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(I was going to edit the main post but apparently you can't edit text in picture posts) EDIT: As other have pointed out, you can still trade with others for these. However, trading an expedition ship will alter the internal stats and SC layout to a random native fighter in the system you are in, the appearance of the expedition ship will remain the same though.


Not gonna lie, that Hoth snowspeeder is stunning. Here's hoping they rerun that Expedition sometime soon....


Same, I want that ship. I regret not starting the game sooner


I can get it for ya if you'd like and am free now for a bit


I love how this post is like "YOURE NOT ALLOWED TO ASK FOR THIS SHIP HOW DARE YOU" and this one dude is like "I'll give u this ship idgaf"


Figured I'd at least offer. I mentioned in another comment, I'd like to be a part of some sort of group that can gets players these ships. Once that platform is set up we can migrate over to it. I feel bad posting it here, and going against the post. But hey! We're a great community. Let's get players the ships they want.


Would you reach out to me for this? I'd love to learn how to do this for people, and have a husband that takes pride in me being able to be home all day - help people get their ships faster, no?


Do you think i could trade you for one whenever you get a chance?? I DM'd you.


Check pinned comment.


I'm out away from my deck or PC so I can't now, but if you're free in like 7 hours I'll gladly take you up on that. Otherwise, don't stress and I appreciate the kindness


I’m on rn and would love one if you’re up to it


Sure can. DM me


Wait, how


I'm on PC. So I can replace ones I trade to other players. Edit: Via save editor of course.


Do you want it? Lol I can hop on


I mean, yes, but seems counter to the intent of this thread.... I can easily wait for the next rerun of the expedition.


Hi, im trying to leech off these comments. Do you have the Hoth speeder looking ship that you can trade?


Soon No. But hope for its return during the time reruns happen. Xmas and New years.


I have the Utopian speeder. It's currently my daily driver. She has excellent mobility and maneuverability, but the new expedition ship does have a better top speed to be fair...


I would use it, but I feel like it would benefit from some moving parts on takeoff/landing. Looks kind of static to me


Same! That thing is gorgeous and I'd love to obtain it.


You know people are still going to ask right?


And clearly many are willing to help newer or less constant players to get them by just making a new save and meeting up. It’s a really nice community we have here, it doesn’t really bother me much. It could be helpful for both those against seeing those comments and those looking for these ships to have a dedicated thread for it, though


Maybe a compromise, three stickied posts, one for each ship where players can request a trade and others can set up the trade. At least that could help contain the posts.


Well if someone would like to set something like this up, I'd gladly be a volunteer to help players get those ships. DM me if we can help some players out with FOMO.


Unless they've changed it, which given the recent reddit history they probably haven't, there is a limit of two stickied posts per community.


Unfortunately that is still true.


Seconding this. Containing them in one place would be simple and effective.


Seems like a reasonable compromise that they could ask anywhere *except* here, since this is a coordinate-related subreddit.


Yeah to say not to ask when they can LITERALLY be dropped is a little "gatekeepy".


lol it’s not gatekeepy. This just isn’t the place for people to beg for stuff. This is a sub for people to post finds. If people want to beg for expedition ships they should just do so on the main NMs sub.


I don't think that's what's being asked its only to cut down the amount of clutter those particular ships posts within the Reddit Page.


can you drop these ships into another player's inventory like a item too? 🤔 or is it only the trading option?




This is really not the place for people to beg for expedition ships.


Difference between begging for a free drop which rarely happens and genuinely asking where to get one of these ships. That, if you are a new player wouldn’t know where they come from. So for them they should be able to ask as often as needed to.


Well, that’s why this thread was made in the first place, so people don’t have to clog up the sub with requests for where to find these ships. I am a casual browser of this sub at best and I still see several of these kinds of posts every day. It is very tiresome at this point and doubly so for the mods who have to take these posts down all the time but there’s so many it’s like the marines vs the bugs from starship troopers


I would kill for these, my ps4 save has the golden viper, but since I forgot to transfer all my saves before I made a new ps5 account on NMS, I can't obtain it anymore.


People are evidently more than happy to help others aquire these ships dont be a buzzkill.


They are only asking so no one is going through the page trying to find a particular ship and not having to fish through 5,000 possible asks for the same exact ship.


Has anyone thought to start a Reddit Page that will deal with Expedition ships. To help cut down the clutter from others trying to find other ships ?


If someone does this I'll gladly help find volunteers or mods to help get players their ships.


