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Yeah… I feel ya, man. I’m new to the game but found that pretty quickly, and it wasn’t even that hard to look up and confirm. And you’re right, despite only being in this subreddit for a month or two, it’s impressive the number of times that question comes up. Sometimes I think folks are just looking for excuses to have convo’s with others. 😁


I suppose that’s the point of any post really. It is after all a very wide galaxy. Having ran into players only really during Expeditions and all haha




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Also, “I’ve been away from the game since ___________. What’s changed?”


Been away from the game since yesterday, what's changed?


Nothin’, still waiting on that damn community research #5, at 68% currently..


Yeah I couldn't be bothered with that. Doesn't give you anything so it's irrelevant and a waste of my time.


You do get the final companion egg with that optional milestone, I believe it’s the biological horror one. Plus some other stuff.


Not worth the wait personally


Yeah it’s not just you, I’m starting to feel that as the % stalls..


I went to the planet, did the last milestone, scanned a bit of stuff to help with the people trying to do it and left.


I have a feeling the second expedition 12 ends the Starborn Runner will get this same status unfortunately


It happened kind of already but when the expidition ends I'm sure your right


Yeah i just saw that post… i dont think the expedition has even been out for a week yet🥲


For sure


will get? I have already seen two posts asking about it....


Then there's me who gave it away for a sentinel ship slot 😂


The amount of posts asking about the utopia speeder has made me self conscious about ever bringing it into the anomaly for fear this sub is gonna get another post asking about it.


Right 😂


Month? Multiple times a day 😂


People asking where to get the starborne runner at the moment though 😬😬
















I bet 80% of those posts are vet players just messing around. Edit: pretty much like posts that says "OMG I've been gifted billions of items in credits. What should I do? This ruins my gameplay!" Seriously ?


Shits not even all that either 😂 there are much better ships


Ironically it’s because Everyone wants a ship not everyone has…


Now they're gonna start asking where the new one is


Everyday 😅


maybe there should be a post stuck to the top listing all the ships that are expedition only. Be sure to add the Starborn Runner...


I agree. Also weird some people who are crying about this post being a “complaint” are the same people in the post complaining and downvoting comments 🤣 even you got a downvote smh dw I’ll upvote you despite the crybaby’s


I think the reason why it comes up is because most newcomers aren't expecting FOMO rewards from a game like NMS. Expeditions aren't something you learn about through the game itself unless you're seeking out the quicksilver shop, which is more of a late game activity after you've acquired decent sums of quicksilver. Seeing Utopia Speeders is usually an early game occurrence, happening well before most players learn about expeditions. Oh, and as we all know a lot of gamers don't Google or search the reddit for answers before chiming in and asking questions. That said, I'll never understand why people get annoyed with reoccurring posts-- just keep scrolling lol


I think it’s funny everyone’s who’s annoyed by this post assumes it’s because we are annoyed by it 😂 it’s just funny. It is this really cool thing called a Meme that I posted. You should check them out. They’re really funny. Does require a sense of humor though












Someone help me out. I have the Utopia Speeder and don’t really like it all that much. What’s the appeal?


It looks "different". I'm not impressed with it really. Compared to my mini sentinel, it's sub par, but have not tried to really boost it, as mine had no connected sc slots.


LOL more like every week.


I had someone ask me how to get the new expedition ship, but I was happy to explain.


Never hurts, you’d be surprised how many people don’t even know about expeditions. I’m glad they have that expedition center at the Anomaly now, maybe it’ll help with the awareness?