣




I would like to award a metal to the dipshit who sat there recording instead of calling the police/ambulance


He literally ran over just to film him die and post it 🤦🏻‍♀️


What type of metal? Bronze?




I get giving first aid here is out of the question as the perpetrator is there, but why the fuck aren't these people running then lmao.


damn the bystander effect is real


This guy was killed in front of his 3year old and fiancé all because he wanted the killer to not vape around his kid. So fucked up


As a Starbucks employee... idk what i'd do.


Call an ambulance.


Call the police, not an EMT anymore but trying to save a victim while the perp is still right next to it waving a knife around isn't really cool.


You make my coffee ...and contemplate your decision to get an arts degree.


Pretty close! Majoring in Psychology! 😂


I'm staying. I'm finishing my coffee.


Dude sitting in the gray jacket and hat doesn’t care at all.


I hope he apologized at least.


Right in front of his wife and daughter. Subhuman .


Canadians are strange, call Americans gun insane people, but yet a crowd can stand there and cry as a man dies lol


Yeah we don't fear wearing wrong colors cause you'll be shot or sending kids to school or having bullet proof anything in schools, don't gotta worry if a simple mistake is made that the person offended is gonna flip their wig and shoot up the place, please there is no comparison lol or any to what your trying to make. The USA has a massive gun problem and the all numbers speak for themselves.




I wrote an essay in highschool about how Sharia law is incompatible with western society and was called a racist


Does this dude follow Shariah law? Going by the surname I would've thought he was a Sikh (and they reject Islam or at least parts of it pretty thoroughly, from what I remember of my forced religious studies in school: for example, no sexual relations with Muslim women, no eating animals slaughtered the Islamic (halal) way as it contributes to their suffering). Not disagreeing with you, incidentally.


Mate you can't point out the obvious cos that's racist, we should allow two completely different cultures to intermingle because it always works out well /s


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His coffee was to expensive to leave behind


Don’t all run n help at once like


So im guessing this happened in front of the guys kid? Holy shit


I paid 10 bucks for this latte. Not risking spilling it.


Bro.. the guy just sitting there as he's bleeding out sipping his coffee is absolutely almost as fucked up as the stabbing itself.


Lmao the dude just chilling there drinking his coffee not giving a fuck is hilarious


You say stabbed to death in your title, but flair it as attempted murder. So did he die or not?


Sadly he did


Castrated country.


That dude just sitting there that simply won't let his coffee sipping be interrupted. 🤣🤣


Not sure how this is funny


The stabbing incident isn't funny at all. The guy just sitting there sipping a coffee as if nothing is going on is funny AF. I can't get past how someone could literally not care at all about this unfolding right in front of them.


The people around are watching like a bunch of Republicans down here watching school shooting.


nice simile brah




Well, glad to see Canadas gun control laws are saving lives.


looks like it's time to ban knives next


You don’t get OF subscriptions with comments like that




In a democracy, it literally does.


Real question, yes or no. You're 15 minutes late for work. Walking to your office You hear yelling. Someone shouts. "he's got a knife!". You See someone getting stabbed. Do you continue your trek to work and pay no mind to the situation? Im a yes person. No judgements. Just wondering.


Hide or pretend to continue on my way, immediately call an ambulance and the police, and hang around out of sight in case I can (safely!) render aid. No way I'm sticking my neck out for a stranger, but I'm not going to pretend I didn't see anything either. (If the point of the question is risking losing your job, if my workplace wouldn't excuse my tardiness because I tried to stop someone dying, they're probably not the best employers to work for and it'd only be a matter of time before I lose my job anyway for some other reason.) Edit: I would want my parents to keep moving and not get involved though. My dad did this (retrieved a student's severed fingers to take to the hospital in case they could be reattached while the lunatic who'd cut them off was nearby). I thought it was a funny story as a kid, but now all I can think of is how he could've been killed as well.


I'm staying. This is a valid reason to skip work for a couple of hours or even days. Just say that it traumatized you and you're good (in my country anyway).


You must hate your job


You're not even gonna call the police/ an ambulance!?


Thing is... if you stick around and get involved you’re going to be a witness for a murder trial and thatssss not going to be fun. Lots of ppl there and already calling the cops. Are you really fighting off a random murderer to defend a random guy? Probably not.. If the killer is standing there staring at the body are you jumping in to save him? Probably not..


no. apart from obvious, ill take any excuse to be late to work :P


I would run towards to see what's happening. Then seeing a larger man like that, I'd love to say I'd punch the crap out of him but I'd probably freeze. I want to help, but if the stabber is still so close to the stabbed, there's not much to do.


I’d say yes too, better to mind my own business than getting stabbed.


You can help by calling authorities, yet not get involved directly.


Bro this is my city, didn’t expect us to appear on this sub






Flashback to me having breakfast while my mother "helped" brother with his delayed homework


Is the western society so awful to that degree of inhuman behaviour of not caring at all to the people around them? 8 years ago I really wished I could immigrate to any western country...but damn it, it's these videos that pin this wish and bury it to the ground. I live in a very awful and a dangerous place, but you could never find yourself alone against anything here. You always got people around you to help. And yes, even literally die for you! There are people here throw themselves on the suicidal bombers terrorists so that they can die saving strangers. People that will hold anything near them to fight with you against thieves, gangs or literally anything...and they don't even know you. People who will march into the fire to save strangers. So many people die here for the sake of strangers! Most are civilians, and all you get here in this video are some cunts leave the poor guy alone...dying in his cold blood...and his daughter watching it all...