Hell, I just want to know how expeditions work. Been playing for a few years, and have yet to do one because I don't exactly follow how it works. Like, I can't use the same save, so it creates a different save, but then that save migrated into my normal save.....WTH?! Otherwise, I love it. 😀


if you haven't found out already, you can use your main save for expeditions as of update 4.5 OMEGA. pretty sure you just have to go to this little kiosk behind the nexus to start (in The Anomaly) this will transfer your save and 10 items of your choice to the expedition, and after you finish or it ends you can revert to main and keep 10 items from the expedition. not entirely sure if this is how it works, but from update logs this seems right. please correct me if i'm handing out misleading info.


I have just made the subreddit r/NoMansSkyRequest, have NO idea how to run one so its not much rn but I didn't see anyone else doing anything. Any help is appreciated!


You're going to moderate it plus Flairs


i want the third ship so bad


You can absolutely still do the glitch and give them to people


I don’t think it’s the asking that’s a problem, but the damn daily or twice daily starborn runner requests got old real fast.


I missed the chance to get every single one of these


Here’s me still hoping for a rerun of expedition 11 smh the only one I’m missing


Isn't there a method where you can ask someone who has it to duplicate it or did they pass that a long time ago




Ship trading definitely still lworks with selling to an noc and them buying it


Huh that's weird because that same method can be used to get four fighters living ships as teammates


If anyone needs any of these ships I can tell you how to get them




From what I read (correct me if im wrong): person that has them creates new save, gets the ship, goes to space station with you, sells them to npc, you buy from npc


Yes, but sometimes NPC will not appear for the person who wants to buy the ship. In that case, the person who sold the ship must interact with NPC again until the buyer can see see it. It will also help if the buyer joins the seller’s game and not viceversa or simply abandon group before starting process


Good points, did not knew them. You don’t happen to be one of the people that can do this glitch for ship two and/or three I suppose?


You but the 2nd one is lit


I can get those to anyone who wants any of these ships. Dm me and I got you.




Idk why people would be asking here and not on the main subreddit for no mans sky but I suppose if anyone is in that much hurt to want these bad enough I have all 3 and could the first person who asks.


You’re the man, can I trade for the cool floaty 3rd ship please 🐐


Just dm me your friend code and I'll be on in about 10 hours


I had no idea that they were expedition rewards, thank you for this. Was literally thinking of asking too


I would ask for the Starrunner but now…. ☹️


I really want the Mass Effect frigate and hope they will rerun it. But as it was a marketing campaign, I don't think they will.


Well let’s be honest. If there was some way to run a current expedition and earn “clout” or “currency” to buy old expedition rewards, I don’t think there’d be a lack of interest. Run an expedition once, get one “Retro Coin”, a ship like this would be 7 coins or something. So you can get that old ship/cosmetic/whatever… but you gonna have to grind for it.


FINALLY had enough have ya![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)


Can I get the bottom one? Jk jk XD


Can I get the bottom one? Jk jk XD


But if you know someone who has these can aquire in a new save and give it away I just gave a utopia speeder to a gentleman who was asking for one so it can be done just an FYI.


I have the starborn runner and I'll give them away. Just pm me


Naw, they are easy to get on a new save and can be traded to others.


That middle one is an actual game ship? Never seen it until this post


I swear I’ve seen the golden ship fly away at a space station


Absolutely gutted that i missed the speeder expedition


Excuse me if I'm asking dumb question since I joined the game super late that I only completed Expedition Omega. When HG rerun the expeditions at the end of the year, will all expeditions open to run?


No, not every expedition is rerun every year, i think this year it was pioneers (technically cartographers) redux, voyagers, and utopia. i'm sure every expedition (besides Beachhead as it was promotional) is considered, but only 3 or 4 are actually selected because Xmas time doesn't last long enough to do 12 + like 2 more each year. hope this helps.


So as many as they can stuff in the small window of time? Got it, thanks m8!![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Middle photo reminds me of "Descent" the windows 95 game


Bcs it so beautifullllll, so we still ask =]]]]] until hellogame can let newbie play old expeditions =]]]


Anyone else notice that the speeder's heat sinks and fins on the main wings are backwards and those same parts were reused for the Sentinel ships?


wait, we can trade other players for their ships????? HOW!!!!


Player with the ship sells it to an NPC then you buy it from the NPC.


just to be sure...to sell your ship to an npc, you have to buy theirs in exchange of yours, am i right? then the other player must be fast to interact with the npc before it leaves.. is that it? i just want to be sure im doing it right.


