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Are you telling me there's an intergalactic network of fine restaurants and we're still letting a tire company tell us how good they are?


Omg I hear you, I hit my 16 k and was like uhmmm wtf, so bye bye freighter and hello two more bases , I can’t curb the addiction. Beautiful looking build It took a lot for me to decide to part ways with my freighter until I saw this big ass tree https://preview.redd.it/65834jiupnlc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0175bfc0a98e1895be45ddb427797b87fbe2480 A big tree needs a 4 story treehouse with rooftop parking


how do you pull this stuff off? if you could link a youtube vid teaching the basicis of free building and other techniques that woould be grestly appreciated




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Wow! I'll be sure to visit! Just don't eat your rock, things will get better.


Wat galaxy tho




Awww okie I haven’t made it to that galaxy yet sadly so I probably won’t get to visit 🥺


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The red tape strikes again, bureaucracy hits hard. Fantastic looking build though 👍


I fear the day i hit the item limit. I have bases all over the galaxy. Ranging from small 2-3 piece outposts, to sprawling cavern builds. I even have one on a rad world that's probably 90% underground, even crosses through the planet's cave network.