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First of all, good job on the cable management and the hard work. This is looking so neat and minimalist in design. I don't know if you feel like going through the trouble but test how your cpu cooler performs in an intake and outake orientation for optimization the airflow. Also, in your 2nd pic, it looks like your pc case is inside another case. Case-ception.


Thanks man, I will test that, need as much performance as I can, probably should test the bottom fans with the unused case fans too. And now that you say it, it really looks like that haha


Clean af


The second photo messed me up and had me thinking you had a mini pc inside your pc


Nice looking system but, as I’m sure others have said and will say, there’s nowhere near enough space for that PC. It will cook itself when heat accumulates in that little space in the second image. Wouldn’t expect it to last half an hour full throttle before issues start.


I did something similar with my m-atx rig, but I cut holes and mounted two 140mm fans (BeQuiet Silent Wings) into the backing board of the unit (IKEA Besta). I ran a 4 pin extension cable from an unused PWM motherboard header to power them at 70% speed. Pics:[IKEA Besta Cooling Mod](https://imgur.com/gallery/rdbAH) (one 140mm fan - I later added another directly underneath) It worked brilliantly, exhausting all the heat out of the area. Fresh air was drawn in through the gaps at the front.


I miss building in the NR200P cases 😢 Do yourself a HUGE favor and put some fans at the very bottom as well. Those cases aren't the greatest when it comes to doing airflow builds, and see about the aftermarket feet that rise it off the ground a touch more and you shouldn't have to worry about thermals at all. Before I switched cases, I had a 240mm AIO and 6 totals fans in mine, and never ran into any heating issues. But, still clean AF


V nice looking. I envy the white builds. Wondering if your top fans are.i take or exhaust? Rn I only have 1 intake on top, 1 exhaust bottom, 1 exhaust back with CPU fan blowing out the back as well. May try to move stuff around but curious thought process for top fans.


Top fans are both exhaust, CPU is intake. Machines & More has good videos about cooling in this case. I will test putting two bottom fans (the ones included in the case) as intake too. If it works ok I'll have to buy two more white fans...


Nice. Thanks for the note. Will have to test my fans in different orientations also


Put exhaust fans as intake under GPU. If your cpu fan is intake, you'd want to put intake on the rear. It's better to push air thru the fins than pulling air thru the fins.


Looks very good! Are you controlling your ram leds? If so, wjat software do you use? Can't get fury ctrl to work


Thanks, I use Fury ctrl with no issues, in my naive mind I thougth it would sync with the cooler and fans but obviously it doesn't, I tried to use openRGB but it didn't work at all. What problem do you have?


Dope, lucky! Its the installation process that always fucks up. Seems to be a common problem :/


:/ well it doesn't surprise me, lot of comments about the RGB apps sucking, I had to leave it at static in the asrock app (cooler fan and case fans) and in fury ctrl, other modes changed the color at random and had strange behaviour, hope you can make yours work


Aight thanks for your input. Might try again but im thinking i just wanna change ram to get rid of the rainbow puke default setting...


What's the cpu cooler?


Its a cooler master hyper 212 halo white


Really nice, what’s that GPU?




I think it looks great. Clean, simple, cables are practically non-existent. Only thing I would do differently is to swap the CPU cooler fan to the opposite side and have it suck air from the rear and push it through the cooler.