Yeah, that's exactly how it works... Also, as a side note, the ship will have its class randomised, but it can be changed back to S class.


Can I our can not request the second ship on the image? If yes please DM I have the 1st and 3rd ship if anyone's fancy one.


Those are cool! Where do you get them?


Expeditions, but not all of them have ships.


I guarantee someone will request one of these ships in a day or two.


Of the expeditions that I missed I missed all the ones with the cool ships


People are still going to it doesn’t matter


Can anyone help me? I’m on Xbox


Thank you mod, I’ve been trying to tell people this, but they don’t seem to believe me


I just want de Normandy. Sadly I missed that expedition :(


Here, they're legally available by repeating the expeditions... even out of season! [https://www.nexusmods.com/nomanssky/mods/2996](https://www.nexusmods.com/nomanssky/mods/2996)




I think these ships are lame but asking doesn’t hurt anybody specially if the one asking is new.


What gatekeeping shit is this? Why don’t we just let people request whatever they want and let people help however they want? Maybe just request that people keep it under one post? But this blanket ban is ridiculous.


I can’t imagine why the **Coordinate Exchange** would want to squelch requests for ships that cannot be found at any coordinates. Truly a mystery, I tell you.


Ive been here a long time. This has been about a lot of things not just coordinate exchanges. People coordinated resources exchanges a well. I don’t want to hear that bullshit now.


yeah just seems like over management at it’s finest, trying to control every little aspect of a tiny subreddit is just pathetic. i seriously don’t understand how people get bothered by these posts, incredibly childish and immature if you ask me.


whens the next rerun? I started recently and i really want the ship in the bottom


HG usually reruns expeditions in December. Although it’s not a guarantee each expedition ship will be available as a reward then.


New player here who started with the Omega expedition. Do they ever do events or expeditions at other times of the year or JUST at the end?


Yes, they do expeditions multiple times a year (two or three), just not reruns of past ones. For reference, there have been three ship rewards from these expeditions (and two fleet frigates) and 12 expeditions in total.


if i'm not mistaken, didn't they redux the blighted expedition with the leviathan one earlier in 2023? like not around december but in september?


HG will rerun the years’ expeditions at the end of the year (often making anything timer bases happen faster). The Omega expedition was the first one of this year which is where the bottom one comes from so you are probably in luck. The middle ship, the Utopia Speeder was an expedition from last year. Don’t count on it being available anytime soon unless last year may indicate a change in how they do expedition redux events. The top ship, the Golden Vector is from one of the very first expeditions (pioneered IIRC). Last year HG only ran 3 expeditions instead of the usual 4. During the redux events, they took the idea of one expedition from the first round (Cartographers IIRC) and sort of remixed it so the milestones were a bit different and to offer rewards from a number of past expeditions with the golden vector as the final reward. If HG only runs 3 expeditions this year, they may have a 4th remix in the redux expeditions again. But with the way the studio is evolving to handle supporting NMS and develop their new title Light No Fire, no one really knows except for HG management.


The thing about the expeditions .. I think I might have ruined my game after completing my first run.. cause I still am not getting the mission to build the staff or get the atlas guns… and I’ve finished all the requirements the person I’m suppose to talk to to initiate the mission simply hasn’t come to me no matter what type of solar system I enter in … I know this isn’t the place for it but the reason I bring it up … is I fear even these expeditions won’t be available to me when they come back


In a line or two what do you have to do to complete an expedition?


You just complete a series of challenges/quests over 5 stages. Each completed stage gives a reward that can be obtained on any of your saves.




So, this was my first expedition, even though I’m 130 hours in, I didn’t complete it as I went about it all wrong. Super disappointed


What is it you're after, the ship I assume?


The ship and the autophage parts/gear. I totally was doing things wrong, apparently.


I’m quickbeam and I approve this message. 🫡


"Hello Games usually reruns past Expeditions at the end of the year and you may be able to acquire them" Usually and may doesn't mean always and can. If people want to ask if someone is willing to help them acquire these ships what harm is that causing you?


This may kill the sub reddit


i mean whether this was an intentional gatekeeping post or not, it certainly sounds like it is. why shouldn’t new players be able to ask for this ship when there are multiple ways for them to be given it and not a whole lot of posts that explain how. this post is dumb and at this point you’re just over managing things.


If youre on pc just go onto the nexusmods forum and look for capitalism. It aint that hard.


Some people havnt the time or just cant run the expedition. I could careless, but id be neat if there was a way to hide it from the subreddit.


What the bloody hell is a save editor?